







Awareness is the one and only You, the everything within all,

And it has no attachment to any shape, to any existence, whatsoever.

Its indivisible omnipresence-omniscience-omnipotence permeates all totality.

It is the unborn-undying, imbuing all dimensions, all illusions, cultivated by sentience.

If you are to realize the truth of that which eternity is, it must include everything, including You.

There is no need for deities, no need for souls, no need for angels, no need for saints, no need for demons,

No need for belief, no need for scripture, no need for dogma, no need for priests, no need for idols,

No need for worship, no need for prayer, no need for superstition, no need for cathedrals, 

No need for heavenly ecstasies, no need for purgatories, no need for infernos.

Awareness is witness to all, and You, a sparkle of that eternal now.

All You need do, is be the solitary witness You ever are,

Without the self-imagery chained to form.

Be the ever-present moment.

Be the awareness.

Be the ineffable mystery.

Be the flawless sentience of eternity.

Be the indelible Self of all selves, of all creation.

* * * *

Time is but a concoction of imagination’s perception of gravity’s dustballs,

Angled this way or that, in varying distances from the furnaces of their given stars.

A galactic potion, double-double-toiled-and-troubled-fire-burned-and-cauldron-bubbled.

The natural selection of the mystery playing its Self, by its Self, across its eternal nothingness.

Awareness, in its quantum collider, its laboratory of creation, all outcomes naught but illusory dreams.

And you, that ineffable, intangible, indelible, indivisible, unborn-undying, timeless awareness,

Playing out your little part, in your little dream, all alone, right here, right now, poof.


* * * *

Change is a challenge for minds bent on custom, on belief, on habit, on ritual, on convention, on tradition.

To be free of inward constraints, to be unfettered by limitations of human consciousness,

Is not something for which any oracle will find widespread reception.

Paradigm shifts are not instigated by the multitudes,

And revolutionaries often run afoul of swords, not always their own.


* * * *

We are all extemporaneous players in this Shakespearian mirage.

We all strike the pose, the attitude, the passion, the given twinkling beckons.

The moment none can help but complete in whatever fashion nature-nurture has allotted.

From royal flush to low card, the hand you are dealt, is the one you must play.

Should you choose to stick around, to enjoy and endure it all, that is.


* * * *

Every life form in the six kingdoms is the same indivisible, indelible, timeless quantum matrix mystery.

Every life form in the six kingdoms plays out the nature-nurture of its genetic lottery algorithm.

An archaebacterium plays out its archaebacterium nature-nurture genetic lottery algorithm.

An eubacterium plays out its eubacterium nature-nurture genetic lottery algorithm.

An animalia plays out its animalia nature-nurture genetic lottery algorithm.

A protista plays out its protista nature-nurture genetic lottery algorithm.

A fungi plays out its fungi nature-nurture genetic lottery algorithm.

A plantae plays out its plantae nature-nurture genetic lottery algorithm.

And the inert players – earth, wind, water, fire – the clay of all existence.

Stardust come unto life, stardust born of mystery; natural selection its chisel.

All ever vibrating away simultaneously; all dancing their given places in the sun.

All ever creating, ever preserving, ever destroying; all ever indivisibly unborn-undying.

All ever the same ineffable quantum matrix mystery; all ever the same ineffable eternal moment.


* * * *

You are stardust come unto to life, mystery come unto life, eternity come unto life.

Dial into the timeless moment, and all questions, all answers, will become irrelevant.


* * * *

This mind-body you imagine yours, is a drop of the quantum matrix,

Streaming like a current through the electromagnetic spectrum,

Flowing through lesser masses; stopped by more solid ones.

Physics is physic is physics; there is no breaking the laws.

And what is the ether allowing it all to happen: Awareness.

We drift like clouds passing to and fro in an untouched sky.

A touchy-feely dream; nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.


* * * *

Space and time are illusions, to which there is no direction.

There is no forward, no backward, no right nor left, no up nor down,

Nor any other bearing that imagination might in sensory perception envision.

The quantum dream is always, right here, right now, kaleidoscoping, no direction known.

And You are the centerstage, You are the awareness, You are the witness,

To the ineffable mystery playing out the given sentience.

All that is, all that is not, every moment.


* * * *

You are already samadhi, ecstasy, bliss.

All you need do, is be still enough to discern it.

We are all that which is called God by many names.

Each of us exploring our own exclusive matrix of creation.

And why do you need to believe in anything concocted by mind?

Is not just being, enough, without all the nonsense born of imagination?

The infinite ocean is an infinity of drops; how could all this be, any other way?

Without the endless splintering, there would be no existence, there would be no witness.

And it is You, who must endure it all, with all your spirit, very much alone, a light unto your Self.


* * * *

It is indeed beyond boggling, to fathom: You are the universe and beyond.

That you are the indivisible, indefinable, unfathomable, indelible, ineffable mystery.

But wrapping your head around it, is as simple as letting go, and wrapping your head around it.

One does not ask for permission to be free; one asserts it, affirms it, champions it, with their entire being.


* * * *

 Creation is the moment; destruction, the same;

With a kaleidoscoping of eternity’s moment between.

And creation to one beholder, may be destruction in another’s.

The quantum matrix is an ever-morphing playhouse;

All witnessed by the ineffable awareness,

Through the eyes of sentience.

There is no other.


* * * *

Science is only is what it is, because of all the technologies,

That awareness, through imagination, has created to measure the cosmic illusion.

The dreamtime, that the electromagnetic spectrum – the quantum stardust, the divine dance, the Shiva –

Has spun into sentience upon this pale blue dot, is a sentience capable of exploring its mystery.

As to the question – whether it is intelligent design or naturally-selected happenstance –

Is it really, worth, all the absurdity, all the horror, our kind every moment inflicts,

Upon one another, all our fellow earthlings, and this very pale blue dot?

We are all the same mystery, come unto the dream of existence;

What narcissism to give it more narrative than that.


* * * *

… As real, as it every single moment, every single breath, every single blink, seems …

… Your entire existence – this thing called life – from the cradle to the grave …

… Everything you see and hear and touch and taste and smell and feel …

… Your mind, your body, your world, your cosmos, your dream …

… Is entirely imagined, entirely fictional, entirely illusory …

 … Poof! …


* * * *

The ice box door is gaping-wide, the-roar-of-the falls-daily-louder open,

And there is no way closing it – even if we could – is going to undo where it is spinning.

The remainder of human history, however long, however short, is set to reel madly down a harsh road.


* * * *

Imagination has thoroughly conquered this garden dust ball.

And thrashed it into a twisted shadow of its naturally-selected, Darwinian purity.

It is a cancer wreaking havoc upon the host, that cannot forever allow its wayward nature to continue,

If Gaia is to survive and blossom anew, in the grand theater of this grand mystery.

The story’s conclusion will never see its campfire telling.


* * * *

Whoever comes out of the chutes, straightest and strongest and fastest, generally wins the race.

Assuming, of course, they choose to compete at all; instead, find wandering about, the greater draw.


* * * *

Self-imagery can be a huge stumbling block.

How you discern another, how another discerns you,

Depends very much on how your frames of reference interface,

And there is really nada-nada either of you can do about it,

Except perhaps somehow remain in total detachment,

Which works for about thirteen seconds, at best.


* * * *

It is the insatiable ravenousness of the mind, of consciousness, of imagination,

That must be disciplined, be tempered, be controlled, be mastered.

You can pretty much do anything, once and a while.

You cannot do anything all the time.


* * * *

Whether you want to believe it, accept it, or not,

The warriors who madly charged oblivion, were the ones others followed.

They were naturally selected in the jungles of old, and have steered the course of human history.

This can be a bit much for the domesticated, the housebroken, the so-called civilized sort,

Who lounge in laps of luxury, hold their teacups just-so, and prefer their beasts tame.

That it does not abide well with the hunter-gatherer coursing through our veins,

Become daily more and more obvious, as we race toward the precipice.


* * * *

Normal is nothing more than what you are used to.

It is the pattern, the habit, the conditioning,

 Through which you view your world.


* * * *

You and that guy in the gutter have a lot more in common than many would care to believe.

There, but for the grace of the happenstance of natural selection, go you, if you are so lucky.


* * * *

You may not have had a choice in being born,

But you can certainly have hand in how it ends,

If the Reaper does not beat you to the punch.


* * * *

You are but a particle,

Wafting to and fro in the sea of mystery.

All of it all the while.


* * * *

This moment has been a window of freedom and affluence,

The masses have never experienced in all human history.

And the zenith of that world is in the rear-view mirror.

Oppression and anarchy will dance a perverse duet,

In the scar-tissue of the world we have set afoot.


* * * *

Seriously, how much software do you need, how many apps do you use, how many games do you play? Virtual reality has its time and place, and is the dominating stimulus in these our times,

But an existence without a relationship with the real virtual reality,

That mystery from which all this has come to be,

Is a dubious existence, indeed.


* * * *

Every ripple, small to large, tenders a consequence; oftentimes several.

And then there are the swells and rogue waves and tsunamis,

Mixing and matching, to the horizon and beyond.

And You, powerless to stave off or evade,

Any racing for your rocky shore.


* * * *

The analogue mind versus the digital mind,

And the disconnected distortion between,

Is wreaking havoc in a future undone.


* * * *

There is absolutely no concoction of consciousness, of imagination, human or otherwise,

That will even for a moment hold fast, in the spaceless, timeless awareness,

Of the ineffable, indivisible, indelible stillness, of eternity.

Quantum illusion is ever quantum illusion;

No matter its hunger for a more,

That has never been, and can never be.


* * * *

Only you know your own story,

And even that is but a vain perception,

Of what may have really happened.


* * * *

Imagination creates time, imagination travels time, imagination is time,

And through it all, imagination make-believes it truly exists forever and a day.

Only in the timeless tranquility of awareness, can it be discerned as the perjury it is.

Nothing the busy-busy mind will ever concoct, will ever fathom what you are, and are not.

To be truly free of all its monkey-mind assertions, the no-mind, the unclenched mind, is the key.


* * * *

Heaven and hell are states of mind.

An angel can wander throughout any hell, untouched.

And a demon would sling a cloud of rancor and discord into any heaven.


* * * *

It is the body, the corporeal container, that dies, not You.

The reality is, we were never born, so dying is highly improbable.

You are the awareness, the right-here-right-now, the mystery, of all eternity.


* * * *

Time and space are an illusion of consciousness.

We only believe we exist because of a sensory mind-body,

Fabricated by the electromagnetic spectrum, a.k.a., quantum matrix.

Meditation long ago intuited it illusion; science has proved,

We are all very much alone in our own twilight zone.


* * * *

Consciousness, cognizance, imagination, memory, mindfulness, insight, intuition,

Can never even hope to be more than a shadow of the awareness,

That is as real as it can ever, will ever, get.

The real and the unreal are a duet of the unknown.


* * * *

To follow, to worship, the vain and mighty; why?

When being your Self, in this very right-here-right-now,

Is the 24/7/365 all-accepting alter of what is, is-ing ever along.


* * * *

To know history, to understand one’s culture, and place in it, is to perhaps be ready for whatever comes.

The historian-anthropologist-philosopher gives the dreamtime a nuanced perspective,

Percolated in a doubting detachment that bends to relativity.


* * * *

Regarding traveling through space and time,

It is tough to wander something that does not exist,

As anything more than an imaginary notion.

All imagination can do is travel itself.


* * * *

Why be concerned whether anyone else is free,

If you, your Self, have not managed to brass-ring it?

It is surely enough, if you alone, have truly let go all claims.

The human paradigm will carry on in its squalor to the bitter end.

No need to wander furrow-browed trying to solve its insoluble dilemma.


* * * *

What else can truth be, need truth be, but awareness its Self, pure and simple and free?

Prior to all priors, within all withins, without all withouts, beyond all beyonds, You are.


* * * *

You have never been real, you will never be real, in any way you think.

There is only pure awareness, it suffers not, be free, die now, to all of it.


* * * *

You may be an extremely complex pattern, but you are a pattern, nonetheless.

Your fated destiny is playing out – ineffably inexplicable as its indivisibility ever is –

As the first moment of creation, spun into being, its magical-mystery matrix of space and time.


* * * *

If there is an omniscient-omnipresent-omnipotent, merciful god,

Why would you ever have to pray, to beg, to plead, to hope, for anything?

How would he-she-it not know your every need, your every want?


* * * *

Always curious how our kind build ups or tears down,

The many others who chance through the conditioned awareness.

To illustrate it in agricultural vernacular: we till, we prune, we thin, we grade,

And then enjoy the bounty, the harvest, the fruits, of our industry.

And woe unto those who are not deemed worthy.


* * * *

You would kill someone, simply because they call their idol by a different name than yours?



* * * *

In the infinity of all eyes, there is but one witness.

No need to give it any name or rank, other than You.


* * * *

We are all dancing in every way imaginable, in the same quantum hologram,

The infinite matrix, of the inexplicable source, that has ever been You, awareness.


* * * *

It is a bit less problematic to be generous, to be liberal, to be kind,

When you are not having to make decisions, infused with greed and vanity.

The spreadsheet pinnacles are without mercy for the masses,

Over which they imagine themselves superior.


* * * *

To wander untouched, untroubled, untainted, by the sensory theater,

Is the way of the eternal mind, timelessly witnessing.

As the mind moves, so does the dream.


* * * *

You are first and last, with nothing before or between or after,

If space and time truly existed as more than a quantum dream.


* * * *

What are the number-crunching odds, that once some material possession is in a storage unit,

Or even a closet or drawer or box or bag, that you will ever use it, or ever even think of it, again?


* * * *

Save the world? From Us? Lord, no!

How would that even be at all possible?

And where in God’s moniker, to even begin.

Seriously, is it any marvel, Jesus has not returned?


* * * *

Eternal salvation is about being free of the fell grip of the space-time born of imagination.

The return to nothingness, is the dissolution of all things imagined,

Of all things begetted of consciousness.


* * * *

Might not be the way you would say it,

But in the essence of linguistic aptitude,

Getting the gist, is all that really matters.


* * * *

What is around the next corner, and the next, and the many beyond,

Can be a great surprise to those without the sagacity of anticipation.


* * * *

How many followers would follow their prophets,

If they ran into them unrecognized on any given street?


* * * *

This long and winding work is dedicated,

To the mystics at large, the mystiques en liberté,

For whom Self is all; for whom one is all, and all are one.


* * * *

The intensity of imagination contributes greatly to holding one's breath.

When feeling the tension of any perception, observe how you are breathing, or not.

Oxygen deprivation may be contributing to the plight, to which your mind so readily succumbs.


* * * *

This esoteric work is dedicated to mystics at large;

The mystiques en liberté, for whom Self is all.


* * * *

Not making the world, about you, goes a long way towards not taking things personally.

And not taking things personally, goes a long way towards equanimity of mind and body.


* * * *

We all get a sensory window, oh-so-mortal, to the mystery all equally are.

All tweaked and twisted by the imaginary conviction,

Through which all things are viewed.


* * * *

How to articulate the tension, the satisfaction, the pleasure,

Any given creator feels, from each stroke, of whatever the brush.


* * * *

To truly be The King of your jungle, cannot be make-believe bravado.

You must be The King, in whatever way it takes, to eliminate all doubt.

For doubt will only bring anarchy, and very likely ensure decline and fall.


* * * *

Science fiction may herald every variety of possibility, but it is not reality.

It takes a great deal of all things technological, not to mention funding and resources,

To duplicate what paper and screen writers, from the comfort of keyboards, so easily imagine.


* * * *

Got it seen.

Got it heard.

Got it smelled

Got it tasted.

Got it felt.

Got it grokked.


* * * *

Awareness neither creates nor destroys.

Awareness neither begins nor ends.

Awareness neither loves nor hates.

Awareness neither praises nor maligns.

Awareness neither enjoys nor dislikes.

Awareness neither celebrates nor broods.

Awareness neither favors nor disfavors.

Awareness neither simplifies nor complicates.

Awareness neither discerns nor neglects.

Awareness neither is nor is not.

Awareness neither supports nor opposes.

Awareness neither validates nor refutes.

Awareness neither admires nor derides.

Awareness neither clarifies nor confuses.

Awareness neither wins nor loses.

Awareness neither catches nor releases.

Awareness neither lightens nor darkens.

Awareness neither lives nor dies.

Awareness neither ascends nor descends.

Awareness neither endures nor succumbs.

Awareness neither preserves nor ends.

Awareness neither stores nor expends.

Awareness neither rescues nor abandons.

Awareness neither does nor undoes.

Awareness neither clears nor blocks.

Awareness neither frees nor imprisons.

Awareness neither saves nor spends.

Awareness neither gains nor loses.

Awareness neither achieves nor fails.

Awareness neither continues nor pauses.

Awareness neither possesses nor lacks.

Awareness neither craves nor dislikes.

Awareness neither respects nor scorns.

Awareness neither unites nor divides.

Awareness neither assists nor hinders.

Awareness neither perceives nor ignores.

Awareness neither solidifies nor evaporates.

Awareness neither strengthens nor weakens.

Awareness neither enables nor prevents.

Awareness neither facilitates nor impedes.

Awareness neither shortens nor lengthens.

Awareness neither appears nor disappears.


Awareness is the unborn-undying; with neither beginning nor end.


* * * *

To go forward or backward,

To go around or through,

To go before or after,

To go good or bad,

To go selfless or selfish,

To go to or from,

To go in or out,

To go within or without,

To go yay or nay,

To go tall or short,

To go close or distant,

To go fore or aft,

To go full or empty,

To go strong or weak,

To go normal or weird,

To go dry or wet,

To go constant or fickle,

To go positive or negative,

To go happy or sad,

To go wise or foolish,

To go bright or dim,

To go deep or shallow,

To go over or under,

To go on or off,

To go loose or tight,

To go for or against,

To go near or far,

To go soft or harsh,

To go naive or cynical,

To go narrow or wide,

To go plus or minus,

To go above or below,

To go up or down,

To go inside or outside,

To go sharp or dull,

To go simple or complex,

To go right or wrong,

To go black or white,

To go this or that,


How artless, the ‘or’ of the middle way.


* * * *

The weight of space.

The weight of time.

The weight of gravity.

The weight of vanity.

The weight of power.

The weight of wealth.

The weight of tribe.

The weight of history.

The weight of tradition.

The weight of dogma.

The weight of fame.

The weight of desire.

The weight of fear.

The weight of dread.

The weight of sorrow.

The weight of pain.

The weight of despair.

The weight of loss.

The weight of gain.

The weight of glut.

The weight of dearth.

The weight of things.

The weight of avarice.

The weight of cruelty.

The weight of kindness.

The weight of selfishness.

The weight of altruism.

The weight of pride.

The weight of covetousness.

The weight of lust.

The weight of anger.

The weight of gluttony.

The weight of envy.

The weight of sloth.

The weight of like.

The weight of dislike.

The weight of hate.

The weight of love.

The weight of strength.

The weight of weakness.

The weight of yes.

The weight of no.

The weight of maybe.

The weight of light

The weight of dark.

The weight of good.

The weight of evil.

The weight of full.

The weight of empty.

The weight of have

The weight of have not.

The weight of all.

The weight of none.

The weight of some.

The weight of body.

The weight of mind.

The weight of life.

The weight of death.

The weight of perception.

The weight of imagination.

Who is the who, who carries it all?


* * * *

Watching the second hand move, watching the minute hand move, watching the hour hand move;

Watching the world turn, watching the clouds in every shape and size race across the sky;

Watching the sun, the moon, the stars, go round and round, every day the same;

Who-what-why-when-where-how, is the witness doing the watching?

Eternity is ever-present for those who have eyes and ears,

To see and hear the mystery, as it frolics in its quantum infinity.


* * * *

Awareness is … right here, right now.

To dub it either infinitesimal or infinite, or anything, actually,

Is to give it a space-time tone that absolutely has no basis in its reality, whatsoever.

Consciousness is but an imaginary wisp of nothingness, wafting through the beyond-expansive expanse.

And humankind playing out its ceaseless dramafest in a pre-determined fashion,

Far grander than the human mind can comprehend,

Lest it doth become it.


* * * *

The moment is mystery; You are mystery.

The moment is eternal; You are eternal.

The moment is immaculate; You are immaculate.

The moment is unborn; You are unborn.

The moment is undying; You are undying.

The moment is indivisible; You are indivisible.

The moment is here; You are here.

The moment is unbounded; You are unbounded.

The moment is truth; You are truth.

The moment is graceful; You are graceful.

The moment is pure; You are pure.

The moment is unequivocal; You are unequivocal.

The moment is supreme; You are supreme.

The moment is unqualified; You are unqualified.

The moment is perfect; You are perfect.

The moment is nothingness; You are nothingness.

The moment is total; You are total.

The moment is complete; You are complete.

The moment is tabula rasa; You are tabula rasa.

The moment is sentient; You are sentient.

The moment is still; You are still.

The moment is inscrutable; You are inscrutable.

The moment is perpetual; You are perpetual.

The moment is matrix; You are matrix.

The moment is serene; You are serene.

The moment is pervasive; You are pervasive.

The moment is dispassionate; You are dispassionate.

The moment is nonexistent; You are nonexistent.

The moment is uncontrolled; You are uncontrolled.

The moment is boundless; You are boundless.

The moment is unrestrained; You are unrestrained.

The moment is untouched; You are untouched.

The moment is unrefined; You are unrefined.

The moment is limitless; You are limitless.

The moment is indefinable; You are indefinable.

The moment is undone; You are undone.

The moment is extraordinary; You are extraordinary.

The moment is enduring; You are enduring.

The moment is tranquil; You are tranquil.

The moment is unruffled; You are unruffled.

The moment is unworried; You are unworried.

The moment is placid; You are placid.

The moment is composed; You are composed.

The moment is unbounded; You are unbounded.

The moment is unchained; You are unchained.

The moment is opaque; You are opaque.

The moment is vulnerable; You are vulnerable.

The moment is compliant; You are compliant.

The moment is fictional; You are fictional.

The moment is undeniable; You are undeniable.

The moment is pristine; You are pristine.

The moment is forever; You are forever.

The moment is mundane; You are mundane.

The moment is empty; You are empty.

The moment is untarnished; You are untarnished.

The moment is impartial; You are impartial.

The moment is rational; You are rational.

