Right here, right now, this very one-and-only timeless moment … Eternity … Bam!
* * * *
The ultimate proof is that you have never, will never, can never see your own face.
* * * *
Existence is a daily grapple with the limitations of consciousness.
* * * *
True humility is a mind given over to the timelessness of awareness.
* * * *
Be and allow, the highest law.
* * * *
You are stardust come unto to life, mystery come unto life, eternity come unto life.
* * * *
To imagination, our kind has bound its fate.
* * * *
Dial into the eternal moment, and all questions, all answers, will become irrelevant.
* * * *
The is no solution to it, because there is no problem about it.
* * * *
So much to remember; much simpler to forget.
* * * *
How can infinity be measured; science is bound by its limitations.
* * * *
It has all been patterned by natural selection since the first moment of genesis.
* * * *
Imagination is, within the vastness of awareness, both least and greatest common denominator.
* * * *
It is in the deepest recesses of aloneness, that You will find your Self.
* * * *
The stepping stones of fate are many and winding.
* * * *
What need for religion? You have the moment, and nature is its expression.
* * * *
At some point, putting yourself in the line of fire, why?
* * * *
The challenge of existence is not to be misery's messenger for as long as possible.
* * * *
You cannot be what you are not, nor teach what you do not know; what is false is not of long duration.
* * * *
How can anyone know that which is oblivion, when nothing must be present to witness it?
* * * *
To question reality is a calling to which relatively few are drawn.
* * * *
It is on you to do whatever impromptu calls.
* * * *
Each and every seed, a unique blueprint; a pattern in its snowflake of a universe.
* * * *
You cannot capture the awareness; you can only be it.
* * * *
Awareness is the moment, ever serene; consciousness starts, sticks, stops, and confabulates without end.
* * * *
Mother Nature will teach you, everything you need to know, if you can survive the lesson.
* * * *
All thoughts, all passions, are imaginary things, only as real as imagination imagines.
* * * *
Natural, spontaneous, unforced, organic process, is the sure sign of a timeless existence.
* * * *
Impromptu free will, looking forward; determined fate, looking back.
* * * *
Take care of that body; else consequences will mete out the injustice of foolish ignorance.
* * * *
Awareness: nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.
* * * *
Only you know your own story, and even that is but a vain perception, of what may have really happened.
* * * *
How many universes can dance on the head of a pin?
* * * *
Neither past nor future exist; nowness is your kingdom.
* * * *
Entitlement tends to numb one to the inequities that abound around them.
* * * *
You know it is esoteric when you can barely give it away.
* * * *
Get to know people too well, and, sure enough, sooner or later, there are funerals to attend.
* * * *
Nothing is any moment the same.
* * * *
If the mind is moving, imagination is afoot; You in its fell grip.
* * * *
That which is ever-changing is not eternal; that which is eternal is not ever-changing.
* * * *
You are the mystery you cannot solve; only be.
* * * *
At the heart of awareness, all naming means diddly-squat; what is, is, no matter the sound it is granted.
* * * *
The real and the unreal are a duet of the unknown.
* * * *
You are but a particle, wafting to and fro in the sea of mystery; all of it all the while.
* * * *
Each and every snowflake is the first; every one must discern its own way.
* * * *
Why would any deity worth a tinker’s damn, be a proponent of any dogma, whatsoever?
* * * *
Thought has no reality but in imaginary notion.
* * * *
Every moment flickers the same.
* * * *
How big a statistical sample do you need, to see it is all going nowhere very quickly?
* * * *
All naming is but the puff of imagination.
* * * *
Be wary of those who appeal to your vanity, to access either your wallet or your heart.
* * * *
The mystery you seek is within and without; pure, simple, free, perfect, absolute, supreme.
* * * *
Whatever the source of the mystery, You are also; how could You not be?
* * * *
In every moment, a new opportunity to discern, the mystery streaming indivisibly within.
* * * *
There it is.
* * * *
Everyone seems to know the answer; curious that it is rarely the same one.
* * * *
Would there be light, would there be dark, without You to discern it?
* * * *
The universe is but the gnashing of a morsel of dust, in the reality of the mystery that You are, as well.
* * * *
Do you see your cosmos through your own eyes, or the eyes of another?
* * * *
You have always been alone; it is your one and only nature.
* * * *
Did that happen yesterday, or the day before, or did it even happen at all?
* * * *
To believe awareness, is attached to any concept or form, is but vain arrogance born of human limitation.
* * * *
A thought can be just as much an idol as any figurine or symbol or image.
* * * *
Nothing is ever easy.
* * * *
Why let anything bother you?
* * * *
What else can truth be, need truth be, but awareness its Self, pure and simple and free?
* * * *
Prior to all priors, within all withins, without all withouts, beyond all beyonds, You are.
* * * *
Nothing is free; breathe content.
* * * *
How you present yourself to others, is probably how You should present to your Self.
* * * *
Imagination likes to pretend it is in charge.
* * * *
You have never been real, you will never be real, in any way you think.
* * * *
There is no knowing; there is only imagination weaving it so.
* * * *
Regarding time: it is hard to run out of something that never existed.
* * * *
You cannot help but play out your destiny.
* * * *
Intelligent design is an oxymoron in this universe.
* * * *
Your fate is already assured; you just have, to play it out.
* * * *
The enlightened life is a wander through the relativity.
* * * *
Time would sure be passing by quickly, if it existed.
* * * *
Another tomorrow, already yesterday.
* * * *
All your judgments change nothing.
* * * *
The return to nothingness is the dissolution of all things imagined, of all things born of consciousness.
* * * *
Embrace what you can; tolerate, ignore, change, destroy, what you cannot.
* * * *
The absurdity, spinning into overdrive.
* * * *
Seriously, is it really any wonder, Jesus has not returned?
* * * *
To wander untouched, untroubled, untainted, by the sensory theater, is the way of the eternal mind.
* * * *
The blind and deaf lack doubt.
* * * *
As mind moves, so does dreamtime.
* * * *
Surrendering to awareness, to eternity, is a timeless moment.
* * * *
Ecstasy is right here, right now, for those whose fate it is to mine it.
* * * *
The streets are lined with gold; can you not see it.
* * * *
Nothing rules.
* * * *
Pain is a gathering of nerve-endings telling you, you probably should not have done that.
* * * *
Have a great day, if your fate allows.
* * * *
Sometimes, like it or not, you just have, to start all over, or quit, or both.
* * * *
One is all, all are one.
* * * *
How is it you know so much, but still do not know nothing?
* * * *
Doubt everything but the awareness that is your Self.
* * * *
A taste, a nibble, a sip, can be statistical sample enough, to discern the essence of most anything.
* * * *
Boredom is a hard taskmaster.
* * * *
Destiny trumps all comers.
* * * *
There are many boundaries to explore, and they are all but ephemeral walls of imagination.
* * * *
Giving voice to the obvious.
* * * *
Challenging not to get cynical, when you have seen something gauged absurd, happen for the nth time.
* * * *
You would kill someone, simply because they call their idol by a different name than yours? Seriously?
* * * *
Let gravity do what it with so little effort does.
* * * *
Those lost to differentiation miss the commonality of all existence, and non-existence, as well.
* * * *
Run that by, again, please.
* * * *
Of the omniscient-omnipresent-omnipotent, you are but a brief twinkle.
* * * *
To wander through all camps, unseen, anonymous, observant, is a ninja-level skillset.
* * * *
Inattention to breath is a sure sign you are off in the time machine of imagination.
* * * *
You will know it when you see it.
* * * *
Death is just the mind-body washing away, like a wave across the sand, back into the sea.
* * * *
The laments of aging are a noisy hall.
* * * *
That which you so easily waste or discard, could well be untold treasure to so many.
* * * *
Imagination is a habit of the addictive sort.
* * * *
Your departure is an imminent very-sure likelihood.
* * * *
What set of steps lead to that?
* * * *
The first hit arouses the bloodthirst.
* * * *
Pretty hard to get the world out, once it gets its quantum nose into the tent of imagination.
* * * *
Destiny has a way of finding you.
* * * *
Eternal salvation is about being free of the fell grip of space-time born of imagination.
* * * *
The You, You are, is not the you, you imagine you are.
* * * *
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
* * * *
Is sage advice heard, much less followed, even in the forum?
* * * *
Details will be enjoyable, until they are not; and then what hell will they brew?
* * * *
How did you not think of that?
* * * *
There is only pure awareness, it suffers not; be free, die now, to all of it.
* * * *
Impulsiveness challenges the odds in any game.
* * * *
You need not always give into the whims of consciousness.
* * * *
You are not doing that; the quantum matrix is doing that, thinking that.
* * * *
Another tomorrow turning into yesterday.
* * * *
Why would you need to prove anything, either to your Self, or any other?
* * * *
The nuances of truth are all imagined.
* * * *
We all have our little Academy Award statues collecting dust on the shelf.
* * * *
Yet another absurd story, catering to fear and dread of the unknown.
* * * *
Free will is an assumption with neither merit nor proof.
* * * *
Destiny is a long-and-winding wander of sentience towards its given sunset.
* * * *
The abyss is the ultimate freedom; give over to it as often as you dare.
* * * *
At some point, starting over loses its sheen.
* * * *
How many followers would follow their prophets, if they ran inro them unrecognized on any given street?
* * * *
Equality is a two-way street.
* * * *
Why should you be bound by any other’s limitations?
* * * *
Oblivion calls.
* * * *
Best to forget, who You think you are, before everyone else does.
* * * *
Existence is just more to forget.
* * * *
Your dream will carry on as all dreams do; oblivion is the nonexistent destiny of all.
* * * *
Oops, mistake, and not the first one of the day.
* * * *
Try as it might, imagination has never gotten its hooks into the moment.
* * * *
You are witness to a quantum dream.
* * * *
Within the ocean, an infinity of droplets; within every mind, the infinity of the ocean.
* * * *
There is only awareness; it suffers not.
* * * *
Consciousness has great difficulty allowing the stillness of nothingness to reign.
* * * *
If you are the body: agony and ecstasy and every variety of vanity; if you are awareness: meh.
* * * *
You can only defy gravity so long.
* * * *
Respect goes a long way towards peaceful co-existence.
* * * *
Who can ever even more than guess, what will be remembered in any given mind?
* * * *
The taste of fate is bittersweet.
* * * *
* * * *
Is creativity – or any passion, for that matter – a function of oxygen deprivation?
* * * *
Be free; die now, to all of it.
* * * *
In the infinity of all eyes, there is but one witness; no need to give it any name or rank, other than You.
* * * *
What do you mean, I am not this body!?
* * * *
You may be a complex pattern, but, a pattern, nonetheless.
* * * *
Truth is truth, regardless the words.
* * * *
All judgment is arbitrary.
* * * *
The expanses of imagination, are but the ephemeral filament, of the thunder perfect mind.
* * * *
Space-time is the theater of mind.
* * * *
Breathe content.
* * * *
Reading much of this sort of babble, will reduce your mind to rubble, and give rise to a Phoenix.
* * * *
Nothing is free.
* * * *
The simple mind requires simple messages, repeated as needed.
* * * *
Space and time do not really exist as more than imaginary concepts spun of quantum dust.
* * * *
Embrace your Self.
* * * *
Attention to breath is the portal to eternity.
* * * *
Is it so, or just yours or some other’s vanity, that says it is so?
* * * *
Very esoteric, indeed, until it is not.
* * * *
A simple answer that is dogmatic, is not a simple answer that is esoteric.
* * * *
There is always tomorrow.
* * * *
Whatever stage you tread, You are always right-here-right-now You.
* * * *
This esoteric work is dedicated to mystics at large; the mystiques en liberté, for whom Self is all.
* * * *
There is absolutely no need to define or measure or compare your Self.
* * * *
Nothingness is not a two-sided coin.
* * * *
You are the Truth, You are the Life, You are the Way.
* * * *
A multi-dimensional, ephemeral dream of matter, with which You identify for a brief sense of time.
* * * *
That the ultimate truth is so thoroughly ignored, so thoroughly twisted, says it all.
* * * *
Necessity refines the senses.
* * * *
Is it a universe, or merely a perception of what you think is a universe?
* * * *
May as well embrace your fate; it is going to happen, like it or not.
* * * *
What a luxury knowing so much; all the while understanding so little.
* * * *
You have never been anything imagined by imagination.
* * * *
Any given universe is but a neurological array; an indelible mystery, no matter how it is framed.
* * * *
Habits die hard.
* * * *
Resistance to the reality within and without, is but an every-moment exercise in futility.
* * * *
Challenging to get a handle, on a mystery beyond measure; too small to see, too large to carry.
* * * *
Is not waking up every day, mystery enough, without adding a heap of gratuitous folderol?
* * * *
Who is the experiencer, when the passing moment, is over as quickly as it began.
* * * *
Let joy in.
* * * *
Eternity is a walkabout.
* * * *
Anything can end without a moment’s notice; so it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.
* * * *
True religion is expressed each and every moment; in deeds are you known, assertions mean nothing.
* * * *
What clouds can ever touch the sky of eternity?
* * * *
Why keep beating yourself up over things that do not matter?
* * * *
It is not you that is reborn; it is the unborn-undying awareness, and it, only for a moment.
* * * *
Gravity is You in disguise, as is everything, into which it casts its dream-weaving force.
* * * *
Why do you do that to your Self?
* * * *
Whether or not, you survive the mayhem, is what is called natural selection.
* * * *
How many times do you need to do the same thing, to learn the same thing?
* * * *
The whole of creation is about spinning nada into gold, lining as many streets as imagination allows.
* * * *
Even the most bitter and poisonous and vile flowers, are the essence of the same mystery.
* * * *
Space and time may be illusions, but they are very real-looking illusions.
* * * *
Angels and demons dance on pins in our heads.
* * * *
Death is the oblivion of reality; we are all dead men walking, the how and when, not if.
* * * *
It only seems like free will, because you only see the trees, as you wander down your pathless path.
* * * *
How can creator and creation not be one in the same?
* * * *
What is heaven but hope, and hell, dread; the nectar of awareness is prior to both.
* * * *
Of those whose minds and hair are graying, we have all seen better daze.
* * * *
Bad breathing makes for an unhinged mind, wherein the eternal now, is whisked into time.
* * * *
Who knows where that got nooked and crannied.
* * * *
Idolatry: Don’t do it.
* * * *
What delusions vows can be, as soon as they pop out of mind.
* * * *
The only thing sure, the only thing secure, is the awareness of the ephemeral now.
* * * *
Where does awareness begin, and where can it possibly end?
* * * *
Grasping just how alone you truly are, is a blow-the-breaker-switches moment.
* * * *
How can you ever hope to wake up anyone, who spends life pushing the snooze button?
* * * *
Why would you ever be sinful or guilty for being born?
* * * *
The you that you every moment believe you are, is nothing more than a fabrication of imagination.
* * * *
And behind every face eternity ever cast, You.
* * * *
Breathe deep, breathe full; that is the born again-ness of every eternal moment.
* * * *
There is only one Soul, and it is that which is totality; there is only one totality, and it is the Soul in all.
* * * *
Consciousness is quicksand; awareness, bedrock.
* * * *
The notion of history is sculpted in countless ways, through the never-ceasing, indivisibly eternal now.
* * * *
What pathless is there to heaven, but through the eternal within.
* * * *
Life is but a few breaths, and back to sleep, back to sleep, in the eternal manger prior to dreamtime.
* * * *
If you want world peace, still that busy mind, and in awareness, take in a few deep breaths.
* * * *
What else do you possibly need, once simple awareness, is nectar enough?
* * * *
You are already samadhi, happiness, bliss; all you need do is be still enough to discern it.
* * * *
How do you measure a space that is not, or count a time that never was?
* * * *
The immeasurable moment is without division; has there ever been more than one?
* * * *
Yes, the mitote can just be turned off, with the flick of attention.
* * * *
Do not insist what you do not know.
* * * *
It is what is done after the first move that wins or loses.
* * * *
Expectations are a sure road to disappointment.
* * * *
Waste time? How can you waste something that does not exist?
* * * *
Send in the drones.
* * * *
Why would anyone want to conquer the world, when conquering yourself is so much more rewarding.
* * * *
To not care about anyone or anything; how freeing.
* * * *
Say yes to everything; say no to everything.
* * * *
On the lamb, wandering hither and thither.
* * * *
You can choose to: you can choose not to.
* * * *
Pictures are worth one thousand words, but what about inflation?
* * * *
Try not to get lost or drown in the sea of metaphors.
* * * *
An anonymous, unentitled, inauspicious beginning allows one to carve one’s own course.
* * * *
Despite the fact, that all cling to the podium, no one owns the forum.
* * * *
The book to re-read, is the one, you had no clue about what you were reading, the first round.
* * * *
Gravity cloaks the reality that you are drifting in the abyss.
* * * *
The larger currents of geopolitics are where strategic minds circle.
* * * *
The digital mind narrates a false sheen upon reality.
* * * *
Where does the person who likes or dislikes exist, but in the imagination.
* * * *
Where will you be after the post mortem?
* * * *
What are you smoking?
* * * *
The philosophers are not in charge, nor will they ever be, obviously.
* * * *
The mantra of existence is written in the chromosomes.
* * * *
Eternity is a long timeless.
* * * *
The timeless mind engaged in time.
* * * *
Is there really any problem but the one you create?
* * * *
It is all about choices, and is there really any choice?
* * * *
Has the loss of innocence, the loss of Eden, really been worth it?
* * * *
Keep up with what, exactly?
* * * *
Aphorisms are born of a knack for putting things succinctly.
* * * *
Congratulations if you are a winner in the genetic lottery.
* * * *
How can anything be said to exist when everything is the unborn-undying?
* * * *
Dead is dead; ain’t no resurrection of what never was.
* * * *
This is eternity’s moment.
* * * *
Go to where time is not counted, and space is not measured.
* * * *
Here is your death; come and get it, embrace it, or run away, as fast as you imagine you can.
* * * *
Alone at last.
* * * *
The Reaper finds all imagination’s efforts for immortality to be grimly ironic.
* * * *
It is with great intention, you must give your attention.
* * * *
A teacher who spins lies, is not much of a teacher.
* * * *
To slip through net after net is a fate of its own reckoning.
* * * *
Every human being chattering to themselves; the parasite of consciousness in every mind,
* * * *
Is there really anything that matters?
* * * *
There is only one tongue, and you must be You to speak it.
* * * *
The sun of another moment will rest on your face one tomorrow or another.
* * * *
What makes you believe the Reaper is grim?
* * * *
It is all mitote; it is all the chaos of 1,000 voices all trying to talk at once in the mind.
* * * *
No, all things do not come to those who wait; some things, but not all things.
* * * *
What would it be like to be so present, as to experience fully every now, any given life has to offer?
* * * *
Breathe into the awareness; breathe out from the awareness.
* * * *
The nothingness of the eternal, cannot be taught, only learned; and in the learning, process is all.
* * * *
Ummy-yum-yum, another scrumptious meal down the shitting hole.
* * * *
The one-percenters just laugh at how easy it is to distract the masses willy-nilly.
* * * *
Is the universe a mind beyond all comprehension? Up to you to find out.
* * * *
Hard to savor a moment already long gone.
* * * *
If you cannot fit it all into a simple, timeless breath, then it probably does not matter much, anyway.
* * * *
Be the Good Samaritan however it suits you; the most authentic giving is not an obligation.
* * * *
To be born is to die, with some wandering through a dream between; that is the way it is.
* * * *
Vanity and greed trump wisdom until there is nothing left to be wise about.
* * * *
Thinking from very small, to thinking very large, takes some to where they only seldom think at all.
* * * *
It is a god-eat-god world; chew well.
* * * *
One does not ask for permission to be free; one asserts it, affirms it, champions it, with their entire being.
* * * *
A universal mind, a quantum mind; how could it be anything less?
* * * *
Suspend knowing, forget everything; be the awareness, absolutely free.
* * * *
This may be the last time you have do that, or see that, or hear that, or taste that, or smell that, or feel that.
* * * *
How can a drop of the ocean ever depart it?
* * * *
The space, the time, are irrelevant to the seer seeing.
* * * *
How similar we are in our differences; how different we are in our similarities.
* * * *
So nothing as to be everything; so everything as to be nothing.
* * * *
How many spins around the sun before everyone, everything, now living, is lost and gone forever?
* * * *
Before genesis, you are; after genesis, you are; in genesis, you are.
* * * *
If there is a middleman between you and truth, then the only question is how thick the lie.
* * * *
You say you want a revolution; well, here it is.
* * * *
Here You are, right here, right now; nothing else matters.
* * * *
Odds are very good that there will always be pharaohs building monuments to their imaginary glory.
* * * *
Plumbing the shallow depths with words that can only tell.
* * * *
What is your world, your universe, your existence, but a momentary perception.
* * * *
Staring into the abyss.
* * * *
A happy ending only means the story is not yet over.
* * * *
Took a long time to put this world together; shame to see it ravaged so thoughtlessly.
* * * *
What is the point of all this knowledge, if there is no garden left to know, no garden left to wander?
* * * *
Agony and ecstasy are in the realm of imagination; awareness has no time for them.
* * * *
Changing with the changing, is a very astute, very shrewd, very Darwinian strategy.
* * * *
How alone is alone?
* * * *
We quarrel over anything and everything, as if anything and everything really matter.
* * * *
Who is this I? What is me? What is mine? Everything is yours. Nothing is yours.
* * * *
Observe your world, your universe, for your Self; what need have you for anyone else’s conclusion?
* * * *
The awareness is your magic carpet ride home; how much closer to God could you possibly be?