The moment is priceless; You are priceless.

The moment is all; You are all.

The moment is valueless; You are valueless.

The moment is straightforward; You are straightforward.

The moment is obscure; You are obscure.

The moment is worthless; You are worthless.

The moment is anonymous; You are anonymous.

The moment is purposeless; You are purposeless.

The moment is none; You are none.

The moment is unimportant; You are unimportant.

The moment is silent; You are silent.

The moment is nondualistic; You are nondualistic.

The moment is clear; You are clear.

The moment is motionless; You are motionless.

The moment is wasted; You are wasted.

The moment is mindless; You are mindless.

The moment is everlasting; You are everlasting.

The moment is ineffective; You are ineffective.

The moment is vain; You are vain.

The moment is unsuccessful; You are unsuccessful.

The moment is fruitless; You are fruitless.

The moment is futile; You are futile.

The moment is instantaneous; You are instantaneous.

The moment is imaginary; You are imaginary.

The moment is aware; You are aware.

The moment is ineffable; You are ineffable.

The moment is mysterious; You are mysterious.

The moment is inexpressible; You are inexpressible.

The moment is unspeakable; You are unspeakable.

The moment is meaningless; You are meaningless.

The moment is ordinary; You are ordinary.

The moment is engrained; You are engrained.

The moment is imperceptible; You are imperceptible.

The moment is inconsequential; You are inconsequential.

The moment is hollow; You are hollow.

The moment is alone; You are alone.

The moment is minimal; You are minimal.

The moment is impenetrable; You are impenetrable.

The moment is average; You are average.

The moment is unfathomable; You are unfathomable.

The moment is unique; You are unique.

The moment is unicity; You are unicity.

The moment is incessant; You are incessant.

The moment is inconceivable; You are inconceivable.

The moment is unfastened You are unfastened.

The moment is rational; You are rational.

The moment is maximum; You are maximum.

The moment is detached; You are detached.

The moment is unrivaled; You are unrivaled.

The moment is inimitable; You are inimitable.

The moment is incomparable; You are incomparable.

The moment is unbiased; You are unbiased.

The moment is pointless; You are pointless.

The moment is unconcerned; You are unconcerned.

The moment is ceaseless; You are ceaseless.

The moment is impersonal; You are impersonal.

The moment is absurd; You are absurd.

The moment is aloof; You are aloof.

The moment is interminable; You are interminable.

The moment is exquisite; You are exquisite.

The moment is unintelligible; You are unintelligible.

The moment is incomprehensible; You are incomprehensible.

The moment is unreadable; You are unreadable.

The moment is enigmatic; You are enigmatic.

The moment is carefree; You are carefree.

The moment is never-ending; You are never-ending.

The moment is now; You are now.

The moment is innocent; You are innocent.

The moment is singular; You are singular.

The moment is timeless; You are timeless.

The moment is momentary; You are momentary.

The moment is absolute; You are absolute.

The moment is sovereign; You are sovereign.

The moment is omniscient; You are omniscient.

The moment is omnipresent; You are omnipresent.

The moment is omnipotent; You are omnipotent.

The moment is kaleidoscoping; You are kaleidoscoping.

The moment is quantum; You are quantum.

The moment is awareness; You are awareness.

The moment is totality; You are totality.

The moment is life; You are life.

The moment is seamless; You are seamless.

The moment is unconditional; You are unconditional.

The moment is unadulterated; You are unadulterated.

The moment is flawless; You are flawless.

The moment is unspoiled; You are unspoiled.

The moment is entire; You are entire.

The moment is effortless; You are effortless.

The moment is first; You are first.

The moment is oblivion; You are oblivion.

The moment is mindful; You are mindful.

The moment is last; You are last.

The moment is whole; You are whole.

The moment is harmonious; You are harmonious.

The moment is unified; You are unified.

The moment is impeccable; You are impeccable.

The moment is blameless; You are blameless.

The moment is spotless; You are spotless.

The moment is alertness; You are alertness.

The moment is matchless; You are matchless.

The moment is void; You are void.

The moment is stillness; You are stillness.

The moment is extinct; You are extinct.

The moment is obscurity; You are obscurity.

The moment is anonymous; You are anonymous.

The moment is insignificant; You are insignificant.

The moment is null; You are null.

The moment is worthless; You are worthless.

The moment is useless; You are useless.

The moment is unknowable; You are unknowable.

The moment is naught; You are naught.

The moment is nameless; You are nameless.

The moment is undiscoverable; You are undiscoverable.

The moment is immeasurable; You are immeasurable.

The moment is infinite; You are infinite.

The moment is incalculable; You are incalculable.

The moment is inestimable; You are inestimable.

The moment is endless; You are endless.

The moment is simple; You are simple.

The moment is straightforward; You are straightforward.

The moment is natural; You are natural.

The moment is painless; You are painless.

The moment is uncomplicated; You are uncomplicated.

The moment is unforced; You are unforced.

The moment is infinitesimal; You are infinitesimal.

The moment is ever; You are ever.

The moment is untroubled; You are untroubled.

The moment is inexplicable; You are inexplicable.

The moment is unstained; You are unstained.

The moment is peerless; You are peerless.

The moment is indefinable; You are indefinable.

The moment is emptiness; You are emptiness.

The moment is indifferent; You are indifferent.

The moment is ageless; You are ageless.

The moment is irrational; You are irrational.

The moment is immortal; You are immortal.

The moment is way; You are way.

The moment is intrinsic; You are intrinsic.

The moment is intangible You are intangible.

The moment is witness; You are witness.

The moment is indelible; You are indelible.

The moment is solitary; You are solitary.

The moment is free; You are free.


* * * *

You are what you eat, and you shit it, too.

And piddle it, and sweat it, and spit it, and sneeze it,

And cough it, and weep it, and bleed it, and ejaculate it, as well.

How fortunate to finally realize, you are not this cesspool,

And must only bear witness to its sundry travesties,

For what whatever jot the Fates hath deigned.


* * * *

Has your lifetime of philosophizing, in any way,

Transformed the patterning of your terrestrial mind-body?

Not that you have, in any way or shape or form, ever once witnessed.

Destiny is destiny, fate is fate, fortune is fortune, upshot is upshot, kismet is kismet,

No matter how it is chiseled in stone in the sands of time.

All sentience endures it the same.


* * * *

The human paradigm will have to change intelligently,

If any sort of idealized metamorphosis,

Is fated to happen.

It would be a revolution of utterly epic proportion,

Well beyond any imaginary assessment, this present, or any prior, has ever witnessed.


* * * *

… The mystery of the immaculate, flawless, pristine, impeccable, immortally eternal awareness …

… Prior to all priors, within all withins, without all withouts, beyond all beyonds …

… Ineffable, intangible, indelible, indivisible, unborn-undying …

… Omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent …

… Spaceless, timeless…



* * * *

The awareness sees.

The awareness hears.

The awareness smells.

The awareness tastes.

The awareness feels.

Long gone before mind remembers it.


* * * *

If there is a guiding hand to this mystery, it is the process of natural selection,

Set into motion at the inexplicable, ineffable inception of creation.

The only answer, for those always seeking answers,

Is solitary walks, or staring into space,

Until the mind’s need for answers dissolves.


* * * *

The relatively agreeable thing regarding imagination,

Is that you can do absolutely anything the mind might venture.

Angel on high in the lap of some deity; or demon, as low as low can go.

The mind is the magic carpet time machine, that can meander all creation at will.

Far less bother than the real thing can be; especially when it comes to the harsher fantasies.

That so many must twist and destroy other lives, is the wretched absurdity of this planet of the apes.


* * * *

Neither You, nor anyone else, can help but play out their destined role.

There is nothing to do, but spontaneous extemporaneous.

Play out every scenario as the moment calls.

Choice has nothing to do with it.

None can do more,

Than surrender to the abyss in all.

Call it whatever you will, it is all You; there is no other.


* * * *

You can only sit in one chair at a time.

You can only sleep in one bed at a time,

You can only eat one meal at a time,

You can only drink one drink at a time.

You can only take one shower at a time.

You can only wear one outfit at a time.

You can only read one book at a time.

You can only play one game at a time.

You can only ride one bike at a time,

You can only see one thing at a time.

You can only hear one sound at a time.

You can only taste one taste at a time.

You can only smell one smell at a time.

You can only feel one touch at a time.

You can only do one anything at a time.

So, how much does anyone really need?


* * * *

Why are you so fearful of it all coming to an end?

Oblivion is the state from whence You came.

Oblivion is the state to which all return.

There is absolutely nothing to fear or dread.

There is absolutely nothing for which to hope or plead.

There is simply eternity, which You are, have ever been, will ever be.


* * * *

Is natural selection a function of spontaneity, of autonomy, of self-determination, of free will,

Or simply the continuation of the pattern-selection, kaleidoscoping since the first moment of genesis?

Impromptu, spontaneous, extemporaneous, when viewed from the macro level;

But precisely, exactly determined, at the quantum level.

Has there ever been even one choice?

Is such an unsynchronized flow even remotely possible,

In this ineffable cosmos, absolutely orchestrated, every moment, in every way?

Looking back at your entire existence, what say did you have in anything, that lead you to be reading this?


* * * *

The you, you imagine carries on, is not the You, You are.

All forms are but ever-changing, temporal, quantum illusions,

To which only imagination, stimulated by the senses, is witness.

The awareness You truly are, is the omnipresent, immortal actuality.

Humankind’s capacity for delusion is the harbor of all things irrational.


* * * *

This ultimate truth is all that really matters in this théâtre absurde.

Everything else is nothing more than quantum illusion.

Everything else is but an imaginary dreamtime,

In which You are voluntary prisoner,

Of your own mind’s design.

There are no chains.

There is only the moment,

And You are as free as You dare.


* * * *

How we can be so blinded by vanity and greed,

As to not clearly see, and not be on full-back-track concerned,

That strangling the garden is a sure road to perdition,

Is an astoundingly absurd thing to witness.


* * * *

You are but a particle, wafting to and fro in the sea of mystery; all of it all the while.

The quantum sea allows every variety of form to play out however it will,

Without parameters, without attachment, without judgment.

Only human imagination, imagines otherwise.

What need for any deity, for any dogmatic entanglements,

 Once you have discerned right-relationship, with the mystery’s totality?


* * * *

Who-what-when-where-why-how, exactly, is this self, you so adamantly imagine yourself to be?

It is an invention, a collusion, a lie, that imagination has swept our genomic-sequencing,

To impromptu-play across all the horror our kind has wreaked upon this garden.

And its harsh, unforgiving, dystopian endgame, is well past self-evident.


* * * *

Any given mind is a universe unto its Self;

Unto the awareness in which all forms dance.

In which imagination, imagines an authenticity,

Engineered entirely by the given nature-nurture.

An impromptu performance of genomic design.

To assume it free will, would be a conclusion,

Without substance, in the abyss of eternity.


* * * *

The unknowable created the cosmos.

The cosmos created the world.

The world created nature.

Nature created Gaia.

Gaia created humankind.

Humankind created imagination.

Imagination imagined the unknowable known.

Ineffable, indivisible, ineffaceable, unfathomable, immaculate.

And in that knowing, the sense of self was imagined.

And in that awareness of imaginary self, You.

Omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent.

Creator, preserver, destroyer.

Eternity, born into time.

Eternity, imagined.

Awareness, all.

All, You.

There is no other.


* * * *

You, Awareness.

Awareness field.

Awareness infinity.

Awareness freedom.

Awareness tranquility.

Awareness indelibility.

Awareness sovereignty.

Awareness absoluteness.

Awareness indivisibility.

Awareness timelessness.

Awareness singularity.

Awareness totality.

Awareness truth.

Awareness joy.

You, Awareness.


* * * *

How they always win, how they always rule, how they are always at heights of the food chain,

Has been the same tale since long before our\kind migrated out into the savannas.

It is the tale of power, of might makes right, of the law of the club,

And who is willing to wield it, with the most savagery.

Submit or die, it matters not to the big ape,

And the minions who serve in every possible way.

The axis of evil is nepotism and cronyism and favoritism.

It is the reality of natural selection since life’s most primordial etchings.

Quantum stardust – morphing, mutating, evolving, dancing – in the mystery of awareness.

The mystery of Self, of the one and only dancer, playing itself alive in every possible way, including You.


* * * *

Letters and numbers and notes, and any other hieroglyphs,

Are all imagined, and bound to the mirage of time and space.

The awareness is prior to all; the sky in which all clouds dance.


* * * *

Here is your death, come and get it, embrace it with all your being.

Or run away, as far, as fast, as your make-believe deigns.

The Reaper will be waiting for your arrival.


* * * *

Your universe will never be the same once you wander from the first one.

Actually, it has never been the same every moment since your conception.


* * * *

Imagination has blinded humankind to the garden of its origin.

Unlikely as it is to happen, it is on the future to regain its sight.

How difficult it will be, to throw everything out, and start over.

And will it be possible, in the ruins of a torn and tattered world?


* * * *

Imagination can only imagine itself to be awareness.

That which is prior to all things born of quantum design,

Cannot be grasped by the whimsy of consciousness.


* * * *

Whether awake or asleep, a dream is a dream,

And that is all it is, all it has ever been, all it will ever be,

No matter how many memories the imaginary you shores it up with.


* * * *

Are you walking alone, paying attention to the given moment,

Or with the cloud of memories rolodexing through the cerebellum?


* * * *

If there is movement, there are ripples,

And ripples, and ever more ripples, rippling away.

That is the disposition of the coin of creation and destruction,

With preservation flipping to and fro about the edges.


* * * *

How fortunate you are if power and fame and fortune have somehow evaded you.

Vulnerability, anonymity, austerity, and the mindfulness they engender,

Are a great gift in this insane asylum, this théâtre absurde.


* * * *

When schemes do not go according to plan, best to take a big breath,

And then stoke up whatever grit and gumption is necessary,

To come up with the new plan that will carry on.

Stiff upper lip is what the Brits call it.


* * * *

Without being paranoid, may be best to always assume

There could be a camera or video pointing your direction.


* * * *

How you deal with the kaleidoscoping moment,

Is entirely shaped by the nature-nurture,

You drew in the genetic lottery.


* * * *

Humankind is what it is, has always been, and will always be.

Would make sense to just sit and stare at a wall, as to get all twisted about it.

Discerning the sanctity of eternity – to be at peace with the illusion – is a gift to your Self.


* * * *

The post-WWII Boomer generation that I was born into, got set up by the idealistic winds of our youth,

To believe humankind could be and do something Darwin 101 assures us is impossible.

What I tell any who still harbor that delusional notion, any who still believe,

Us capable of, for even a few minutes, overriding the natural selection that whittled us, 

Is that you can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you cannot take the jungle out of the monkey.


* * * *

The body is always in the present moment.

Awareness is always in the present moment.

Only imagination wanders space and time.

Only imagination creates space and time.

Only imagination imagines itself alive.

Only imagination imagines itself real.

Only imagination imagines its Self.

Only imagination imagines totality.

Only imagination imagines nothing.


* * * *

In the world, but not of it.

In the matrix, but not of it.

In the illusion, but not of it.

In the dream, but not of it.


* * * *

The Eternal Mind


… mysterious …

… ineffable …

… tabula rasa …

… aware …

… still …

… indivisible …

… momentary …

… singular …

… indelible …

… supreme …

… matchless …

… now …

… sentient …

… unfathomable …

… inscrutable …

… perpetual …

… imaginary …

… matrix …

… flawless …

… timeless …

… infinite …

… infinitesimal …

… omnipresent …

… serene …

… immortal …

… pervasive …

… omniscient …

… mindful …

… instantaneous …

… quantum …

… null …

… immaculate …

… futile …

… everlasting …

… unbound …

… motionless …

… mindless …

… clear …

… nondualistic …

… here …

… unbounded …

… silent …

… graceful …

… pure …

… unequivocal …

… unqualified …

… perfect …

… nothingness …

… total …

… complete …

… innocent …

… truth …

… unconditional …

… unadulterated …

… seamless …

… unspoiled …

… impeccable …

… empty …

… entire …

… effortless …

… first …

… oblivion …

… last …

… whole …

… harmonious …

… unified …

… blameless …

… spotless …

… sentient …

… alert …

… void …

… unimportant …

… all …

… none …

… inestimable …

… indefinable …

… extinct …

… purposeless …

… obscure …

… anonymous …

… insignificant …

… null …

… worthless …

… unknowable …

… naught …

… indecipherable …

… nameless …

… undiscoverable …

… useless …

… immeasurable …

… valueless …

… incalculable …

… rational …

… unutterable …

… endless …

… impartial …

… simple …

… straightforward …

… natural …

… untouched …

… imperceptible …

… painless …

… uncomplicated …

… unforced …

… untarnished …

… ever …

… untroubled …

… inexplicable …

… unstained …

… peerless …

… emptiness …

… indifferent …

… ageless …

… ineradicable …

… irrational …

… permanent …

… indiscernible …

… impalpable …

… faultless …

… pristine …

… mundane …

… hollow …

… alone …

… minimal …

… average …

… unique …

… unspeakable …

… unimaginable …

… unicity …

… whole …

… incessant …

… inconceivable …

… unfastened …

… rational …

… undeniable …

… detached …

… unrivaled …

… inimitable …

… incomparable …

… unbiased …

… pointless …

… unconcerned …

… ceaseless …

… priceless …

… impersonal …

… absurd …

… aloof …

… nonexistent …

… interminable …

… carefree …

… enigmatic …

… impenetrable …

… unreadable …

… incomprehensible …

… unintelligible …

… meaningless …

… inconsequential …

… exquisite …

… ordinary …

… engrained …

… intrinsic …

… intangible …

… solitary …

… enduring …

… inexpressible …

… omnipotent …

… tranquil …

… free …

… sovereign …

… unborn …

… undying …

… absolute …

… eternal …


* * * *

The mitote, the chaos of 1,000 voices all trying to talk at once in the mind,

Are always ready and waiting and eager to sally into the windmills of your mind.

How many are playing over and over and over in your head, in the right here, right now?


* * * *

The mystery created imagination.

Imagination created deities of every variety,

And plays out ceaseless permutations of vanity and greed.

Its trail of horrors ignores all rationality, all compassion, all munificence.

The mystery, in all its vastness, has no shoulders to shrug.


* * * *

Hot or cold, hard or soft, clean or dirty, clothed or naked,

Comfortable or uncomfortable, asleep or awake, seen or unseen,

Engaged or unengaged, self-absorbed or Self-absorbed, it is all the same.

The awareness is equally within every particle of creation.

Omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent.

You are it; it is You.

The other is but imagined.


* * * *

Someone who has not got a lot to do, has less time to do it in,

Than someone who has a hectic existence, with so much on their plate,

That any need is added to the list, and done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Yet another peculiar irony in the paradox of all things two-legged in this quantum dream.


* * * *

What is creation's beginning but the space of awareness,

Stirring just enough to explode into the quantum soup,

That would eventually manifest into all the forms it,

In any given here now, pervades, including yours.


* * * *

You are the mitote, the chaos of 1,000 voices all trying to talk at once in the mind.

All the chatter in your head, playing over and over and over, is yours, and yours alone.


* * * *

The challenge with building an empire – or anything, for that matter –

Is the humdrum-day-after-day of keeping it going and going and going.


* * * *

Our kind does not deal well with not knowing everything that consciousness can come up with.

It was not the fruit of knowledge, that was plucked in Eden; it was the fruit of imagination,

That was swallowed in full by the tree-dwellers, in whom the mind-spark first sparked.


* * * *

To be a philosopher is to step as far back as possible,

And to examine anything and everything,

As closely as mind allows.


* * * *

Big bang, genesis, turtles all the way up and down, call it whatever you will,

Somehow it began, and somehow it will go on for as long as it does.

What need to speculate about a mystery that can never known?

All who try, only wave their arms about, uttering vague absurdities.


* * * *

The clinging to memories, to all that is perceived,

Are just imagination's refusal to let go of any allotted moment,

To let go the existence it believes really happened,

Forever gone as soon as it happens.


* * * *

Mitote is imagination; you are imagination, you are mitote.

The chaos of 1,000 voices all trying to talk at once in the mind.

Anytime there is the spark of me-myself-and-I, mitote has the reins.


* * * *

How much better off, how much less full of false and unnecessary drama, might your life be,

Without your family, and a fair portion of so-called friends and acquaintances?

And let us not begin to factor in the co-workers on that exit list.


* * * *

How can anyone not discern that all organized religions are but cults,

That fenagle their absurdities, their charades, into wealth and influence.

Weave their wares into any mind, gullible enough to believe in anything.

Nothing more than fabrications that benefit whoever can spin them best.


* * * *

You will explore it, ponder it, as deeply,

As thoroughly, as intelligently, as scientifically,

As your insight and fear, your gumption and grit, allow.


* * * *

It is through resolute attention,

That you barricade your mind from the mitote,

The chaos of 1,000 voices all trying to talk at once in the mind.


* * * *

The awareness is your magic carpet ride home.

How much closer to God could you possibly be?


* * * *

You must discern how to best realign your Self,

When imagination has yet again crept in and stolen the helm,

For it is an easy thing to misplace, if you are not paying very close attention.


* * * *

In dissolving the mitote – the chaos of 1,000 voices all trying to talk at once in the mind –

Into the stillness that is real, into the silence that is real, the first and last voice is your own.


* * * *

No matter how it tries, no matter what tricks, what fallacies and delusions, it plays with itself, 

Imagination, confined to the space and time of its own dreamy invention,

Can never ever keep up with the timeless moment.

Alas that eternal awareness has no time to taunt such a loser.


* * * *

No matter how far and wide your pathless walkabout,

You will always find your Self right here, right now.


* * * *

The loss of things is not easy.













But what choice is there?


* * * *

This may be the last time,

You ever do that.

Or see that.

Or hear that.

Or taste that.

Or smell that.

Or feel that.

Or be that.

Savor every moment.

It is gone before you know it.


* * * *

Let go of everything.

































And any other stirrings of consciousness.


* * * *

Regarding the mitote,

The chaos of 1,000 voices all trying to talk at once in the mind,

Best to ignore them, as attention allows.


* * * *

You can never achieve more than a pale translation, of any other’s cosmic array.

Every life form has its solitary existence, which can never be more than sketched.


* * * *

Imagination is the time machine in which humankind travels willy-nilly,

Wherever it is inclined by nature-nurture’s proclivity for natural selection.


* * * *

If you truly believe I am saying, there is not a supreme deity, think again.

If you believe I am saying, there is a supreme deity, think again.

Back and forth that whirling dervish as you are inclined.

But the truth is, I do not know, nor do I care.

I Am … What more need be said?

The moment is all.


* * * *

The garden has always been here.

In all our self-serving vanity, all our insatiable avarice,

We just stopped seeing it, we just stopped respecting it, we just stopped protecting it.


* * * *

The human paradigm is founded on imagination’s usurpation of the eternal awareness.

The young in any clan, any tribe, any culture, only know what came before,

Because imagination requires them to embrace the dreamtime,

It has so diligently, so earnestly, worked to sustain.

The human paradigm would not be what it is without it.

How long imagination can preserve its anomaly, is the question.


* * * *

No, I am not tossing out history.

I am simply pointing out that it is an imaginary invention,

To which we have tethered ourselves to such a fisted-hand-in-the-coconut degree,

That it is driving our kind, and a fair number of our fellow earthlings, and perhaps Gaia, towards oblivion,

Or certainly a far different garden than the one from which we spawned.


* * * *

René Descartes penned, “If you would be a real seeker after truth,

You must at least once in your life, doubt, as far as possible, all things.”

And in doing that, you will discern how far doubt can take you, will take you;

And where it dissolves, should you choose the long and winding road less traveled.


* * * *

Assuming it is your intention to waylay the usurpation of imagination,

It is all about paying close attention to whatever is going on.

It does not really at all matter what you are doing;

Only that you are giving the eternal now full attention.


* * * *

We are all timeless figments of imagination,

Attached to the biology from which the senses peer out,

In an impromptu nature-nurture, matrix-theater of quantum design.

The ineffable, indelible mystery of stardust come to life.


* * * *

The entire human paradigm is nothing more than stories born of imagination.

Your story is but a collage of perceptions, all founded on a fabricated frame of reference.

The only story you need to end, is your own; without a story, the incessant inner narration falls silent.

You must let it go, as if it never happened, if You wish to be the eternity You are.

One does not need to forever pretend something that is not real.

Without the story, what is a given moment?


* * * *

You were born with no story; what happened that you made up this illusionary tale?

A fable which all seems so real in the streaming moment, but is instantly but a vague memory.

And yet you cling to it real, until the body perishes, and the neuron matrix no longer ignites imagination.

And what you all the while really were, what you all the while really were not, becomes apparent.


* * * *

The one thing, of which you can be almost always be very certain,

Is everyone's penchant for padding and protecting their pocketbook.


* * * *

Very possible, very probable, indeed, given its magnitude,

That there are many superior beings in many parts of the universe,

But whether or not there a supreme one, only the most discerning discern.


* * * *

The hungers of human consciousness can be insatiable,

If not bound to moderation by an austere, disciplined mind.


* * * *

You have run into far too many human beings,

Who are smarter, more skillful, more adept, in many ways,

To assert you are in any way superior to anyone.


* * * *

The astounding thing about the human paradigm’s evolutionary progression,

Is that so many do not grasp that they are ultimately not separate from anything.


* * * *

Die to the world, die to the cosmos, die to everything that consciousness imaginations.

Become the sky of awareness, the presence of awareness permeating all and nothing.


* * * *

You are every moment, a twinkle of stardust, come unto existence.

Ever an indivisible, indefinable, unfathomable, indelible, ineffable mystery.

How is it, so many give over to the empty speculations and inventions of storytellers?


* * * *

Without consciousness, without imagination, without vanity,

You might well be something slimy, or a rock,

And call yourself lucky, to boot.

After all, being an abyss, is eternal fare.


* * * *

What a transcendent mystery, for sentience to have evolved,

And somehow further mutated into imagination.

The mystery of the Mystery, indeed.

And will imagination survive itself?

Is a query the moment will never answer,

Until the last twinkle of stardust, twinkles its last.


* * * *

Who among us, is able walkabout throughout any given day, any given night,

Without the perpetual pitter-patter of every variability of judgment?

The human paradigm is eternally lost to its tribal instincts,

Very much hinging on the relativity of differences.

To be indifferent to differences, is prior-to-consciousness fare.


* * * *

What would this spinning garden orb look like,

If the human paradigm, with all its genetic might,

Had never migrated out the jungles of long ago?


* * * *

Whether the flame of imagination extinguishes with or without a great whimpering struggle,

Is for the last historian, the last Ivory-Tower-autodidact, to all alone pen.

That way, the aliens who come a billion years hence,

Will know how our kind expired.



* * * *

All perception is ever a right-here-right-now illusion-delusion.

Space and time are but imaginary fabrications of the sensory mind,

Trapped in its own nature-nurture labyrinth, evolved of natural selection.

Whether designed or happenchance, dualistic or nondualistic, divine or secular,

Is but conjecture of the ever absorbed, ever agitated, ever busy-busy mind in question.

From birth to death, first breath to last, the ineffable ever remains ineffable.


* * * *

Ponder the revolutions it took for a hunter-gatherer species,

Migrating out of the jungles of Africa, to arrive at this moment in time:

… Agricultural … Industrial … Technological … Scientific … Commercial …

Boggling how right Malthus will relatively soon be, as we surge, every instant, ever closer,

To the inevitable edge of our spinning blue marble, hanging-in-space, Petri dish.

What more can you expect from a cancer, bent on consuming its host.


* * * *

So, are you being tagged even more as cattle funneling into the chutes, than in this time?

Are you being mal-treated even more, as many-humans-are-less-than-equal?

Is it the same-old-same-old decent into Gaia well-beyond-purgatory,

It has always been for our naturally-selected kind, and all our fellow earthlings.

You can call it Anthropocene Epoch, or whatever, but it is, alas, happening very real-time.


* * * *

Explore your limits, expand your limits, and then do the same with the new limits.

The many boxes, in which you ever reside – no matter how many you may punch through –

Are entirely of your own imaginary creation, as patterned by nature-nurture’s quantum programming.


* * * *

All life forms are but a one-time seed, a one-time instrument, a one-time vehicle,

Through which the indelible, indivisible mystery of awareness,

Witnesses yet another illusion of creation.


* * * *

Is it possible for one to be in charge, to be at the helm, of the given mind-body,

To use it as a tool, rather than an out-of-control roller coaster,

Is a question each mind must alone answer.


* * * *

Please your Self, amuse your Self, however your will dictates,

Though restraint in the harming of innocence,

Is highly encouraged.


* * * *

Fear death? Well, you will endure it however it comes; you have no choice.

So it sayeth in the teensy-tiny print, you did not well-scrutinize on the unwritten contract.

Only if you choose to give your Self a tranquil, painless end – inert gas asphyxiation is recommended –

Will you have any say in the most assuredly inevitable, genomically-induced, departure.


* * * *

To imagine you are the mind-body is an error,

All of humankind has over and over and over made,

Since the first seeds of imagination took root,

In the mutations of natural-selection,

In the jungles of so long ago,

But a blink of eternity.


* * * *

Look at all those stars in the sky, and me tell, truthfully,

That you believe they are Santa Claus, and the North Pole, Heaven.

And he is Peeping Tom everyone, and keeping an eternal tabulation of demerits;

Casting all upstairs or down, for choices made in an existence,

In which no one has ever had any choice.

He is You; figure it out.


* * * *

Doubt with every fiber of your being,

That your political leaders really care about you,

As anything more than sheeples, armed with wallet and vote,

Submissively willing to acquiesce to their vain, likely avaricious whims.


* * * *

ChatGPT query: An aphorism about the stillness before time.

Answer: In the silence preceding time, existence finds its breath.


* * * *

ChatGPT query: What is Truth?

Truth refers to the state of being in being in accordance with facts or reality.

It represents information or statements that accurately reflect the way things are,

Without distortion or deception.


* * * *

How can an incoherent mind ever fathom its incoherency?

How can a coherent mind ever not fathom its coherency?


* * * *

What is it drives philosophers, hierophants, mystics, seers, sages, whatevers;

Into endlessly constructing, so many intricate, erudite, dogmatic labyrinths;

Other than to seek an audience that will discern whatever it is they discern.


* * * *

This right-here-right-now moment is the one and only truth.

How could the mystery be any more; how could it be any less?


* * * *

Friggin’ amazing how much corruption is running this so-called civilized planet of the apes,

And absolutely no hope, that it will not descend into unutterable darkness, before it is over.


* * * *

Pure awareness is the thick pea soup of oblivion,

In which space and time have no access,

And imagination is immobilized.


* * * *

What is sleep but a mini-oblivion,

Practiced over and over in the given lifetime,

Until the curtain falls, and the Reaper takes another bow.


* * * *

No counting, more counting, and even more counting, of mounds of gold doubloons,

Is near as enticing, as ensnaring, as the process it took to get them,

Nor near as enjoyable, as it will be to spend it.


* * * *

Build contentment into your dynamic.

Infuse it into the depths of the awareness You are.

No need to beat your Self up over anything, anymore, anyever.


* * * *

How could any existential form across the universe,

Ever reach the level of consciousness, of imagination, that our kind has,

Without some form of nature-nurture natural selection, anchored to Darwinian principles?

And what would it take to get that foundation, working well enough together,

To fabricate the technologies, it would take to travel across space,

To find and reach our little blue marble dust ball?


* * * *

How can you be bored? How can you be restless?

When every single moment, is, in reality, exactly the same.

When it is only the degree, the motivation of attention, that changes.


* * * *

Yes, there is indeed a supreme deity, and it includes you and me,

And every quantum-dust-filled star and planet and moon and rock and grain,

And the unutterable, ineffable, formlessness of nothingness betwixt and between, as well.


* * * *

What a wondrous, impossible thing, this spinning, wobbling blue marble;

Hanging by the invisible, indivisible thread of gravity,

In this Christmas tree of a cosmos.

How could any Santa Claus do it, without being it?


* * * *

How boring, oblivion; how could any Self ever say no,

To every form of distraction imagination might devise. 


* * * *

There clearly is no ‘keeping-a-list-checking-it-twice-be-good-or-coal-in-the-stocking’ Santa Claus deity.

That notion has been patently absurd from the get-go in every culture humankind has spawned.

If some god-word must be used to describe this beyond-boggling quantum matrix,

The concept surely must incorporate everything, including you and me.

There is no need for the banalities of organized religions,

Because we are all very equal witnesses,

To the same ineffable mystery,

Every kaleidoscoping eternal moment.


* * * *

For the eternal stillness, for the eternal moment, to reign supreme,

The imaginary mind must be made whole, must be given over to awareness,

Through complete, utter, unreserved, absolute, total attention.

A level of attention, immortal in nature.


* * * *

How can agriculture and industry and technology save us;

Save our dust ball world, save our fellow earthlings,

From all the dilemmas they have, in very, very large part, created?

There is no saving this garden; only surviving all our kind has imagined upon it.


* * * *

Those eyes you are gazing into, those lips you are kissing on, are no different,

Than any gooey protoplasm this stardust world has ever spawned.

It is only imagination, playing out the imaginary theater,

This line of genomic sequencing has ordained.

And You, lead imaginary thespian,

In your production of quantum stagecraft.


* * * *

The cosmos within, the cosmos without; they are the same.

It is consciousness, it is imagination, that has counterfeited their duality.

Tabula rasa has no chance against nature-nurture, and the first birth, 3.8 billion years ago,

Which has, permeated by awareness, mutated through natural selection, into You.

And it is You, and You alone, who must set aside all the conditioning,

And become the stillness that is the birthright of all things.


* * * *

Imagine if you had just been born, and knew absolutely nothing;

What would be that state of mind, and might it still be accessible?


* * * *

Any biology has the potential to become a cancer,

If it can overcome or outmaneuver its limitations.


* * * *

No matter the religion, the belief, they are all just stories.

If God is so great, why does he need anyone to affirm it?


* * * *

Resign yourself to the fact that you will likely decline and fall with a very long list,

Of books and movies and music and whatever, unwatched and unread and unheard and unknown.

The cruel reality is that the most anyone can hope to achieve in this dreamtime mystery,

Is a hearty statistical sample, in whatever frame of reference fate allows.


* * * *

Imagination evolved as an armament in humanoid survival strategy.

The tooth and claw of a species that lacked either tooth or claw.

The mind’s means to solve problems; to anticipate problems.

Alas, that it also has an inclination to make them, as well.


* * * *

We are all but ephemeral dreamtimes of our ultimate nature,

Temporal waves crashing upon the rocky shores of infinity.

What is the point of judging any part or particle of it, really?

A dream is a dream, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.


* * * *

How many moments in an attosecond?

How many moments in a nanosecond?

How many moments in a second?

How many moments in a minute?

How many moments in an hour?

How many moments in a day?

How many moments in a month?

How many moments in a year?

How many moments in a decade?

How many moments in a century?

How many moments in a millennium?

How many moments in a million years?

How many moments in a billion years?

How many moments in a trillion years?

How many moments in a gazillion years?

How many moments in a moment?

Eternity, right here right now.



 * * * *

No need to sentimentalize the mystery, no need to idealize the mystery.

It is what it is, it is what You are, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

Mundane, dull, boring, dreary, monotonous, repetitive, tiresome, uninteresting,

Lackluster, tedious, wearisome, unvaried, colorless, pedestrian,

Deadly, droning, ordinary, bland, nondescript.

Despite all your vain pretenses,

You know it true.


* * * *

You are older than the stars, younger than the moment.

Right here, right now, this very, one-and-only, unborn-undying, timeless, ineffable instant.

Eternity … Bam!


* * * *

Best not to build your building higher than all the others,

Unless you enjoy looking down on a lot of ugly rooftops.


* * * *

Any creature educates itself; any creature tames itself.

Any teacher, any trainer, merely fashions the opportunities.

The carrots and sticks that shape the fates of the domesticated.


* * * *

Contemplation and meditation,

Are the means to explore and realize for your Self,

The mystery You are.


* * * *

Every moment, the garden, and of all its life forms,

Eat and drink and devour and munch and chomp and guzzle itself in ways beyond counting.

It is an ever-kaleidoscoping quantum mystery from the get-go.


* * * *

You were born the tabula rasa of awareness,

Until the cosmos drew you into its web of consciousness.

To discern and reclaim its immaculate, indivisible, ever-present nature,

Requires diligently watering and nourishing the seed of doubt with truth everlasting.


* * * *

What might this garden world be,

Had our kind embraced guardianship,

Rather than manipulation and annihilation?

Alas, that we and our posterity will never know.


* * * *

Nobody goes through life without having an impact on others in this dreamtime theater.

Some cast more ripples than others, but every part and particle,

Is required for the dream to play out,

In this quantum matrix of space and time.


* * * *

All the knowledge the illusionary manifest world has to offer,

Is nothing more than trivial pursuit in eternity's yawning abyss.


* * * *

It is not your consciousness, nor my consciousness, nor anyone else’s consciousness.

It is simply consciousness, playing out in every mind, in every way imaginable.

All the gibberish, all the babble, all the drivel in the world, means nothing.

Be still, and know You are, have ever been, will ever be, That I Am.


* * * *

That world, that universe, that you, exist only in imagination.

You are naught but the awareness of the unborn-undying moment;

Regardless the ever-kaleidoscoping illusion the sensory-mind weaves.


* * * *

How arrogant any who consider themselves masters.

Every mind is the spawn of imagination,

Begun anew every moment.


* * * *

What a fucked-up world we have given the future.

I mean, it was obviously more than already fucked up, of course,

But we have most certainly spun it, into over-the-top absurdity, beyond all pales.

The fall from grace, daily more apparent in every headline.


* * * *

The challenge is to give the moment your fullest attention,

In whatever way the sensory mind is riveted,

For it is quickly come and gone,

In its ineffable, indelible, indivisible way.


* * * *

It is all imagined; it is all an illusion.

There is no one to follow, there is no one to be.

You are as free as You allow the awareness You are to be


* * * *

There is no scripture, no dogma, no authority, that can prove the mystery this or that.

Put them all down, let go all narrow thinking, let go all attachments, embrace eternity.


* * * *

The higher high, the greater buzz, the more meaningful moments, are illusory,

And are meaningless, delusionary projections, of a mind that does not really exist.


* * * *

Unplugging Darwin just ain’t gonna to happen.

There is no saving this world; only surviving it.


* * * *

If you truly see who-what-where-when-why-how You really are,

Then what can touch You, if You maintain the detachment of the warrior mind.

Si vis pacem, para bellum: If you want peace, prepare for war.


* * * *

You were pure innocence, you were tabula rasa,

Before imagination infected you with its mitote.


* * * *

The fear of death, the dread of death, is really about loss.

About not wanting to let go that relationship.

That memory harbored in mind.

That perception harbored in imagination.


* * * *

Attention to the timeless moment is as spiritual as it gets.

There is no more, except in the endless maze of imagination.


* * * *

Covetous, jealous, mean, cruel deities; avoid them.

Generous, trusting, kind, pleasant deities; avoid them, too.


* * * *

What cosmos does the mind gaze out upon,

But its own creation, its own perception.


* * * *

Notice how the imaginary self, the great usurper,

Gains the helm, with the absence of regular breathing.

Oxygen deprivation is a huge player in the human paradigm.


* * * *

Is your detachment only a few layers deep,

Or clean-cut all the Gordian-Knot-way through?


* * * *

Truth, ever the right-here-right-now moment,

Kaleidoscoping from one to the next,

Differing only in the mirage in which it is cast,

Bound by no mind, in its sentience through space and time.

Very much akin, to very fine dry sand, in loose fingers, on a very windy day.


* * * *

No one need know how detached you are.

The ocean is a desert with its life underground.

The chameleon changes costumes as the jungle calls.


* * * *

Millenniums can be counted.

Centuries can be counted.

Decades can be counted.

Years can be counted.

Months can be counted.

Days can be counted.

Hours can be counted.

Minutes can be counted.

Seconds can be counted.

As can every class of epoch,

And age and era and eon and cycle.

But how do you count the eternal moment,

Upon which all inklings space and time are imagined?


* * * *

Realigning the mind to eternity.

Realigning the mind to sentience.

Realigning the mind to awareness.

Realigning the mind to mindfulness.

Realigning the mind to wakefulness.

Realigning the mind to endlessness.

Realigning the mind to the moment.

Realigning the mind to perpetuity.

Realigning the mind to infinity.

Realigning the mind to now.

Requires great attention.

Breathe through it.


* * * *

Consciousness, neither is, nor is not.

Awareness, neither is, nor is not.

Eternity, neither is, nor is not.

Space, neither is, nor is not.

Time, neither is, nor is not.

You, neither are, nor are not.

It is but quantum kaleidoscoping.


* * * *

Pure and simple infinity,

Pure and simple nowness,

Pure and simple awareness.

Pure and simple wakefulness.

Pure and simple timelessness.

Pure and simple mindfulness,

Pure and simple endlessness,

Pure and simple perpetuity,

Pure and simple sentience.

Pure and simple eternity.


* * * *

Quantum earth.

Quantum wind.

Quantum water.

Quantum fire.

All playing in ether.


* * * *

This led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Led to this,

Ad infinitum.

The moment is like that.


* * * *

In all monkey minds.

A taste for lightness.

A taste for darkness.

A taste for emptiness.

Something for everyone.


 * * * *

All the letters and numbers and notes and other tools of creation, cannot,

In the ever-present timelessness of eternity, more that fleetingly entertain.


* * * *

Do not get too swollen up about yourself.

All of our ancestors came out of the same primordial soup,

And no amount of Darwinian natural selection, or nature-nurture manipulation,

Is ever going to, in more than magical thinking, change that.


* * * *

When you factor in the sundry bothers of maintenance,

Insurance, licensing fees, storage, depreciation, cleaning, and such,

It can be much cheaper to rent living spaces, vehicles, and other high-end things.

It really all depends how inclined you are, to carrying the many burdens the world has in play.


* * * *

After the Great Fall, the one-percenters will be all alone;

Counting their mounds of gold, and no world to spend it in.


* * * *

Every geography will have its own response to the Great Fall.

The human paradigm will likely eek on in it planet-of-the-apes fashion.

Those who continue on will probably reorganize back into regional feudal societies,

Full of every imaginable dystopian nightmare of which our kind is capable.

The tech geeks and their piles of gold will not be in charge very long,

Unless they up their game into some very callused behaviors.

The Dark Ages after Rome's fall is how to imagine it.


* * * *

Before you washed that apple, did you wash your hands?

Before you washed your hands, did you wash the faucet handle?

Before you washed the faucet handle, did you wash the container of soap?

And what about all the handles on doors and cabinets and sundry?

And how clean was the towel used to dry your hands?

Hard to stay clean in a muddy stream.


* * * *

Is there any other creature that gives a hoot. who-what-where-when-why-how. it is?

Is there any other creature, that projects an imaginary persona,

Through which so much passion emits?

How is it we allow imagination to usurp us so?


* * * *

No matter how quickly you move, no matter how quickly you cogitate,

Momentary awareness will always beat you to the punch.

Even the fastest computers cannot outrace it.

Nor the speediest quantum.

A tie at best.

Else it would be time travel,

Which would be difficult, even if time existed.


* * * *

Stardust come to life, quantum come to life, awareness come to life, eternity come to life.

Molecular beings, chemical beings, carbon-based beings, genetic beings, biological beings.

An indivisible, indelible, ineffable mystery, baffling on a scale beyond all comprehension.


* * * *

Enjoy the eternal moment, best you can.

The alternative is much less entertaining; torturous, actually.

Why not up the game, with the highest-grade endorphins, imagination can conjure?

There are so many drugs available, both natural and man-made, to use to explore the moment-to-moment.

And for those who want to fly solo without aids, there is the zafu and zabuton,

And more than a few solitary places to sit and walk.


* * * *

I have given you everything this mind has to give, for you to do with whatever you please.

My only entreaty, my only admonition, is that you waylay any absurdity as much as possible.


* * * *

Looking closely at words,

How they are spelled, what they mean,

Can oftentimes seems more that a little inexplicable.

Language, what an indelible mystery consciousness hath wrought.

And every one, across the world, across time, an expression of its culture of origin.