* * * *
For another breath, what's a little more agony?
* * * *
What is birth but the beginning of a story, and death its end.
* * * *
Options, lots of options.
* * * *
Do not confuse what you think or what you do, with the prior-to-consciousness awareness you are.
* * * *
I create you, and you create me, and we each, in our own dreams, dance the same mystery.
* * * *
You have either, an innie, or an outie; if you do not like it, try not to make it everybody else's problem.
* * * *
No, this form is not yours to keep for more than a moment at a time.
* * * *
Give senses and whatever imagination throws in the spin.
* * * *
This breath is yours, and yours alone.
* * * *
Awareness is the door to eternal life.
* * * *
Does any other creature ponder existence, ponder Self, with the obsession we do?
* * * *
Where's their library?
* * * *
What can awareness possibly hold onto?
* * * *
Faith takes a lot of work; much easier to be unconcerned.
* * * *
There is no other place to go, nor mind to be in, nor witness to be; You are right here, right now.
* * * *
Awareness is the immortality You are.
* * * *
It is only vanity and greed that inspire the blind.
* * * *
You are preacher and parishioner, and choir unto thy Self; what need for an edifice?
* * * *
You may just have to let it go.
* * * *
Chatting it up with the mitote again, eh?
* * * *
You are nothing more than your own worst imaginary habit.
* * * *
They are not going to know; they are not going to care.
* * * *
This is your song of god.
* * * *
Why make problems, that are neither necessary nor meaningful, from any get-go?
* * * *
You vaguely recall making that decision, but could just as easily, just as truthfully, deny it.
* * * *
It is rational to go your own way, to abide alone; guilt, remorse, obligation, are mortal cuisine.
* * * *
Which yesterday is today, can be hard to remember.
* * * *
Forget everything; remember nothing.
* * * *
How obsessed so many are, to have answers to questions that have none.
* * * *
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream; merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
* * * *
To what are you clinging, and why?
* * * *
Every moment is just as new, for any so-called master, as it is for you.
* * * *
Another DNA wannabe.
* * * *
All the scribe could do was write how he saw it; what any readers will see, is their own to see.
* * * *
What is anything to You who have seen an infinity of universes come and go?
* * * *
Nothing is ever the same; loss is an every-moment fact.
* * * *
It is what it is; all beliefs about it are meaningless.
* * * *
Would there even be a moment, were there not sentience to witness it?
* * * *
What so many call love in this theater of the absurd, is expressed in every shade of self-absorption.
* * * *
Nothing fantastical in these pages.
* * * *
Every moment the same.
* * * *
More legalistic jabber from the choir; vanity is the source of all differences.
* * * *
As flawed as everyone else.
* * * *
Sometimes you create, sometimes you preserve, sometimes you destroy; that is the way of it.
* * * *
To recall how the world, once inspired such longing, such passion; oh, those were the daze.
* * * *
The eye of a needle is only as small as the eye is blind.
* * * *
This is it, this is all there is, and there ain’t no more.
* * * *
The obvious only become obvious, when the mind and heart are clear, free of all meaningless burdens.
* * * *
Life is but a few breaths, and back to sleep, back to sleep, in the eternal manger prior to dreamtime.
* * * *
The Genetic Lottery is the Wheel of Destiny.
* * * *
So much influence established by mindsets, whose time in the sun was long ago buried.
* * * *
How would your life sound as a song?
* * * *
What is knowledge but busy-busy distraction, from the what is of the unfolding moment.
* * * *
What breath can ever hold any moment for long.
* * * *
Good thing nobody can read your mind.
* * * *
All your experience, all your knowledge, and You still the unknown all the while.
* * * *
Sentience is indifferent to your imaginary existence.
* * * *
Even thousands of karmic rebirths beyond counting, all happen right here, right now.
* * * *
How can the antidote for lies, ever be anything but truth?
* * * *
Religions play upon the insecurity of mind; spirituality encourages its understanding.
* * * *
You are it, it is You; the other is but imagined.
* * * *
To right the ship; how would that ever be possible, even if all hands were on deck?
* * * *
What does not manage to kill you today, will certainly try to hurt you in the meanwhile.
* * * *
The abyss yawns.
* * * *
There really is no this or that, or that or this; there is really only just the way it is.
* * * *
If you do not care enough to be the change, of which you so eloquently speak, why expect it of another?
* * * *
Forget everything; everything!
* * * *
The ever-shifting sands consume all.
* * * *
It was knowledge that blinded the vision of Eden; it is awareness that renders it apparent again.
* * * *
It may well be less, “The Horror! The Horror!” – than it is, “The absurdity! The absurdity!”
* * * *
It is all merely an intriguing, temporal veil; so it goes. deal with it, get over it, move on.
* * * *
All dreams can never be more than dreams.
* * * *
So small and so huge as to be indistinguishable, from the dynamic synergy of its countless parts.
* * * *
You think you know so much; a little humility, puleeze!
* * * *
Nothing is sacred; nothing is not sacred.
* * * *
Consciousness is a means, to playing out the dream of time; You are the awareness, not consciousness.
* * * *
To believe we are all wandering the same universe, is an extremely dubious assumption.
* * * *
Waiting too long, generally makes for fewer and fewer choices, or at least different ones.
* * * *
By the time you hear about most opportunities, it is probably too late.
* * * *
Why do you allow any desire, any fear, any dread, any passion at all, to grip you?
* * * *
Unclench the mind, let go all thought, let go all that is imagined, be the whole mind.
* * * *
Only in pure awareness are you, You.
* * * *
The moment is all.
* * * *
You are the same awareness, you are, have always been, will ever be.
* * * *
Here I am, there you are, both Self, wandering the same matrix of awareness.
* * * *
Embrace the eternal awareness, in which the quantum matrix vibrates the illusion-delusion you dream.
* * * *
It really does boil down to, to believe, or not to believe.
* * * *
The other is the infection of imagination.
* * * *
Avoid being bound by tradition, even your own.
* * * *
Death is merely evaporating, back into the nothingness, that nothingness ever is.
* * * *
A mind at rest is an eternal mind, a no-mind, a quantum mind, an unbound mind.
* * * *
Bones and flesh and slime; so crunchy and chewy and gooey.
* * * *
Is there truly a world, a universe, or just a perspective born of imagination?
* * * *
Time to reap what we have sewn, alas.
* * * *
How is it You ask your Self this all the time?
* * * *
Wonder if the percentages have always been the same for any given psychology.
* * * *
The warrior mindset is not always about war.
* * * *
Sorrows, sorrows, prayers.
* * * *
And the world catches your attention yet again.
* * * *
What yoke can there be, to the freedom, of You just being told, to be You, your Self?
* * * *
The time-bound will always be but second place to awareness.
* * * *
Awareness proves nothing.
* * * *
So, what is the first thing Jesus is going to do when boots hit the ground?
* * * *
Practice dying.
* * * *
Feeling sorry for yourself wanders into dead ends at every turn.
* * * *
Pretty hard to hold back nature from a good meal.
* * * *
What affluence hath wrought, individually and collectively, accelerates exponentially, beyond all pales.
* * * *
“No Fair!” echoes its futility in domesticated minds.
* * * *
The abyss of oblivion yawns forever eternal.
* * * *
The only way out is within.
* * * *
What need for knowledge, when you are the elixir that bore it all.
* * * *
Accidents and unintended consequences, have a habit of inspiring tangential changes.
* * * *
You will stop when the questions stop.
* * * *
Walk your talk.
* * * *
You are all alone in the moment You eternally dwell.
* * * *
The ever-present-nothing-special of awareness, is, without limits.
* * * *
The greatest story ever told? Well, maybe, if you have never read anything else.
* * * *
A descent into attachment of emotion can easily waylay even the best of journeys.
* * * *
You have never been who you imagine you are.
* * * *
Misery is playing a starring role in this manifest theater.
* * * *
What is beautiful, what is ugly, but illusions born of human imagination.
* * * *
The moment is not a yoke in which you must daily toil.
* * * *
Quit your whining.
* * * *
The You, you think is you, is not the You, you think.
* * * *
Accelerating exponential, is how I put it; and how doomed, is for time machines.
* * * *
Contemplation and meditation, are the means to explore and realize for your Self, the mystery You are.
* * * *
You are nothing more than an imagined character; locked in by nature-nurture.
* * * *
How are we not every moment lost in wonder?
Family is overrated.
* * * *
The hallowed ground must be trod within to glean its truest truth.
* * * *
Everybody has a take on everybody else.
* * * *
The irony is how you so often seem to stumble whenever you think you are so cool.
* * * *
Many an impulse has gone into making this disaster.
* * * *
We are all empty vessels, filled with the churning nothingness of imagination.
* * * *
Forget the body, forget the mind, forget the world, forget the universe, forget everything.
* * * *
The serious student has no end of teachers.
* * * *
The man with the crystal ball rules the world.
* * * *
Everything is entitlement; even existence.
* * * *
You are the totality, you are the mystery, by whatever sound you want to give it.
* * * *
Pride gets the better of all who cannot resist its temptations.
* * * *
It is about connecting the dots.
* * * *
Your quantum nature is indivisibly timeless; are you mad for seeing it, or mad for not?
* * * *
A faith so infinite, as to be unnecessary.
* * * *
Would you justify yourself to a rock, or an ant, or a fish, or your cat? So why, to any two-legged?
* * * *
What are endings but outcomes of beginnings.
* * * *
Why would, how could, awareness, judge clouds crisscrossing its sky?
* * * *
Yet another etching on a wall in a deep, dark cavern; likely never to be found.
* * * *
For a coin to be minted, it must have two faces.
* * * *
The iceberg is ripping through the hull; who will survive to see the dawn?
* * * *
We all live in glass houses; curious how few realize it.
* * * *
Imagination gets the brass ring for another moment; awareness does not count.
* * * *
It takes time, it takes space.
* * * *
The first birth was 3.8 billion-ish years ago; my, how time passes.
* * * *
Freedom is in the clarity of awareness; not the quantum theater of sensation.
* * * *
Pain is the unjust dessert; chew well.
* * * *
Eternal life is forgetting everything; even that perceived but a moment ago.
* * * *
Have you been teched enough yet?
* * * *
Peace on earth, requires peace of mind, and good will towards each and all.
* * * *
History happens.
* * * *
Which voice is on deck when you are all alone, you or You?
* * * *
Another beautiful day in the neighborhood.
* * * *
All flaws are imagined; physician, heal thy Self; be whole, sovereign, true.
No day is over until it is over.
* * * *
Being nothing in an everything world, is the challenge for any lost to doubt.
* * * *
So much pain and tension that become like tree rings as the body ages and withers on the vine.
* * * *
A little taste is gist enough.
* * * *
What good is knowledge, what good is history, if you have not learned the many lessons offered?
* * * *
History does not repeat itself; imagination does.
* * * *
Arrogance is its own bliss.
* * * *
To be free of imagination, or not to be free of imagination, the question of all questions.
* * * *
It is for time to tell.
* * * *
Unattended promises are the bane of relationship.
* * * *
And what is real? And what is not real? Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?
* * * *
So much to be forgotten.
* * * *
Loneliness is a distraction, a fixation, inspired by dependence on others.
* * * *
Hell, if I know.
* * * *
A mind bent on trivial pursuits, is a mind that has missed its full potential.
* * * *
As if any relationship, any job, any experience, any anything, pose any answer.
* * * *
There are no rights; only entitlements.
* * * *
The moment is the moment; whether or not you are there to witness it.
* * * *
This is one very fucked up, very pathetic, very harsh, parody.
* * * *
You are the world, and the world is You.
* * * *
The mind-body is but the torture device; it is consciousness that chooses, whether or not it will suffer.
* * * *
Imagination has You by the mind.
* * * *
What is it to really, really, really, I mean really, not care?
* * * *
We cannot all be you.
* * * *
The fall from grace is daily more apparent in many a headline.
* * * *
To look out upon the world, without attachment, is a meditation requiring buddha-mind intention.
* * * *
Are there an infinity of moments, or just one? Count them if you can.
* * * *
The road to habit and addiction, begins with an innocuous choice.
* * * *
What makes sucking your thumb any less meaningful than anything else?
* * * *
So many talking about change, but how many really want to?
* * * *
How is it the mystery is not magical enough for so many?
* * * *
You going to wait for the Reaper, or go out and meet him before he knocks?
* * * *
How does it feel to be rated equal to a microbe crawling in your nose?
* * * *
Imagination’s limits are many, and not far between.
* * * *
Will it ever end? Probably not; at least not as far as you need be concerned.
* * * *
Freedom is a lie fabricated for the delusional.
* * * *
You never existed, and none of this ever happened.
* * * *
Smartest guy in the room always gets the last word.
* * * *
Extinction is nothing new.
* * * *
The identify is not who you are; it is who You pretend to be.
* * * *
It must be something to be such a genius all the time.
* * * *
Once was enough.
* * * *
How can you call it an inquiry, if you believe you already know the answer?
* * * *
A thing for things.
* * * *
What name can stick to the no-name mystery?
* * * *
Every seer explores the mystery to whatever degreeless degree it calls.
* * * *
Do you feed your tongue? Or your body? Or at least both.
* * * *
Every moment a push and pull between the eternal You and the imaginary you.
* * * *
What is belief, what is faith, what is hope, but a story believed.
* * * *
It may be less an issue about wanting something, as it is what you are willing to do to get it.
* * * *
Vanity, the great deceiver.
* * * *
Problems, problems, problems; how can you solve a dream?
* * * *
To be inwardly silent, completely still – free of desire, free of fear, free of dread – is to be the eternal.
* * * *
Just being is the embodiment of silence.
* * * *
The Ignorance of Vanity ... or ... The Vanity of Ignorance ... Hmmm ...
* * * *
Try not to make your problem someone else’s.
* * * *
God is a many-dogma-ed hydra.
* * * *
Embrace the pain, dive into the wave, be the moment.
* * * *
There is no saving this world; only surviving it.
* * * *
Eternity is the timeless formlessness of awareness.
* * * *
Misters and mrs’s and miss’s and ms’s and mx’s, You are all the same mystery.
* * * *
Everything is distraction.
* * * *
Peace, tranquility, serenity, harmony, grace; the many-splendored quality of beingness.
* * * *
We are all driven by different demons.
* * * *
Find your newborn state of mind; the tabula rasa of all beginnings.
* * * *
How many cushions will that derrière someday cover, in these, our gluttonous times?
* * * *
Every moment is the same; consciousness being what it is, not all are equally endured.
* * * *
Are you at the prow watching the cutwater, or the stern, the wake?
* * * *
Measuring illusion is a delusion of imaginary proportion.
* * * *
Any goal reached is but a blip in the ever-kaleidoscoping process.
* * * *
The genetic lottery has spun You this way.
* * * *
The Great Quantum will play out whatever theater You are conditioned to discern.
* * * *
Only your little slice of imagination is about you.
* * * *
Stroll on.
* * * *
No matter the religion, the belief, they are all just stories.
* * * *
If God is so great, why does he need anyone to affirm it?
* * * *
Beware the people of one book.
* * * *
God is neither alive nor dead, just bored to tears with the same uselessly absurd balderdash.
* * * *
Very Darwin, indeed.
* * * *
If you had never been told there was a God, would you have created one?
* * * *
There will be many horrors before it is over.
* * * *
The natural state is tabula rasa.
* * * *
Found your face yet?
* * * *
Goals anointed, goals achieved, are but a moment in the process.
* * * *
Everything is relative.
* * * *
Unplugging Darwin just ain’t gonna to happen.
* * * *
Your habits are the experiences You embraced too closely.
* * * *
Please try coming up with something that has not been mindlessly yammered a gazillion times before.
* * * *
Every moment, an offering to the whimsies of consciousness.
* * * *
Guilt; don’t do it.
* * * *
Resolutions, of most any this or that, are likely as constant as the wind.
* * * *
Humankind is a cancer, hell-bent on destroying our mother, if she does not get us first.
* * * *
We all follow a course that leads to its destiny.
* * * *
The best way to keep a secret, is to neither utter nor write it.
* * * *
“You are not alone,” imagination lied; not for the first time that day.
* * * *
Is there anything more pathetic than a self-serving hypocrite?
* * * *
Awareness is the grand voyeur of all eternity.
* * * *
All human religions and their cultish affiliates, are over long overdue for circular filing.
* * * *
We are guided by pain.
* * * *
How sentimental we are to our memories and things.
* * * *
The seed of doubt is without doubt the key ingredient to where doubt can take the doubtful mind.
* * * *
Life is a marathon; pace your Self; abide in the emptiness.
* * * *
Propaganda is a weapon of mass destruction.
* * * *
We are up against 3.8 billion years of Darwin.
* * * *
Oscars to everyone and everything; astounding how perfectly all have played their quantum role.
* * * *
What is the secret to life? That there is no secret.
* * * *
Death is the release of vanity.
* * * *
The universe that imagination built, is as real as the human genome.
* * * *
How much more will you squeeze in before the Reaper taps you on the shoulder?
* * * *
And how do you decipher that dollop of awareness but by simply being.
* * * *
Mastery? Would that really, even be possible?
* * * *
Not everyone wants to be here; not everyone should have to stay here.
* * * *
Inattention is the first and last mistake.
* * * *
That which totality, is so much more, than any concoction of imagination, could ever hope to muster.
* * * *
Why care about stupid things, why be bound to trivial pursuit?
* * * *
No other can usurp your sovereignty without your acquiescence.
* * * *
For humankind to overcome its Darwinian-laced origin, would require a beyond-comprehension mutation.
* * * *
That just ain't gonna happen.
* * * *
Forgot that, too.
* * * *
What nobody sees, nobody knows, nobody cares.
* * * *
3.8 billion years of Darwin, and counting.
* * * *
If the crown fits, wear it well.
* * * *
The moment is That I Am; be the moment.
* * * *
Awareness stills through you as you move through it.
* * * *
You are the breath monitor.
* * * *
Any existence, casts ripples far and wide, in directions and distances and times, unknowable.
* * * *
The floodgate of eternity is accessed in the moment.
* * * *
Does imagination use you, or you it?
* * * *
When Jesus said, put no gods before me, he, hopefully, was not referring to the Jesus in so many wallets.
* * * *
Nothing to hope for.
* * * *
The challenge with any system, is to use it as it was designed to be used.
* * * *
How can awareness ever not be immaculate, ever not be tabula rasa, ever not be the uncarved block?
* * * *
Awareness is the first and last frontier.
* * * *
Are you the personal I, or the impersonal eye?
* * * *
Another mind-spinner sets his spin for domination of one batch of sheeples or another.
* * * *
Another day in the quantum charade.
* * * *
Nothing is new under the sun; nothing is old, either.
* * * *
Any fate includes moving on, and being moved on; sometimes freely, sometimes not.
* * * *
The key to freedom is letting go everything.
* * * *
To all those who count themselves great, there is nothing about your existence I envy.
* * * *
Mother Gaia, sun and moon and the cosmos at large, all conspire to delude You that time is real.
* * * *
Nobody cares what you've done if you disrespect them.
* * * *
Who is this creature imagination ever brings forth?
* * * *
The challenge for the smartest guy in the room is to not make others feel like they are village idiots.
* * * *
Look how you have given your Self over to the delusion of the quantum illusion.
* * * *
Awareness is the common denominator.
* * * *
If pigs had thumbs, they would be wearing lipstick, too.
* * * *
An unfocused mind is a sure road to the confusion of delusion.
* * * *
Breathe through it.
* * * *
All mental illness has as its root, a blinding self-absorption.
* * * *
Abide in the emptiness.
* * * *
Only in pure consciousness, is there freedom from the known.
* * * *
The human paradigm was set in motion, long before the four-leggeds scrambled up into the trees.
* * * *
Pain teaches you to pay attention, maybe.
* * * *
Believe what you need to believe; anything more is distraction and delusion.
* * * *
The masks of this mystery are but the imagination of this mystery.
* * * *
Take it to the quantum level.
* * * *
The surest way to end a friendship, is to cross a line you did or did not know was there.
* * * *
Is you? Or is you not? Who’s asking?
* * * *
Is the driver at the wheel as he reads this?
* * * *
And to think you could have spent all this time serenely staring at a wall.
* * * *
Is it a quantum matrix, or an imaginary maze?
* * * *
Sour chemistry makes for sour living, and sweet, for the sweet kind.
* * * *
Awareness, neither is, nor is not.
* * * *
How can you make sense of something that makes no sense, whatsoever?
* * * *
The fruit does not fall far from the tree; the monkey-mind does not wander far from the jungle.
* * * *
Another day of pretending space and time real.
* * * *
The soliloquy of illusion is a never-ending banter.
* * * *
Studying nature should not eviscerate her.
* * * *
Harvesting wisdom from chaos is the pastime of those who ponder.
* * * *
All interpretations, all explanations, all clarifications, all understandings, of this dream, are meaningless.
* * * *
There is only one truth, and it is not imaginary.
* * * *
Heaven and hell are but tourist attractions; travelers wander the vast elsewhere.
* * * *
How often does the smartest guy in the room, end up being the only one in it?
* * * *
Let nothing rule.
* * * *
Vanity is an ever-present limitation.
* * * *
All existence has an expiration date, as does everything manifest in the quantum matrix.
* * * *
The relativity of perception is carried on by every seed’s birthing.
* * * *
To discern Self, to be Self, is to throw away the middleman’s collection plate.
* * * *
Every geography will have its own decline and fall, its own crash and burn, its own curtain call.
* * * *
Life adapts, or it does not, very simple.