Could there be anything more boggling about the human paradigm?


* * * *

To declare awareness infinite,

Is as wrong as it would be, to call it infinitesimal.

How can any measurement measure, how can any thought encapsulate,

That, which the bounds of time and space, cannot contain.


* * * *

How can anyone not doubt the narratives of ancient propaganda,

That cannot be in any way verified by scientific observation and critical thinking?

Knowing all we know about corruption and deceit, how can logic not discern the many dishonesties?

The insatiable greed, to which our kind has given itself over to, throughout its voracious dream,

Throughout its virulent, cancerous march, in its domination of nature’s blue marble garden,

Has utilized every form of trickery, to harness all into its Planet of the Apes rampage.


* * * *

Even if you were to spend an entire existence wandering about the world,

It would be as meaningful as any ant wandering about a kitchen sink.

Vanity might wish to think itself important to its imaginary deities,

But imagination can do nothing to waylay the reality of eternity.


* * * *

Somedaze, a little more; somedaze, a little less.

Somedaze, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.


* * * *

How else would any divinity create a universe,

But through awareness pervading the quantum sea.

Awareness, ever-present witness to every sentient dream.

Natural selection the means to play out the Darwinian theater.

And You, the spontaneity of the eternal, come unto mortal existence.

Where is it even possible for duality, to have any possibility, whatsoever?


* * * *

What would you have done with your existence, if you were rich beyond rich?

What would you have done with your existence, if you were poor beyond poor?

Who, what, where, when, why, how, are all relative frames of imaginary reference.

Stars twinkle, suns shine, worlds spin, all the same one, each and every eternal moment.

No matter the seed cast by natural selection, the awareness fills all equally, all indifferently.


* * * *

If you have a clear conscience,

You are either enlightened and free,

Or wedged in some self-absorbed dreamtime,

In which sociopaths and psychopaths,

Absorbed by greed and vanity,

Are very much at home.


* * * *

It took 3.8 billion years for the human population to hit its first billion,

And only another 200-ish years to breed 7 billion more.

There is no happy ending to this story.


* * * *

How can you not see, the all-pervading sentience,

Within all existential forms, including You,

Is the deity you worship from afar?


* * * *

A mind that is watchful, but no longer curious,

No longer caught up in the ceaseless chitter-chatter of consciousness,

Is an ever-present, eternal mind; sentient but still, timelessly absolute, serenely aware, flawless.


* * * *

How is it you are not in full control of your thinking?

How is it you still allow imagination into your mind?


* * * *

As has been true in our kind’s advent and migration across the planet,

Every geography will have its own decline and fall,

Its own anthology of consequences,

Its own tumble of dominos,

Its own crash and burn,

Its own curtain call.


* * * *

Given the indelible genetic predisposition of its monkey-mind,

It is not at all difficult to imagine that the human paradigm,

Might well destroy all life forms on this magnificent garden orb.

Could Mother Nature survive a round of mutually-assured destruction?

And, if she did, what would a radiated world look like after the anthropocene?


* * * *

It all seems so large, until you grow into seeing it all You,

And large and small brandish an unimaginable relativity,

In the immeasurable awareness that permeates eternity.


* * * *

A mind at rest is an eternal mind, a no-mind, a quantum mind, an unbound mind.

Death is merely evaporating, back into the nothingness, that nothingness ever is.


* * * *

Extinction is the sure end to all who cannot, will not, adapt to the ever-changing.

There is no benevolence, no compassion, in the Darwinian paradigm,

This mystery garden, has ever since creation, ordained.

Even the rat wolves and meow tigers will have to figure it out.


* * * *

How can sentience be separate in any way, in any shape, in any form,

From whatever niche, whatever world, whatever dimension, it evolved?


* * * *

Could the forest Panda be any more bound to bamboo,

Than we are our greed and vanity for more?

Patterns are patterns are patterns.

None can be free of them,

But in surrender to awareness.


* * * *

Odds are pretty good that most women would be undone,

If you told them what you really think about their appearance,

About their weight, their cellulose, their family, et cetera ad infinitum.

If not for the male appendage, how many women would be in any man’s life?

How many women are capable of real friendship the way men are?

How many are trustworthy, reliable, egalitarian partners?

How many men could be told anything above,

And not just shrug their shoulders?


* * * *

Always interesting how one little relatively absurd thing,

Can turn off an otherwise good or tolerable relationship.


* * * *

A long and winding musing, for the rest of time, and without doubt, not the only one.

There are who knows how many, who endure the anguish of Mother Gaia,

Who feel unutterably powerless against the insatiable predator,

That dominates this no-holds-barred monkey mind.

And all any can do is build a soapbox,

And preach to the choir;

And the choir,

Somehow stay in tune,

And not exalt the character up front.


* * * *

Any who have somehow happened upon this edifice of blather, know well, the pathless path,

That all buddhas and krishnas and miscellaneous others, wander like ants over a pile of sugar.

A pile of sugar most other ants in the world never discern, and perhaps more happily carry on,

For unfolding a lifetime of conditioning, of taming, is a hearty helping of every-moment stew.


* * * *

Burn through the moment,

Like a flame through a fuse.

Like an asteroid through space.

Like a dream through the night.

Like a ripple through a pond.

Like a cloud through the sky.

Like an electron through a wire.

Like a spark through a plug.

Like a breeze through a tree.

Like a candle through a read.

Like a laser through metal.

Like a mind through a moment.

Like a mind through awareness.

Like a mind through here.

Like a mind through now.

Like a mind through eternity.

Like a mind through You.


* * * *

It is often in the unbidden moments,

That the clarity of right here, right now,

That the clarity of the ever-present,

That the clarity of awareness,

That the clarity of eternity,

That the clarity of You,

Makes its Self, apparent.


* * * *

Somehow, creation.

Somehow, life.

Somehow, sentience.

Somehow, consciousness.

Somehow, imagination.

Somehow, You.

No answers to any of it.

The mystery of the mystery,

Will ever be a mystery of a mystery.


* * * *

The awareness before time, before space.

The stillness before time, before space.

The absoluteness before time, before space.

The aloneness before time, before space.

The quantum before time, before space.

The innocence before time, before space.

The vulnerability before time, before space.

The immaculate before time, before space.

The nowness before time, before space.

The perfection before time, before space.

The clarity before time, before space.

The truth before time, before space.

The presence before time, before space.

The eternity before time, before space.

The sovereignty before time, before space.

The serenity before time, before space.

The transcendence before time, before space.

The nothing special before time, before space.

The You before time, before space.


* * * *

The one and only true church is the Church of Awareness,

And it cannot be contained by any arbitrary concoction of imagination.

By any edifice, any concept, any equation, any sound,

Any symbol, any artifice, whatsoever.


* * * *

Where is the edge of your face? The tip of your nose?

Let us know when you reach the inside of your skull.


* * * *

The mind can revert to tabula rasa,

By simply not engaging with anything imaginary.

Any naming, any chatter, whatsoever.

A silent, attentive mind.

Full breathing.

The yoga of mind.


* * * *

This garden world does not give two hoots about you.

And you, so drawn into it, so distracted by it, so enamored with it;

That it conceals, that it consumes, that it annihilates, the potential to be You.


* * * *

Just say no to cover-ups.

Own your fuck-ups,

Apologize once.

So it goes it.

Deal with it.

Get over it.

Move on.


* * * *

The future is already past the moment it happens.

Awareness is, without time; awareness is, without space.

There is no past moment, there is no future moment.

A moment's pathlessness is all that is, all is not.


* * * *

Every mind will twist consciousness to its own ends.

Consciousness will twist every mind to its own ends.


* * * *

If you are a seeker asking the question,

With an answer already in mind,

Then what is the point?


* * * *

Where do all ends end, but where beginning begin.

Where do all beginning begin, but where all ends end.

Which came first, is a prior-to-chicken-and-egg discussion,

To which philosophers in the forums, are ever drawn.


* * * *

There is no changing a destiny to what is already is;

Any tack changes, no matter how extreme,

Are still along the same course.


* * * *

When exactly does fate begin its wayward trail?

The truth of it, is, you were born the moment of creation.

And if there is a supreme deity, you were born,

Whenever, however, it got rolling.

Assuming it ever did.


* * * *

You can pretty much be sure, that once you are born,

It is only going to get worse, one sooner or later or another.


* * * *

You are not even the person, the identity, you imagine you were a moment ago.

The quantum nature never stops, until it morphs into a rock,

And then the rock keeps moving, too.

Maybe back into some other life form down the dream.


* * * *

Move to the back of the skull, into the brainstem,

Where the awareness began to be discerned,

Where awareness began its flowering.


* * * *

Seeking is such a long and winding and endless journey,

Because there is nothing to seek, because there is nothing to find.

There has never been any pot of gold loitering at the end of any rainbow.

Right here, right now, will be the same, any then, as it is, any now.


* * * *

All the death and suffering,

Our kind has wreaked upon our fellow earthlings and the world,

Is just plain sad, laced with pathetic.


* * * *

Likely our ancestors did not care about their world any more than we.

They just lacked the industry and technology and numbers,

To exercise the pinnacles of malfeasance,

To which their progeny have proved more than capable.


* * * *

Believers and atheists wage yap over whether or not there is a God,

As if all their quibbling over nothing more than speculation, really means something.

Agnostics do not pretend to know anything, and wander no-mindlessly, whatever garden is still around.


* * * *

Just another self-absorbed, self-promoting megalomaniac,

That history hails as great if they manage to snag the brass ring.

Especially if they or theirs get to narrate the chronicle.

Or somebody comes along later with an edit.


* * * *

Good things happen to bad people; bad things happen to bad people.

Good things happen to good people; bad things happen to good people.

The mystery does not differentiate, does not reward, does not care.

Despite what middlemen spout in all their glass cathedrals.


* * * *

Travel as fast as light might, darkness is always waiting it.

Think as fast as mind, as consciousness, might,

Awareness is always waiting for it.


* * * *

Give all the AI cheaters participation A's,

And let their someday paychecks do the weeding.

It will not long be easy to cheat those who hire and fire.


* * * *

How can you travel time if it does not exist,

And its sidekick, space, but quantum illusion.


* * * *

If the Jesus you are waiting for, is not the Jesus who was,

Then you will sail on by, like ships in the night.

Same with Buddha and all the others.


* * * *

Walk as if the mind-body was already dead; happily reaped.

Walk as if you were already back in eternity’s timeless bosom.


* * * *

How would it be even remotely possible, feasible, viable,

To create and destroy all that we have, in our 3.8 billion-year narrative,

Without all the permutations of Darwinian natural-selection, nature-nurture intrigue;

All the machinations, that brought us to this moment, in illusion’s delusion;

And then somehow, miraculously shed it all, to survive ourselves.


* * * *

Instead of going off on some desire-fear-dread thought,

Taking a deep breath, is always a good inward policy.


* * * *

Being just the pure awareness You are,

Letting go the world, letting go the illusion, is a rare feat.

Far easier to conquer the world than the mind.


* * * *

What need has the sage for the forbidden fruit?

What allure doe the tree of knowledge of good and evil offer,

The mind that is no longer drawn to the illusion-delusion of dualistic notion.


* * * *

The sentience of awareness cannot see without eyes.

The sentience of awareness cannot hear without ears.

The sentience of awareness cannot feel without nerves.

The sentience of awareness cannot smell without a nose.

The sentience of awareness cannot taste without a tongue.

The sentience of awareness cannot reason without a brain.

The sentience of awareness is an abyss without any other.

It is the quantum dust of creation that drives the matrix.

The sentience of awareness is simply eternal witness;

The ether in which all timelessly kaleidoscopes.


* * * *

Nothing, for farther than you can see.

Nothing, for farther than you can hear.

Nothing, for farther than you can feel.

Nothing, for farther than you can taste.

Nothing, for farther than you can smell.

Nothing, for farther than you can believe.

Nothing, for closer than all of the above.


* * * *

Fathom your innocence.

Fathom your forgiveness.

Fathom your compassion.

Fathom your contentment.

Fathom your truth,

Your Self.


* * * *

Every moment offers a choice:

Look, do not look.

Listen, do not listen.

Taste, do not taste.

Smell, do not smell.

Feel, do not feel.

Speak, do not speak.

Move, do not move.

Think, do not think.

Become, do not become.

Be, do not be.



* * * *

Quantum churning.

Quantum magic.

Quantum dream.

Quantum time.

Quantum space.

Quantum mystery.

Quantum relativity.

Quantum indivisible.

Quantum ineffable.

Quantum immaculate.

Quantum unfathomable.

Quantum oblivion.

Quantum flawless.

Quantum solitude.

Quantum indelible.

Quantum unknown.

Quantum witness.

Quantum intangible.

Quantum intrinsic.

Quantum immortal.

Quantum indifference.

Quantum irrational.

Quantum emptiness.

Quantum unborn.

Quantum blameless.

Quantum undying.

Quantum inexpressible.

Quantum overwhelming.

Quantum indefinable.

Quantum observer.

Quantum deep.

Quantum timeless.

Quantum unspeakable.

Quantum indefinable.

Quantum untroubled.

Quantum spectator.

Quantum solo.

Quantum nihility.

Quantum imaginary.

Quantum ineradicable.

Quantum enduring.

Quantum permanence.

Quantum indiscernible.

Quantum impalpable.

Quantum obscurity.

Quantum faultless.

Quantum inscrutable.

Quantum unreadable.

Quantum mundane.

Quantum aloneness.

Quantum unstained.

Quantum tangible.

Quantum incomprehensible.

Quantum anonymous.

Quantum nameless.

Quantum average.

Quantum onlooker.

Quantum matchless.

Quantum unique.

Quantum peerless.

Quantum void.

Quantum unutterable.

Quantum absolute.

Quantum supreme.

Quantum unimaginable.

Quantum unicity.

Quantum whole.

Quantum incessant.

Quantum inconceivable.

Quantum unfastened.

Quantum infinity.

Quantum endless.

Quantum infinitesimal.

Quantum rational.

Quantum undeniable.

Quantum watcher.

Quantum detached.

Quantum nothingness.

Quantum perfect.

Quantum unintelligible.

Quantum meaninglessness.

Quantum inconsequential.

Quantum unrivaled.

Quantum inimitable.

Quantum incomparable.

Quantum spotless.

Quantum unbiased.

Quantum impeccable.

Quantum everlasting.

Quantum perpetual.

Quantum unconcerned.

Quantum ceaseless.

Quantum ageless.

Quantum full.

Quantum priceless.

Quantum impersonal.

Quantum absurdity.

Quantum aloof.

Quantum mysterious.

Quantum nonexistent.

Quantum fictional.

Quantum interminable.

Quantum eyewitness.

Quantum carefree.

Quantum enigmatic.

Quantum inexplicable.

Quantum empty.

Quantum indecipherable.

Quantum ordinary.

Quantum everlasting.

Quantum perception.

Quantum engrained.

Quantum impenetrable.

Quantum imperceptible.

Quantum eternal.

Quantum Self.


* * * *

Instead of always gathering, grasping, filling, amassing, mustering, marshalling, mobilizing;

Give releasing, give dispersing, give disbanding, give dissolving,

Give diffusing, give disappearing, a shot.

Be as nothing.

Just be You. The stillness, the motionlessness of awareness. That I Am.

Prior to consciousness, prior to time, prior to space, prior to all things imagined.

Prior to all things measurable, prior to all things infinitesimal, prior to all things infinite.

Prior to all things that are but ever-morphing clouds, dust balls in the immeasurable sky of eternity.


* * * *

Awareness is the void, the abyss, of eternity.

It is without time; it is without space.

It cannot be measured, for it has no essence.

Light cannot discern it, because it has no reflection.

It is nothingness, untouched by any cloud, by any universe.

It can only be comprehended by the mind given over to no-mind.

And in that, that is no gain or loss, there is no reward, there is only being.


* * * *

So many sustaining the illusion that they will not die,

Because they are truly different than everything else.

Some how, some way, they are going to cheat death.

Ergo, God.


* * * *

Other than playing the necessary politics of survival in the human paradigm,

What would it possibly matter what the dream of consciousness thinks of you?


* * * *

The human paradigm is a slow-motion train wreck.

With all the dystopian books and movies and world histories out there,

It is not hard to imagine how badly it will likely end.

Do you really need to see it?


* * * *

Can you stream through the illusion with minimal attachment,

No preferences, no gauging, no goals, no urgency, no concern?


* * * *

What is it about humankind that it is forever seeking answers to everything?

The churnings of imagination are beyond-all-reason insatiable;

Alas, that the unknown can never be known,


* * * *

Mother Nature is first and foremost teacher.

She will not be forgotten; she will not be forsaken.

She is judge, she is jury, she is executioner, of those who do.


* * * *

The kaleidoscoping swirl of instinctual desires and fears seem the likely forces,

That catalyzed, metabolized imagination, to gain such sway in the human paradigm.


* * * *

Regarding whether or not there is some supreme deity or deities on high,

You might not think there is, but do not know there is not.

Ergo, agnostic is the least tawdry label.


* * * *

Who else but scholars addicted to symposium fare,

Are even going to think about reading all this babbleon?

And that supposes it will ever even breach the Ivory Tower.


* * * *

The drive to be the big ape is likely in all males to some degree.

Terrorism, mass shootings, bar fights, road rage, bullying, trolling, rape, molestation, intimidation,

Are just a little ape’s way of playing it out when opportunity and mood allow.


* * * *

Amazing that few switches in the genome, determine whether you are born male or female.

Gender-ize it as you choose, how remarkable is it, that we all begin life as women,

And with just a few clicks in the chromo-zone, set course, that of a man.

What a mystery you are, to have naturally-selected all this.


* * * *

You think you just came into sentience just because a few quanta amalgamated and naturally selected?

You think you just came into sentience just because two seeds joined and grew in your mother's womb?

You think you just came into sentience just because the Self you are, is in any way cleaved from totality?


* * * *

Why feel shy or embarrassed or hesitant or concerned or doubtful,

About awakening to a greater vision of the ineffable mystery you are?


* * * *

Your entire life has been built upon the conditioning of the mind-body,

To true-believer believe, all it has through perception imagined.

It really does boil down to, to believe, or not to believe.


* * * *

You must enjoy and endure whatever level of intrigue,

From low card to flush, the genetic lottery has dealt.


* * * *

It is only possible to be that free in a totally detached state of mind.

Not all that Darwinian-functional if you are being chased by a tiger.


* * * *

What will the young do with the world …


That their parents left them …

That their parents left them …

That their parents left them …

That their parents left them …

That their parents left them …

That their parents left them …

That their parents left them …


Back to the pool of origin some 3.7 billion-ish years ago,

On a spinning dust ball that took shape some 4.5-ish spins of the sun ago.

In a universe that is estimated to have big-banged some 13.8 billion-ish before-times ago.

And before that, is a beyond-gaping unknowable.

What an illusion you are.


* * * *

How many generations, since any given genetic line began,

Is yet another statistical guessing game for the busy-minders.


* * * *

Desire is the insatiable hunger to which all in imagination, at least occasionally succumb.

Fear and dread are the anticipation of suffering, of pain or loss or undesirable change.

All are induced by the chemistry of the electromagnetic nature of consciousness.


* * * *

Editing is about making something already good, even better.

No creation is complete, until the creator sets it aside, or dies.


* * * *

The entire human journey,

Since prior to climbing up into the treetops,

Has been a species-wide diaspora from the unknowable get-go.

A primeval algorithm configured by nature-nurture, in the Darwinian jungles of long ago.


* * * *

It may be fairly frightening, even irritating,

For many to begin fathoming they are the eternal,

Because up to this point, their manifest consciousness,

Has not even begun to open to that expansive an inner vision.

It is they who cling to one book, with all its dogmatic tribal traditions,

And ponder putting to torch or blade or many forms of torture,

Those who dare ponder, truth might be so much more.


* * * *

Understand the subtlety,

Between claiming you are god,

And simply being that which is eternal.

One can never be, and the other never was not.


* * * 

Three-point-eight billion years of Darwinian fruition have gone into creating these two-legged blobs.

What are we but relatively miniscule organisms playing out relatively miniscule organism dreamtimes?

Identifying with the biological entity is the fountain of all imagination, of all illusion, of all delusion.


* * * *

The quantum cosmos is always in perfect balance.

"Research" is always well behind the actual algorithm.

Whether or not, life can survive that balance is the question.


* * * *

A mindful mind is one of attentive, intentional, eternal awareness,

Witnessing its version of the world, its version of creation.


* * * *

I am whatever you think I am.

You are whatever I think you are.


* * * *

So many trying so hard to stand out, to be an entity that counts.

To get their portion, and more, perhaps much, much more,

If such is their fate in the insatiability of imagination.


* * * *

Though you likely did not know it early on,

This was why you and I came into existence.


* * * *

You have experienced so many things, collected so many things,

And once you experienced them, possessed them,

How many still enticed you?

Or were you merely on the quest for the next?


* * * *

Everything is always subject to editing, unto the last breath;

And beyond, if another, or many others, takes up the banner.


* * * *

To truly be detached, to truly not care, what would that be like?

To not care about anyone, to not care about anything, even yourself,

What would be the state of mind? The quality of existence?

A needs research question, if ever there was one.


* * * *

Embrace the eternal awareness, the stillness, You are, have always been, will ever be.

In which the quantum matrix vibrates the illusion-delusion dreamtime.

It really does boil down to, to believe, or not to believe.

The other is the infection of imagination.


* * * *

The trouble with too little, is it is too little.

The trouble with too much, is it is too much.

The trouble with just right, is it is what it is.


* * * *

Nothingness has no notion.

Nothingness is without airs.

Nothingness knows no other.

Nothingness has no bounds.

Nothingness has no space.

Nothingness has no time.


* * * *

And from the humble beginnings of infancy, of childhood, of adolescence,

You wandered into the mundane world, and entered unto a void few discern.


* * * *

The powerful and rich and famous,

Are generally not powerful and rich and famous,

Because they are nice people.


* * * *

How is it autocracy must so often do it through such heartless tyranny?

Well, what else should we expect from such striving characters,

Drawn to their nature-nurture fate, as we all are, ours.

We are all predators, we are all prey, consuming in one way or another.


* * * *

Imagination is always rushing, rushing, rushing, on and on.

Though it can never be anywhere but right here, right now.


* * * *

Abiding in the singular moment, abiding in the singular awareness,

Is a close to full-stop, as is possible, in this kaleidoscoping matrix.


* * * *

Far more important to laugh than to love?

Or far more important to love than to laugh?

Or are both best intertwined, as the absurdists do?


* * * *

You are a chemistry set, come to life, a quantum organism,

Nature-nurture, naturally-selected, from an eternal bag of tricks.


* * * *

Still the mind, and the cacophony of sounds, will be, simultaneously, without discrimination, heard.

Add to it the other senses, and explore the sensory theater, the mind through every moment weaves.


* * * *

Some people can be so smart, so stupid, so self-absorbed,

 They get too big for their breeches, and forget their ignorance.


* * * *

Your child-mind was likely very tabula-rasa, serenely still,

Until you were drawn into the world, the cosmos, you created.

And relatively few minds not churning with every sort of thought.


* * * *

Heaven, bliss, ecstasy, rapture, nirvana, liberation,

Is right here, right now, if it is Your fate to discern it.


* * * *

All I can do is point it out, articulate it, and then it is on you, all alone,

An embryonic collection, and embryonic mishmash, of crunchy-chewy-gooey,

Cast into existence by Darwinian natural selection and nature-nurture,

To figure out whatever it is you are destined to figure out.

There is no test to take; there is no paper to write.

 There is only living it out, best you can.


* * * *

This cannot be taught.

You are on your own, totally alone,

For as far as you take it, for as far as it takes you.


* * * *

What is this very human peculiarity, this very human idiosyncrasy

For there to always to be meaning and purpose, always wanting it to be more than it is.

The addictive euphoria of imagination, imagining everything conceivable,

Takes the paradigm to an end entirely of its own making.


* * * *

Rest assured, the real You can never perish, for the real You were never born.

Only perceived by the naturally-selected evolution of imagination,

That can ever be more than witness to the essential nature,

To which it gives time, to which it gives space,

To which it gives meaning and purpose,

For an eternity which has nothing for anything imagined,

The mortal body is a but a chrysalis for eternity to blossom into nirvana.


* * * *

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …


* * * *

The pharaoh’s dream.

The queen’s dream.

The counselor’s dream.

The politician’s dream.

The bureaucrat’s dream.

The soldier’s dream.

The terrorist’s dream.

The farmer’s dream.

The worker’s dream.

The slave’s dream.

The teacher’s dream.

The healer’s dream.

The husband’s dream.

The wife’s dream.

The brother’s dream.

The sister’s dream.

The child’s dream.

The infant’s dream.

The male’s dream.

The female’s dream.

The queer’s dream.

The ancestor’s dream.

The seed’s dream.

The banker’s dream.

The tradesman’s dream.

The craftsman’s dream.

The artist’s dream.

The gambler’s dream.

The harlot’s dream.

The lover’s dream.

The hater’s dream.

The criminal’s dream.

The murder’s dream.

The actor’s dream.

The priest’s dream.

The philosopher’s dream.

The dreamer’s dream.

The reaper’s dream.

Anyone’s dream.

Your dream.


All the same dream, in different guises, in different roles.

Where can there be any boundary, when imagination is at play?

Where can there be any boundary, when it is in awareness that it glides?

Where can there be any boundary, when it is You who is witness?


* * * *

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …


* * * *

Forget who you are sometimes.

Forget what you are sometimes.

Forget where you are sometimes.

Forget when you are sometimes.

Forget why you are sometimes.

Forget how you are sometimes.


* * * *

Another day of dreaming.

Another day of enduring.

Another day of longing.

Another day of fearing.

Another day of dreading.

Another day of crying.

Another day of hating.

Another day of loving.

Another day of laughing.

Another day of dreaming.

What a magic carpet, imagination.

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming … dreaming you are …

… dreaming … dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming …

… dreaming you are … dreaming

… dreaming … dreaming …

… dreaming …


* * * *

What good is a chef who cannot taste?

What good is a painter who cannot see?

What good is a musician who cannot hear?

What good is a perfumer who cannot smell?

What good is a masseuse who cannot feel?

What good is a thinker who cannot think?


* * * *

Whether it is infinite or infinitesimal,

Whether it is spiritual or agnostic,

Whether it is clean or dirty,

Whether it is live or die,

Whether it is wealthy or poor,

Whether it is alive or dead,

Whether it is believer or atheist,

Whether it is subtle or blatant,

Whether it is kind or cruel,

Whether it is sane or insane,

Whether it is straight or gay,

Whether it is sage or fool,

Whether it is fast or slow,

Whether it is do or do not,

Whether it is long or short,

Whether it is succeed or fail,

Whether it is love or hate,

Whether it is still or moving,

Whether it is real or unreal,

Whether it is tit or tat,

Whether it is for or against,

Whether it is up or down,

Whether it is around or through,

Whether it is clear or unclear,

Whether it is fat or thin,

Whether it is strong or weak,

Whether it is gratis or priceless,

Whether it is hard or soft,

Whether it is give or take,

Whether it is to or from,

Whether it is wise or foolish,

Whether it is beautiful or ugly,

Whether it is big or small,

Whether it is known or unknown,

Whether it is fore or aft,

Whether it is awake or asleep,

Whether it is heavy or light,

Whether it is rich or poor,

Whether it is awake or asleep,

Whether it is true or false,

Whether it is ecstasy or agony,

Whether it is first or last,

Whether it is creative or destructive,

Whether it is full or empty,

Whether it is sweet or bitter,

Whether it is loud or quiet,

Whether it is straight or rounded,

Whether it is bright or dim,

Whether it is well or unwell,

Whether it is astute or obtuse,

Whether it is like or unlike,

Whether it is appealing or revolting,

Whether it is clear or opaque,

Whether it is thick or thin,

Whether it is brave or cowardly,

Whether it is sweet or sour,

Whether it is equal or lopsided,

Whether it is king or slave,

Whether it is queen or whore,

Whether it is expansive or contractive,

Whether it is soft or harsh,

Whether it is young or old,

Whether it is male or female,

Whether it is honest or dishonest,

Whether it is wild or tame,

Whether it is early or late,

Whether it is pure or foul,

Whether it is cautious or reckless,

Whether it is hit or miss,

Whether it is lead or follow,

Whether it is high or low,

Whether it is naive or cynical,

Whether it is truth or lie,

Whether it is deep or shallow,

Whether it is open or closed,

Whether it is rational or absurd,

Whether it is near or far,

Whether it is singular or dual,

Whether it is in or out,

Whether it is free or imprisoned,

Whether it is yes or no,

Whether it is attached or detached,

Whether it is course or fine,

Whether it is all or none,

Whether it is shiny or dull,

Whether it is smart or stupid,

Whether it is tall or short,

Whether it is forward or backward,

Whether it is before or after,

Whether it is selfless or selfish,

Whether it is one or two,

Whether it is within or without,

Whether it is yay or nay,

Whether it is close or distant,

Whether it is normal or weird,

Whether it is wet or dry,

Whether it is hot or cold,

Whether it is constant or fickle,

Whether it is positive or negative,

Whether it is happy or sad,

Whether it is fair or unfair,

Whether it is over or under,

Whether it is similar or different,

Whether it is loose or tight,

Whether it is plus or minus,

Whether it is above or below,

Whether it is inside or outside,

Whether it is simple or complex,

Whether it is black or white,

Whether it is smooth or coarse,

Whether it is wide or narrow,

Whether it is gentle or cruel,

Whether it is humble or vain,

Whether it is on or off,

Whether it is here or there,

Whether it is have or have not,

Whether it is sharp or dull,

Whether it is good or bad,

Whether it is right or wrong,

Whether it is everything or nothing,

Whether it is something or nothing,

Whether it is white or black,

Whether it is light or dark,

Whether it is this or that,


Is up to you.


* * * *

Any man worth his salt would have a harem, if time and circumstance allowed.

He might have a favorite or so, but few dicks can long resist the temptations of variety.

That is why women have evolved the instinct to manipulate the lower mind to their advantage.

Men may conquer their worlds, and perhaps even themselves, but the feminine mystic holds the reigns;

At least for a time, if they have honey and wit and resolve, to entice unwary men into their web.

As suits the instincts, the genetic material has naturally selected, in its Darwinian game.


* * * *

When you are drained and frayed and bored beyond all limits,

Contemplate your hovel as you would a vacation resort,

And things may well take a slightly brighter hue.


* * * *

The greatest, most profound philosopher-mystic,

The world, the cosmos, has never known,

Never wrote or said even one word.


* * * *

You are sovereign of your manifest world,

Your cosmos, your domain, your dream, your Self.

What other can persuade you, convince you, anything less?

And why would you even entertain the notion?


* * * *

Is it truly worth engaging with those who cross your path,

Depends on your character, depends on the given moment.

There is no telling where the spin of a conversation can lead,

So one must always be willing to endure the consequences.


* * * *

There will likely be something for you,

Wherever you open or scroll these many pages.

This sort of soliloquy can work that way.


* * * *

Something you said, something you did, perhaps years ago,

May well be remembered, in some mind, some server, somewhere,

So, stay alert, pay attention, be cautious, be ready; it is a treacherous dream.


* * * *

To calculate how things will be perceived, to weigh possible outcomes, is the art of politics.

To which our kind is genetically inclined, but requires great wit and good fortune, to master.


* * * *

When it comes to mating choices,

Is this a good seed line? Will it spawn a life worth living?

Should be heavily weighted on the questionnaire.


* * * *

Every little boy, every little girl, as well as every other sentient creature,

Starts off totally unaware of how nature-nurture will caress and flay them.


* * * *

You are a drop of the quantum ocean.

You are a particle of the quantum creation.

You are sovereign witness to all things eternal.

Solitary witness to all things unto the mystery of Self.


* * * *

Without memory, there would be no consciousness, there would be no imagination.

There would be no creation, there would be no preservation, there would be no destruction.

There would be only the eternal moment, as perceived by whatever senses are there to perceive it.

Space and time are entirely the creations of biological patterns morphing the reveries of quantum design.

The sensory theater has no ultimate reality, whatsoever, other than what humankind imagines it.


* * * *

Listen to the insights of wisdom, or its shadow, pain and suffering,

Will be only too willing to give as many tutorials as are required.


* * * *

To wonder, to ponder, how things will be perceived by others,

Is the tribal aspect, the art of politics, to which our kind is inclined.

Assumptions, presumptions, conjectures, suppositions, guesses,

Deductions, opinions, hypotheses, premises, speculations,

Is why the future-past is ever-kaleidoscoping as it is.


* * * *

Whether or not you have the doubt to discern it fully, you are the mystery.

You have always been the mystery; you will always be the mystery.

Love it, hate it, fear it, condemn it, dread it, ignore it, worship it,

It will always be the ever-present question, the ever-present moment,

To which there is no answer; only witnessing whatever dreams may come.


* * * *

Supreme being is not some celestial entity in any way separate from anything.

It is a state of awareness; a state of omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence.

A state in in which all are part and party to every moment the moment divines.


* * * *

The big apes will always be in charge of those within reach of their clubs.

All the masses can hope, is that they are reasonably benevolent, reasonably kind.

The cruel ones are a bitch, and death, theirs or yours, by whatever means, the only out.


* * * *

Why do you allow any desire, any fear, any dread, any passion at all, to grip you?

Unclench the mind, let go all thought, let go all that is imagined, be the whole mind.


* * * *

If you believe you truly have free will,

Choose something you always think about,

And try to never think about it ever again.


* * * *

How many more meaningless, predictable research projects,

Must we entertain, to maintain the science welfare program?


* * * *

From the long-term genomic perspective, domestication only destabilizes the Darwinian instinct.

Unnatural selection – the thriving of the inadequate – weakens, damages, undermines, dilutes, sabotages,

The natural selection process that allowed the given genomic sequence to reach this point in time.

What will become of all the life forms once their anchorages are no longer sustained,

Is a dystopian narrative that none now living can more than speculate.


* * * *

There is nothing herein that has not been said or written,

In some other space, some other time, some other culture, some other language,

But to have it all under one roof, in the lingua franca of these times, this mind; well, how lucky is that?

Best leave all your paltry all-that-glitters-is-not-gold gorp at the door.

This rabbit hole will not abide it.


* * * *

Why do you allow any desire to grip you?

Why do you allow any fear to grip you?

Why do you allow any dread to grip you?

Why do you allow any passion to grip you?

Unclench the mind, let go all thought.

Let go all that is but imaginary.

Be the whole mind.


* * * *

This is the real virtual reality,

Why would you want it to be more?

Why would you believe it could be more?

Why would you make-believe it could be more?

Why would you hope it could be more?

Why would you pretend it could be more?

Why would you dream it could be more?

Why would you fathom it could be more?

Why would you aspire it could be more?

Why would you need it could be more?

Why would you crave it could be more?

Why would you covet it could be more?

Why would you fancy it could be more?

Why would you require it could be more?

Why would you wish it could be more?

Why would you suppose it could be more?

Why would you deem it could be more?

Why would you judge it could be more?

Why would you credit it could be more?

Why would you trust it could be more?

Why would you plan it could be more?

Why would you expect it could be more?

Why would you anticipate it could be more?

Why would you yearn it could be more?

Why would you long it could be more?

Why would you fantasize it could be more?

Why would you play it could be more?

Why would you invent it could be more?

Why would you play-act it could be more?

Why would you feign it could be more?

Why would you divine it could be more?

Why would you measure it could be more?

Why would you sound it could be more?

Why would you gauge it could be more?

Why would you probe it could be more?

Why would you promise it could be more?

Why would you understand it could be more?

Why would you comprehend it could be more?

Why would you grasp it could be more?

Why would you demand it could be more?

Why would you insist it could be more?

Why would you claim it could be more?

Why would you petition it could be more?

Why would you mandate it could be more?

Why would you plea it could be more?

Why would you command it could be more?

Why would you order it could be more?

Why would you stipulate it could be more?

Why would you exact it could be more?

Why would you assert it could be more?

Why would you contend it could be more?

Why would you swear it could be more?

Why would you aver it could be more?

Why would you vow it could be more?

Why would you hold it could be more?

Why would you construct it could be more?

Why would you engineer it could be more?

Why would you manufacture it could be more?

Why would you formulate it could be more?

Why would you devise it could be more?

Why would you form it could be more?

Why would you assemble it could be more?

Why would you fake it could be more?

Why would you contrive it could be more?

Why would you concoct it could be more?

Why would you invent it could be more?

Why would you design it could be more?

Why would you develop it could be more?

Why would you care it could be more?

Why would you pray it could be more?

Why would you sift it could be more?

Why would you dredge it could be more?

Why would you seek it could be more?

Why would you build it could be more?

Why would you counterfeit it could be more?

Why would you fabricate it could be more?

Why would you style it could be more?

Why would you originate it could be more?

Why would you declare it could be more?

Why would you imagine it could be more?

More, more, more, there is no more.

It is what it is, that’s all folks.

* * * *

What is a seer, a sage, a mystic, but a mind given over to the mystery.

A mind capable of journeying any and every way, to which its patterning is disposed.

One able to embrace the oblivion from which all fates are born, the oblivion to which all fates return.

One able to walkabout existence, with the whisper of death a constant companion.

Be at peace, be serene, let the Fates take you where they will.


* * * *

You are your world, he is his, she is hers, they are theirs.

No need to despise another over something that cannot be changed.

Be and allow is the greatest order; the Golden Rule, its most harmonious tenet.

Treat others as you would prefer them to treat you.

All else is redundant.


* * * *

When was it that the masters of the game finally figured out,

It was far easier and more motivating to have the slaves,

House and clothe and feed and govern themselves?


* * * *

Humankind’s fascination with all the latest technologies, most so quickly obsolete,

Is a pathway down from which there is no return, and a garden left in ruin and despair.


* * * *

Your dreamtime, your world, your cosmos, and everything in it, is imagined.

None of it, anything more, than an electromagnetic-spectrum-quantum matrix.


* * * *

All your stress, all your dread, all your fear,

Is the response, the scar tissue, of all that the mind-body has endured.

Whether or not it is possible to undo the tree rings, is one of those many needs-research inquiries.


* * * *

From the slime of your father and mother’s seeds joined, arbitrarily amalgamated in your mother’s womb,

You have morphed from one moment to the next in a mind-body cast from life’s long-ago origin.

Molded, shaped, by the environment of whatever time, whatever space, you were cast.

To believe you had any choice in it, to believe you have any choice in it,

Or to believe it was all the plan of some all-seeing deity,

Are all remarkable leaps of imagination.

It is a mystery, to which all answers are but speculation.


* * * *

The ever-hungry, aggrieved world, is already feeding off the carcass of Pax Americana.

No need to annihilate it completely, for it is far more useful as a sleepwalker than a cadaver.


* * * *

The winds of consciousness, of imagination, through the eternal mind’s eye,

Is locked on, to what it can see and hear and smell and taste and touch.

To all things tangible, in this indivisible matrix of quantum design.

It cannot long endure the stillness of awareness, the timelessness of now,

And fashions every distraction, to entice the mind into its willy-nilly usurpation.


* * * *

The resumption of right-relationship with Mother Nature, with the rules of the game,

Is for the future to discern, in the ruins, the scar tissue, of a Darwinian garden undone.


* * * *

The food industry has been allowed to diminish civilization,

And we all accomplices, collaborators, accessories, to one degree or another.

Vanity and greed, narcissism and hedonism, have cast this world into an unenviable future-past.

Such is the journey of unnatural selection; is Darwin spinning or laughing in his grave?


* * * *

All that has ever happened since Creation,

From a particle of dust to the farthest reaches,

Is why you are right here, right now, imbibing this.

It is an indivisible matrix of quantum design.

With, or without, some divine designer,

It is ever the same mystery,

As are You.


* * * *

All perspectives in time and space are relative to the point from which they are perceived.

A life of reflection is not for all; more are required to churn the world that makes it possible.


* * * *

The world we as a species have fashioned –

Overpopulated, full of violence, poisoned in every way imaginable –

Is not the one for which the hunter-gatherer was designed, and many are suffering for it,

Because their nature-nurture, their frame of reference, does not have what it takes to acclimate.

The rules of the quantum matrix are ever the same, and the nightmare is only just getting underway.


* * * *

The future, imagined, is the past projected.

In truth, there is no such thing as space, there is no such thing as time.

No matter the illusion, both past and future are the dreamy fabrications of imagination born of mind.

Only the awareness, only the eternal now, only oblivion, is real.


* * * *

Any translator bent on accurate translation,

Requires the wit to ever-expand beyond his limits, 

Into whatever frame of reference is posed for translation.

Achieving the most accurate renditions require an earnest diligence,

An inherent integrity, an innate veracity, an intrinsic rightness,

Which who knows, how many, or how few, possess.


* * * *

Does the lion ponder the ethics of gorging upon an antelope, or an antelope, a blade of grass?

Nature has no attachment to the ceaseless vagaries, the absurdities, of human consciousness.


* * * *

It is a curious thing how preoccupied so many are about life on other planets,

When we have so thoroughly twisted and trampled and destroyed life on our own.


* * * *

We all play it real,

Because we have no choice. 

Hotel California of the quantum blend:

“We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.

‘Relax,’ said the night man, ‘We are programmed to receive.

You can check-out any time you like,

But you can never leave.’ ”


* * * *

Nothing you have done with your relatively brief, relatively humdrum, relatively meaningless existence,

Will make any difference to the multitudes who have never even known you exist.

Only imagination’s vanity makes you believe otherwise.


* * * *

Who is not sitting in constant thumbs-up-thumbs-down judgment of the world about them?

Consciousness itself is judge, jury, executioner; awareness is, without any concern, whatsoever.


* * * *

Strategy is a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.

Tactic is an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end.

Strategies and tactics are a vibrant partnership, ever morphing as one,

And should always be open to question, to change, to evolution,

As time and circumstance allow, as time and circumstance demand.


* * * *

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the self-replicating material that is present

In nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes.

It is the carrier of genetic information since life’s origin on this dust ball,

And is not concerned whether it passes on consensually or non-consensually.

It has no ethical binds born of consciousness; all that matters is that it passes on.

It is the closest thing to immortality this garden has ever, and perhaps will ever create.


* * * *

Why wouldn't the mystery want to experience every possibility?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience anything and everything?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a particle of dust?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a universe?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a world?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being an ant?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a sloth?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a raccoon?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a clam?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a rock?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a snake?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being giraffe?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being fly?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a tree?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a weed?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a flower?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being wave?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being chimpanzee?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a dinosaur?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being slug?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a bird?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being frog?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being brick?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being an automobile?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a chair?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being cloud?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a mountain?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a gopher?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a pencil?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a computer?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a spider?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being deer?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a tiger?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a whale?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a garbage dump?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being submarine?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a satellite?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a lobster?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a beer can?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a salamander?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a microbe?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a urinal?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a virus?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being fireplace?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a taxi?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a dewdrop?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a tank?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a missile?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a log?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a fence?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being an island?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a bottle?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being statue?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a forest?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a mushroom?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a wolf?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a prairie?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a housecat?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being an eagle?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being antelope?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a kettle?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a tortoise?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being piece of lint?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a painting?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a waterfall?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a sword?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a house?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being an alligator?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a star?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a shield?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a chimney

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being an ocean?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a hat?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a volcano?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a moon?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a diamond?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a screwdriver?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a fork?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a guitar?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a buffalo?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a doll?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a peach?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being radio?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a drug?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a book?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a building?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being river?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a bucket?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being desert?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being golf ball?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being mineshaft?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being tractor?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being wagon?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a parachute?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a reef?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a hurricane?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a couch?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being pond?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a butterfly?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being pile of dung?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being anything?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being everything?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being a human being?

Why wouldn’t the mystery want to experience being you?

* * * *

What is a philosopher?

Cynic, skeptic, doubter, misanthropist, scoffer, doubter, pessimist,

Questioner, disparager, detractor, malcontent, loner, recluse, dilletante.

As pointless as pointless can be; the final chapter existence offers, to be sure.


* * * *

Your destiny has always been whatever is unfolding in your sensory mind-body.

There is absolutely nothing to change, there is absolutely nothing that can be changed.

You are the awareness, the totality, the mystery, witnessing the dream into which it was cast.