* * * *
Go ask Samson what happens when you let a woman cut your hair.
* * * *
It is thought that counts.
* * * *
How far to play it? is the gambler's parable.
* * * *
Imagination can only pretend to reach so far.
* * * *
The parameters of desire are unique to every mind.
* * * *
A certain partiality to oblivion is required to delve into the ultimate nature.
* * * *
To engage, or not to engage, that is the question.
* * * *
The one-percenters and their minions have been in charge since long before we left the jungles.
* * * *
Absurdity laced with madness.
* * * *
One of the big dilemmas of the so-called civilized man, is choosing the correct recycling bin.
* * * *
Jesus, Save Me! (from all the absurdity).
* * * *
Being smarter, may well make you stupider; stay humble.
* * * *
Alone on a mountain, alone in a crowd, solitary witness to an ineffable mystery.
* * * *
And you thought you were going to get out under the wire.
* * * *
Not caring takes practice, lots of practice, and more after that.
* * * *
Oh joy, another day of monkey-mind absurdity.
* * * *
What's the rush?
* * * *
Whether you take it literally, whether you take it figuratively, depends how you translate it.
* * * *
With all the cameras about, how aware the citizenry becomes.
* * * *
What good is a universe torn to pieces?
* * * *
Forget everything; it is all just pretend, anyway.
* * * *
Eternity is the nothing special wakefulness of awareness, of hereness, of nowness, of nothingness.
* * * *
You are not even the person you imagine you were a moment ago.
* * * *
The quantum nature never stops, until it morphs into a rock, and then the rock keeps moving, too.
* * * *
A void in the abyss.
* * * *
Have you found your face yet?
* * * *
Another day in the insane asylum.
* * * *
Surviving civilization in 3.8 billion-year-old software is not as easy as we might have hoped.
* * * *
Far easier to ask forgiveness from someone else, than it is yourself.
* * * *
Freedom is in every now.
* * * *
Why do you torture your Self so?
* * * *
Indifference to everything is the most tranquil track.
* * * *
Imagination is a powerful god.
* * * *
Impulsivity deprives you of a second look, which is often a good idea.
* * * *
More sound advice, unheard.
* * * *
The weight of time ages all who allow it.
* * * *
Seek God in your Self.
* * * *
You were born; you will consume; how much is the only question.
* * * *
Who can remember that?
* * * *
The difference between black and white is imaginary.
* * * *
How can you travel time if it does not exist, and its sidekick, space, but quantum illusion.
* * * *
You cannot see it, without being it.
* * * *
Just another self-promoting megalomaniac, that history hails as great, if they write their own story.
* * * *
The matter that does not matter.
* * * *
It is admirable to be idealistic, but ya gotta eat.
* * * *
A volcano is just a zit on dust ball.
* * * *
Hard not to believe you are the body, if you do not discern the indivisibility.
* * * *
You cannot find God outside your Self.
* * * *
What was it you were supposed to remember, again?
* * * *
Awareness is the fountain of youth.
* * * *
The taint of time and space kaleidoscope in every untouched moment.
* * * *
Quantum so organized, as to appear real to all born, into the matrix they are.
* * * *
History requires survivors inclined to record it.
* * * *
Easier to see the illusion with eyes closed, than open.
* * * *
Awareness is timeless, awareness is spaceless, awareness is, awareness is not.
* * * *
Are ye a seeker, or a founder?
* * * *
The pathless moment ends all who’s, all what’s, all when’s, all where’s, all why’s, all how’s.
* * * *
More dogmatic quackery tipping imaginary scales.
* * * *
The roller coaster world is outdoing itself.
* * * *
Downstream, downdream.
* * * *
What we together imagine, is what it will be, in the future past of it all.
* * * *
And what happens when consumption no longer rules?
* * * *
You do not have to pretend or make-believe, to just be.
* * * *
All powerful, until the next wave hits.
* * * *
Breathe in, breathe out, grasshopper, the moment does not care.
* * * *
All the babble ever spoken or written, amounts to nothing.
* * * *
And what world, what universe, is there to see, hear, to touch, to smell, to feel, that is not imaginary?
* * * *
You are as free as you choose to be.
* * * *
You must vanquish the fearful you, through great attention.
* * * *
Stoke your hunger until it no longer controls You.
* * * *
You give your Self over to whatever world You imagine.
* * * *
Stories stir the imagination round any campfire.
* * * *
It's a joke, until it isn't.
* * * *
Nothing happens in a vacuum.
* * * *
You are not that I am; You are That I Am.
* * * *
Your world, your universe, is but a sensory perception, an illusion, in which delusion has free reign.
* * * *
Thinking you are free, does not make you free.
* * * *
Sometimes You remember, sometimes you forget.
* * * *
Another pointless triage.
* * * *
If there is a deity, it is awareness, and quantum nature its expression.
* * * *
What is it you think you are seeking?
* * * *
The cliffs, the rocks; the sand, what an endless beating they take, and not one complaint.
* * * *
Unexpected journeys can be life-changing in ways beyond counting.
* * * *
Why we follow so many politicians, is absurd; where are the leaders?
* * * *
Nothing to change.
* * * *
It is okay not to know.
* * * *
Sometimes, you just have, to make do, with what you have.
* * * *
Where is the line between within and without?
* * * *
The future past is written in the sand of mind.
* * * *
Should be done well enough by now.
* * * *
The synergy of unnatural law is well underway.
* * * *
We all run out of time one sooner or later or another.
* * * *
What do the Fates have in store today?
* * * *
And what is all this experience, really, but a memory the moment it is dreamt?
* * * *
Awareness is incapable of knowing any difference.
* * * *
Who-what-where-when-why-how is the center of nothing?
* * * *
Strategy is where you are headed; tactics, how you will get there.
* * * *
The mind has much more potential, than simply being a master of trivial pursuit.
* * * *
Pays to be mindful the rules.
* * * *
For the human paradigm to wake up to its mystery, would take way more than a hundred monkeys.
* * * *
Passion is the herald of attachment.
* * * *
How attached are you to your existence? Who convinced you to care?
* * * *
Consciousness requires awareness, far more than the reverse.
* * * *
What the fuck is an expert?
* * * *
Learn to forgive yourself; after all, it never really happened.
* * * *
It makes no sense, whatsoever, that any of this has come to pass.
* * * *
Few spiritual inquiries stray, far beyond the given fairytale; early conditioning shapes us all.
* * * *
It just sort of gets quiet in there.
* * * *
Yes, you will forget this, too; oblivion is the fate of all.
* * * *
A different day, a different place, a different face, same babble.
* * * *
No more need for make-believe.
* * * *
Plan as you might, creation is always about making it up as the moment unfolds.
* * * *
Shooting the messenger does not change the message.
* * * *
There is nothing to achieve.
* * * *
Who would care? No, really, who would care?
* * * *
Nothing new under the sun; everything new under an ever-new sun.
* * * *
Pawns in consciousness’s stream.
* * * *
Doing the Buddha.
* * * *
Does the no-other other, make you stronger or weaker?
* * * *
Every who, every what, every where, every when, every why, every how; the cotton candy of nothing.
* * * *
Find your warrior, and stick with it.
* * * *
Looking for some god outside your Self is the wrong direction.
* * * *
Look out into the stars; You think some deity could do that without You?
* * * *
Just say no to cover-ups; own the fuck-ups, apologize once, and move on.
* * * *
There is nothing to seek, because there is nothing to find.
* * * *
Being very alone is the key.
* * * *
Which, even in likely times, is highly unlikely,
* * * *
Mother Nature kills everything sooner or later.
* * * *
From womb to graveyard, You are solitary witness to a dream, You every moment perceive.
* * * *
Could you fuck that up any better?
* * * *
It is in the fire of struggle that wisdom is forged.
* * * *
You may not like the differences, but you do not have to hate them.
* * * *
Judging your Self is the crime.
* * * *
May as well party on until the ship goes down.
* * * *
It is often in unbidden moments, that the clarity of awareness, the clarity of You, makes its Self, apparent.
* * * *
What is there to doubt in a moment?
* * * *
Extinction is inevitable; who, what, when, where, why, how are the only questions.
* * * *
There goes more good money after bad.
* * * *
Death is just the body kaleidoscoping off, as birth, its kaleidoscoping on.
* * * *
You are your own muse.
* * * *
Pleasure and pain make you a believer.
* * * *
Meaningless death? What about meaningless life?
* * * *
What's the score?
* * * *
Idle speculation is king in the field of not-knowing.
* * * *
Look at any problem with the right intent, and the solution will materialize apparent.
* * * *
Is true agape something you can cloak or hold back?
* * * *
The relativity of perspective casts a wide net.
* * * *
When exactly is the point that a beginning begins, or and ending ends?
* * * *
The reflective mind, and its attachment to examining illusion, is a trap of its own making.
* * * *
Where can there be a demarcation between any moment, but through imagination.
* * * *
Who you are, and who you pretend you are, are very different states of mind.
* * * *
Greed works until someone else’s takes a bite out of your hoard.
* * * *
Nothing happens all by its Self.
* * * *
Three-point-eight billion years of Darwinian fruition have gone into creating these two-legged blobs.
* * * *
What are we but relatively miniscule organisms playing out relatively miniscule organism dreamtimes?
* * * *
Identifying with the biological entity is the fountain of all imagination, of all illusion, of all delusion.
* * * *
Identifying with the biology is the wellspring of all imagination, of all illusion, of all delusion.
* * * *
An unexpected decision.
* * * *
Can you walk away from anything and anyone?
* * * *
Call them what you will – thinkers, gurus, mystics, sages – philosophers really are a Self-absorbed lot.
* * * *
Do you enter the abyss, or the abyss, unto you?
* * * *
… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …
* * * *
Truth is loath to passion, for it is a rational, inherent, essential, natural beast.
* * * *
No need to feel agape; a quiver of affection will suffice.
* * * *
Is the problem other people, or what your mind does with them?
* * * *
If there is not common ground between all deities, then what the heck are you following?
* * * *
Truth is to illusion, what water is to oil.
* * * *
Makes sense, doesn't it?
* * * *
Stop looking for this mystery to be anything other than what it is.
* * * *
What does the flower offer, but total surrender, total vulnerability, total openness.
* * * *
First, a big, deep breath.
* * * *
As the view expands every moment, everything takes on a relatively relative stance.
* * * *
Though the world burn, though all creation perishes, You will ever abide.
* * * *
The rabbit hole abyss calls; can You hear it?
* * * *
To find yourself in a democratic geography, is a rare moment in a world of autocracy.
* * * *
And even if the body were tortured beyond all limits, could you see it any other way?
* * * *
Always be true to your Self, is always the best policy.
* * * *
Impulse is the demon.
* * * *
The beast has no limits.
* * * *
Belief blinds one to the truth of the moment, to the truth of awareness, to the truth of eternity.
* * * *
No point getting tangled up in the stream.
* * * *
The quantum matrix is bound only by its physics.
* * * *
To yearn to always exist, because You do, eternally so, but never in the way you think.
* * * *
Where did that come from?
* * * *
It has always been your own mind that imprisons you.
* * * *
If you have created a belief system about truth, then you have missed the mark.
* * * *
Creation and creator are one in the same; it is you, and you are it, eternity, with a dash of illusion.
* * * *
The Good Samaritan is potential within all.
* * * *
The awareness is your fountain of youth; it is your immortality, heaven on earth.
* * * *
Rest assured, something will always happen in the quantum churn, with or without your witnessing it.
* * * *
History is but an imaginary glacier.
* * * *
Clear or blurry, colored or colorless, light or dark, the view is the view.
* * * *
When did desire and fear and dread get the upper hand?
* * * *
Whether they realize it or not, I peer into every mind I meet, and likely they into mine.
* * * *
The dead do not care.
* * * *
A good reason for celibacy is that women are too much work for what you get out of it.
* * * *
Every moment has its choice.
* * * *
Try to relink and cultivate that innocence you once were.
* * * *
Is that your purpose, or someone else’s?
* * * *
So many memories, so many perceptions, who can ever fully fathom the existence they have witnessed?
* * * *
Hash and rehash, and rehash again and again and again.
* * * *
Oh joy, another false drama.
* * * *
All creation is relative to those who witness it consciously.
* * * *
The hunger for this world, in that shedding of innocence, what was that like, anyway?
* * * *
I am whatever you think I am; you are whatever I think you are.
* * * *
Though you likely did not know it early on, this was why you and I came into existence.
* * * *
If you do not want, if you do not hunger, this moment, what will there be to fear or dread?
* * * *
We are all Academy Award-winning actors; some well-paid for it.
* * * *
… and suddenly … you were there ... and then there ... and then there ... and then there ...
* * * *
What can you want from this moment, that is not already but a memory.
* * * *
Try not to let life make you too hard; an awakened existence appreciates at least the whiff of innocence.
* * * *
The busywork of pride is ceaseless.
* * * *
There is no present; only selected perceptions of it, memories of it, ever streaming by.
* * * *
You have had so many things, and once you possessed them, how many still enticed you?
* * * *
If you ain't no body, be nothing.
* * * *
Rest assured, very likely nobody will notice but you.
* * * *
Yet another whacked out monkey.
* * * *
Seriously, what is better than a glass of water?
* * * *
This universe, and any others, are but motes in the abyss of eternal awareness.
* * * *
The entire human paradigm is nothing more than stories born of imagination.
* * * *
Whether or not the human species is worth saving, is entirely up to the human species.
* * * *
The only story you need to end, is your own.
* * * *
Where are you when the neuron matrix no longer ignites imagination?
* * * *
To know, to be known, what point?
* * * *
Nothing to do, and all day to do it.
* * * *
The ethical vision of the Hippocratic Oath has become propaganda for the almighty dollar.
* * * *
One does not need forever pretend something that is not real.
* * * *
It is all just make-believe.
* * * *
Nothing You need to do, no one You need to see, nothing You need to be.
* * * *
You were born without a story; what happened?
* * * *
How desperate are you, to wake up tomorrow?
* * * *
Death is just the end of all tomorrows.
* * * *
What did you really think you were going to do?
* * * *
Sometimes it takes a long time for two and two to equal four.
* * * *
Every life form has its own journey to the departure gate.
* * * *
The mind bound to eternity is unassailable.
* * * *
The ego you are always carrying, always promoting, always protecting, what is that imaginary impulse?
* * * *
Turn off the spigot of time.
* * * *
Let go everything; be the pure awareness you are.
* * * *
What need to justify your Self to anyone?
* * * *
Self absorbed.
* * * *
Unclench the monkey mind, die to the imaginary realm, from the frontal lobe to the brain stem.
* * * *
Just the way the monkey rolls.
* * * *
Peer out as the detached awareness, not the imagined persona.
* * * *
Despite all evidence to the contrary.
* * * *
Is your reality really what you think it is?
* * * *
So full, and still hungry.
* * * *
Zen, no zen, mind, no mind.
* * * *
Mind no mind no-mind.
* * * *
Very challenging in this world, not to let imagination run loose more often than you would like.
* * * *
The mind-body is a cloud in the sky of awareness.
* * * *
Die to the world; be the skyness.
* * * *
A loose cannon in the wind.
* * * *
Death is just not waking up again.
* * * *
We all create and endure different universes; none more or less real than any other.
* * * *
Pearls for all.
* * * *
Do you offer sweets to the gas tank, the way you do your tongue?
* * * *
Life is surely the most deadly dis-ease.
* * * *
You must disengage your inner dialogue, your inner chatter, to be the awareness you are.
* * * *
No full story – his, hers, ours, theirs, its – can ever be known.
* * * *
Existence is an ever-streaming political continuum between your imaginary self and your illusory world.
* * * *
Only in the great detachment of pure awareness can you be free.
* * * *
Look at a rock, and watch it change every kaleidoscoping moment.
* * * *
Mastery of anything is a dubious claim.
* * * *
What is any life form’s evolution, but one of mutation and migration.
* * * *
Self-pity, what a waste of awareness, what a waste of the moment.
* * * *
Own the awareness You are.
* * * *
Who else but a scholar addicted to symposium fare is even going to think about reading this babble?
* * * *
Understanding irony and paradox, and having a talent for it, is on every philosopher's resume.
* * * *
Understanding irony and paradox, and having a talent for it, is on every philosopher's resume.
* * * *
Take in the moment, and all its sensory readings, as you would a gourmet meal.
* * * *
What an illusion you are.
* * * *
Surely life is far more than a collection of shiny things.
* * * *
Alone, be.
* * * *
Is there anyone who does not want to know how the story ends?
* * * *
Better to be rich? Or live rich? You decide.
* * * *
Keep your strategy close, and your tactics closer.
* * * *
There you go again, chasing your face.
* * * *
Positive negation or negative negation, you decide.
* * * *
Can't have it both ways at the same time.
* * * *
Be cautious about taking metaphors literally.
* * * *
Best not take it too personal.
* * * *
Maybe tomorrow.
* * * *
Imagination is a prison with quantum bars.
* * * *
Any means of exchange only has the value those who use it agree upon.
* * * *
And air, do not forget the air, we are all bottom feeders in that ocean.
* * * *
Quantum matrix, quantum illusion.
* * * *
Dude, where’s your imagination?
* * * *
An egalitarian mindset requires a free, classless, uncensored, unrestricted, sharing nature.
* * * *
Imagination is on the docket of its own creation.
* * * *
How can you be considered a traitor to any tribal mindset you never asked to join?
* * * *
How confining all human concoctions.
* * * *
Another thing, another facet, another version, long overdue.
* * * *
The politics of dealing with followers, why would you do that to your Self?
* * * *
All purpose, all meaning, are but contrivances of imagination.
* * * *
Tabula rasa knows no bounds.
* * * *
A dull sword needs no scabbard; a frayed string, no bow; a cracked shield, no bearer.
* * * *
Don’t get all cocky; you aren’t that much bigger than a gnat.
* * * *
And so begins another day of dancing-slogging through dreamtime.
* * * *
Your mind is moving, not the flag in the wind.
* * * *
To be content is to walk a pathless path.
* * * *
The word is only sound given concept, and no sound can more than echo through the expanses of eternity.
* * * *
How content the rock, to let you rush by.
* * * *
The quick to anger is always at risk; the slow to anger walks many camps.
* * * *
No matter how rationally it is reasoned, this mystery makes no sense, whatsoever.
* * * *
What an illusion, what a delusion.
* * * *
What can you tell the sage, that s/he has not already done, seen done, or thought about doing?
* * * *
Life, a fatal disease.
* * * *
Is there any story that has not been told times beyond counting?
* * * *
To be content with merely the inhale and exhale of air is as free as it gets.
* * * *
A lungful of air makes the world go round.
* * * *
It is the concept of god that needs changing.
* * * *
Death-defying odds have likely ends, in one sooner or later or another.
* * * *
Polish that mirror until all you see is you.
* * * *
Yet another unfortunate habit.
* * * *
The mind can be an upper, the mind can be a downer, consciousness plays any venue.
* * * *
Might be a good idea to never open that door again.
* * * *
Physics is only as cracked up as it can be.
* * * *
Illusion inspires delusion.
* * * *
The entire human paradigm is, the from beginning to end, an imaginary state.
* * * *
Consciousness, imagination, is the quantum fusion of memory.
* * * *
An old-school-new-school blend.
* * * *
A simple breath is the lowest common denominator.
* * * *
The river will reach the sea without a paddle.
* * * *
The sage does not sit in his own muck.
* * * *
All that thinking, where has it gotten you?
* * * *
To join in, or not to join in, that is the question.
* * * *
Imagination is about the becoming mind; awareness, the being mind.
* * * *
Odds are, the more you have invested in space and time, the harder the slog to the moment.
* * * *
To sit upon a throne is a burden, sages do not seek.
* * * *
To be truly detached, well, that's not as easy as you might think.
* * * *
How much is enough, how much is too much, only the wise can discern.
* * * *
The occasional hardship builds and sharpens gumption and grit.
* * * *
Dare to stop.
* * * *
Is that what really happened, or just what you think really happened?
* * * *
Studying anything and everything unveils the relativity of imagination.
* * * *
In dealing with the health care system, the first thing is to survive the health care system.
* * * *
You're not the first, you won't be the last.
* * * *
The chosen few always find their way to the choiceless.
* * * *
You cannot mop up dust in the floor board.
* * * *
Who can sleep in more than one bed at a time?
* * * *
Savor the moment, savor the awareness, savor the eternal, You truly are.
* * * *
Know where your priorities lie.
* * * *
Every moment, the same awareness, the same eternity.
* * * *
The rock is content to wash away slowly in the stream’s seasons.
* * * *
You are the unknown, known.
* * * *
Toy with Mother Nature, and she will toy back in her own good timeless.
* * * *
Not all prisons have bars.
* * * *
Be mindful the ground upon which you tread.
* * * *
Doubt is the key to eternity.
* * * *
We are all just beginners here.
* * * *
Say what you will, the rock will not stir.
* * * *
What conflict does not inflict harm in one form or another?
* * * *
That’s surely enough.
* * * *
Wisdom is the distillation of experience; the young who do not give it ear, travel a precarious path.
* * * *
Toast the mighty, else they may well trim your head.
* * * *
Creation and destruction are indivisible; one is not without the other.
* * * *
Pretense only fools other pretenders.
* * * *
Another day in the space and time born of the quantum mind.
* * * *
Embrace the absurdity with a nod and a wink, and wry wit, if you can.
* * * *
Good and evil are the stillborn of duality.
* * * *
Imagination must tame itself, if it wishes to survive for any length of time.
* * * *
Great wealth is an affliction only the foolish envy.