* * * *

Scrape away everything that is imaginary, everything that is illusory, everything that is delusionary –

Your knowledge, your things, your memories, everything whirling about your consciousness –

And what is left, but the ineffable, timeless, ungraspable awareness that You truly are.


* * * *

Whether or not your brief existence, and all the knowledge and wisdom you may have gleaned,

Will be warehoused by the quantum matrix, be stored in some great eternal library,

Is but the idle speculation of those still bound in the space-time dream.

Read by the five senses, fashioned by central processing unit,

The cosmos, the kaleidoscoping illusion, is spun,

In the only moment the mystery of eternity has to offer.


* * * *

True believers in any religion (a.k.a., cult) should read 1 Corinthians 13:11 a little more closely.

Whoever scribed it way back when, was speaking to them, not the non-believers, not the critical thinkers.

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.

When I became a man, I put aside childish things.

Think about it.


* * * *

Who can help be what they are,

In the part they have been allotted by the genetic lottery,

In the part they have been dealt by the nature-nurture choicelessnesses of all creation?

All are the same awareness, playing out the manifest dream,

Of the quantum sands of time.


* * * *

We and all the myriad creatures who have ever inhabited this garden world,

Are little more than scrabbling microbes on a spinning dust ball,

In a dust storm, in the ethereal abyss of awareness.

Only vanity believes itself, fashions itself, large and important.


* * * *

If you want to meet the demon, peer into your darkest, most perverse, most cruel thoughts.

If you want to be the demon, carry out your darkest, most perverse, most cruel thoughts.

In every moment, a choice.


* * * *

Existence is a daily grapple with the limitations of consciousness.

True humility is a mind given over to the timelessness of awareness.


* * * *

You do not ask to be free; you take the reins, and assume it so.

Even in the darkest, most torturous moments, you can be sovereign.


* * * *

Yes, everybody else is making it up, too.

That is what will always give imagination the edge,

That dooms the human paradigm to a very unpleasant decline and fall,

Into a sea of consequences, for all we have done, for not being better stewards of our garden.

If perchance scattered pockets manage to survive for ten thousand more years,

It will have to include a resurrection of our roles as guardians,

As protectors of right relationship with nature,

The one and only actual law.


* * * *

If it involves time, if it involves space,

If it embraces any movement of consciousness,

Imagination, and all its illusions and delusions, are at play,

And may be duly ignored by those given over to the abyss of eternity.


* * * *

You can bet the dystopian future now spreading its wings, will not be some idyllic Shangri-La.

It will likely be very brutal; as harsh or harsher, than anything humankind has heretofore endured.

The world will grow large again, and every geography will respond as time and circumstance sanction.

When Rome declined and fell, the abyss was filled by every variety of despotism imagination has to offer.

Without an all-but-impossible paradigm shift, the human debacle will continue its march to extinction.


* * * *

Extinction is nothing new in upon this spinning orb.

More than 99 percent of all species that ever lived on Earth,

Amounting to over five billion species, are estimated to have died out.

It is estimated that there are currently around 8.7 million species of eukaryote globally,

And possibly many times more if microorganisms, like bacteria, are included.

The remarkable thing about what scientists are calling the Anthropocene,

Is that it will have been largely through the unsurpassed efforts,

Of Mother Nature’s most ground-breaking creations.

What phoenix will arise, is anybody’s guess.

Rest assured, it will not be pretty.


* * * *

The number one problem is the problem-maker, the mind born of imagination.

The challenge is to discipline the given mind as a problem-solver,

And to disengage it when there is nothing to solve.


* * * *

Hats off to anyone who can discern their story dysfunctional,

And be determined and disciplined enough to change course.


* * * *

Alas for fame that You relish anonymity.

Alas for greed that You have more than enough.

Alas for power that You allow all to go their own way.

Alas for vanity that You know it not real.

Eternity is subject to none.

Awareness is all.


* * * *

How did imagination begin but through very gradual evolution, very gradual natural selection,

That is estimated to have begun 140 million years-ish ago in the jungles of Africa.

Something to do with memory cells gradually gaining enough oomph,

To start working together to counterfeit a sense of identity,

And the rest is the chaos of vanity and greed,

Given the name history, for the lack of a better word.


On the evolution of imagination, from Wikipedia:


Phylogenetic acquisition of imagination was a gradual process.


The simplest form of imagination, REM-sleep dreaming,

evolved in mammals with acquisition of REM sleep 140 million years ago.


Spontaneous insight improved in primates

with acquisition of the lateral prefrontal cortex 70 million years ago.


After hominins split from the chimpanzee line 6 million years ago

they further improved their imagination.


Prefrontal analysis was acquired 3.3 million years ago

when hominins started to manufacture Mode One stone tools.


Progress in stone tools culture to Mode Two stone tools by 2 million years ago

signify remarkable improvement of prefrontal analysis.


The most advanced mechanism of imagination, prefrontal synthesis,

was likely acquired by humans around 70,000 years ago

and resulted in behavioral modernity.


This leap toward modern imagination has been characterized by paleoanthropologists

as the "Cognitive revolution", "Upper Paleolithic Revolution", and the "Great Leap Forward".


And where is this cognitive revolution, this upper-paleolithic revolution, this great leap forward,

Irrevocably taking we two-leggeds, and many if not all, of the life forms in this world,

But down an ever-accelerating-exponential path to a very dystopian extinction.

To survive what it has through human consciousness over millions of years fashioned,

Imagination would need to, and rather quickly, mutate a wholistic, less individualistic platform.

Whether that is possible in this snail-paced, naturally-selective garden, seems more than a little unlikely.

And thus, will the rise of consciousness in this tiny iota of the mystery, fall upon its own sword,

And the vain hope that humankind might somehow shine its light across the cosmos,

Be forever dashed upon the austere reality, that it never really mattered,

That it was never more than a fallacious blip of absurdity.

And the eternal abyss, will eternally abyss, as it eternally does.


* * * *

Awareness does not think.

Awareness does not see.

Awareness does not hear.

Awareness does not taste.

Awareness does not smell.

Awareness does not feel.

Awareness does not desire

Awareness does not dread.

Awareness does not fear.

Awareness does not recall.

Awareness does not hate.

Awareness does not care.

Awareness does not hesitate.

Awareness does not suffer.

Awareness does not anger.

Awareness does not unhappy.

Awareness does not distress

Awareness does not happy.

Awareness does not joy.

Awareness does not elate.

Awareness does not gloomy.

Awareness does not regret.

Awareness does not divide.

Awareness does not discern.

Awareness does not surprise.

Awareness does not disgust.

Awareness does not happy.

Awareness does not sorrow.

Awareness does not joy.

Awareness does not choose.

Awareness does not content.

Awareness does not bliss.

Awareness does not exult.

Awareness does not accept.

Awareness does not deny.

Awareness does not love.

Awareness does not passion.

Awareness does not evolve.

Awareness does not change.

This dream is entirely quantum faire.

The universe but a matrix born of the imaginary mind.

Awareness is the clear endless sky, the mystery in its entirety, You truly are.

It does not participate, it does not regulate, it does not adjudicate, it does not concern its Self, in any way,

But without it, none of it would be possible.


* * * *

In times not all that long ago,

A person's geography determined their world.

If you were born in the mountains, that was all you knew.

If you were born on an island, that was all you knew.

If you were born in a valley, that was all you knew.

If you were born on a plain, that was all you knew.

If you were born by the sea, that was all you knew.

If you were born on a mesa, that was all you knew.

If you were born in a forest, that was all you knew.

If you were born in a desert, that was all you knew.

If you were born in a wetland, that was all you knew.

But these modern times subscribe to an infinite cosmos.

And in all these differences, the relativity of all is ascertained.


* * * *

You do not really exist.

Your mind-body is energy.

Your perceptions are illusions.

Your ideas and beliefs are delusions.

Your possessions have no reality, either.

So it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

Party on, in your Yellow Brick Road walkabout,

Or get a shotgun, and leave a Rorschach on some wall.


* * * *

The ineffable, eternally ineffable.

The indivisible, eternally indivisible.

The immaculate, eternally immaculate.

The unfathomable, eternally unfathomable.

The oblivion, eternally oblivion.

The flawless, eternally flawless.

The solitary, eternally solitary.

The indelible, eternally indelible.

The unknowable, eternally unknowable.

The witness, eternally witness.

The intangible, eternally intangible.

The intrinsic, eternally intrinsic.

The immortal, eternally immortal.

The indifferent, eternally indifferent.

The irrational, eternally irrational.

The emptiness, eternally emptiness.

The unborn, eternally unborn.

The blameless, eternally blameless.

The undying, eternally undying.

The inexpressible, eternally inexpressible.

The overwhelming, eternally overwhelming.

The indefinable, eternally indefinable.

The observer, eternally observer.

The deep, eternally deep.

The timeless, eternally timeless.

The unspeakable, eternally unspeakable.

The indefinable, eternally indefinable.

The untroubled, eternally untroubled.

The spectator, eternally spectator.

The solo, eternally solo.

The nihility, eternally nihility.

The imaginary, eternally imaginary.

The ineradicable, eternally ineradicable.

The enduring, eternally enduring.

The permanent, eternally permanent.

The indiscernible, eternally indiscernible.

The impalpable, eternally impalpable.

The obscure, eternally obscure.

The faultless, eternally faultless.

The mundane, eternally mundane.

The alone, eternally alone.

The unstained, eternally unstained.

The average, eternally average.

The onlooker, eternally onlooker.

The matchless, eternally matchless.

The unique, eternally unique.

The peerless, eternally peerless.

The unspeakable, eternally unspeakable.

The void, eternally void.

The unutterable, eternally unutterable.

The absolute, eternally absolute.

The supreme, eternally supreme.

The unimaginable, eternally unimaginable.

The unicity, eternally unicity.

The whole, eternally whole.

The incessant, eternally incessant.

The inconceivable, eternally inconceivable.

The unfastened, eternally unfastened.

The infinite, eternally infinite.

The endless, eternally endless.

The infinitesimal, eternally infinitesimal.

The rational, eternally rational.

The undeniable, eternally undeniable.

The watcher, eternally watcher.

The detached, eternally detached.

The nothingness, eternally nothingness.

The perfect, eternally perfect.

The unrivaled, eternally unrivaled.

The inimitable, eternally inimitable.

The incomparable, eternally incomparable.

The spotless, eternally spotless.

The unbiased, eternally unbiased.

The impeccable, eternally impeccable.

The everlasting, eternally everlasting.

The perpetual, eternally perpetual.

The unconcerned, eternally unconcerned.

The ceaseless, eternally ceaseless.

The ageless, eternally ageless.

The priceless, eternally priceless.

The impersonal, eternally impersonal.

The absurdity, eternally absurdity.

The aloof, eternally aloof.

The mysterious, eternally mysterious.

The nonexistent, eternally nonexistent.

The fictional, eternally fictional.

The interminable, eternally interminable.

The eyewitness, eternally eyewitness

The carefree, eternally carefree.

The enigmatic, eternally enigmatic.

The inscrutable, eternally inscrutable.

The unreadable, eternally unreadable.

The inexplicable, eternally inexplicable.

The indecipherable, eternally indecipherable.

The incomprehensible, eternally incomprehensible.

The unintelligible, eternally unintelligible.

The meaningless, eternally meaningless.

The inconsequential, eternally inconsequential.

The anonymous, eternally anonymous.

The nameless, eternally nameless.

The ordinary, eternally ordinary.

The lasting, eternally lasting.

The perceiver, eternally perceiver.

The engrained, eternally engrained.

The impenetrable, eternally impenetrable.

The imperceptible, eternally imperceptible.


* * * *

What a curious thing, the quest for immortality.

Someday, long after this dust ball garden has been consumed by the sun,

And the galaxy has fallen into a black hole, and that hole is eventually victim to the dissipating universe,

The immortals, imprisoned by their attachment to decrepit, likely pain-ridden bodies,

Are going to be very much alone, floating about in the eternal abyss,

Hoping yet another universe will somehow kickstart,

And a habitable world, magically appear.

It may take a few billion or trillion years or so,

And a great deal of torturous agony for those determined not to die,

But the solitary wait for a new dreamtime will be worth it, if there are handicap ramps aplenty.


* * * *

One hundred and fifty years ago, before electricity, before oil,

This garden orb was a dark little dust ball, spinning away in the void.

Now it is a dust ball, with a bit more glimmer, still spinning away in the void.

And the void does not give a hoot about it, nor any of the organisms wandering its face.


* * * *

A gazillion yesterdays all transpired in the same awareness, the same eternal now.

A gazillion tomorrows will all transpire in the same awareness, the same eternal now.

The gazillion yesterdays and tomorrows, are the same awareness, are the same eternal now.


* * * *

The challenge for any dancer, is tangoing equally well with all, or at least as many as you are capable,

Given that you are more than likely still caught up in the riptides of vanity,

The fog of war that pervades our Darwinian roots.


* * * *

Taking the reins of your mind, is life's biggest challenge.

Conquering the world is child's play in comparison.


* * * *

It is less than about being chosen,

Than it is being handed a nature-nurture script,

And extemporaneously playing the seed as the moment unfolds.

Free will looking forward, fate looking back; there is really no choice in any of it.


* * * *

History is all about those who could get along, and those who could not,

And which ones had the longer fangs, the sharper claws, the bigger clubs.


* * * *

You need not bend to the mind-body that is orchestrating your world, your universe.

You need not bend to the mind-body hypnotized into believing it all real.

To stand alone, free of all illusion, is life’s greatest challenge,

For those called to travel the path less traveled.


* * * *

May as well be in plain sight, for those lacking the eye.

May as well be Greek, for those lacking the ear.

Eyes that see, ears that hear, are few and far between.

There is no predicting who might be round any given bend.


* * * *

See if you can approach the given moment,

Without all the craving, without all the fear, without all the dread,

Without all the whatever, imagination ever concocts.


* * * *

The universe will hold together just fine without your aid.

Set it down, Atlas, and enjoy the walkabout as best you can.


* * * *

Humankind’s ability to survive, to vanquish or enslave, any and all,

Is now all tangled up in its inability to adopt to a different strategy as a species.

It is the destiny of all creation that it will ever fall beneath the grinding wheel of destruction,

And the future will be paying the price for our arrogance, until the last two-legged is finally extinguished.


* * * *

Imagination is both angel and demon in this ‘anything goes’ sensory playhouse.

We are all scrunched together, believing our parts in this quantum theater, real and true,

And all of it nothing more than sensory-inspired separation born of imagination.


* * * *

Outer babble and inner babble,
Combine to keep You believing it all real and true.

You must die to time and space to see the eternal You, You ever are.


* * * *

All mental illness, no matter the label, has at its common denominator,

Taking one’s imaginary self, and its imaginary cosmos, far too seriously.

And the resulting dysfunctionality, plays havoc on they, and all they touch.


* * * *

If this does not make you wet,

Go back to whatever you were doing.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


* * * *

The roots of Self-doubt all boil down to a seed of pain and suffering.

And what to do with that seed, is to realize its imaginary origin,

With which you abide, because you believe it real and true.


* * * *

Imagine what everyone looks like just below those few layers of dead flesh.

The crunchy-chewy-gooey, laid bare, likely all looking pretty much the same.


* * * *

The moment is the time machine, the flying carpet,

From which you gaze out into the mystery you are.


* * * *

History has proven times beyond counting upon this Planet of the Apes,

That there is always someone who will do the dirty deeds if the pot is right.


* * * *

What is light, what is sound, what is taste, what is smell, what is sensation,

To those who cannot see, cannot hear, cannot taste, cannot smell, cannot feel?

Any given universe is extremely fragile when the senses cannot ply their illusions.


* * * *

All life forms are prey; quarry to some mortal form’s hunger at some point.

Every creature ever fashioned upon this spinning garden world,

Has been a natural born killer in one niche or another.

Very likely that every other organism in this Darwinian theater,

Would do to this world the same as our kind, had they the anatomy and wit.


* * * *

Every mind has a frame of reference to which it clings.

Science may be more rational and exacting and articulate,

But it is no less a belief system than any other belief system.

Is it even possible to discern and function in absolute relativity?


* * * *

It is You, and You alone,

Who every moment, chooses freedom or imprisonment.

Attention the key; inattention the jailer.


* * * *

Always rushing, rushing, rushing, into the future,

As if imagination can get you there any faster than the timeless moment allows.

Be still, Master Quantum.


* * * *

Who can begin to predict the changes that will come about,

With all we have done to unleash the periodic table upon this garden.

The Darwinian purity forever ripped asunder; a cesspool of un-natural selection.


* * * *

Imagination is only as powerful as your inattention to the given moment.

It is entirely reliant upon its capacity, its ability, to entice You into its dreamtime web.

Entirely at the mercy of your being mesmerized-hypnotized-brainwashed into playing its vanity game.

Without your unwitting participation, without your instinctive collusion,

It dissipates into the nothingness You are.


* * * *

The hunger that was once instinctual, once a set-piece of natural selection,

Has become, through human consciousness, a horror of cancerous proportion.


* * * *

If you cannot hear what is being written, then this feast is not for you.

Maybe down the road, after you have done a bit more living and dying.


* * * *

Scrape away everything that is imaginary, everything that is illusory, everything that is delusionary –

Your knowledge, your things, your memories, everything whirling about your consciousness –

And what is left, but the ineffable, timeless, ungraspable awareness that You truly are.


* * * *

Whether or not your brief existence, and all the knowledge and wisdom you may have gleaned,

Will be warehoused by the quantum matrix, be stored in some great eternal library,

Is but the idle speculation of those still bound in the space-time dream.

Read by the five senses, fashioned by central processing unit,

The cosmos, the kaleidoscoping illusion, is spun,

In the only moment the mystery of eternity has to offer.


* * * *

True believers in any religion (a.k.a., cult) should read 1 Corinthians 13:11 a little more closely.

Whoever scribed it way back when, was speaking to them, not the non-believers, not the critical thinkers.

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.

When I became a man, I put aside childish things.

Think about it.


* * * *

Who can help be what they are,

In the part they have been allotted by the genetic lottery,

In the part they have been dealt by the nature-nurture choicelessnesses of all creation?

All are the same awareness, playing out the manifest dream,

Of the quantum sands of time.


* * * *

We and all the myriad creatures who have ever inhabited this garden world,

Are little more than scrabbling microbes on a spinning dust ball,

In a dust storm, in the ethereal abyss of awareness.

Only vanity believes itself, fashions itself, large and important.


* * * *

If you want to meet the demon, peer into your darkest, most perverse, most cruel thoughts.

If you want to be the demon, carry out your darkest, most perverse, most cruel thoughts.

In every moment, a choice.


* * * *

Existence is a daily grapple with the limitations of consciousness.

True humility is a mind given over to the timelessness of awareness.


* * * *

You do not ask to be free; you take the reins, and assume it so.

Even in the darkest, most torturous moments, you can be sovereign.


* * * *

Yes, everybody else is making it up, too.

That is what will always give imagination the edge,

That dooms the human paradigm to a very unpleasant decline and fall,

Into a sea of consequences, for all we have done, for not being better stewards of our garden.

If perchance scattered pockets manage to survive for ten thousand more years,

It will have to include a resurrection of our roles as guardians,

As protectors of right relationship with nature,

The one and only actual law.


* * * *

If it involves time, if it involves space,

If it embraces any movement of consciousness,

Imagination, and all its illusions and delusions, are at play,

And may be duly ignored by those given over to the abyss of eternity.


* * * *

You can bet the dystopian future now spreading its wings, will not be some idyllic Shangri-La.

It will likely be very brutal; as harsh or harsher, than anything humankind has heretofore endured.

The world will grow large again, and every geography will respond as time and circumstance sanction.

When Rome declined and fell, the abyss was filled by every variety of despotism imagination has to offer.

Without an all-but-impossible paradigm shift, the human debacle will continue its march to extinction.


* * * *

Extinction is nothing new in upon this spinning orb.

More than 99 percent of all species that ever lived on Earth,

Amounting to over five billion species, are estimated to have died out.

It is estimated that there are currently around 8.7 million species of eukaryote globally,

And possibly many times more if microorganisms, like bacteria, are included.

The remarkable thing about what scientists are calling the Anthropocene,

Is that it will have been largely through the unsurpassed efforts

Of Mother Nature’s most ground-breaking creations.

What phoenix will arise, is anybody’s guess.

Rest assured, it will not be pretty.


* * * *

The number one problem is the problem-maker, the mind born of imagination.

The challenge is to discipline the given mind as a problem-solver,

And to disengage it when there is nothing to solve.


* * * *

Hats off to anyone who can discern their story dysfunctional,

And be determined and disciplined enough to change course.


* * * *

Alas for fame that You relish anonymity.

Alas for greed that You have more than enough.

Alas for power that You allow all to go their own way.

Alas for vanity that You know it not real.

Eternity is subject to none.

Awareness is all.


* * * *

How did imagination begin but through very gradual evolution, very gradual natural selection,

That is estimated to have begun 140 million years-ish ago in the jungles of Africa.

Something to do with memory cells gradually gaining enough oomph,

To start working together to counterfeit a sense of identity,

And the rest is the chaos of vanity and greed,

Given the name history, for the lack of a better word.


On the evolution of imagination, from Wikipedia:


Phylogenetic acquisition of imagination was a gradual process.


The simplest form of imagination, REM-sleep dreaming,

evolved in mammals with acquisition of REM sleep 140 million years ago.


Spontaneous insight improved in primates

with acquisition of the lateral prefrontal cortex 70 million years ago.


After hominins split from the chimpanzee line 6 million years ago

they further improved their imagination.


Prefrontal analysis was acquired 3.3 million years ago

when hominins started to manufacture Mode One stone tools.


Progress in stone tools culture to Mode Two stone tools by 2 million years ago

signify remarkable improvement of prefrontal analysis.


The most advanced mechanism of imagination, prefrontal synthesis,

was likely acquired by humans around 70,000 years ago

and resulted in behavioral modernity.


This leap toward modern imagination has been characterized by paleoanthropologists

as the "Cognitive revolution", "Upper Paleolithic Revolution", and the "Great Leap Forward".


And where is this cognitive revolution, this upper-paleolithic revolution, this great leap forward,

Irrevocably taking we two-leggeds, and many if not all, of the life forms in this world,

But down an ever-accelerating-exponential path to a very dystopian extinction.

To survive what it has through human consciousness over millions of years fashioned,

Imagination would need to, and rather quickly, mutate a wholistic, less individualistic platform.

Whether that is possible in this snail-paced, naturally-selective garden, seems more than a little unlikely.

And thus, will the rise of consciousness in this tiny iota of the mystery, fall upon its own sword,

And the vain hope that humankind might somehow shine its light across the cosmos,

Be forever dashed upon the austere reality, that it never really mattered,

That it was never more than a fallacious blip of absurdity.

And the eternal abyss, will eternally abyss, as it eternally does.


* * * *

Awareness does not think.

Awareness does not see.

Awareness does not hear.

Awareness does not taste.

Awareness does not smell.

Awareness does not feel.

Awareness does not desire

Awareness does not dread.

Awareness does not fear.

Awareness does not recall.

Awareness does not hate.

Awareness does not care.

Awareness does not hesitate.

Awareness does not suffer.

Awareness does not anger.

Awareness does not unhappy.

Awareness does not distress

Awareness does not happy.

Awareness does not joy.

Awareness does not elate.

Awareness does not gloomy.

Awareness does not regret.

Awareness does not divide.

Awareness does not discern.

Awareness does not surprise.

Awareness does not disgust.

Awareness does not happy.

Awareness does not sorrow.

Awareness does not joy.

Awareness does not choose.

Awareness does not content.

Awareness does not bliss.

Awareness does not exult.

Awareness does not accept.

Awareness does not deny.

Awareness does not love.

Awareness does not passion.

Awareness does not evolve.

Awareness does not change.

This dream is entirely quantum faire.

The universe but a matrix born of the imaginary mind.

Awareness is the clear endless sky, the mystery in its entirety, You truly are.

It does not participate, it does not regulate, it does not adjudicate, it does not concern its Self, in any way,

But without it, none of it would be possible.


* * * *

In times not all that long ago,

A person's geography determined their world.

If you were born in the mountains, that was all you knew.

If you were born on an island, that was all you knew.

If you were born in a valley, that was all you knew.

If you were born on a plain, that was all you knew.

If you were born by the sea, that was all you knew.

If you were born on a mesa, that was all you knew.

If you were born in a forest, that was all you knew.

If you were born in a desert, that was all you knew.

If you were born in a wetland, that was all you knew.

But these modern times subscribe to an infinite cosmos.

And in all these differences, the relativity of all is ascertained.


* * * *

You do not really exist.

Your mind-body is energy.

Your perceptions are illusions.

Your ideas and beliefs are delusions.

Your possessions have no reality, either.

So it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

Party on, in your Yellow Brick Road walkabout,

Or get a shotgun, and leave a Rorschach on some wall.


* * * *

The ineffable, eternally ineffable.

The indivisible, eternally indivisible.

The immaculate, eternally immaculate.

The unfathomable, eternally unfathomable.

The oblivion, eternally oblivion.

The flawless, eternally flawless.

The solitary, eternally solitary.

The indelible, eternally indelible.

The unknowable, eternally unknowable.

The witness, eternally witness.

The intangible, eternally intangible.

The intrinsic, eternally intrinsic.

The immortal, eternally immortal.

The indifferent, eternally indifferent.

The irrational, eternally irrational.

The emptiness, eternally emptiness.

The unborn, eternally unborn.

The blameless, eternally blameless.

The undying, eternally undying.

The inexpressible, eternally inexpressible.

The overwhelming, eternally overwhelming.

The indefinable, eternally indefinable.

The observer, eternally observer.

The deep, eternally deep.

The timeless, eternally timeless.

The unspeakable, eternally unspeakable.

The indefinable, eternally indefinable.

The untroubled, eternally untroubled.

The spectator, eternally spectator.

The solo, eternally solo.

The nihility, eternally nihility.

The imaginary, eternally imaginary.

The ineradicable, eternally ineradicable.

The enduring, eternally enduring.

The permanent, eternally permanent.

The indiscernible, eternally indiscernible.

The impalpable, eternally impalpable.

The obscure, eternally obscure.

The faultless, eternally faultless.

The mundane, eternally mundane.

The alone, eternally alone.

The unstained, eternally unstained.

The average, eternally average.

The onlooker, eternally onlooker.

The matchless, eternally matchless.

The unique, eternally unique.

The peerless, eternally peerless.

The unspeakable, eternally unspeakable.

The void, eternally void.

The unutterable, eternally unutterable.

The absolute, eternally absolute.

The supreme, eternally supreme.

The unimaginable, eternally unimaginable.

The unicity, eternally unicity.

The whole, eternally whole.

The incessant, eternally incessant.

The inconceivable, eternally inconceivable.

The unfastened, eternally unfastened.

The infinite, eternally infinite.

The endless, eternally endless.

The infinitesimal, eternally infinitesimal.

The rational, eternally rational.

The undeniable, eternally undeniable.

The watcher, eternally watcher.

The detached, eternally detached.

The nothingness, eternally nothingness.

The perfect, eternally perfect.

The unrivaled, eternally unrivaled.

The inimitable, eternally inimitable.

The incomparable, eternally incomparable.

The spotless, eternally spotless.

The unbiased, eternally unbiased.

The impeccable, eternally impeccable.

The everlasting, eternally everlasting.

The perpetual, eternally perpetual.

The unconcerned, eternally unconcerned.

The ceaseless, eternally ceaseless.

The ageless, eternally ageless.

The priceless, eternally priceless.

The impersonal, eternally impersonal.

The absurdity, eternally absurdity.

The aloof, eternally aloof.

The mysterious, eternally mysterious.

The nonexistent, eternally nonexistent.

The fictional, eternally fictional.

The interminable, eternally interminable.

The eyewitness, eternally eyewitness

The carefree, eternally carefree.

The enigmatic, eternally enigmatic.

The inscrutable, eternally inscrutable.

The unreadable, eternally unreadable.

The inexplicable, eternally inexplicable.

The indecipherable, eternally indecipherable.

The incomprehensible, eternally incomprehensible.

The unintelligible, eternally unintelligible.

The meaningless, eternally meaningless.

The inconsequential, eternally inconsequential.

The anonymous, eternally anonymous.

The nameless, eternally nameless.

The ordinary, eternally ordinary.

The lasting, eternally lasting.

The perceiver, eternally perceiver.

The engrained, eternally engrained.

The impenetrable, eternally impenetrable.

The imperceptible, eternally imperceptible.


* * * *

What is the purpose of any culture, but to mold the young into its version of the world,

With all its history, its politics, its laws, its economics, its traditions, its religions, its languages.

All its tribal hierarchies, customs, rituals, behaviors, practices, lifestyles, conventions, costumes, patterns,

Beliefs, ethics, routines, schemes, addictions, activities, cuisines, athletics, holidays, celebrations.

And, of course, all the horrors and absurdities imaginable, in this our human paradigm.

How anyone manages to doubt, to question, to awaken, to shake off,

The conditioning, the habituation, the indoctrination,

Is indeed a wonder, if not a miracle.

What a hold imagination has upon our kind.


* * * *

So many people just do not have a big enough picture, a big enough frame of reference,

To comprehend the shit-show that is coming at them.

So it goes.


* * * *

The teeming masses are really nothing more than bottom-feeders,

Taking whatever falls their way from the one-percenter shark-fest above.

Some may swim a little higher, and work their way into a niche of the great game,

But only if they have something to offer, something to market, and the grit and gumption,

The claw and fang, the will and wit, to survive, to thrive, in the feeding frenzy of greed and vanity.


* * * *

All you can be sure of, is that you are part of the totality.

You are the mystery; what else is there, needs knowing?


* * * *

There are essentially three personality types: the takers, the givers, the needy.

If the first thing you want to do, is share something before you even partake it,

Then you are not a taker, nor are you likely someone who needs to be cared for.

If you are a taker, then this world is for you; if you are of the needy, rotsa ruck.


* * * *

No one is ever going to read all this yada yada babble besides the scribe,

Few are ever going to really even begin to grasp, all that he has offered the world.

So, the question becomes, whether or not, it is a good idea for anyone to even dip more than a tippy-toe.

But, if there ever is enough interest for there to be group discussions on this body of work,

Be sure no one is in charge, as anything more than a mild facilitating role.

Circular seating, all at the same eye-level, is recommended.

No proselytization, no dogma, no bullshit.

Read it as clearly as possible.

Stay as clear as possible.

It is not about the scribe.

It is a discussion, not a sermon.

And do not hesitate just to sit in silence.

It is, after all is said and done, a solitary journey.


* * * *

All the effort to become something more than you are, is nothing more than imagination,

Keeping you from being what you are, keeping you from being what you are not,

Which is nothing more than the timeless, eternal filament of awareness.

You are not a body, from which nowness gazes out into illusion.

You are the mystery, through which quantum waltzes every whichaway.


* * * *

May as well be in plain sight, for those lacking the eye.

May as well be Greek, for those lacking the ear.

Eyes that see, ears that hear, are few and far between.

There is no predicting who might be round any given bend.


* * * *

Any given moment is simultaneous creation-preservation-destruction.

And by the time the mind discerns it, nothing more than dreamtime.


* * * *

All the copyrights are a formality, which need mean nothing to the future.

Do with these many thoughts whatever you will,

Or nothing at all.


* * * *

To be, in consciousness, the eternal awareness permeating all things living;

To be, the ageless, elemental, unborn-undying moment,

Is the goalless goal of the seer.


* * * *

History has proven countless times the pointlessness of ethics, as anything more than forum-born rhetoric,

As anything more than a domesticating agent in the world spun by the human paradigm.

Ethics is what the minions pontificate, well away from any throne.


* * * *

The Golden Rule is all that is needed for those inclined to ponder upon such things,

And becomes much less an issue for any working their way up any given food chain.


* * * *

 Truth, is not in any thought about it.

What is, is not in any thought about it.

Awareness, is not in any thought about it.

Quantum, is not in any thought about it.

Mystery, is not in any thought about it.

Reality, is not in any thought about it.

Space, is not in any thought about it.

Time, is not in any thought about it.

Here, is not in any thought about it.

Now, is not in any thought about it.

You, are not in any thought about it.


* * * *

You are ineffable, be ineffable.

You are indivisible, be indivisible.

You are immaculate, be immaculate.

You are unfathomable, be unfathomable.

You are oblivion, be oblivion.

You are flawless, be flawless.

You are solitary, be solitary.

You are indelible, be indelible.

You are unknowable, be unknowable.

You are witness, be witness.

You are intangible, be intangible.

You are intrinsic, be intrinsic.

You are immortal, be immortal.

You are indifferent, be indifferent.

You are irrational, be irrational.

You are emptiness, be emptiness.

You are unborn, be unborn.

You are blameless, be blameless.

You are undying, be undying.

You are inexpressible, be inexpressible.

You are overwhelming, be overwhelming.

You are indefinable, be indefinable.

You are observer, be observer.

You are deep, be deep.

You are timeless, be timeless.

You are unspeakable, be unspeakable.

You are indefinable, be indefinable.

You are untroubled, be untroubled.

You are spectator, be spectator.

You are solo, be solo.

You are nihility, be nihility.

You are imaginary, be imaginary.

You are ineradicable, be ineradicable.

You are enduring, be enduring.

You are permanent, be permanent.

You are indiscernible, be indiscernible.

You are impalpable, be impalpable.

You are obscure, be obscure.

You are faultless, be faultless.

You are mundane, be mundane.

You are alone, be alone.

You are unstained, be unstained.

You are average, be average.

You are onlooker, be onlooker.

You are matchless, be matchless.

You are unique, be unique.

You are peerless, be peerless.

You are unspeakable, be unspeakable.

You are void, be void.

You are unutterable, be unutterable.

You are absolute, be absolute.

You are supreme, be supreme.

You are unimaginable, be unimaginable.

You are unicity, be unicity.

You are whole, be whole.

You are incessant, be incessant.

You are inconceivable, be inconceivable.

You are unfastened, be unfastened.

You are infinite, be infinite.

You are endless, be endless.

You are infinitesimal, be infinitesimal.

You are rational, be rational.

You are undeniable, be undeniable.

You are watcher, be watcher.

You are detached, be detached.

You are nothingness, be nothingness.

You are perfect, be perfect.

You are unrivaled, be unrivaled.

You are inimitable, be inimitable.

You are incomparable, be incomparable.

You are spotless, be spotless.

You are unbiased, be unbiased.

You are impeccable, be impeccable.

You are everlasting, be everlasting.

You are perpetual, be perpetual.

You are unconcerned, be unconcerned.

You are ceaseless, be ceaseless.

You are ageless, be ageless.

You are priceless, be priceless.

You are impersonal, be impersonal.

You are absurdity, be absurdity.

You are aloof, be aloof.

You are mysterious, be mysterious.

You are nonexistent, be nonexistent.

You are fictional, be fictional.

You are interminable, be interminable.

You are eyewitness, be eyewitness

You are carefree, be carefree.

You are enigmatic, be enigmatic.

You are inscrutable, be inscrutable.

You are unreadable, be unreadable.

You are inexplicable, be inexplicable.

You are indecipherable, be indecipherable.

You are incomprehensible, be incomprehensible.

You are unintelligible, be unintelligible.

You are meaningless, be meaningless.

You are inconsequential, be inconsequential.

You are anonymous, be anonymous.

You are nameless, be nameless.

You are ordinary, be ordinary.

You are lasting, be lasting.

You are perceiver, be perceiver.

You are engrained, be engrained.

You are impenetrable, be impenetrable.

You are imperceptible, be imperceptible.

You are eternal, be eternal.

You are Self, be Self.


* * * *

Like a Ponzi scheme coming undone, the dream is changing across the board,

And that is just the way it is; there is nothing anybody can do about it.

The politicians and talking heads are just earning their buck,

And Wall Street and Las Vegas will likely take it down to the last bet.

This is the course our species set long before we departed the jungles of long ago.

Knowing more than the gist, filling one’s head with nonstop gorp, is hollow trivial pursuit.

All any can do is play out their little Sisyphean algorithm; enjoy and endure whatever the fates allot.

The tempest is going to be beyond the pale sooner or later, and perhaps even relatively quickly for many.

And those unfortunate enough to be born, those now running about in backyards and playgrounds,

Are just going to have to survive whatever comes at them, or perish in flames if they cannot.

Every geography will have its own anthology of consequences, its own crash and burn,

And will deal with them as human beings always have when struggling to survive.

It will be, as always, might makes right, as savage as the given players deign,

With Conrad's "The horror! The horror!" and Vonnegut's "So it goes,"

Echoing throughout the last throes of human consciousness as we know it.

Whoever is going to be the final two-legged lingering in this Anthropocene epoch,

Will be last witness to all the absurdities our genomic sequencing has ceaselessly perpetrated.


* * * *

You can only know, you can only draw on, whatever you have experienced,

And how those perceptions spin into relevance of the frame-of-reference variety.


* * * *

As far as this garden dust ball goes,

As far as your mundane window of time goes,

As far as the mysterious nature of your brief existence goes,

You are truly only as significant, as relevant, as pertinent, as germane,

As the continuation of your ancestry's genomic sequencing.

Extinction is the norm; breed or perish, fate decides.


* * * *

So, there was that timeless, very still moment in the abyss, when You, the mystery, all alone,

All of a sudden came up with an inspiration for a gargantuan playhouse,

With You, the one and only, centerstage to all parts.

And bam, the quantum matrix,

A kaleidoscoping, extemporaneous realm, explodes into being.

Le Théâtre Absurde, produced and directed by natural selection; You, sole thespian,

The showstopper is realizing that you are none of the forms in which you ever play the starring role.

They are but crunchy-chewy-goo, from which you peer out through the given perceptions,

Upon all that is but illusion, and all the delusions the given dreamtime inspires.


* * * *

Who does not want to take it all with them?

The dread of loss captures many a pharaoh.


* * * *

How much fear, how much dread, how much passion, is inspired by oxygen-deprivation,

Caused by holding the breath during the tension of manipulating the moment to your advantage.


* * * *

All the wisdom ever gleaned, can overcome all the absurdity,

Existence every moment spins across this whirling dust ball.


* * * *

The clinging mind is temporal, inflexible, resistant, closed; the breathing stilted.

The eternal mind is timeless, fluid, accepting, open; the breathing effortless.


* * * *

Mind people generally have their go-to routines.

Intellectual pursuits they do to fill their time,

To pleasantly pass some of any given day:


Crossword puzzles

Logic problems

Math problems

Word searches













Video games

Jigsaw puzzles

String figures

Coffee klatches


Et cetera ad infinitum.


All very busy, busy, busy.


* * * *

How can changing the human paradigm be possible,

When you cannot even alter your own slice of the pie?


* * * *

Life is about experiencing whatever satisfies the given nature-nurture moment.

Keeping it simple, keeping it frugal, keeping it passionless, is the moderate way.


* * * *

You are not required to be involved, to join in, if it does not call you,

But there will be consequences, choices that may cleave you powerless.


* * * *

Why should you fear, why should you dread, any given moment?

A reasonable amount of stoicism in the face of it all,

Metes out the justice absurdity deserves.


* * * *

Remember that beautiful girl everyone was too afraid to ask out?

That’s her, over there, yeah, in the Depends isle, looking for the right fit.

And that old guy with the walker next to her, yeah, that’s the jock she met at college.


* * * *

How even and steady the breath must have been when you were tabula rasa.

Before the passions took root and you began your centerstage role in the grand theater.

And what are you now, but double-double-toiled-and-troubled-fire-burned-and-cauldron-bubbled.

Questing that breath, now suffocating in the muddle of conflicting impulses that life has heaped upon you.

And right-here-right-now, it is done, it is over, it is past, just like everything else ever is.

And the next moment already right-here-right-now, done-over-past, too.

The senses stream through the timeless quantum illusion,

And you, totally alone, witness to it all.


* * * *

The foundation of serenity may well be forgiveness, innocence, compassion, contentment, and truth,

But there is also a not inordinate sense of satisfaction with revenge, guilt, coldness, discontent, and lies.


* * * *


Disappear right-here-right-now; continuity is illusion.

Disappear into this twinkling; continuity is illusion.

Disappear into this moment; continuity is illusion.

Disappear into this instant; continuity is illusion.

Disappear into here-now; continuity is illusion.

Disappear into eternity; continuity is illusion.

Disappear into oblivion; continuity is illusion.

Be the eternal beingness, the eternal awareness,

Be the timeless beingness, the timeless awareness,

You truly are, You have always been, and will ever be.


* * * *

What is an Elephant?

Is it a wall?

Is it a spear?

Is it a snake?

Is it a tree?

Is it a fan?

Is it a rope?

Only to the blind.


* * * *

It was not Alexander or Genghis Khan or Napoleon or Hitler that conquered.

From the beginning, it was the toolmakers – the scientists, the engineers, the architects,

The miners, the metal and wood and stone and glass craftsmen – that made any of it at all possible.


They created the short-range weapons:

Rocks, sticks, knives, blades, clubs, axes, swords, spears, halberds, pikes, lances.


They created the firearms:

Revolvers, rifles, shotguns, semi and fully automatic guns, machine guns.


They created the explosives:

Acetylides, fulminates, nitro, nitrates, amines, peroxides, oxides,

elements and isotopes, and a variety of mixture s  and sundry miscellaneous.


They created the defensive equipment:

Armor, chainmail, shields, bulletproof vests, flak jackets, bulletproof glass.


They created the long-range weapons:

Spears, slings, crossbows, bolos, flamethrowers, grenades, bows and arrows,

boomerangs, cannons, torpedoes, land mines, naval mines,

depth charges, rockets, missiles, lasers.


They created the battle gear:

Armor, chainmail, uniforms, helmets, boots, saddles, bridles, horseshoes,

whips, chariots, rope, chains, climbing gear, sails, parachutes,

pontoons, bridgeworks.


They created the defensive fortifications:

Castles, forts, walls, towers, moats, trenches, bunkers, earthworks.


They created the siege equipment:

Siege towers, battering rams, siege engines, catapults, ballistas,

onagers, trebucheta  helepolises, siege hooka,

sambucas, scorpios, mangonels.


They created the communications systems:

Hand signals, codes, semaphore flag signaling systems,

signal lamps, telegraphs, radios, computers.


They created means to scout adversaries from afar:

Binoculars, cameras, radar, sonar, spy planes, satellites.


They created the vehicles for land, water, and air:

Tanks, trucks, airplanes, submarines, ships, spaceships, drones.


They created the chemical weapons:

nerve agents, vesicant (blister) agents, hydrogen cyanide blood agents,

tear gas, pepper spray


They created the biological weapons:

Biological toxins or infectious agents: bacteria, viruses, insects, fungi.


They created the nuclear weapons:

Nuclear fission (“atomic”) bombs, nuclear fusion (“hydrogen”) bombs,

radiological elements (uranium, plutonium, etc.).


They created the execution and torture devices:

Ropes and chains, racks, strappados, wooden horses, breaking wheels,

water tortures, electric shock devices, chemical dependency, hangman’s gallows,

guillotines, electric chairs, lethal injection, gas chambers.


As well as all the logistical networks and processes and equipment upon which warfare depends:

Supply chains, animals (horses, mules, oxen, pigeons), wagons, trucks, trains, ships, planes.


Alexander and Genghis Khan and Napoleon and Hitler are in the history books,

But it was the supporting cast who put them there.


* * * *

See your Self, see eternity; see eternity, see your Self.

Feel your Self, feel eternity; feel eternity, feel your Self.

Hear your Self, hear eternity; hear eternity, hear your Self.

Taste your Self, taste eternity; taste eternity, taste your Self.

Smell your Self, smell eternity; smell eternity, smell your Self.

Discern your Self, discern eternity; discern eternity, discern your Self.


* * * *

You are the observing; You are not the observing.

You are the tasting; You are not the tasting.

You are the feeling; You are not the feeling.

You are the hearing; You are not the hearing.

You are the smelling; You are not the smelling.

You are the discerning; You are not the discerning.


* * * *

You are the underlying formlessness.

You are the underlying shapelessness.

You are the underlying amorphousness.

You are the underlying preposterousness.

You are the underlying meaninglessness.

You are the underlying ineffectiveness.

You are the underlying senselessness.

You are the underlying nothingness.

You are the underlying uselessness.