* * * *
What more could you have done, really?
* * * *
Temper your arrogance, with at least a dollop of humility, every now and again.
* * * *
You are stardust come unto life.
* * * *
Awareness must remain eternally diligent if it is determined to reign.
* * * *
Total freedom takes some real letting go.
* * * *
Stop taking it personally.
* * * *
Can the powerful, the wealthy, the famous, ever be truly content?
* * * *
Is there anything that has not been trammeled by one herd or another?
* * * *
You think you have arrived somewhere?
* * * *
What would be the point? What would be the meaning?
* * * *
You are part of eternity every moment.
* * * *
All waves, all destinies, are anonymous ripples, upon the sands of time.
* * * *
Yes is not no, and maybe, neither.
* * * *
What speck of dust is superior to any other?
* * * *
To embrace creation is to accept the inevitability of destruction.
* * * *
How much clearer can it be said?
* * * *
Doubt until the doubting is done.
* * * *
Say what you please, say what you must, until its wind subsides.
* * * *
Existence is the creator of all koans.
* * * *
The difference between any me and you, is but a state of relative perception.
* * * *
What choice can choicelessness offer?
* * * *
Together, alone.
* * * *
Persevere for as long as you please, and then do not look back.
* * * *
You are creator and creation.
* * * *
All the stories you have gleaned, all that you have imagined, die when you do.
* * * *
Douse the fire of doubt by doubting more.
* * * *
As needed.
* * * *
The straight-jacket falls away when the effort ceases.
* * * *
A slow amble will get you to eternity as fast as any dash.
* * * *
One does not aspire to eternity through time.
* * * *
It is enough that you have shared, what it is you have, to share.
* * * *
Awakening was what the mind is designed to achieve.
* * * *
How confining all human concoctions; tabula rasa knows no bounds.
* * * *
Mind is the timekeeper until the clock strikes eternity.
* * * *
What is money to contentment?
* * * *
To intelligence, to wisdom, to compassion, to serenity, to mystery, bow.
* * * *
Maintain your sovereignty, whether under siege, or at the trebuchet outside the walls.
* * * *
What will be your last flickering thought?
* * * *
Make whatever decisions need to be made, with true heart and sure mind.
* * * *
Everything you have ever done, ever conceived, ever naturally selected, has unfurled this moment.
* * * *
What inspired this great doubt?
* * * *
Seeds rise up in the ground of natural selection.
* * * *
All creatures small to great are co-creators in this mirage of quantum design.
* * * *
This entire work is imagination’s desperation to not be undone: Viva la Révolution!
* * * *
Things change; adapt or suffer the consequences.
* * * *
At least a modicum of vanity, a smidgeon of selfishness, are necessary attributes in this earthly realm.
* * * *
You can only know what you are saying; never what anyone is hearing.
* * * *
Doubt everything but your Self.
* * * *
To winners go all; to losers, the rest.
* * * *
Is there any taste that cannot be acquired?
* * * *
How challenging for intelligence to survive the sea of ignorance.
* * * *
Please your Self.
* * * *
Discern the deep space in your mind.
* * * *
Being a stickler for any dogma, creates some acquaintances, ends others.
* * * *
If lightning is flashing in the forebrain, then imagination is running amok, and you are not your Self.
* * * *
The pitter-patter of details is the drone of hell.
* * * *
Dance with your Self.
* * * *
No one asked to be here, but anyone can sure decide to leave.
* * * *
A mind lost in the web of trivial pursuit, is a mind missing out on eternity.
* * * *
The descent into chaos.
* * * *
Unclench the hand, unclench the mind.
* * * *
Always ironic how revolts against tyranny only change the seating arrangement.
* * * *
We are all the same matrix of awareness; more real than any video game can ever be.
* * * *
Yet another rehash.
* * * *
Way, way, way too late.
* * * *
Any story is only as real as you believe in it, including your own.
* * * *
Awareness is the matrix.
* * * *
Try to resist the fantasies that inspire harm upon others; imagining it is surely enough.
* * * *
You are the pretender, imagination, imagining itself real; imagination, imagining its cosmos real.
* * * *
To be unmoored from this play, this world, this cosmos, what an esoteric fate.
* * * *
A curious mind is a mind occupied by imagination.
* * * *
It is all illusion, and so are you.
* * * *
A paycheck is one of the standard ways to learn to endure bullshit.
* * * *
Whatever you think any other is thinking, is what they are thinking, until they let you know otherwise.
* * * *
Achieving serenity is really, just a matter of simple, conscious breathing.
* * * *
The garden has always been there; in all our pride and greed, we just stopped seeing it.
* * * *
Back to basics.
* * * *
When will you see your last sunset?
* * * *
Imagination, the pretender, is always ready to swoop into the inattentive mind.
* * * *
Some things you just need to finish and move on.
* * * *
Look at all you possess, and wonder how much of it you will ever use or peruse again.
* * * *
Somebody else can have that record.
* * * *
What will happen to space and time when the sun consumes the world?
* * * *
New and improved, old and improved, what’s to be improved?
* * * *
The unreal can never more than pretend-play real.
* * * *
The unreal can never more than play real, with a hearty helping of make-believe.
* * * *
This world, this cosmos, this mystery, was made for you.
* * * *
You are no more your mind-body than any other life form is its.
* * * *
When you die, so does your world, your universe, and everything you imagine, including your god(s).
* * * *
Consciousness is in the present, but can never be fully present.
* * * *
Your world, your cosmos, exists every moment you imagine it.
* * * *
My mystery is your mystery is our mystery is the one and only mystery.
* * * *
It is a teacher’s job to inspire the love of learning.
* * * *
Exploring a different way of looking at existence is a rare feat.
* * * *
You cannot learn what you do not give at least a smidgeon of attention.
* * * *
Interfere with commerce at your peril.
* * * *
It is a mystery no one can solve, a mystery no one can solve.
* * * *
Through two eyes, one sees.
* * * *
Awareness is the beginning of all ends, the end of all beginnings.
* * * *
Awaken to the truth you truly are.
* * * *
Savor the moment; it will never happen again.
* * * *
If you play it too safe, will you die wishing you had not?
* * * *
Gravity is the chief agency of transformation.
* * * *
Prior to creation, prior to destruction, you are.
* * * *
They are all false gods.
* * * *
It is not always some grand conspiracy.
* * * *
It is okay to be Self-ish.
* * * *
Be as mindlessly vulnerable as a flower in the sun.
* * * *
Drugs, like Daniel Boone, can guide you into the wilderness of your being.
* * * *
Always check your work; nothing worse than finding out later, you left something undone.
* * * *
Analog clocks spin, digital clocks display, calendar pages turn; eternity never starts, never stops.
* * * *
Dang, no one around to see what a great shot that was.
* * * *
Do you really want to keep going down that road?
* * * *
To doubt, is to question every assumption, every value, every anything, every everything.
* * * *
It is whatever you imagine it to be; it is not whatever you imagine it to be.
* * * *
Never hurts to pause for a good, deep breath.
* * * *
Who knows what the fuck you were thinking?
* * * *
Group decisions are less about conspiracy, than they are mission statements put into action.
* * * *
What a lot of work you make for yourself.
* * * *
Another day in purgatory spreads its wings.
* * * *
Be the sky.
* * * *
Being cautious does not necessarily mean you are paranoid.
* * * *
Sometimes you go matrix, sometimes, whore to imagination, no big deal, it all passes the same.
* * * *
One group’s mission statement is often another’s conspiracy.
* * * *
What other can convince you anything less?
* * * *
You use whatever you got to survive, perhaps thrive.
* * * *
No point getting stressed about things no one else even imagines.
* * * *
The rabbit’s hole, the rabbit’s web.
* * * *
It’s not like you don’t know what’s under there.
* * * *
Talk is cheap, and many if not most, are spendthrifts.
* * * *
Give it your best shot.
* * * *
You are sovereign of your world, your cosmos, your domain, your dream, your Self.
* * * *
Puffy, puffy-plus, puffy-plus-plus, puffy-too-scary-plus.
* * * *
You have to do it someday; why not today?
* * * *
Be warned: There is a lot to bite in to, in this little theme park of a philosophical nature.
* * * *
What kind of demented brain pattern came up with that one?
* * * *
It is not a new age; it is the new ageless.
* * * *
How will you waste your moment today?
* * * *
The difference between me and you, is a quantum thing.
* * * *
Duality is a concept long past its prime.
* * * *
Change is the lie of illusion.
* * * *
History is recorded, history is erased, eternity is everlasting.
* * * *
Whatever you are thinking about, whatever you are looking for, is in here somewhere.
* * * *
How can you change your fate into what it already is?
* * * *
Detach from self-imagery.
* * * *
To be a lab rat, or not to be a lab rat, that is the question.
* * * *
Just another day of watching the tide of humankind ebb and flow.
* * * *
Be what cannot be known
* * * *
Eternity is awareness, eternity is the moment, as small as it is large.
* * * *
Is that not predictable enough without paying out treasure to do a study?
* * * *
The prophet’s hat blows across the sands of time and space, looking for heads that match.
* * * *
Well on our way in the decline and fall.
* * * *
My mystery is much greater than your God, because my mystery includes you.
* * * *
In the genetic lottery, everyone's a winner, everyone's a loser.
* * * *
Something to do with quantum mechanics.
* * * *
Amuse your Self.
* * * *
Where are you in the spectrum of love and hate?
* * * *
It will still be there tomorrow, if you do not take care of it today.
* * * *
How much compassion can you afford?
* * * *
When is anything really off the table?
* * * *
This is an opus to That, to which this fate was called.
* * * *
How many moments have been left unattended because of bad breathing?
* * * *
How long would a moment be, had it a handle to which time might latch?
* * * *
Love certainly inspires happy endorphins.
* * * *
Set down your world, untether your mind-body.
* * * *
How blessed, those who know no different; who endure their lot, without discontent.
* * * *
I, Quantum … You, Quantum … He, Quantum … She, Quantum … Us, Quantum … All, Quantum.
* * * *
Where the fuck is the rewind button!?
* * * *
So many things you might have done differently, were there a rewind button.
* * * *
This is the first and only moment, for everything, and nothing.
* * * *
Wander in the not-knowingness.
* * * *
The filament of awareness, is the eternal me, my Self, and I; anything less is delusion.
* * * *
The theatre plays it however you script it in your imaginary way.
* * * *
It is all like it never happened, as soon as it happens.
* * * *
Yet another hypocritical piece of work.
* * * *
No matter how fast or slow it seems, it will always be right now.
* * * *
The answer is, there is no answer.
* * * *
What are endings but outcomes of beginnings.
* * * *
Be a harbor to doubt.
* * * *
The ever-present more is an imaginary creature.
* * * *
No one can be forced to think for themselves.
* * * *
Identity is but the cloak of imagination.
* * * *
What are the odds that anyone will wake up to a larger view? is a question for which there is no knowing.
* * * *
Why would anyone even want to live forever in a decrepit old body?
* * * *
Doubt until the doubting's done.
* * * *
Eternal life is forgetting everything, even that perceived but a moment ago.
* * * *
Humankind is a tribal species; standing alone has its consequences.
* * * *
Weave no trail.
* * * *
Driving by a playground, one wonders what world those children will endure.
* * * *
Never hesitate to wander far from the sheeples scrum.
* * * *
Domestication weakens, damages, undermines, dilutes, thins, destabilizes, the Darwinian instinct.
* * * *
Holodeck, holoworld, holocosmos, holomystery.
* * * *
A large frame of reference may or may not save you from yourself.
* * * *
Let the knowing evaporate into nothingness.
* * * *
Do not allow your Self to fall victim to another’s fear of the unknown.
* * * *
It will all pass one now or another.
* * * *
How can you lose what you never possessed; how can you lose what was only imagined?
* * * *
Just pointing out the obvious, man.
* * * *
Even the greatest pharaoh has only so many breaths.
* * * *
You imagine every variety of possibility, and have no certainty of any.
* * * *
All perspectives in time and space are relative to the point from which they are perceived.
* * * *
A life of reflection is not for all; more are required to churn the world that makes it possible.
* * * *
Moderation, frugality, and an aptitude for simplicity, make for serene living.
* * * *
Every life form has its universe, but only human beings weave it into absurdity.
* * * *
Please some deity, please your Self, same thing.
* * * *
Everyone is born with who-knows-what potential; destined eventually to lose it all.
* * * *
Some things, just have to be boots-on-the-ground, eyes-on.
* * * *
Numbers do not lie; only those who weave them.
* * * *
It is amazing what suffering all life will endure to continue.
* * * *
It is okay not to want it all.
* * * *
The matrix is an ocean with its life above ground.
* * * *
Death, life’s cure.
* * * *
Death, the final cure.
* * * *
Death, the cure for life.
* * * *
Some days are getting-things-done days; some days are process days; most are a blend.
* * * *
If you believe that framed piece of paper on the wall really matters, think again.
* * * *
Does it really matter as much as you imagine it matters?
* * * *
All that sourness of stress and dread and fear, opens the door for every variety of imaginary notion.
* * * *
Everything lies upon the spectrum of its imagined classification.
* * * *
The awareness ever still; the quantum matrix ever kaleidoscoping.
* * * *
Pride lurks in all thought.
* * * *
Madness amok.
* * * *
Paradox or irony; chicken or egg.
* * * *
Truth is very straight-forward, if you are straight-forward.
* * * *
The effort is in the tussle between awareness and imagination, and the mind’s attachment to the latter.
* * * *
Every moment, your frame of reference expands.
* * * *
What is a tattoo but a splotch of ink, often making aging flesh even less attractive.
* * * *
Irritate the powers that be at your peril.
* * * *
Sometimes things ring true, sometimes they do not; you are the discerner.
* * * *
What strange habits of thinking the mind can weave into.
* * * *
Well, that was badly done.
* * * *
A mind bent on cruelty has no shortage of means.
* * * *
Christians, the first to judge, the last to forgive.
* * * *
Is it, hold your breath, clench your mind, or clench your mind, hold your breath?
* * * *
What lies will truth be spun as this day?
* * * *
The dystopian future likely includes a lot of feral rat-dogs packs.
* * * *
Always a good idea to check your addressee and message before you click the send button.
* * * *
So, is Jesus coming back as he was, or will daddy get to rape another virgin?
* * * *
The future, imagined, is the past projected.
* * * *
Realign with nature, or go extinct; very simple.
* * * *
Hey there, Monkey Breath.
* * * *
A blob by any other name would be the same.
* * * *
Unknown looking forward, fate looking back.
* * * *
Quit your whining, get back on your horse; there are many far worse fates, guaranteed.
* * * *
Every culture has its frame of reference.
* * * *
If you must be saved, let it be from absurdity.
* * * *
Still looking for that miracle cure?
* * * *
It only seemed like serendipity in the moment you happened into it.
* * * *
If there is a god, then surely it includes You.
* * * *
Death, the cure for all that ails ya.
* * * *
What goes up must come down, if gravity and time and illusion have any say about it.
* * * *
Freedom is your birthright.
* * * *
The world offers every distraction for those minds seeking distraction.
* * * *
Why would any deity worth its salt favor any form?
* * * *
You need not be the smartest guy in the room to have wit enough.
* * * *
Do people really believe their forever-after propaganda? Well, yeah.
* * * *
What never began can never end.
* * * *
A quiet mind is an eternal mind.
* * * *
Imagination is an ever-churning hydra; the awareness, the eternal moment, is, without name.
* * * *
Awareness is here and gone before you know it.
* * * *
Tribalism is the boon and bane of the human paradigm.
* * * *
Living an effortless life is easier said than done.
* * * *
So full, I'm empty.
* * * *
Who-less, what-less, where-less, when-less, why-less, how-less, You are.
* * * *
What a bother it is to care.
* * * *
In every moment, a choice.
* * * *
Civilization only cloaks the Darwinian reality with pretense and obfuscation.
* * * *
Another unsolvable mystery, another unanswerable question, yawn.
* * * *
Who could have seen that one coming?
* * * *
The push-pull of vanity-humility are akin to a drunk weaving down a razor’s edge.
* * * *
The past is awaiting your arrival.
* * * *
Where there is neither beginning nor ending, You are; as immeasurable as only the moment can be.
* * * *
You believe there is individuality in awareness? Show me.
* * * *
Death is awaiting your arrival.
* * * *
Your world, your universe, is nothing more than an imaginary dream; poof-gone as soon as you are.
* * * *
Dystopian fiction no more; horror and absurdity reign.
* * * *
Lost in time, lost in mind.
* * * *
All aboard for the ride to eternity, and perhaps bliss, if you have doubt enough.
* * * *
A car is a gun with four wheels.
* * * *
Streaming into the future with the eyes of the past.
* * * *
The future is the streaming past.
* * * *
Back to the future, back to the past.
* * * *
Existence is a dubious assumption.
* * * *
You are your own storyteller.
* * * *
Memories are but the ghosts of imagination.
* * * *
Another moment that never happened.
* * * *
Futility and absurdity are today's top descriptors of the human condition.
* * * *
So many heads in the sand.
* * * *
Getting in touchless with the awareness is the key.
* * * *
Anything can be rationalized.
* * * *
Only imagination cares.
* * * *
In the eyes of fate, there are no accidents.
* * * *
Survive the first day in the jungle, and you might even wake up to a second one.
* * * *
What concern does the sky have for the antics of clouds?
* * * *
And your point is?
* * * *
All destinies, all fates, all kismets, all fortunes, all lots, all providences, are the poof of imagination.
* * * *
There is no way to make it less absurd.
* * * *
Be aimless, be true.
* * * *
All assumptions are doubt-worthy.
* * * *
Giving it no mind can be very challenging without full attention on the task at hand.
* * * *
What are you trying to prove, to justify, to realize, with your brief little window of a dream?
* * * *
Back to the present.
* * * *
Plant the seeds of doubt wherever there is fertile ground.
* * * *
The world, the universe, the matrix, the illusion, is in your head every moment you let it in.
* * * *
Some things are not easily unseen, not easily unforgotten.
* * * *
Set aside all your assumptions, and what is left?
* * * *
How can there be a future if you only see it through the past?
* * * *
You are the highest power; assume nothing less.
* * * *
Do not allow vanity, disguised as humility, make you anything less, than the all You are.
* * * *
No matter how far or fast you journey, the past is always there waiting for you.
* * * *
Fate takes on all comers.
* * * *
The price of doing business is the gambler’s gambol.
* * * *
And the point of a blank wall knowing all about a blank wall?
* * * *
Some dreams intersect and stream, in parallel fashion, far more coherently than others.
* * * *
History is the propaganda of imagination, designed to control the dream of time.
* * * *
It is a game that vanity plays, and imagination is its driver.
* * * *
Conclusions about truth are imagination’s playground.
* * * *
It is less about what you do, than the awareness with which you do it.
* * * *
Awakening to a larger view is not a choice.
* * * *
That wasn’t so bad, was it?
* * * *
What is the root of sorrow but unfulfilled expectations.
* * * *
To really, truly, to the core, not care what any other thinks of you, is a freedom that cannot be imagined.
* * * *
We are all just human here; try not to make more of it than it is.
* * * *
Death is just a good night's sleep.
* * * *
The perfect crime is the one no one ever knows even happened.
* * * *
Are you the same player, alone, as the character, the façade, the impersonator, you pose to the world?
* * * *
Making the world a better place? For who?
* * * *
Death is finally the good night's sleep, you only occasionally enjoyed during the waking life.
* * * *
Right relationship with nature is the key to survival.
* * * *
You will never know.
* * * *
Be quantum, one moment at a time.
* * * *
Humankind slimed its way to the treetops, and then out into the plains, and across the world.
* * * *
Well, that warn't funny.
* * * *
A blank wall, solving a blank wall, very koan-ish.
* * * *
What are You but the universal mind, dreaming the quantum illusion real.
* * * *
Ruling bodies are reflections of the cultures from which they blossom.
* * * *
However you do the math, 42 is the answer, man.
* * * *
Imagination, imagination, it is all nothing more than imagination.
* * * *
Vanity and greed have no trouble ignoring rationality and equitability.
* * * *
For god’s sake, the tree is practically down to the stump; the Titanic had a better chance of surviving.
* * * *
Right purpose, wrong purpose, why have any purpose at all?
* * * *
How can all the yesterdays and todays and tomorrows not be the same indivisible moment?
* * * *
It is a weak and vain god that requires you to believe in it.
* * * *
The trick is not to get anyone so upset they want to chop off your head or burn you to death.
* * * *
To be bored is boring.
* * * *
Do you really believe that piece of paper hanging on your office wall?
* * * *
Another day in the food-body delusion.
* * * *
“Show me,” declared the man from Missouri.
* * * *
The proof is in the pudding.
* * * *
What discipline, what will, it takes, to not give in to the narcissistic-hedonistic gene that rules our kind.
* * * *
A teacher cannot teach what a student will not learn.
* * * *
All villains die, all guilty die, all heroes die, all innocents die; not necessarily in that order.
* * * *
Thar blows another one, matey.
* * * *
Ethics is what the minions pontificate, well away from any throne.
* * * *
Any metaphor is only a metaphor.
* * * *
Traditions come, traditions go, depending on the attachment of the young.
* * * *
To the last drop.
* * * *
You are nothing more than a flesh-wrapped blob.
* * * *
To survive, you must endure whatever fate has in store; rest assured, it will not end well.
* * * *
Yet another new testament destined to be ignored and forgotten.
* * * *
You bought that bridge a long time ago.
* * * *
How can you see this, and still be bound by geography or tribe or dogma or any illusion?
* * * *
Lost in space, found in space.
* * * *
Anticipation is one of those states of mind, that can drag the time-bound mind every whichaway but now.
* * * *
Boredom is boring.
* * * *
It is all just sensation, man.
* * * *
You are the mystery, nothing to get all vain about, everything else is, too.
* * * *
It is your demon; no need to make it everyone else's.
* * * *
Gifts from strangers are priceless.
* * * *
All differences are born of vain notion.
* * * *
What a hold imagination has upon our kind.
* * * *
Nice segue.
* * * *
It is in the moment through which space and time are traveled.
* * * *
Too hot, too cold, feeling Goldilocks today, eh?
* * * *
The extinction of humankind will be nothing more than the end of gossip.
* * * *
Endless machinations make for endless false drama.
* * * *
Discern that every moment is a simultaneous act of creation and destruction.
* * * *
Another lost tribe, both literally and figuratively.
* * * *
A lie is a lie, no matter how bold the face.
* * * *
Biological make-believe.
* * * *
If such an unlikely thing ever came to pass.
* * * *
Suppose on Judgment Day, your God has you judge yourself; how will you plea?
* * * *
It is your mystery, and you will consume it as the algorithm deigns.
* * * *
A frank assessment.
* * * *
Pure consciousness is the pure, timeless awareness of the given moment.
* * * *
Another point of consciousness, lost in space.
* * * *
Bored is, as bored does.
* * * *
Doubt morphs into a double edge, when it begins to doubt its Self.
* * * *
Any excuse, any distraction, will only put off just doing it.
* * * *
You are imagination’s puppet.
* * * *
And your point, again?
* * * *
You have a whole world, a whole universe; what need for make-believe?
* * * *
You play it as your fate ordains you play it.
* * * *
Get lost in eternity.
* * * *
Give it a break, at least once in a while.
* * * *
What geeks hath wrought, not even the gods could put back together again.
* * * *
Breathe in the nothingness, breathe out the nothingness.
* * * *
Fate is only in the minds of the living.
* * * *
Makes no sense, whatsoever, unless you are the tribeless irony-paradox sort.
* * * *
Must have made sense back then, but it sure does not now.
* * * *
Something happened; who knows how when ago.
* * * *
History is the distillation of current events, and the story teller’s frame of reference, and intention.
* * * *
Yes, even that was predictable; just as fated as everything else you have ever said and done.
* * * *
Jesus-fucking-Christ, how the fuck did that happen!?
* * * *
Necessity has a way of finding solutions.
* * * *
Gravity is the final arbiter, and then only for as long as it holds together.
* * * *
There are no wasted moments, because the moment does not exist to be wasted.
* * * *
Well, that sure was not too smart.
* * * *
Only the rare few willingly look at anything that does not suit their frame of reference.
* * * *
Whatever these thoughts inspire you to do, or undo, or not do, so be it in the great so it goes.
* * * *
Peace is a state of mind.
* * * *
Ethics is really about domestication.
* * * *
The young look ahead; the old, behind.
* * * *
To aspire to greatness in the eyes of fools, what need have you for that?
* * * *
Thar she blows!
* * * *
You have an entire world, an entire universe, beyond comprehension, and you settle for make-believe?
* * * *
This revolution is intangibly serene, and requires neither declaration nor demonstration.
* * * *
What belief system is required to be your Self?
* * * *
Death is just the release from all the absurdities of existence; it is the dying that is the hard part.
* * * *
Might makes right, and vanity’s measures make might.
* * * *
Putting into words that which words can never more than resonate.
* * * *
Is truth irrational opinion, or rational fact?
* * * *
The house duality built.
* * * *
A matter of fact.
* * * *
An esoteric muddle, indeed.
* * * *
Lead with a breath, not a thought.
* * * *
Options are always a good thing to have at your disposal.
* * * *
It is more than rather pathetic.
* * * *
Not easy to be detached in a mind-body hardwired to make it all, take it all, personal.
* * * *
Why is it always the last place you look?
* * * *
Just breathe, sleep will happen, wake will happen, or not.
* * * *
Wired to believe.
* * * *
A harbor of conceit.
* * * *
You are what you eat, and what is not consumed, moves on to other adventures.
* * * *
Speak truth to power at your peril.
* * * *
Vanity’s dust ball.
* * * *
To fear, to dread, to loathe, to hate, your creation, can make for a challenging existence.
* * * *
Make it a reality, if you can.
* * * *
A good stretch rivals any orgasm.
* * * *
Darwin rules, always has, always will.
* * * *
Moderation is always a good ride-along.
* * * *
Ride the razor's edge however the moment dictates.
* * * *
How much more do you need? Feel free to douse the light anytime.
* * * *
Hell is in the details; enjoy the coals.
* * * *
Self is all, You are it, it is You, there is no other.
* * * *
So, you think you know something, eh?
* * * *
Extinction is the norm; breed or perish, you decide.
* * * *
For a time that will never come.
* * * *
Dissolve into the moment.
* * * *
Nobody will really care as much as you, trust me.
* * * *
Disappear into eternity; continuity is illusion.
* * * *
Enlightenment is just a different way of seeing; liberation is making it the go-to.
* * * *
How insane, how inane, it will get, is anybody’s guess.
* * * *
Stardust come to life; imbued with the mystery of awareness, in one and all.
* * * *
Practice obliviating; cultivate and harvest oblivion.
* * * *
You may well be addicted to your tension, to all the post-traumatic stress you have endured.
* * * *
It is what we are, and will always be.
* * * *
The harbinger has come and gone.
* * * *
To see the mystery, you must be the mystery.
* * * *
Are You your unborn-undying? Take a breath, be here now.
* * * *
The past is unfolding before your eyes.
* * * *
The natural, relaxed, fluid mind, is without pause; the rigid, arduous, stilted mind, a nest of thorns.
* * * *
Want not, dread not.
* * * *
Your grave yawns before you.
* * * *
Hold nothing in your mind, as you would a dove in your hand.
* * * *
No need to be hyper-aware; moderation is always a good ride-along.
* * * *
Give the air some quiet today.
* * * *
Who can guess what anyone will remember about you once you are recast as dust?
* * * *
Every moment, beginner, master, You are.
* * * *
Debt: Avoid it, eliminate it, or at least minimalize it, as much as possible.
* * * *
What better timeless than now?
* * * *
Of course, imagination imagines itself the most important thing in the universe.
* * * *
Get dusty.
* * * *
If all this had never happened, you would never know.
* * * *
Weave all this into a story? What would be the point?
* * * *
Each moment, another slice, another tidbit, of fate.
* * * *
You only know what memory colludes.
* * * *
Thank you, Jesus, thank you for another round of absurdity.
* * * *
You want humility? Get naked.
* * * *
We are what we eat, and what does not pass muster, is sent on its merry way, to algorithms unknown.
* * * *
Giving cockroaches a run for their crumbs.
* * * *
In how many ways will what-goes-up-must-come-down play out before it is over?
* * * *
It is the way we roll.
* * * *
Empaths see others as they are, the world as it is, no point judging.
* * * *
Anonymity is the best armor.
* * * *
Pay attention, or do not pay attention, it passes the same, ever the same moment.
* * * *
Relativity is an unsung art form.
* * * *
Time is a human invention based upon gravitational forces playing out between dust balls.
* * * *
Only in the awareness of the moment, is eternity present.
* * * *
How is it anyone who has not won an Oscar is allowed to criticize?
* * * *
The World v. Islam is very much a part of the future.
* * * *
All the lives, the theater of it all, and You, centerstage in every role.
* * * *
How is this play of consciousness any different than a supernova before it collapses upon itself?
* * * *
Eternity is tabula rasa; become eternity.
* * * *
The much we know, is truly so little.
* * * *
Imagine that.
* * * *
You will never have the answer to that illusion.
* * * *
Is real anything more than what you imagine it to be?
* * * *
The human paradigm has always been, will always be, a perpetual culture war.
* * * *
The bounds of time are many and not far between.
* * * *
Align the mind-body with eternity, or not, you choose.
* * * *
Imagine this work, a sand painting, waiting for the wind, or a broom.
* * * *
If it were an option, what would entice you to come back?
* * * *
Reject all claims that have vanity and greed at their root; imagination is not the source code.
* * * *
In the world, but not of it, what does that mean?
* * * *
A mind full of knowledge, full of trivia, full of gossip, is not the eternal mind.
* * * *
And what can imagination ever know, really, but what it imagines?
* * * *
To expand one’s frame of reference to its infinite potential is a rare calling.
* * * *
Pure awareness is pure mind.
* * * *
The internet has magnified the other in all minds.
* * * *
Given a choice, it will likely be the most pleasurable, least painful one.
* * * *
That anyone can believe in make-believe their entire existence, is indeed a put-aside-childish-things issue.
* * * *
False humility will not get you nowhere.
* * * *
To give the mind-body completely over to the moment, is about as blissful as existence gets.
* * * *
An investment in truth does not necessarily generate much interest.
* * * *
Stay sharp, challenge adversity.
* * * *
There is no gold in truth, only in all the toll booths surrounding it.
* * * *
When gravity is not enough, space will have to do.
* * * *
The fluidity of the quantum matrix is not going anywhere.
* * * *
Being the smartest guy in the room has its pluses and minuses, including being left alone.
* * * *
When it comes to horror and absurdity, is there anything surprising anymore?
* * * *
You are not an idol worshipper, everyone else is.
* * * *
The universe is only as big as technology, and your mind, every moment, make it.
* * * *
Forget calling it God, call it the mystery it is.
* * * *
Be the awareness, be the moment, be the now, be the timeless, be the eternal; not the thought.
* * * *
Why would any god or gods make even cursory time for your ceaseless self-absorption?
* * * *
False idols, false ideals, make for unending absurdity.
* * * *
All possibilities should be open, when all possibilities are unknown.
* * * *
Imagination builds airy everything, that dissolve in the light of momentary awareness.
* * * *
Nothing like enthusiasm to take us to our limits.
* * * *
Life or death, every moment a decision.
* * * *
What is it about history, or any subject, for that matter, that draws certain minds to ponder?
* * * *
Another day; let the countdown continue.
* * * *
If you are prone to torturing your Self, stop.
* * * *
You have always been the same timeless awareness.
* * * *
This moment can be heaven, it can be purgatory, it can be hell, You decide.
* * * *
Do you find your fate, or it, you?
* * * *
There is nobody to follow, you must forge your own path, you must discover truth for your Self.
* * * *
You are good at creating worry and stress; can you create bliss?
* * * *
The joys of aging are without end.
* * * *
What plan, even the most thorough, does not require some adjustment?
* * * *
If you are prone to torturing your Self, stop.
* * * *
There is not some all-pervasive, all-powerful deity, at the helm, despite all propaganda to the contrary.
* * * *
You create great tension; can you create great bliss?
* * * *
Mammon has shaped human consciousness since the first barter.
* * * *
One’s spirit need not submit to mind-body pain and suffering.
* * * *
Are You, you, churning in the mundane, or are You, You, awareness, flowing in the moment.
* * * *
Some choices do not need to be repeated.
* * * *
Is it possible to live a life free of the pharaoh’s shadow?
* * * *
You are always that which is sought, but how often do you give it your full attention?
* * * *
Imagination does not easily give up its crown.
* * * *
Highly unlikely the human paradigm will ever transcend its predisposition towards magical thinking.
* * * *
Much easier to give credit to a guiding hand, than it is your Self.
* * * *
Nothing’s over until it is over, so best to always pay attention, always en garde.
* * * *
The art of dying is letting go.
* * * *
The cancer of consciousness is daily more apparent.
* * * *
Who can say whether or not your fate is not wired in the winds of nature-nurture from the get-go?
* * * *
Consciousness requires a platform, awareness does not.
* * * *
Magical thinking is the outcome of wishful thinking, and wishful thinking is fallacious pipe-dreaming.
* * * *
What is death but the end to absurdity and suffering, and all its horrors.
* * * *
How could it not be inevitable that Mother Nature would find a way to ride the wave of destruction.
* * * *
Earnest philosophers witness everything with equal dispassion; they are scientists of the highest order.
* * * *
Regarding the future, the kindest thing you could do for your children, is smother them in their sleep.
* * * *
Breathe in the moment, breathe out the moment.
* * * *
Covid-Nineteen it was just a taste; just wait until something even more deadly blows through.
I* * * *
A philosopher few ever heard of died today.
* * * *
Learn to manifest, to manipulate, your mind-body chemistry, with or without supporting players.
* * * *
Imagine it so.
* * * *
Imagining it so, generally does not make it so, without at least a modicum of elbow grease.
* * * *
Under what leaf will there be a tasty morsel, as you scavenge your day.
* * * *
To have a better world just is not in the gene pool.
* * * *
Will you see this, well you just did, silly.
* * * *
Always choose the best, the most interesting, alternative available.
* * * *
It is the little people in the middle who always pay the price for tribal thinking.
* * * *
So, what's the memo say this week?
* * * *
How did that get into the game?
* * * *
It can be a dangerous thing to be preoccupied while crossing a street.
* * * *
Can you imagine anyone ever really reading all this esoteric gobbledygook?
* * * *
The inattentive have a tendency to get sucker-punched in the here and there.
* * * *
Self-reflection can be a whip of its own if you let it; try to relax and enjoy the ride.
* * * *
You are the driverless driver.
* * * *
Awareness is the ground, and there is only one ground.
* * * *
Home is where all doubts have run their course, and the mind stills into its timeless beingness.
* * * *
The entire universe is a dust ball, too.
* * * *
Having no bounds is why You are chosen.
* * * *
No need to apologize for being your Self.
* * * *
The slavers promise you a slot in some heaven, after they have sucked you dry in their hell.
* * * *
Could it have been done any better if you had planned it?
* * * *
So, that's what post-traumatic stress is all about.
* * * *
The best teachers are lifetime learners, and appreciate people, both big and little, to at least some degree.
* * * *
We’re all just visitors here.
* * * *
How cannot you embrace the greatest vision; the one that includes you.
* * * *
Why have you never seen your own face; for the same reason no one else ever seen theirs.
* * * *
We vote with our dollar, we vote with our attention.
* * * *
Any given dreamtime requires some sort of platform for consciousness to play out its theater.
* * * *
So, where did that curiosity lead you this time?
* * * *
Call it Mystery, not God.
* * * *
Where is the maestro without the orchestra?
* * * *
Just another cult that calls itself a religion.
* * * *
Almost like you never did it, nor saw it, nor heard it, nor tasted it, nor smelled it, nor felt it.
* * * *
What fad has never become passé, trite, idiomatic, historical, perhaps metaphorical.
* * * *
One instant is no different than any other.
* * * *
Awareness is the moment, or at least as close as these quantum mind-bodies have access.
* * * *
You need not always give in to the hunger for more; the blade of discipline should not be too dull.
* * * *
Just another now.
* * * *
Who is not a storyteller, an historian in their own right?
* * * *
To see it for what it is, is the only sanity.
* * * *
History is indifferent to all the actors who have died under its watch.
* * * *
What did it take for the first sound, the first click, the first grunt, to evolve into this sentence?
* * * *
You are the awareness of eternity streaming through a quantum dream.
* * * *
The final solution to the blasphemy of the human paradigm is extinction.
* * * *
The chimp likes his grog.
* * * *
It is that spark of intelligence, of wit, in the eyes that draws me to you.
* * * *
What did it take for natural selection to get you all those neurons?
* * * *
To go with the process, wherever it leads, is to embrace your fate.
* * * *
Moving mind or still mind, the moment kaleidoscopes the same.
* * * *
The newborn sets off on a sunny, bright trail, and then life happens.
* * * *
Doubt everything.
* * * *
An awful lot of different worlds in this world, and as many universes.
* * * *
Do anything often enough, and it will inevitably become an algorithm, until its systemic end.
* * * *
In a nutshell, to see the eternal, you must be the eternal.
* * * *
Those good old daze, are now a haze, if they are remembered at all.
* * * *
To be afraid of your own creation, and to want anything more of it, how sad.
* * * *
What history teaches us is that human vanity and greed are without limit.
* * * *
Why would you embrace a god that does not include you?
* * * *
Surely, the mystery, the totality, is, without vanity or avarice.
* * * *
Be wary, pride-filled humility.
* * * *
The most simple truths can be the hardest ones to discern, much less accept.
* * * *
A more languid pace is a serenity of its own.
* * * *
All must give the blob they inhabit its due.
* * * *
An understanding, a concession, a surrender, to truth, is required; elsewise, absurdity.
* * * *
When you walk about, do you walk alone, or with your imaginary self?
* * * *
Oxygen deprivation is a gateway for imagination to play out its whimsies.
* * * *
Inattention to the breath, makes for inattention in all things imaginable.
* * * *
To think without thinking is the eternal no-mind’s way.
* * * *
Forget your own legend.
* * * *
A mind quick to passion is easily lost.
* * * *
The metaphorical wordscape will play out until the last mind departs.
* * * *
Be as nothing in the given moment.
* * * *
In what child can you predict their future?
* * * *
Have no law but what the moment naturally commands.
* * * *
All are muses.
* * * *
The streets are gold when everything is seen for the gold it is.
* * * *
Caps and t-shirts are a lot cheaper than tattoos.
* * * *
Only vanity would think otherwise.
* * * *
Imagination is a dagger that pierces through inattention.
* * * *
From fountain to urinal, it is all hydration migration.
* * * *
Religions are pointless beyond all reckonings; the human species is lost in its sea of absurdity.
* * * *
Go homeless, and breath in-out that birthright, pushing your cart down the quantum sidewalk.
* * * *
Be the quantum beingness you are.
* * * *
But for imagination’s incessant usurpation, You need not think of anything; You can … just … be.
* * * *
The moment is unscathed by time.
* * * *
Traditions are cultural patterns to which patterned minds readily cling.
* * * *
Define forever.
* * * *
Real money does not need to be known.
* * * *
Duality is the lie born of imagination.
* * * *
Forever is a fallacious notion; only as real as imagination imagines.
* * * *
None of it matters to anyone but you.
* * * *
Headlines are like ocean waves crashing one after another; all but indistinguishable over time.
* * * *
Be ye space, or a man who suffers?
* * * *
Who the fuck knows anything but what imagination has access to, and interest in?
* * * *
You cannot hold on to anything for more than a moment at a time.
* * * *
Your limits define your world, your universe.
* * * *
More trivia to forget.
* * * *
Who is anyone in the great relativity?
* * * *
Be spacial.
* * * *
You want meaning and purpose? Maybe try looking over there.
* * * *
... me me me …
* * * *
The pointlessness of pointlessness is the pointlessness beyond pointlessness.
* * * *
No matter how long our kind wanders across the face of this planet, none of this will ever make sense.
* * * *
If you’ve said anything, you’ve said too much.
* * * *
Hiding from life? Not exploring it all? What would be the point?
* * * *
Dangle the carrot of salvation, and true believers will pour gold into your coffers.
* * * *
History can be undone with a delete button, or rewritten with a few taps.
* * * *
Nobody cares; well, maybe your mother, or so she says.
* * * *
Technology cannot forever extend the problem it has in exceedingly large part created.
* * * *
Can Nietzsche come out to play?
* * * *
Some people just always need to be proving they have the bigger dick, and not always men.
* * * *
How much longer can the garden pay the price for our natural selection?
* * * *
A subjective mind in an objective dream.
* * * *
A fistful of dollars never does as much for the psyche as ye old bird in the hand.
* * * *
Be ready for your fate.
* * * *
Such pretentious blobs.
* * * *
The foundation of serenity: forgiveness, innocence, compassion, contentment, truth.
* * * *
All the human blobs, blobbing along.
* * * *
Could anyone fuck it up any better?
* * * *
Back to square one.
* * * *
The big ape has always ruled.
* * * *
The meter is one; fast or slow, up to you.
* * * *
Karma is what you make it, or not.
* * * *
You are about you; let others be about themselves.
* * * *
No journey like the present.
* * * *
So many ways the mind-body finds to torture its Self
* * * *
Trickle-trickle up, trickle-trickle down, trickle-trickle all around.
* * * *
‘Tis clever enough for esoteric consumption.
* * * *
One assumption too many.
* * * *
The breath is every moment; are you with it, or caught up in some imaginary flurry?
* * * *
And what can be said of gravity? Likely more than it ever needed.
* * * *
Time to do it, time to see it, time to be it.
* * * *
The trouble with post-traumatic stress, is less about it being locked in the body, than it is in mind.
* * * *
If you are lucky, death is quick and painless; if not, a likely unhappy departure.
* * * *
Each alone must divine the universe into which they have been by genetic lottery cast.
* * * *
What a friggin' insane asylum.
* * * *
Alone, we together pretend.
* * * *
The sound of destiny calls you.
* * * *
In suffering, we learn more than we want to know.
* * * *
If measuring is your thing, the universe offers no end of delight.
* * * *
And what more can be said about that dead horse?
* * * *
Doing the twenty-watt om.
* * * *
Materialism is its own cage.
* * * *
To be the big Self, you must die to the little self.
* * * *
Negation frees; negativity binds.
* * * *
It helps to breathe well, and with a still mind, an aware mind, a no-mind.
* * * *
Never hesitate to retreat if that is the option that will allow another day.
* * * *
What problem cannot be waylaid by a good, full breath?
* * * *
The roar of the falls daily louder.
* * * *
Was it all intended, or simply chance, why would it matter, it is what it is, here you are.
* * * *
Always trying to keep up with the mad-mad world, pray tell, why?
* * * *
Imagination suffers many ghosts.
* * * *
It only seems like free will.
* * * *
How far into hell are you willing to descend?
There is no groupthink, there is no dogma, there is no priesthood, there is only momentary awareness.
* * * *
Integrity begins with the seed of doubt.
* * * *
No matter how you label, how you quantify, how you interpret the stardust, it is always the same illusion.
* * * *
What flower believes it will live forever?
* * * *
Air that breaths.
* * * *
This all might be real, if space and time really existed.
* * * *
Consciousness imagines a continuity that has no ultimate reality, whatsoever.
* * * *
There can be but one truth, and no one owns it.
* * * *
Don’t worry, be happy, there is only this moment to care about.
* * * *
The challenge is to not let the other get a nose under your tent.
* * * *
All differences attain the same grave, all stories are but imaginary tales, be and allow is the highest law.
* * * *
The momentary awareness is your sanctuary.
* * * *
Any who-what-where-when-why-how, You imagine your Self to be, You are not.
* * * *
Connecting the dots requires a mind capable of discerning patterns.
* * * *
Something else not worth bothering about.
* * * *
Squirrels hide nuts, human beings collect things; a hunter-gatherer instinct, civilization calls hoarding.
* * * *
Is there anything in the human paradigm that does not have a shade of vanity?
* * * *
There is nothing to work out.
* * * *
The world and all its mania, all its absurdity, loses all importance in the moment.
* * * *
How ‘Duh!’ is that?
* * * *
Perception being what it is, are you really sure you are on top of anything?
* * * *
Hard for consciousness to catch up with That which was never moving in the first place.
* * * *
Despite all imaginary concoctions to the contrary, there is no other.
* * * *
There is no knowing what this sort of babble will unlock in any given mind.
* * * *
Does the flower beg its flower god for more?
* * * *
There is no end to the myriad ways consciousness can cut the pie, it has in imagination baked.
* * * *
Build all the castles you please, climb every mountain you can, it is all for naught.
* * * *
The unfolding dystopian catastrophe has barely begun; how lucky you are, if you are old.
* * * *
Rest assured, something will happen, whether or not it matches the aspirations.
* * * *
So big, so small, not a care at all.
* * * *
Whatever that was about, it probably does not matter now.
* * * *
Yet another trifling moment, done and undone, in quantum timelessness.
* * * *
Hero or villain or nonentity, everyone has a story, in this quantum stardust dreamtime of consciousness.
* * * *
Hard to imagine a peaceful world as long as even one human being exists.
* * * *
Breathe before you think.
* * * *
Contentment with all You have seen, all you have done, is the brass ring.
* * * *
The reality You are, is so much greater, than the minute shimmer allotted.
* * * *
Groupthink is all in the human paradigm.
* * * *
Pretty darned tough for imagination, in its never-ending swirl of space-time, to do anything the same.
* * * *
The false flag of consciousness, ever entices You back, into its foggy illusion-delusion.
* * * *
So big, so small, in every while.
* * * *
Never assume the castle walls cannot be breached.
* * * *
Drifting in bliss.
* * * *
The esoteric is much ado about nothing.
* * * *
You are that which you seek; look closer, and not in a mirror.
* * * *
The void awaits.
* * * *
There might have been a time, but that moment no longer exists; existence being what it is not.
* * * *
You disrespect him, he disrespects you, so much for that relationship.
* * * *
Very much alone, this awareness.
* * * *
Differences, differences, naught but differences.
* * * *
How many truth-seekers are there, really, who will not settle for one lie or another along their journey?
* * * *
Any passion can become a curse once you lose interest in it.
* * * *
That would take a bit to wrap the head around.
* * * *
What makes you think creation will ever end, or ever begin?
* * * *
Follow the water.
* * * *
The greatest story ever told, or the greatest lie ever imagined?
* * * *
No pronouncements from any pulpit have ever matched what nature offers on a good walk.
* * * *
Quit the inner chatter, and there You are.
* * * *
Awareness is neither close nor far.
* * * *
If you had done even one tiny thing differently, it would have spun an entirely different fate.
* * * *
All fates are shaped, patterned, molded, sculpted, wrought, by the genetic lottery.
* * * *
Death is freedom.
* * * *
Youthful skin is easy when you are youthful.
* * * *
All stories are but imaginary tales.
* * * *
The eternal moment, the eternal awareness, the eternal You, is free and clear of any-and-all trespass.
* * * *
Who has ever been like me?
* * * *
Who has ever been like you?
* * * *
There is something about an aphorism that catches a truth as no story can.
* * * *
Be and allow is the highest law.
* * * *
Nothing is nothing no matter the something it seems.
* * * *
Yet another here-now-long-gone example of how so little it all matters, how so little it all means.
* * * *
It is a cotton-candy thing.
* * * *
Note how evenly gravity lays that layer of dust across the room.
* * * *
Extinction is the way.
* * * *
You are the mystery personified.
* * * *
When the edifice of the illusional-delusional mind-body collapses, the You, You are, is all that remains.
* * * *
The weight of history is the iceberg ripping through the hull.
* * * *
Disengage the frontal lobe.
* * * *
To really, really, really, not care, where would that take You?
* * * *
You are the moment; not the thought about it.
* * * *
Finally figured it out.
* * * *
All differences attain the same grave.
* * * *
All are predators, all are prey; it is a god-eat-god world.
* * * *
What is imagined, can be unimagined; the ever-present moment has a way of forgetting.
* * * *
What is an orgasm but an ecstatic flash of eternity’s oblivion.
* * * *
Men come and go, but eternity abides, awareness abides, You abide.
* * * *
Thought is a habit.
* * * *
We so badly want it to mean more, but it just does not.
* * * *
Yes, there it works.
* * * *
Streaming on and on; eternally connected in that ever-and-ever-forever kind of indivisible way.
* * * *
Give it a break – whatever it is – at least once in a while.
* * * *
An affinity for oblivion.
* * * *
Never hurts to have a few backup plans.
* * * *
The world, the universe, and all that it has set into motion, only exists, because You imagine it so.
* * * *
Yes, this is will probably be lost, as well, and it won’t even require a fire, given its digital nature.
* * * *
Space and time have nothing to do with eternity.
* * * *
What fellow earthling has ever made such a thing of its existence?
* * * *
What is imagined, can be unimagined.
* * * *
The human species has been interesting, but is it really worth preserving?
* * * *
The moment has a way of forgetting everything.
* * * *
Scientific Method is the most rational, precise way, to examine this mystery, but it is far from infallible.
* * * *
To want, or not to want, that is the question.
* * * *
The world you see-hear-smell-taste-touch is all imagined in a quantum matrix dreamtime.
* * * *
Predator to one, is prey to another; and on and on, the web grows.
* * * *
Your destiny is right here, right now.
* * * *
We are all walking alone together on the same stage in different universes.
* * * *
Truth must ever be discovered anew, because it is the first and last time for every mind.
* * * *
It all being indelibly, ineffably indivisible, how can there be more than one moment for all of eternity?
* * * *
The goal of any writer is to plant something in other minds that will not be easily forgotten.
* * * *
Humankind is naturally-selecting its way to extinction.
* * * *
These words are not intended for those who cannot see or hear the illusion they embrace.
* * * *
The toolmakers have taken us down a rockier and rockier dead-end road
* * * *
The sciences are only as complete as what they believe they have discovered.
* * * *
Gravity is an illusion that blinds You to the spaciousness You ever are.
* * * *
A maze by any name confuses the same.
* * * *
There you are thinking you are so awake, and suddenly realize you have been asleep all the while.
* * * *
The human future is but a totalitarian nightmare.
* * * *
The world shows you its love by ignoring you.
* * * *
What difference has anything ever made to eternity’s ineffable moment?
* * * *
It is all recycled piss and shit somewhere down the line.
* * * *
How lucky you are, if you do not have a load of shit to unload.
* * * *
What Rome did with lead, our time has done with plastic.
* * * *
How do you explain nothing?
* * * *
Is it really a body, a world, a universe, or just their perception?
* * * *
The world is our Petri dish, and we are pushing madly towards all edges seen and unseen.
* * * *
There is no end to the rainbow.
* * * *
All personal deities are projections that exist only in the neuron trails of imagination.
* * * *
Do you grab the brass ring, or does the brass ring come for you?
* * * *
If it looks like a frog, hops like a frog, croaks like a frog, it likely ain't no prince.
* * * *
The end of entitlement is nigh.
* * * *
Why is it so hard for people just accept they will never know?
* * * *
Eternity is the one and only moment.
* * * *
All history is sooner or later forgotten.
* * * *
How desperate so many are for attention, that they will do just about anything to get it.
* * * *
Too much is too much; too little, too little; and just enough, requires an able eye, and a slather of luck.
* * * *
The moment does not give a rat’s ass about you, or anyone or anything else.
* * * *
The embodiment of silence is the arch-nemesis of imagination.
* * * *
All yesterdays, all tomorrows, are but imaginary notions.
* * * *
The unwritten history is daily orchestrated.
* * * *
Cease trying to hold onto everything, cling to everything, recall everything, and, voila, here-now You are.
* * * *
The mystery is not anything you believe it is.
* * * *
Be as nothing, and You will wander free.
* * * *
Dying on the vine, pretending you are wine; though more likely a drying raisin.
* * * *
There is only the moment; imagination is but vapor wafting through.
* * * *
Trying to appease an electorate, a constituency, a family, a workplace, a fanbase, how pointless is that?
* * * *
The genome that is adaptable, that has the will and wit and luck, survives.
* * * *
A thought catches nothing but its own imaginary reflection.
* * * *
Religion is all about imagination’s interminable delusion that it is something more than it can ever be.
* * * *
Try in every way, as hard as it might, imagination cannot hold on to anything.
* * * *
If it ain’t there, it ain’t there.
* * * *
You take your pitter-patter-chit-chat wherever you go.
* * * *
Got a lot of good things done today, and more tomorrow, the next yesterday.
* * * *
Wrapping and unwrapping your head around the truth of it, is a momentary challenge.
* * * *
Life or death, every moment a decision; another day, let the countdown continue.
* * * *
All of the above, none of the above.
* * * *
When you toss out a label, be sure it does not apply to you, as well.
* * * *
When has eternity ever started long enough to stop?
* * * *
The quantum mind is a doorway, an entrée to eternity, but you must surrender to your Self to wallow in it.
* * * *
Oh boy, a new pile.
* * * *
Wisdom is the loftiest mainstay of consciousness, and even it must yield to oblivion.
* * * *
How can you die if you were never born?
* * * *
Much less bother, to be famous in your own head, all alone.
* * * *
All the knowledge humankind has ever imagined, is but an infinitesimally tiny speck of the unknown.
* * * *
Imagination, without which there would be no me.
* * * *
More than animals? No, we just imagine it so.
* * * *
All life, runs, flows, kaleidoscopes, to its death.
* * * *
Old dust covers the new.
* * * *
Old enough not to care.
* * * *
How to best serve the many, is to serve the one within all.
* * * *
How high can the Ivory Tower tower?
* * * *
An aphorism catches the true mind.
* * * *
Dust becomes you.
* * * *
It is imagination which wreaks all passion.
* * * *
Still the mind, and see it so.
* * * *
How is a memory from a moment ago any different from one ten or twenty or thirty or more years ago?
* * * *
Traditions are made to be broken; nothing stays the same for any sort of forever.
* * * *
What more is there to say? And yet we yabber on.
* * * *
Oh, joy and yawn, another symposium for the brainiacs to pitter-patter their minds.
* * * *
Attaining the brass ring of awareness requires a surrender for which few have hunger.
* * * *
To the ultimate You, the awareness, nothing matters; even your Self.
* * * *
Where would clouds be without the sky?
* * * *
Wasn’t that special?
* * * *
Think you can cheat death? Get back to us if you do.
* * * *
A tiny little slice of history, is all anyone gets, from which to draw their statistical sample.
* * * *
Is that rock moving, yet?
* * * *
What a tiny little deity so many worship on this tiny little dust ball.
* * * *
All fates find the same grave.
* * * *
Do you enter the abyss, or merely realize it is the presence You are, have always been, will ever be.
* * * *
Let he who is without sin lob the first grenade.
* * * *
You came, You saw, You listened, You tasted, You smelled, You touched, You pondered, You departed.
* * * *
Traditions are made to be broken.
* * * *
For most who live anonymous lives, chances are, very few others are thinking about you right now.
* * * *
You must set aside all attachments to clearly discern this one Truth.
* * * *
It is the mind that rushes white rabbit here and there; the moment is ever the same timeless eternal now.
* * * *
Imagination is a timeless time traveler.
* * * *
It all being a phantasmic quantum illusion, your entire existence has been spent talking to your Self.
* * * *
What is this cadaver in the making, is but a vehicle to oblivion.
* * * *
The infinity of momentary awareness, peering out in every way, into that which is both part and whole.
* * * *
Whether in flesh or treasury or stature, there are always consequences to be paid.
* * * *
On the grandest scale, humility is meaningless.
* * * *
All or nothing, no matter.
* * * *
The only duality is the one concocted by imagination.
* * * *
Death is merely evaporating, back into the abyss, that nothingness ever is.
* * * *
Yet another moment of extemporaneous Shakespearian théâtre absurde, playing out across all creation.
* * * *
The streets are lined with gold, for all those who have the wit to see.
* * * *
Who can guess what these many thoughts will inspire or inflame in those who read them?
* * * *
Fate is but a last breath.
* * * *
You can spot a princess when she goes on and on about peas under her mattress.
* * * *
Try not to give it words every now and again
* * * *
What cosmos does the mind gaze out upon, but its own creation, its own perception.
* * * *
If you really did not care, would it even occur to you that you did not?
* * * *
The little part you play, is not the totality You are.
* * * *
The most real humility is the one within.
* * * *
It all came together that moment, and then, poof, was forever gone, as all moments are.
* * * *
Reconcile yourself to what you can; forget the rest.
* * * *
All is process.
* * * *
Nothing stays the same for any sort of forever.
* * * *
Understanding at the intellectual level is one thing; the instinctual, visceral, primeval level, another.
* * * *
The mind can so easily cripple its world.
* * * *
Did not see that one coming.
* * * *
Not easy for consciousness to care as little as the moment.
* * * *
Yet another dust collector.
* * * *
What it used to be in the once upon a time does not matter now.
* * * *
How long will quantum play this form, this pattern, this illusion?
* * * *
The pitter-patter mind.
* * * *
All languages are sound traps of imaginary origin.
* * * *
How many times has that been?
* * * *
Legacy is just another lesson on vanity.
* * * *
Only rarely is the first taste not the best, or the worst.
* * * *
Only time counts.
* * * *
Crusades Y2K, coming your way.
* * * *
There has never been another moment.
* * * *
The faster you chase awareness, the faster it seems to go.
* * * *
Thing management.
* * * *
The history that is known, is such a tiny window, into the history that is unknown.
* * * *
In awareness, all conflict ceases.
* * * *
As if forever exists.
* * * *
The aloneness is real.
* * * *
The awareness, the moment, eternal life, right here, right now, is all and none.
* * * *
Where is space, where is time, in this moment that is, has always been, will ever be.
* * * *
The human paradigm, the human story, from beginning to end, is all just the poof of imagination.
* * * *
When in doubt, look in a mirror.
* * * *
You can never know the moment; only the befores or afters of imagination.
* * * *
It is the same fucking mystery; get over yourselves.
* * * *
Keeping things as simple as possible, is rarely a bad idea.
* * * *
Envision the all in one, and the one in all.
* * * *
Liberation is just giving the mind over to the ever-present moment.
* * * *
Which version of your Self will you play today?
* * * *
Live for today, this moment, right here, right now.
* * * *
Being what you really are, and are not, is not an effort thing.
* * * *
Tomorrow is already yesterday.
* * * *
You do not need to have more to be content.
* * * *
How is it even possible for anyone to believe mind and mystery are not one in the same?
* * * *
That role you have scripted; you do not have to stick to it; re-write anything you please.
* * * *
You objectify me; why not I, you?
* * * *
The roar of the civilized man; another rhetorical imbalance.
* * * *
Mother Nature is not waiting for us to figure it out.
* * * *
Planet of the apes, planet of the trolls, what difference, really?
* * * *
A little lie can be softer than the truth.
* * * *
There are few problems that are not well-served by good, full breathing.
* * * *
Self-imagery is a rabbit-hole for all.
* * * *
Nobody will know; nobody will care.
* * * *
The sea, the ether, the mystery, in which all creation dances.
* * * *
Piss and shit; food of the gods.
* * * *
Your arrival home, is always welcome; the door is locked and unlocked in your mind.
* * * *
Everyone has a story, and not even one is real.
* * * *
The drop is the ocean in miniature form.
* * * *
With your last wheezing breath, nothing will ever matter again.
* * * *
Ambition is a leader in the human becoming game.
* * * *
So many are so adept at examining the illusion in every way, but at some point, what is the point?
* * * *
Empathy brews a world of bedfellows.
* * * *
A spring always gives.
* * * *
Empty out that head, and just be.
* * * *
Why would you be interested in any spiritual choices designed by human vanity?
* * * *
Everything is learned; everything is imagined.
* * * *
What an ironic mystery that so many seek, what so few are prepared to find.
* * * *
There is nothing to remember.
* * * *
Look out into the starry, starry night, and see your one and only parent, your Self.
* * * *
It is okay to accept yourself, like yourself, love yourself; you need not deny yourself.
* * * *
It is the nature of language to create and stoke the duality delusion.
* * * *
Try not to take personal what is not personal.
* * * *
Around which corner will the Reaper be waiting, is anybody’s guess.
* * * *
Regurgitating memories is a sure road to perdition.
* * * *
It is all awareness, in which neither space nor time can achieve more than ephemeral appearance.
* * * *
You are no exception.
* * * *
Thought is a habit; genomic in its underpinnings.
* * * *
Odds are extremely likely you will forget everything sooner or later.
* * * *
If that doesn’t make your head hurt.
* * * *
The school of life offers endless lessons in absurdity,
* * * *
There is no heaven, there is no hell, but what each imagines in the given mind.
* * * *
Modern propaganda is no doubt much more refined, but rest assured, it is nothing new.
* * * *
Stoicism is the most virtuous vehicle for living a rational, serene, mindful existence.
* * * *
Civilization requires regulations; without it, anarchy.
* * * *
Truth needs no voice.
* * * *
The only thing to fear, is the fear you imagine.
* * * *
You cannot save yourself, much less anyone else.
* * * *
As thorough and determined as they are, the sciences can only harvest illusion.
* * * *
The screen rules.
* * * *
We all establish one kingdom or another; even if it is in a gutter.
* * * *
The geeks have created a world free of nature, and nature is about to be done with it.
* * * *
Is sex really anything more, than friction and fantasy?
* * * *
Looking into your own eye is not for the meek of spirit.
* * * *
A peaceful, tranquil, serene mind, is more choice than you know.
* * * *
Yeesch and by golly.
* * * *
Rocky roads, rocky minds.
* * * *
So many thoughts in any given life, and all forgotten with the last breath.
* * * *
What’s another number?
* * * *
Love thy Self.
* * * *
So much clutter with which to burden your mind.
* * * *
To be for the other, as you are for your Self, can be a challenge in a world founded on me, myself, and I.
* * * *
No matter how you smear it, bullshit is bullshit.
* * * *
Are you content with the life that chose you; the life in which you find your Self?
* * * *
You are the infinite, timeless, ineffable moment, stretching across all creation; there is no other.
* * * *
Mind is creation, mind is preservation, mind is destruction, mind is everything, mind is nothing.
* * * *
Imagination is the Great Jester; always waiting in the wings, for inattention to teleport it centerstage.
* * * *
How detached can you be?
* * * *
The embers of memory are always ready and waiting, to be fired up in the furnace of imagination.
* * * *
Do you really exist, or only imagine you do?
* * * *
Space and time are but the concoctions of imagination, no matter the scale.
* * * *
Let us know when you find your face.
* * * *
Just another thing to argue or fight or kill over; it is what we do.
* * * *
Some things make your endorphins happy, and some do not.
* * * *
Why not throw out the baby with the bathwater?
* * * *
Odds are you torture yourself far more than you would ever allow another to.
* * * *
It is a conspiracy if you were not in on the decision.
* * * *
Another day of sallying through narcissism and decadence.
* * *
Where have you placed your bets today?
* * * *
The mind evolved as a problem-solver, and when, without problems, endlessly concocts its own.
* * * *
You are an evolutionary quirk, nothing more, less, but.
* * * *
The mystery includes everything, including You; duality is a lie from any get-go.
* * * *
A warrior is only as good as his blade is sharp.
* * * *
Be at total peace with your Self, and You will know the sweetness of eternity.
* * * *
Believing in Jesus is the Get Out of Hell card for them that true-believe.
* * * *
Die to little self; rest in peace.
* * * *
Nothing mind imagines, is the moment You are.
* * * *
That you, no longer exists; never did, actually.
* * * *
Possession is about fondle rights.
* * * *
This is the only moment there is – there never was a before; there will never be an after.
* * * *
Regurgitating reality.
* * * *
The imaginary gods of consciousness are not the God of awareness.
* * * *
You cannot know it all, and why, pray tell, would you want to?
* * * *
How straight-forward this dream becomes, when nothing takes its rightful place at the helm.
* * * *
How green the grass, everywhere else.
* * * *
Whether there is just one deity or deities beyond counting, are both assumptions adrift in absurdity.
* * * *
You are actor; hear the snore.
* * * *
How much time, pray tell, have you wasted on that?
* * * *
The mystery is well beyond any capacity to comprehend it,
* * * *
Are the choices you make, really choices?
* * * *
How discontent you are, with your fleeting little role; would being God even satisfy you?
* * * *
What reality can past and future have, without the memory imagination sustains?
* * * *
Prayer and hope, and wishful and magical thinking, are dubious strategies.
* * * *
To take it all personal; the first and last mistake.
* * * *
Endure it, enjoy it, best You can.
* * * *
If you were to proclaim your Self, God, who would understand Your meaning?
* * * *
Challenging to discuss very deeply with someone who has read only one book.
* * * *
Where have you placed your bliss today?
* * * *
Oh joy, another game afoot.
* * * *
His story, her story, its story, my story, your story, their story, our story, the story, a story, all stories.
* * * *
Ever notice how imagination ever pushes you on and on and on and ...
* * * *
No one can teach, what you are not prepared for, incapable of, or interested in.
* * * *
You cannot be led where you will not follow.
* * * *
Mystery, mystery, full of history, it cannot remember long enough to forget.
* * * *
Hate is blind to any reason but its own.
* * * *
You can only offer what you have to offer.
* * * *
Indifference to all is the most freeing path.
* * * *
The mystery before space and time is unknowable; some call it God.
* * * *
No point holding on to anything once it is already well in the wake.
* * * *
Lark in, lark about, lark out.
* * * *
Yeesch and by golly, the things fate endures.
* * * *
What it boils down to is nothing.
* * * *
Try not to make it personal; try not to take it personal.
* * * *
Go in peace, if you can manage it.
* * * *
Eternal life is had by the living who have died to imaginary self.
* * * *
It is less about what you are doing, than the state of awareness in which it is being done.
* * * *
Go timeless.
* * * *
Do we have to keep playing this game, Mommy!?
* * * *
To crave anything from this dream, is a sure road to suffering.
* * * *
Constructive criticism is not always welcome.
* * * *
Iconic as you may think yourself, the world is already used to not having you in it.
* * * *
A fountain of nonduality.
* * * *
Without looking, tell us what your face looks like, right now.
* * * *
The eye of the other, is your own.
* * * *
How many perch at the first mirage they stumble upon?
* * * *
The universe is the inside of your skull.
* * * *
The moment is absolutely unseeable, unhearable, untastable, unsmellable, untouchable, unanythingable.
* * * *
The draw of illusion keeps You in its net.
* * * *
How fortunate are those who discover something they love to do.
* * * *
Mother Earth, Gaia, is just another spinning particle of dust, in the eternal vastness of your imagination.
* * * *
You do not become the moment; you be it.
* * * *
No story has ever been real; all are imagined.
* * * *
What, pray tell, have you ever chosen?
* * * *
Scaring kids with hellfire and brimstone, what a meanie.
* * * *
Joke's on you, landlubber.
* * * *
When measurements go south.
* * * *
Nothing sounds good.
* * * *
There are probably a near-infinity of stories you will never imagine.
* * * *
The trick is to have a good time without being too cruel.
* * * *
Serve all, as the moment calls.
* * * *
You naturally-select your Self down the rabbit hole of your fate.
* * * *
Words and numbers can only get so far before reality hits.
* * * *
Awareness, both close and far.
* * * *
You are not the quantum energy kaleidoscoping within and without You.
* * * *
The dreamtime wags on.
* * * *
The unborn-undying awareness through which all passes, is neither real nor unreal.
* * * *
However long you live, will just have to be long enough.
* * * *
Meaning and purpose are imagination's delusional specialties.
* * * *
All flaws are imagined.
* * * *
It is all written in the sands of quantum.
* * * *
The mind transcends space and time whenever it yields itself over to awareness.
* * * *
To be the moment, is to be what You truly are, what You truly are not.
* * * *
Why feel strongly about anything?
* * * *
God is only speculation until the mind that is known dissolves.
* * * *
The moment has nothing to offer.
* * * *
Psychological pain is self-inflicted.
* * * *
Take what feeds you, and leave the rest.
* * * *
You are your version of normal.
* * * *
Eternal life, timeless life, nowness ad infinitum, consciously traveled.
* * * *
Another memory you have already forgotten.
* * * *
My gift to the dystopian future-slash-debacle, that I envision, with a shudder.
* * * *
Do with it whatever you will; do with it whatever you can.
* * * *
Sadly, better you than me, is all I gotta say.
* * * *
Being ignored is a much surer death.
* * * *
Stay strong, rotsa ruck.
* * * *
Ain't evolution wonderful.
* * * *
Words and numbers can only get so far before reality hits.
* * * *
What is it about shapely sacks of crunchy-chewy-gooey that the endorphins find so enticing?
* * * *
Is all the wanting really worth the all the suffering?
* * * *
Natural selection at its finest.
* * * *
Well, we certainly know what kind of deity you would make.
* * * *
Your persona is your post-traumatic stress acting out.
* * * *
Try not to fill the echoes of solitude with your own screams.
* * * *
Every moment, a choice.
* * * *
Confessing to the priesthoods has always been a convenient ‘Keep Out of Hell’ card.
* * * *
Are you really, all that different, all that exceptional, all that unique?
* * * *
How did you ever take all this absurdity so seriously?
* * * *
Everyone is suffering in different ways, to different degrees; be kind whenever possible.
* * * *
Yet another who has not found the off switch.
* * * *
Be wary You do not allow this seeing to drive you mad.
* * * *
The sentimental is everything you hold on to.
* * * *
Natural selection has dictated every fate since creation began.
* * * *
Another master of rhetorical rationalization.
* * * *
Nobody does anything without a supporting cast, without a web of life.
* * * *
It cannot be forced.
* * * *
You are but a vibration, a flicker, a sparkle, a twinkle, in the infinity of eternity.
* * * *
Ain't nothing chivalrous in a gunfight.
* * * *
Everybody is playing their own game.
* * * *
Natural selection includes every calculated step, as well as every muddled misstep.
* * * *
Be the deity you believe, you hope, is looking out over you.
* * * *
Time well spent is a moment well done.
* * * *
Every life form works to its advantage.
* * * *
Nothing is good.
* * * *
It is natural selection, not free will.
* * * *
It is nothing but process.
* * * *
As a species, we have always been our own worst enemy; dragons quake at our shadow.
* * * *
The seemingly serendipitous moments are the mutations of natural selection.
* * * *
Every sentient life form has its own version of a world, of a universe; none the same, all the same.
* * * *
How could God create all this, without being all of it, all the while?
* * * *
The spiritual quest is ultimately a nonsensical non-issue, inspired by imagination’s fear of the unknowable.
* * * *
The irony is, that all these piles of gold, are more than pointless, if there is no world in which to spend it.
* * * *
No need for absurdity steeped in imaginary notion.
* * * *
A quantum matrix, permeated by awareness; consciousness really nothing more than distracting noise.
* * * *
A sheep by any other name would baa the same.
* * * *
How seamlessly, how timelessly, how effortlessly, one moment kaleidoscopes into another.
* * * *
You only think you are alive.
* * * *
What a crap-shoot, the natural selection, in the sexual act between male and female.
* * * *
The same awareness fills all sentience.
* * * *
Will imagination ever let go; more than a little unlikely.
* * * *
Relying on absurdity for your worldview will get you the charlatan you deserve.
* * * *
Truth is a windless wind, no sound can catch.
* * * *
Would wrapping a story around all this babble make it more palatable, more real for you?
* * * *
Imagination concocts every sort of absurdity; none of which have any reality in the moment, whatsoever.
* * * *
Discern the God version of Self, You are.
* * * *
You do not have to always carry it all, you know; even Atlas takes a break now and again.
* * * *
A planless plan underway.
* * * *
The effortless mind, the disengaged mind, is as transcendent as it needs be.
* * * *
And just how powerful, how rich, how regarded, must you be to finally put to rest your insecurity?
* * * *
Awareness is a windless wind, no sound can capture.
* * * *
What is there nothing better to do than nothing?
* * * *
Having nothing better to do than nothing is a planless plan.
* * * *
From inner death, springs eternal life.
* * * *
Your tribe is as lost as lost can be; nowhere to be found.
* * * *
You are going to die, and miss so much, and it will not remember you at all.
* * * *
All we are is blobs full of imaginary bullshit.
* * * *
Linguists are adept at describing and prescribing, the ever-morphing bull ride of any given language.
* * * *
Any thought of self is vanity; the imaginary self of every human mind.
* * * *
The challenge is to live a no-regret life, with as few regrets, as possible.
* * * *
How was it you did not see it before?
* * * *
Look out at all the people, wandering hither and thither, and wonder at the fates they are enduring.
* * * *
All imaginary notion to the contrary, You are not your frame of reference.
* * * *
More poster pap.
* * * *
What kind of all-twisted-up-soul babbles, babble, babbles, this not-sort-of horseshit?
* * * *
What dreamtime could there be, without the illusory other, and all its forms and functions?
* * * *
Hard to stay; hard to leave.
* * * *
Another Roaring 20’s underway, circa Y2K20 to Y2K29.
* * * *
You honor Self by being it.
* * * *
How deft the sharpened sword of discernment.
* * * *
Is it a battle worth fighting?
* * * *
What vague perceptions are harbored in this dream we call a life.
* * * *
Another day watching the debacle unwrap itself.
* * * *
Tread carefully, lest the seeds of dogma sprout, from this austere message you convey.
* * * *
No need to worship what you already are.
* * * *
Imagination does not for reality make.
* * * *
Why subscribe to a story that will never discern the moment through which it heedlessly passes?
* * * *
Another brain scrambled to perfection.
* * * *
Addictions tend to define and limit you, and are often what will be remembered.
* * * *
A higher state of worship cannot be known.
* * * *
Another way of looking.
* * * *
No one can save what cannot be saved.
* * * *
No one can ever know more than what imagination imagines.
* * * *
A lot of people, in a lot of arenas, are going to be living in tents, pushing carts, collecting treasure.
* * * *
The shadows of serendipity cast their nets far afield.
* * * *
We are all individuals wandering our version of the matrix, of the indivisibility, confounding all.
* * * *
Do you really realize just how alone you truly are?
* * * *
That all things that rise must fall, is always a when, not if, actuality.
* * * *
Interesting times, indeedy.
* * * *
How can there be a world, a cosmos, any dreamtime, without You permeating it?
* * * *
You are the awareness through which consciousness streams.
* * * *
Does all this really exist, or is it just a touchy-feely imaginary construct in your very alonely head?
* * * *
A tortoise, a snail, and a sloth, were sitting in a bar ...
* * * *
Thanks for nothing.
* * * *
So, what is on the syllabus today?
* * * *
In the spectrum, right to wrong, who is right, who is wrong, and who does the judging?
* * * *
Detach from the sheen of fear caused by the stresses that shaped you, encased you.
* * * *
Abiding prior to consciousness – prior to all the things, all the stories, all the imaginings – is a rare feat.
* * * *
Contentment is the brass ring.
* * * *
Seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, without wanting, is a state of mind to which few subscribe.
* * * *
All you need to do is figure out who ‘they’ are.
* * * *
Guaranteed, the body will figure out, to do to you, whatever you are doing to it.
* * * *
As irrational as the rational can be; as rational as the irrational can be.
* * * *
The minions of imagination whirl in a cacophony of chaos.
* * * *
Be the unknowing.
* * * *
The yin-yang of one man's downfall, often being the opportunity for another’s rise.
* * * *
A few-holds-barred life has its consequences.
* * * *
You imagine, therefore you imagine you are.
* * * *
Hello, goodbye, cruel world.
* * * *
A world of dreams.
* * * *
Nothing is done until it is done.
* * * *
The mini-death of sleep comes when the off switch turns on.
* * * *
Not a good idea to play any game, unless you really know the rules, and are really paying attention.
* * * *
The tyranny of neurons.
* * * *
You are as free as You decide to be.
* * * *
To what do you cling in that nebulous mind, but a sea of imaginary perceptions.
* * * *
Dream walkers, dream stalkers.
* * * *
You are but a drop of indivisible awareness in the immeasurable ocean of this ineffable mystery.
* * * *
The ultimate nature that all manifestation is, is eternally spaceless, eternally timeless.
* * * *
An impromptu play.
* * * *
Ants tempt the gods with their anthills.
* * * *
Mystery is without attributes, without direction, without purpose, without meaning, without contradiction.
* * * *
Not your calling.
* * * *
We all wander through our worlds, seeking whatever scratches our endorphins.
* * * *
Never a good idea to assume you are the smartest guy in the room.
* * * *
Any creation is complete as soon as it is set aside.
* * * *
The truth of it goes without saying.
* * * *
Savor and endure the ecstasies and agonies of your ephemeral existence while breath allows the synthesis.
* * * *
How likely is it any deity could be nearly as judgmental as we?
* * * *
There are no guarantees but annihilation.
* * * *
Every sentient life form has its own decision-making process, its own rule of law; none the same.
* * * *
The world is your pearl, if you have the wit to treasure it.
* * * *
The human species is beyond-all-pales, absurdly insane; all victims of our imaginary Self.
* * * *
Only imagination rushes.
* * * *
This work is a very ubiquitous, long and wearing, trudging, ever-on-and-on-and-on, campaign.
* * * *
It is your imagination, you love, you hate, you every passion under the sun.
* * * *
You really believe it is You choosing anything?
* * * *
This moment is all.
* * * *
Re: Tattoos: God, why do they do it?
* * * *
When not disappearing entirely, memories tend to blur more and more, in the aging process.
* * * *
A tiger consumes its prey without a trace of judgment.
* * * *
A warrior can never present otherwise.
* * * *
Always be on watch for the shadow of your imaginary you.
* * * *
Not your fight, unless you want it to be.
* * * *
It is all your inward and outer chatter that allows imagination easy entrée.
* * * *
You are your own law.
* * * *
Every moment is an opportunity to embrace your immaculate unborn-undying.
* * * *
Few can hear the mystery’s call through the veil of one imaginary absurdity or another.
* * * *
There is no reason but habit, conditioning, training, to continue on and on, playing this imaginary role.
* * * *
Look at a clock; notice how the hands move, and You do not.
* * * *
How did you teach your Self that?
* * * *
If you did not want to regret it, better not have done it in the first place.
* * * *
To take it all personal is the second mistake; the first was making the assumption that took you there.
* * * *
A warrior never sleeps.
* * * *
Why would any supreme deity bother about dogma?
* * * *
We are all touchy-feely ghosts wandering through each other’s lives.
* * * *
Oblivion calls, each and every moment.
* * * *
What kind of leader would you be in any given situation?
* * * *
The wise pick fight they can win; and to avoid as many as possible, is an even better strategy.
* * * *
How you present generally makes for how you will be taken.
* * * *
There is no resolution for the human capacity to create disparity and horror for others.
* * * *
How much sweeter could heaven be, but complete and utter oblivion.
* * * *
Do not wait too long, else the Fates will make the decision for you.
* * * *
You must also be a warrior to your Self.
* * * *
Cling, baby, cling, until the imaginary mind slips back into the oblivion from whence it came.
* * * *
T-shirts and baseball caps and tattoos and other paraphernalia, are like showing your hand in a card game.
The awareness of existence is too ethereal to be imagined.
* * * *
No word, no symbol, no ritual, no tradition, no prophet, no deity, is sacred to the ultimate.
* * * *
How can any live life, endure life, but one breath, one step at a time.
* * * *
Accepting one's fate can be one of life's bigger challenges.
* * * *
The quantum-awakened, turn sand into gold, coal into diamonds, water into wine.
* * * *
Imagination ceaselessly embraces and battles with itself in every way imaginable.
* * * *
The state of awareness is unimaginable.
* * * *
One drop is inconsequential, but all together, are omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient.
* * * *
There are few things, that are not targets, for one improvement or another.
* * * *
Your mind need not be a prison.
* * * *
Adulthood is the price we pay for losing our innocence.
* * * *
The seed of doubt cannot be planted in any but the most open minds.
* * * *
You are nothing more than electrical impulses skirting along neural pathways.
* * * *
Time is a fixation whose existence cannot be proven.
* * * *
The mind can eat itself up over any and every imaginable vicissitude; detachment the only balm.
* * * *
Why are you still here?
* * * *
The idolatries of imagination are many and not far between.
* * * *
The mind will take every opportunity to imprison You, if You allow it.
* * * *
There is no time like present.
* * * *
Those with direct, clear, perception, do not require stories.
* * * *
There is no changing your fate in to what it already is.
* * * *
Just do what you do; no need to justify it to the world.
* * * *
Existence is an entitlement, not a right.
* * * *
Call it whatever you will, everything adds up to the same mystery.
* * * *
Demon or angel, oblivion the same fate; hells and heavens are fictions of human imagination.
* * * *
News is yet another level of gossip that keeps imagination in play.
* * * *
Strategy and tactics are soulmates.
* * * *
How many dimensions might there be; well, how many ways can you cut any pie?
Forget everything, be everything, be nothing.
* * * *
There is a long list of unanswerable questions; first and foremost, is the reality of the questioner.
* * * *
Intelligent design, imaginary design.
* * * *
Ethics is a Gordian Knot, which only the sharpest sword, cuts loose its imaginary hold.
* * * *
Only in pure awareness are any truly free.
* * * *
All the stars in the sky do not add up, to how many things do not matter.
* * * *
To be the nothingness of pure awareness, is to be everything.
* * * *
Death, real or imagined, is the end to all problems, real or imagined.
* * * *
Break every rule, the dreamtime can bring into play.
* * * *
There is no other; let no one tell you otherwise.
* * * *
So, what will your ethereal imagination do through You, this fine day?
* * * *
Another high score in a losing game.
* * * *
Self-interest breeds a logic screened through too many filters to be at all predictable.
* * * *
Try not to argue about stupid things.
* * * *
Nothing is real.
* * * *
The only difference between you and me is imagined.
* * * *
The near is far; the far is near.
* * * *
The momentary awareness, cannot be grasped.
* * * *
You are not special; nor is anyone else.
* * * *
A most challenging thing, to unstick, to release, to pry, to free, your Self, from your self.
* * * *
If you cannot be ironic, if you cannot be paradoxical, if you cannot be doubtful, what can you be?
* * * *
Another day in the quantum fever.
* * * *
Never doubt, that wherever there is gold, vanity and greed will rise to their occasion,
* * * *
Eternity, the moment, the timeless awareness, is indifferent to your imaginary absurdities.
* * * *
The man of one book uses whatever is said, whatever is written, to corroborate his delusion.
* * * *
Where is the wisdom in that?
* * * *
Imagination is its own contagion.
* * * *
The mind can create every sort of heaven or hell; surrender or suffer, the choice born of free will.
* * * *
Even the most beautiful woman or handsome man, are promises that will turn into lies.
* * * *
Another un-rewindable thought.
* * * *
Human consciousness is always imagining itself more than it can ever be.
* * * *
Aphoristic nihilism.
* * * *
The insatiable hunger of consciousness, is a voracious beast, that has cast its shadow across the world.
* * * *
Doubt is the antidote to a conditioned mind.
* * * *
The awareness is as near as it is far.
* * * *
Nothing remains as it is.
* * * *
Continuity is a tempting illusion; a kaleidoscoping dreamtime without reality.
* * * *
Imagination is its own contagion.
* * * *
Keep your judgments to your Self; they say far more about you than those they target.
* * * *
None can help be, but what nature-nurture has shaped them to be.
* * * *
Caught in the 22 again.
* * * *
We are all dreams in each other's dreams.
* * * *
Stay empty in everything you do.
* * * *
A good full breath, waylays the mind from all its busy-busy judgments, and other such mind gorp.
* * * *
So, what does your imagination tell you this fine day?
* * * *
For at least a few moments, such as it is.
* * * *
Idolatry is the fate of those who lack the doubt to free themselves.
* * * *
Imagination is the great shape-shifter.
* * * *
To be at peace with your Self requires no effort, no struggle, no labor, no force, whatsoever.
* * * *
It is the dance of mind, naturally-selected since the big bang of genesis, to be You.
* * * *
Stare at anything long enough, and you will realize it is the mind that is moving.
* * * *
Imagination has you by the neurons.
* * * *
You have no right to anything, but what fate allots.
* * * *
Relax, it will not be all that much longer.
* * * *
Who-what-where-when-why-how does the endless pursuit of trivia get anyone?
* * * *
The awakened, see sand as gold, coal as diamonds, water as wine.
* * * *
A neural matrix.
* * * *
A mind bound by imagination will always find new limitations.
* * * *
Done enough.
* * * *
Wandering to and from on the spectrum of irony and paradox.
* * * *
Avoid moral dilemmas and quagmires; good and evil are the stillborn of duality.
* * * *
Intelligent design, fallacious design, or any design at all?
* * * *
The domestication crafted by entitlement does not fare well when Darwin pendulums serious.
* * * *
Guns, bunkers, supplies, alliances; not of much use if they cannot be accessed.
* * * *
Yet another ugly future-given.
* * * *
Another day in the quantum fever, chatting with your Self in whatever venues are wandered.
* * * *
Those who lack doubt will never get through the eye of the needle.
* * * *
Nothing is as real as it gets.
* * * *
The agenda of a true believer is without doubt.
* * * *
The cosmos is very much aware, within and without, prior to all priors, beyond all beyonds.
* * * *
Adulthood is the price one pays for losing their innocence.
* * * *
What will the world be like without you? Most likely the same as it was with you.
* * * *
Self-doubt can be a debilitating habit; and like all habits, hard, but not impossible to break.
* * * *
Ethics is forum mind gorp that passes the time.
* * * *
You cannot abuse your mother, and not expect her to come gunning for you.
* * * *
If you cannot doubt, you are blind to truth.
* * * *
How so many can be so satisfied with so much less is beyond all reckoning.
* * * *
The irony is within the paradox, and the paradox, within the irony.
* * * *
All this was written long before the sands of time came along.
* * * *
Pride is much imaginary ado about nothing.
* * * *
Ever the same You, playing out every creation across all eternity.
* * * *
The show must go on; easier to ignore this sort of scribbling, for vanity and greed’s sake.
* * * *
There are many paths, treading all about this pale blue dot of a dust ball, all to the same grave.
* * * *
That is probably not good idea.
* * * *
You only pretend to be a body, a world, a cosmos; in reality, You are none of it.
* * * *
What will be the future of our kind, and life on this pale blue dot, You do often wonder.
* * * *
You have always been perfect just the way you are.
* * * *
New figurine, new symbol, new dogma, new whatever; same old idolatry.
* * * *
The worst thing than an assassination attempt, is a failed one.
* * * *
Self-serving followers make for a self-serving God.
* * * *
Nothing exists because of imagination.
* * * *
The mystery is all things at all times all at once.
* * * *
There is no getting edgewise into the moment.
* * * *
Would you allow someone else to torture you, the way you do yourself?
* * * *
So alone, the mind-body could die, and there would be no difference.
* * * *
What would be the point of anything less?
* * * *
Do nothing, and nothing will become apparent.
* * * *
Is there any limit to our affinity for absurdity?
* * * *
Vote NO! on climate change; let Mother Nature know what you think.
* * * *
If you must worship something, make it the right-here-right-now eternal moment.
* * * *
That will be for history to judge.
* * * *
There is are no ‘moments’ – there is only one moment, one timeless moment, one eternal moment.
* * * *
Grasping the ungraspable, is an ungraspable task.
* * * *
So many pretending they really know something.
* * * *
A still mind is a free mind.
* * * *
The missing piece.
* * * *
No point reading any of this if you already have your answer.
* * * *
There is no happy ending, unless you are perchance that which is unborn-undying.
* * * *
The temptation of nirvana hovers in every moment.
* * * *
Losing it, one day at a time
* * * *
Ultimately, what is worth remembering?
* * * *
No story, no matter how real and true, no matter how fantastical, can touch the eternal moment.
* * * *
Any story, no matter when written, is only as real as your belief in it.
* * * *
It is history that got us into this fine mess, and only detaching from it can get us out.
* * * *
There is no past, there is no future, there is only this moment, right here, right now.
* * * *
What point feeling sorry for yourself?
* * * *
Absurdity is in charge, and madness, its bleak shadow.
* * * *
Rarely pays to get in the way of vanity and greed.
* * * *
The futility of nothing, always trying to be something, for some, becomes Self-apparent.
* * * *
The wonder! The wonder!
* * * *
The moment is the fruit of Eden; the tree of knowledge is just a distraction.
* * * *
Necessity will out every variety of solution.
* * * *
Regarding God and related rumors; that you believe you have figured it, likely means you have not.
* * * *
A slow-burn, under-the-radar, revolutionary mein-kampf; very likely to go entirely unnoticed.
* * * *
There is no Original Sin; only an Original Flaw
* * * *
Fuck that!
* * * *
Food and drink begin their gastric journey into shit and pee as soon as they enter your mouth.
* * * *
To which so many are chained.
* * * *
All we two-leggeds are, is crunchy-chewy-gooey grubs, chock-full of imaginary whimsicality.
* * * *
So many ways to fill this mystery theater continuum, if all you are doing is living.
* * * *
Unless you are in one of them, there are so many worse places, so many worse times, to be.
* * * *
No point holding on to what was neither here nor there in the first place.
* * * *
How has the absurdity of dualistic notion, retained any credence at all, in the human paradigm?
* * * *
Right here, right now, is a moment within the moment.
* * * *
A most obvious truth.
* * * *
Easy-peasy to make up whatever deities your imaginary blend of desire and fear require.
* * * *
Be ye truth seeker, or lie keeper?
* * * *
Truth is not a debate; it is not rhetorical masturbation.
* * * *
Push that ethics button as often as you might, it is ever but an imaginary salve.
* * * *
Time cannot stop, because it never started.
* * * *
The moment is detached, the moment is the detachment, You are the detachment, You are the moment.
* * * *
How can anything but a quiet, still, serene mind, truly embrace the eternal moment?
* * * *
Entitlement runs deep.
* * * *
Seriously, who can be saved, when everything is very much nothing?
* * * *
You are but the moment dreaming its Self real.
* * * *
You know your calling, your passion, when you would pay to do it.
* * * *
Truth is not a dare.
* * * *
The mind-body can be its own best friend; the mind-body can be its own worst enemy.
* * * *
Check your attachments at the door, please.
* * * *
If you want to stop space, to stop time, try stopping your mind.
* * * *
Ceaseless judging; that, is what we do.
* * * *
Easier to dumb down than it is to grit and gumption up.
* * * *
Be your own imaginary best friend.
* * * *
How many people really want to spend that much time in anyone else’s mind?
* * * *
What will all the progeny go through, for the rest of human history, is a horror-filled ponder.
* * * *
Only nothing would be forever, if time existed, if space existed, if anything existed.
* * * *
The long sleep of oblivion will be a welcome changeless.
* * * *
Nothing need not, nothing cannot, be saved.
* * * *
Embrace eternity.
* * * *
Most all lives narrow down from vibrant rivers to gurgling streams before it is over.
* * * *
Eternal grace is yours for the now-ing.
* * * *
Who-what-where-when-why-how, is any other, in the stillness of pure awareness?
* * * *
The space-time continuum is but scientific jargon for eternity.
* * * *
Quality ... Excellence … Caliber … Competence … in everything you do … is the best of all polices.
* * * *
Conspiracy to one tribe, is but a mission-oriented group consensus to another.
* * * *
Best laid plans make the gods on high laugh with glee.
* * * *
Prior to all sensations, physical or mental, You are.
* * * *
Congratulations, your God is as vain and greedy as you.
* * * *
A very original work about a very original mystery.
* * * *
What need for rebirth, once you have discerned what you truly are?
* * * *
To care what any other thinks of You, why?
* * * *
Hard to let go of an edifice, in which so much imagination has been invested.
* * * *
This is your moment; embrace it.
* * * *
There is far more language available to play with in this time, than was ever accessible to the sages of old.
* * * *
Is there anything, more wearing than people who think they are superior than everyone else?
* * * *
Nothing has no reality, but what imagination gives it.
* * * *
It being a God-eat-God dreamtime, everything is eaten sooner or later.
* * * *
What circuitous wander has brought You to this moment, pondering these many thoughts?
* * * *
The moment knows no other.
* * * *
How many things you coulda-shoulda-woulda done differently? Or the same, in a different way?
* * * *
The geeks have taken the human paradigm, have taken the Garden of Gaia, down a dead-end road.
* * * *
The next breath could be your last; are you ready?
* * * *
Artificial Intelligence is unlimited in all the ways imagination can take it; envy the future, pity the future.
* * * *
All so predictable, all so passé.
* * * *
An attentive breath wipes clean all the bothers of your imaginary cosmos, your imaginary realm.
* * * *
Where else is there to be content, but this very here, this very now, this very moment, this very breath.
* * * *
Nothing moves You.
* * * *
The Big Bang of Consciousness, creator of infinity, hath no bounds, but death.
* * * *
Worldly temptations are many and ever more.
* * * *
Just You – very, very, very, exceedingly very, much alone – witnessing Your version of a cosmos.
* * * *
Regarding Eternity, You can never stop what never started.
* * * *
The unborn-undying eye is within all sentience.
* * * *
For there to be good, there must be evil, and that, my friend, is duality in a nutshell.
* * * *
Eden did not disappear; You just stopped seeing it.
* * * *
And some call it, evolution.
* * * *
You are king or queen of your imaginary cosmos; only death can unseat you.
* * * *
You will follow, until you find courage enough, to hold the reins.
* * * *
Feed ze tongue at your peril.
* * * *
Humankind voluntarily surrendered its sovereign sentience to imagination, the great usurper.
* * * *
Personal responsibility? What’s that about?
* * * *
All belief systems are one imaginary concoction or another, none in any way-shape-form real.
* * * *
* * * *
The mystery is only as obvious as any given mind can upstream swim.
* * * *
Wisdom comes with a full metal jacket.
* * * *
Pay attention to the job description, both written and unwritten.
* * * *
A pale blue dot, every moment at war – indivisibly creating, preserving, destroying.
* * * *
So much of everything, and yet, so little wisdom, so little contentment.
* * * *
Eternity is easily bypassed, by the many who neither see nor hear nor question.
* * * *
So much of everything, yet, so little wisdom, so little contentment.
* * * *
Meaning and purpose is whatever you make it, if you make it anything at all.
* * * *
What point being engaged, being governed, being waylaid, by notions fueled by imagination?
* * * *
Pick something you love, and let it kill you.
* * * *
The observer is the observed; the observed is the observer.
* * * *
Guaranteed, this dreamworld does not care one iota what You think or do.
* * * *
What law but his own can bind the explorer of consciousness?
* * * *
A go-figure moment.
* * * *
Paths to glory, that begin as super highways, often turn into rutted backroads.
* * * *
How can a wee mind ever have more than a wee view?
* * * *
Every awakening is its own story, its own time, its own space, its own tempo, its own mind, no two alike.
* * * *
How sorry I feel for the future's children whenever I pass a playground.
* * * *
Free will is an extremely dubious concept.
* * * *
How can karma stick to the moment, but through imagination?
* * * *
Surrendering to the mystery, to the unknown, to eternity, to the moment, is child’s play.
* * * *
The moment has no weight but what the imaginary mind carries through it.
* * * *
Awareness has no persona, but what the wind of imagination blows through it.
* * * *
What is it to have no other imbedded in your mind?
* * * *
… When have You never been? … When will You never be? …
* * * *
What the senses, a dollop of gravity, and a little light, hath created.
* * * *
Might makes right, and weakness wags its finger.
* * * *
What sort of cosmos would it be if time was more than a concept?
* * * *
The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.
* * * *
No matter how many dimensions creation may create, all are of the same mystery.
* * * *
Death is not easy to embrace when the clarion of life abounds.
* * * *
In the race to extinction, what point, tapping the brakes?
* * * *
Avoid troubling your Self.
* * * *
Yet another beguiling story of deities and demons, oh joy, oh yawn.
* * * *
Doing nothing takes practice.
* * * *
Only the spaceless-timeless, unborn-undying, unfathomable-ineffable, are free.
* * * *
Mind can be a torture chamber, or a joyful celebration; every moment its own imaginary revelation.
* * * *
The old is ever new, and the new, ever old.
* * * *
How did that not occur to you before?
* * * *
Would You exist, without imagination, imagining it so?
* * * *
The eternal is not an every-once-in-a-while thing; it is an every-moment-right-here-right-now thing.
* * * *
Attachment to outcomes of any sort it a sure way to flummox the mind.
* * * *
God is far too omnipresent, too omniscient, too omnipotent, to be subjugated by any mindset’s storyline.
* * * *
Truth is in the remembering; Truth is in the forgetting.
* * * *
It is right there, as plain as the nose on your face, if you could see that, either.
* * * *
Those who speak do not know.
* * * *
An immaculate conception, witnessed through the all-seeing, unborn-undying, eye of awareness.
* * * *
Memory is the food bank of vanity.
* * * *
Imagination imagines that it is alive, but where is the pudding to prove it?
* * * *
A good full breath, contains all the detachment that is needed, to offset the illusionary quantum matrix.
* * * *
Time well spent, is mind well dreamed.
* * * *
Wander the mountain until you become the mountain.
* * * *
Creators generally move on to the next creation well before any applause for the last handiwork.
* * * *
There is no end to more; one must simply stop.
* * * *
How callously indifferent a mind must become, to harm any fellow earthling great or small.
* * * *
Those who know do not speak.
* * * *
To see it, to be it, to the unborn-undying of the essential beingness, is the every-moment challenge.
* * * *
Only the spaceless-timeless-unborn-undying are free.
* * * *
The awareness of every sentient being, a unique translation of the same ineffable mystery.
* * * *
Just because it seems real, does not make it real.
* * * *
Life is just the mystery, caught in a biological mainframe, full of sentience.
* * * *
Drops of wisdom drip-drip-drip from the true mind.
* * * *
Any paradigm founded and funded by imagination, only has the reality imagination bequeaths it.
* * * *
Superstition is the fallacy, the delusion, the perversity, to which many an irrational mind clings.
* * * *
The great silence stills tongues.
* * * *
For a paradigm to overcome its irrational limits, would require a cleansing of genocidal proportion.
* * * *
The quantum matrix is an ineffable mystery to its common denominator, the one and only nothing.
* * * *
How do you hold on to nothing, when there is nothing to hold on to?
* * * *
You do need to ask permission to be your Self.
* * * *
The unifying principal is supercalifragilisticexpialidociously simple … It is all one … ‘Nuff said.
* * * *
Every mind, its own Sisyphean reckoning.
* * * *
If someone cannot see the obvious, there is no point arguing about it.
* * * *
How can it all go on and on and on, but through the illusions-delusions-absurdities, of vanity and avarice?
* * * *
Whose fake new rules the day?
* * * *
What, other than imagination, discerns the ultimate truth of anything?
* * * *
Nothing to do, and all day to do it.
* * * *
You are the same moment, You have always been.
* * * *
Daily headlines are the first drafts of tomorrow’s history books.
* * * *
Is the quantum stardust God, or is the quantum stardust wafting through God?
* * * *
Go ahead, douse the human paradigm with another speculation.
* * * *
Another cult, yawn.
* * * *
Are you really anything more than an in and out of an ocean of air in the kaleidoscoping moment?
* * * *
Another thankless moment springs into action.
* * * *
Time is but a wee little concept buried deep in the root ball of imaginary notions.
* * * *
New day, new way.
* * * *
Maybe you should follow your own advice.
* * * *
Awareness is the intelligence; consciousness, the imaginary charioteer.
* * * *
Truth is only true to those who subscribe to it.
* * * *
What – about the unborn-undying, spaceless, timeless, indelible, ineffable abyss – can ever be known?
* * * *
Like cats on a chalkboard.
* * * *
How can you ever be late, or in the wrong place, when here now, is the only time and place there is to be.
* * * *
You earn the same respect you give, if you are lucky.
* * * *
You can only delve as deep as your doubt.
* * * *
You shall have no other gods before You.
* * * *
The future is now.
* * * *
Life is the muse for any creator.
* * * *
Will you die with your vanity intact?
* * * *
No matter – how big, how mighty, how prosperous, how renowned – they get, all religions are cults.
* * * *
Look clearly within, and You will see clearly without.
* * * *
Odds are, even that which we call God, by oh-so-many names, does not know how it all came to be.
* * * *
Hard to stop a hater from hating.
* * * *
The will of destiny marches to its own tune.
* * * *
Even that which matters most, matters not.
* * * *
If you cannot control your willy-nilly imaginary mind, at least do the favor of not inflicting it on others.
* * * *
Nothing does it.
* * * *
Regarding counting moments, hard to tag a thing that cannot be seen or heard, and does not shuffle about.
* * * *
How seriously we take our imaginary selves, and our relatively brief, narcissistic-hedonistic dreamtimes.
* * * *
And in the face of this revelation, vanity is still front and center in all.
* * * *
Nothing is greater than any deity real or imagined.
* * * *
It has been a good dream.
* * * *
What is any seeker, any quester, but the hunter of countless mysteries unknown and unknowable.
* * * *
Well, you tried.
* * * *
Wisdom is distillation of experience; sympathy and empathy, among its chief fermenting agents.
* * * *
How does everything end? ... Badly.
* * * *
Another tidbit for the circular file.
* * * *
Eternity is like that.
* * * *
No, no, no, ten thousand times, no.
* * * *
The truth is oblivion; You are oblivion.
* * * *
Imagination will always be a wannabe when it comes to being real.
* * * *
You, all alone – in a cosmos, a world, a form, a mind, a space, a time, a dream – but never of it.
* * * *
How can anyone prove what can never be proven?
* * * *
You might be back in Old School any day now; be ready.
* * * *
Another day, chasing the clock, racing stoplights, in the rush to oblivion.
* * * *
The imaginary mind-body is the only space-time machine, and every two-legged its own timeline.
* * * *
Nothing matters; not even nothing.
* * * *
Sacks of genetic material – permeated, pervaded, infused, saturated, soaked – in imagination’s matrix.
* * * *
Can there be a You, without a body of some dimensional sort?
* * * *
The agony of it all creates so many wounds, so many scars, so many tears; why do we do it to ourselves?
* * * *
The most elemental-fundamental-essential level is the primordial spirit.
* * * *
No one can prove anything.
* * * *
Can you change your mind?
* * * *
You are not your imagination.
* * * *
Delve as deeply as you might, there is no place to arrive.
* * * *
You are not anything the mind pretends, not anything the mind portends.
* * * *
Details to follow.
* * * *
That God knows who-what-where-when-why-how all this is happening, is an unprovable assumption.
* * * *
You certainly do cling to your primal fear.
* * * *
Truth is but the eternal moment, through which all illusion wafts.
* * * *
The ego mind is but a veil, through which the eye of awareness You are, peers; detached, immortal.
* * * *
There is not, and has never been – nor will there ever be – any other.
* * * *
The morning perch calls its regulars.
* * * *
Imagination is the veil of illusion; the patterning, believing itself real.
* * * *
"It has to be something more," is an unprovable assertion.
* * * *
To even declare "I Am" is a dubious assertion.
* * * *
The binds, the Gordian Knot, of human thinking, are many and without end.
* * * *
Maybe on your deathbed, you will realize how equal to everything you are, have ever been, will ever be.
* * * *
The blue pill is certainly easier to swallow.
* * * *
Back on board
* * * *
What conceptual frameworks have ever touched reality?
* * * *
It for imagination to decide its fate.
* * * *
Embrace the futility.
* * * *
Mathematicians and musicians speak universal languages to which not all minds are privy.
* * * *
Cloaked in plain-sight nondescript, the king of the world, the king of the cosmos, stands aloof.
* * * *
And freedom, what is that, really?
* * * *
Sometimes, you have just got to start all over; perhaps many times.
* * * *
To realize how alone You truly are, is not a fate many embrace.
* * * *
The living who are dead, count themselves few.
* * * *
Yet another shoulda-coulda-woulda moment passes into oblivion.
* * * *
The awareness, the moment, is church enough, religion enough, for any and all.
* * * *
Ultimate truth cannot be usurped by the – brittle swords, false shields, broken chariots – of ignorance.
* * * *
Cheating only cheats the cheater of integrity.
* * * *
Opting for magical thinking over empirical observation; well, enjoy your delusion.
* * * *
Unmasking your delusions, is a process not unakin to that of a chick, pecking its way out of its prison.
* * * *
Tollbooths, at every opportunity, is how it works, for those who play the game.
* * * *
How absurd to believe your self-absorbed, imaginary mind-body character, is even one iota immortal.
* * * *
Distraction is the surest restraint.
* * * *
No matter how much you imagine you know, the unknowable can never be known.
* * * *
It is all God, including You, figure it out.
* * * *
The God, so many in imagination project, is really formed and adorned, with their own narcissistic vanity.
* * * *
Is it real hunger, or just the insatiable quantum mind, choosing between different sensations?
* * * *
We so love our stories, that a world was built to house them.
* * * *
Everyone has a cadence, a drumbeat, a heartbeat, to which they diligently march out their destinies.
* * * *
Speculation is the quagmire of imagination.
* * * *
Hurry up and wait.
* * * *
What combination of any words of wisdom, in what moment, will unlock and unleash your cosmic Self?
* * * *
As magnificent as it imagines itself to be, imagination is but a mortal player, destined for obscurity.
* * * *
Imagination is always out and about, on the march, on the hunt, questing one thing or another.
* * * *
All others are but imaginary illusions of the quantum kind.
* * * *
It's happening again.
* * * *
It is pride, vanity, generosity, hope, that has written this opus.
* * * *
Surprised! Surprise!
* * * *
No one can ever more than speculate, what it takes any given creator, to create.
* * * *
Democracy is a rather futile attempt to make life fair and equal, for some.
* * * *
Waiting for Old School to make a comeback.
* * * *
All we are is crunchy-chewy-gooey with imagination.
* * * *
A bubble of detachment is a good space to hang.
* * * *
No need to suffer along with the mind-body.
* * * *
The history of the mystery, is everything imaginable, and nothing all the while.
* * * *
How easy to imagine your book the greatest story ever told, when it is the only one you have ever read.
* * * *
No one else but your little self needs convincing.
* * * *
Whether it is called good or evil, there are many reasons, why the road less traveled, is less traveled
* * * *
What possible good does it do, feeling sorry for yourself?
* * * *
How would any less a vision even be possible?
* * * *
Why seek forgiveness from any imaginary other, when forgiving your Self is more than enough.
* * * *
Is it cheating if you are playing a different game?
* * * *
The blade of discernment has a razor’s edge, that only the very wise, have the wit with which to whittle.
* * * *
Idolatry and magical thinking tend to lark about hand in hand.
* * * *
Whenever you totally surrender, it always feels like the first time.
* * * *
Nothing new under the sun? Well, if it is new to you, how much newer can it get?
* * * *
Instinct has never been a match, for the will born of imagination.
* * * *
Heavens and hells are all merely fabricated whims of imagination.
* * * *
Believing you know something can make for an arduous journey.