You are the underlying emptiness.

You are the underlying nonbeing.

You are the underlying oblivion.

You are the underlying fluidity.

You are the underlying nihility.

You are the underlying cavity.

You are the underlying space.

You are the underlying void.

You are the underlying hole.

You are the underlying dross.

You are the underlying abyss.

You are the underlying nullity.

You are the underlying vacuum.

You are the underlying absence.

You are the underlying unreality.

You are the underlying hollowness.

You are the underlying incongruity.

You are the underlying irrationality.

You are the underlying ineffectuality.

You are the underlying pointlessness.

You are the underlying worthlessness.

You are the underlying nonexistence.

You are the underlying nonduality.

You are the underlying absurdity.

You are the underlying mystery.


* * * *

How much more creation?

How much more preservation?

How much more destruction?

How much more desire?

How much more pain?

How much more suffering?

How much more sorrow?

How much more fear?

How much more dread?

How much more hunger?

How much more assumption?

How much more bother?

How much more anticipation?

How much more generosity?

How much more greed?

How much more compassion?

How much more violence?

How much more empathy?

How much more sympathy?

How much more low?

How much more high?

How much more breadth?

How much more depth?

How much more derision?

How much more judgment?

How much more hate?

How much more love?

How much more joy?

How much more despair?

How much more depression?

How much more anticipation?

How much more time?

How much more timelessness?

How much more eternity?

How much more misery?

How much more solution?

How much more grief?

How much more argument?

How much more agreement?

How much more insanity?

How much more inanity?

How much more dissolution?

How much more derision?

How much more birth?

How much more death?

How much more gain?

How much more loss?

How much more attachment?

How much more detachment?

How much more torture?

How much more horror?

How much more absurdity?

How much more thought?

How much more feeling?

How much more passion?

How much more insight?

How much more pity?

How much more tragedy?

How much more pathos?

How much more dreaming?

How much more debate?

How much more power?

How much more value?

How much more subjugation?

How much more arrogance?

How much more consequence?

How much more significance?

How much more meaning?

How much more purpose?

How much more profit?

How much more mockery?

How much more esteem?

How much more treasure?

How much more pestilence?

How much more merit?

How much more usefulness?

How much more achievement?

How much more quantity?

How much more attraction?

How much more distraction?

How much more assessment?

How much more insignificance?

How much more regard?

How much more scorn?

How much more ridicule?

How much more tolerance?

How much more intolerance?

How much more pride?

How much more vanity?

How much more completion?

How much more accomplishment?

How much more conclusion?

How much more division?

How much more infinity?

How much more infinitesimal?

How much more dreamtime?

How much more similarity?

How much more difference?

How much more duality?

How much more nonduality?

How much more foreverafter?

How much more whateverafter?

How much more noteverafter?

How much more everything?

How much more anything?

How much more nothing?


* * * *

The past is streaming before your eyes.

The past is streaming before your ears.

The past is streaming before your nose.

The past is streaming before your tongue.

The past is streaming before your fingertips.

The past is streaming within your consciousness.

And where are you in all this streaming?


* * * *

What are You, really, but an observer, observing?

What are You but an onlooker, onlooking?

What are You but a viewer, viewing?

What are You but a witness, witnessing?

What are You but a spectator, spectating?

What are You but a bystander, bystanding?

What are You but an eyewitness, eyewitnessing?

What are You but the centerstage eye, centerstaging?

The observer is the observed; the observed is the observer.

Awareness is all, Self is all, You are it, it is You, there is no other.


* * * *

How many times have you pontificated?

How many times have you masticated?

How many times have you intoxicated?

How many times have you abbreviated?

How many times have you delineated?

How many times have you fornicated?

How many times have you obliviated?

How many times have you demarcated?

How many times have you illustrated?

How many times have you delineated?

How many times have you fabricated?

How many times have you arbitrated?

How many times have you anticipated?

How many times have you abrogated?

How many times have you demonstrated?

How many times have you mediated?

How many times have you differentiate?

How many times have you discriminated?

How many times have you obliterated?

How many times have you isolated?

How many times have you segregated?

How many times have you obfuscated?

How many times have you expatriated?

How many times have you situated?

How many times have you pulsated?

How many times have you pontificated?

How many times have you subjugated?

How many times have you matriculated?

How many times have you decimated?

How many times have you abridgiated?

How many times have you decimated?


How many times have you done something to the -ated degree?


Words that end in -ated



* * * *

Religions across the world are no longer required.

Science has discerned the truth of this mystery, we all together are.

To allow history, to allow tradition, to ensnare us any further is entirely unnecessary.

There is no need for any belief, any religion; only detached observation of what is within and without all.

We are, of course, incapable of doing this as a species, but rest assured, it is an option,

Were not arrogance and greed, were not narcissism and hedonism,

So entrenched in the genomic source code.

So it goes.


* * * *

A mind full of knowledge, full of trivia, full of gossip, full of notion, is not the eternal mind.

All the memories, all the histories, all the dreams, all the creations, all the affluence, all the possessions,

All the pleasures, all the pains, all the successes, all the failures, all the skills, all the arts,

All the friendships, all the loves, all the strangers, all the adversaries,

All the likes, all the joys, all the resentments, all the hates,

All the accolades, all the hopes, all the fears, all the cravings,

Are but illusion, the kaleidoscoping dream, streaming before you.

To be free, one must let go all things imagined, all things born of time.


* * * *

Where is the mind without its imaginary bounds?

Where is the mind that has discerned its emptiness?

Where is the mind that has returned to original nature?

Where is the mind that has returned to its tabula rasa?


* * * *

What is it about this timeless moment that you refuse to perceive?

What is it that you want it to be, that it will never be, that it can never be,

No matter how you imagine it so, no matter how you desire it so.

You cannot even penetrate how to appreciate this eternal life,

And here you are, yearning-pleading-negotiating another,

Or many, depending on the geographical assumption.


* * * *

It is the quantum matrix you quest.

The nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

And in its discernment, called enlightenment by many,

The illusion become clear, and liberation the every-moment quest.


* * * *

The world that imagination, coupled with the nature-nurture propulsion of the Darwinian dynamic,

Has, in a relatively short period, sculpted into a reality, never-before seen on this dust ball,

Is beyond all measures, both magnificent and astounding, both sad and pathetic.


* * * *

You already have eternal life; you already are eternal life.

It is this very singular, very immediate, ever-present moment.

The trick is to discern it, and to surrender all that hinders living it.

The gold lining the streets of heaven is not the earthly variety.


* * * *

This blob of crunch-chewy-gooey from which you peer is but a quantum-matrix fabrication,

In which imagination is but a trickster deceiving you into believing the dreamtime all real.


* * * *

What will you do when all your gods have failed you,

When all your traditions have lost all meaning,

When all your histories prove to be lies,

When the planet of the apes has lost its way.


* * * *

Science ever seeks the truth of the quantum illusion.

Prior to the veil, beyond the veil, there is no knowing.


* * * *

Why should some deity bequeath you a place in heaven at its feet,

When you were but a moment, but a state of mind away,

Throughout your entire temporal existence?


* * * *

The quantum matrix, the universe, the world, the dream, the mirage, the illusion,

Will be only too happy that your sensory mind-body joins in, and imagines it all real.


* * * *

The body is a temporal vehicle, guided by a temporal mind,

With eternal potential for those destined to discern,

That which cannot be more than intuited.


* * * *

Awaken to all possibilities; awaken to universes beyond counting, awaken to infinity’s rainbow,

And somehow, abide the kaleidoscoping illusion of the given mind-body’s dreamtime,

Dancing the dance, singing the song of mystery, between heaven and earth.


* * * *

Psychology, psychiatry, and other paradigms dealing with turbulences of the mind,

Are just some of the many ways the West has devised to scam the mentally ill for a buck.

In Eastern thinking, the disturbed are taught to eat well, exercise, and sit until they figure it out.


* * * *

Procreation is the primary directive of the genomic sequencing within all life.

Think of the who-knows-how-many lives, how many generations, it has taken for you to be here.

Every one of them relatively unconcerned about the pain, the suffering, the death,

Into which they were casting, catapulting, their matériel génétique.

The Grand Théâtre of Quantum, come unto existence.

An electromagnetic matrix in which many,

If not all things, are possible.


* * * *

Rest assured, rape and molestation are genetically viable ends and means,

In all the bumping and grinding it took, voluntary or involuntary,

For You to be sitting right-there-right-now reading this.

Ethics is a relatively recent appendage in the human timeline,

Ever enforced by the reigning oligarchy, who decide who gets what.


* * * *

Natural selection in the human species,

As it has exponentially detonated into these your current times,

Is breeding some very seriously unselective traits,

For whatever is coming at the future.


* * * *

The march of technology has always been used for political purpose.

The masses are like cattle running down the chute to slaughter.

Orwell and many other thinkers nailed where it was headed,

Long before anyone had a clue about where technology was headed.

And all their insights, all their caveats, all their agitation, have changed nothing.


* * * *


You want proof?

Well, find your own face,

And not in a mirror or photograph.


* * * *

Best not assume anyone is as stupid as you, for thinking they were.

Always be aware: you may, or may not be, the smartest guy in the room.


* * * *

Everything you experience is translated by your given nature-nurture frame of reference.

And no matter how diligently you work to expand it, it is ever delineated by its limitations.


* * * *

That moment you just observed,

Came and went before you even knew it.

The past is kaleidoscoping before your sensory mind.


* * * *

No mind is stuck on its habituation, but through lack of discernment;

Through attachment to nature-nurture's programming.

Relativity is an unsung art form.


* * * *

All that is going on in this world of over eight billion people,

Meandering across its face, this way and that; upon high, no different than ants.

And seven billion of that in just over two hundred years: agriculture, medicine, oil, electricity, bam!

It is not some conspiracy; it is the reality, the inevitable outcome, of all the natural selection,

That it has taken for the human paradigm to achieve the point of dysfunctionality,

Of absurdity, of madness, of malice, beyond all pales of genetic rationality.

All that imagination, partnered with all-but-infinite vanity and insatiable avarice,

Has brought into being, into light, since its long-ago mutation in human consciousness.


* * * *

The You, You truly are, is not a belief system.

You are not a leader, You are not a follower, You are on your own.

You do not require priests, You do not require sanctuaries, You do not require scriptures,

You do not require faith, nor dogmas, nor the support of  others.

There is only the right-here-right-now moment.

There is only pure awareness.

There is only You.



* * * *

Where would, could, we be, without stardust, without gravity,

And the light in which its creation is every moment bathed?


* * * *

The world, the universe, that you believe you know, is nothing more than a figment of imagination,

And imagination, nothing more than an illusory timebound evoluton of the quantum mind-body.

All just stardust of a forever-mysterious, ineffable origin, come to make-believe all things real.

Play your stage as you will: passionate-indifferent, attached-detached, happy-sad, it matters not.


* * * *

The entire world, the entire universe, the entire unfathomable kaleidoscoping quantum fabrication, 

Has been subject to the same natural selection, the same survival of the fittest,

Set in motion, in the whatever long ago means.

And here you are, playing out the fate you have been dealt.


* * * *

You are but the mystery of awareness, swathed in a crunchy-chewy-gooey, biologically-ordained stew,

Pretending your imaginary character real, and yet, all that full-of-sound-and-fury, ever signifying nothing.


* * * *

Eternal life is this one and only timeless moment,

This one and only right-here-right-now timeless awareness,

This one and only omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent timeless now.

To be the big Self, you must die to the little self.


* * * *

Enlightenment is very much the easy part; awakening is something that just happens.

Liberation completely depends how well you manage to work things out,

Out of interest, out of importance, out of concern, out of mind,

In the given moment kaleidoscoping before you.

In a nutshell, to see the eternal, you must be the eternal.


* * * *

It is only through indefinable surrender of little self to Big Self,

That indefinably expresses the moment, the awareness,

Through which it indefinably appears to move,

In the indefinable way humankind has imagined into reality.


* * * *

How resigned you are, to playing out a painfully unpleasant, most inevitably conclusive death,

Delineates the suffering, the inevitably woeful, perhaps torturous end, you will inevitably endure.


* * * *

Do you really think the quantum matrix,

Or the eternity in which it indivisibly dances,

Are at all concerned, at all attached, to any pattern?

How vain to believe anything is forever.


* * * *

Did some deity create the quantum matrix, or is the quantum matrix the faceless mystery unto its Self?

Obviously they are one in the same; otherwise, why would you not be viewing your own face?

Where is the maestro without the orchestra; where is orchestra without the maestro?

All dualistic notions are imaginary fictions, and should be ignored for their absurdity.


* * * *

Some wake up to a larger reality than the original nature-nurture,

To branch out as far and wide and deep as their wings in space and time allow.

The truth is, most do not, which offers a théâtre absurde, for all those who chameleon along.

Ignore it, if you red-pill-head-in-the-sand can; embrace it fully – suck down that blue pill – if you cannot.


* * * *

As absurd as it has been since the beginning, creating endless forms of idolatry, is what we do.

To see that totality is an infinite force, requires an aloof rationality, in which vanity cannot root.


* * * *

One of the first things any true seeker must do is trash all notions of a deity or deities.

There is only the faceless awareness, from which all worlds, all universes, are witnessed.


* * * *

What are human beings but collectives of organized protoplasm,

With exteriors about which narcissism and hedonism and greed orbit.

About which consciousness, about which imagination, makes endless ado.

Crunchy-chewy-gooey vats of imagination, vats of make-believe;

Dreamtimes, dancing in the timeless void of eternity.


* * * *

You were maybe expecting some magical being or buddha or ivory tower wizard to scribe all this?

To take you on some joyous magic carpet ride to the feet of some great deity?

To stoke your vanity, and heal all your pain and suffering?

Nope, sorry, you will have to slog on through that all alone, same as everyone else.


* * * *

Om is the quantum vibration, the quantum hum, the quantum drone.

The source of all materialization, of all dreamtimes, of all creations.


* * * *

We all have impacts on the lives of others, the dreamtimes of others, both positive and negative.

Impacts that spin all our worlds into seemingly new directions, that fate's long and winding illusions,

Every moment – through awareness, five senses, and a transmitter – make this quantum matrix apparent.

Our fates pull and push us all along in kaleidoscope fashion, in an eternal, inescapably timeless journey,

That none can discern, but through but vague perceptions we glean, as our dreams tick-tick-tick away.


* * * *

It is an omnipresent theater.

It is an omnipotent theater.

It is an omniscient theater.

It is an elemental theater.

It is a dreamtime theater.

It is a morphing theater.

It is an illusory theater.

It is a quantum theater.

It is a timeless theater.

It is a worldly theater.

It is an eternal theater.

It is a sensory theater.

It is a cosmic theater.

It is a mirage theater.

It is a matrix theater.

It is a mortal theater.

It is a neural theater.

It is a dreamy theater.

It is a fleeting theater.

It is a manifest theater.

It is a vibrating theater.

It is a space-time theater.

It is an imaginary theater.

It is a monotonous theater.

It is a touchy-feely theater.

It is an immaculate theater.

It is a Shakespearian theater.

It is an unborn-undying theater.

It is an incomprehensible theater.

It is a three-dimensional theater.

It is an extemporaneous theater.

It is an ever-churning theater.

It is an ever-changing theater.

It is an immeasurable theater.

It is a kaleidoscoping theater.

It is an unfathomable theater.

It is a monkey-mind theater.

It is an orchestrated theater.

It is an unknowable theater.

It is an incalculable theater.

It is an inexplicable theater.

It is a never-ending theater.

It is an astounding theater.

It is an impromptu theater.

It is a time-bound theater.

It is an indivisible theater.

It is a predictable theater.

It is a narcissistic theater.

It is an expansive theater.

It is an immortal theater.

It is a Darwinian theater.

It is an indelible theater.

It is an ineffable theater.

It is an immense theater.

It is a hedonistic theater.

It is a ceaseless theater.

It is a pointless theater.

It is an esoteric theater.

It is a temporal theater.

It is a majestic theater.

It is a magical theater.

It is a mystery theater.

It is an empty theater.

It is the grand theater.

It is the théâtre absurde.


* * * *

Prior to sight, prior to sound, prior to touch, prior to smell, prior to taste, prior to consciousness,

Awareness is.

Prior to sight, prior to sound, prior to touch, prior to smell, prior to taste, prior to consciousness,

Eternity is.

Prior to sight, prior to sound, prior to touch, prior to smell, prior to taste, prior to consciousness, 

You are.


* * * *

There is nobody to follow; you must forge your own path.

You must explore, You must discern, what is true, for your Self, by your Self.

There is not some all-pervasive, all-powerful deity, at the helm, despite all propaganda to the contrary.

The moment can be heaven, the moment can be purgatory, the moment can be hell.

You are the one and only witness to your dreamtime.

Attitude is all.


* * * *

No need for deities.

No need for souls.

No need for angels.

No need for saints.

No need for demons,

No need for belief.

No need for scripture.

No need for dogma.

No need for priests.

No need for idols,

No need for worship.

No need for prayer.

No need for superstition.

No need for cathedrals, 

No need for heavens.

No need for purgatories.

No need for infernos.

No need for anything.

Awareness is all.


* * * *

Idealistic notions have a way of creeping into consciousness,

No matter how you make every attempt to swat them away.


* * * *

All our ancestors combined did not have all the experiential adventures that current times offer.

A world ripe, a world seasoned, for exploration, and mindsets so much freer of cultural constraints.

Would they envy us, or shake their heads in disbelief over the absurdity so many have embraced.


* * * *

There is nothing to follow, nothing to be, nothing to do.

You are your own teacher, you are your own student.

Learn whatever suits you, do whatever draws you.

Live your life as freely as the given time allows.


* * * *

Why would you follow any god that has any vanity or avarice or malice at all?

Everyone else does, why shouldn’t you, is that really what you’re settling for?


* * * *

What is this garden planet, what is this pale blue dot,

But a tiny speck of dust, spinning away in the void.

All that vanity and greed, absolutely meaningless.


* * * *

When it comes to an opportunity for any military to rain destruction down upon the masses,

The reality is they gotta get rid of all that cobwebbed inventory somehow.

Gotta keep the defense-industrial complex in business.

Gotta add another star to the resume.

The little people always pay the price for tribal thinking.


* * * *

What will come of all this?

Well, absolutely nothing, of course, and what do you care?

Worlds come and go, stars come and go, galaxies come and go, universes come and go.

Only You remain, awareness, eternally alone.


* * * *

It is about the words, and what if anything, they in combination,

Perchance spark into consciousness, perchance at some higher level.


* * * *

Life or death, every moment a decision.

Another day; let the countdown continue.


* * * *

What would happen if all of humanity suddenly shifted into an enlightened paradigm?

What an absurd thing to bother pondering; you make me laugh plenty ha-ha hard, Pilgrim.


* * * *

Where is the yoke in these writings? Where is the burden?

What yoke can the clarity of rationality ever create,

But a mindfulness to not accept any pretense,

At least as far as the ultimate truth goes.

We all have to survive, to abide, in some how, in some way.

The one-percenters have always set the tone, to which all below yield or perish,

But you need not give the insatiable beast more than the token morsels of vanity and greed it demands.

Play their theater, endure your stage, with whatever serenity and harmony you can muster,

In whatever dreamtime this ever-kaleidoscoping quantum garden manifests.


* * * *

All this is written because it is how imagination entices me into giving it the wheel.

All this is perused because it is how imagination entices you into giving it the wheel.


* * * *

Inflation is about ridiculous prices, about ridiculous sizes,

And supply chains dissolving before they can even get there.


* * * *

Nothing can be more, nothing can be less, nothing can be, but what it is.

What more is there to say, what more is there to do, what more is there to be?


* * * *

See the nothingness.

Hear the nothingness.

Taste the nothingness.

Inhale the nothingness.

Feel the nothingness.

 Be the nothingness.


* * * *

Perhaps this matrix all began because You got a craving, a hankering, an itch,

To do something more than just be timeless nothingness.

So here you right-here-right-now are,

Imprisoned by a creation, far from conclusion.


* * * *

Being in the moment, being the moment, being the pure unadulterated awareness,

Prior to the movement of consciousness, prior to the movement of imagination,

Is a discipline not easily forged, and only by the rare few drawn to the quest.


* * * *

The mind’s eye, bent by the trivia of time, is lost in the tapestry of imagination.

All the yesterdays, all the tomorrows, however any given moment is nooked and crannied,

Are a long and convoluted maze, in which imagination, through eternity weaves.

All threads are relative to the mind’s eye in which they are beheld.

None more absolute, more true, than any other’s.


* * * *

This blob, this wall of flesh, this sheen of light,

Is outside and inside the one and only You,

Each and every kaleidoscoping moment.

Duality is the lie born of imagination.


* * * *

In the great relativity, what is the human species but a throng of crunchy-chewy-gooey microorganisms,

With arms and legs, hearts and minds, portraying every variety of pride and greed and futility,

Every variety of narcissism and hedonism, imagination has the audacity to muster.

There is no possible triumphant ending to this Shakespearian filibuster,
Told by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.


* * * *

That answer is yes.

That answer is no.

That answer is maybe.

Maybe does not mean yes.


* * * *

What can we expect with software that is billions of years old?

A long fire-sharpened stick, and maybe a sling, with whatever stones were about,

Was what our kind got along with, most of our post-jungle, around-the-world, Petri-dish walkabout.


* * * *

The final solution to the blasphemy of the human paradigm is extinction.

How long it can be dodged, how long it can be forestalled, how long it can be annulled,

Is a question for history to answer, if there perchance happens to be anyone left to ponder the question.

Who will be the last man, the last woman, the last boy, the last girl, the last any tag?

And how could that one last shimmer of human intelligence,

Possibly know, much less care,

As that last breath, without fanfare, quietly expires.

And the eternal quantum mystery, kaleidoscopes on, nary a tremor to the beat.


* * * *

Almost like you never did it.

Almost like you never saw it.

Almost like you never heard it.

Almost like you never tasted it.

Almost like you never smelled it.

Almost like you never sensed it.

Like it never happened at all.


* * * *

You cannot hold on to anything for more than an instant at a time.

And even in that moment, there is nothing that is not quantum illusion.

You are the awareness, you are the mystery, that is witness to all of eternity,

Whirling and twirling within and without, that which is neither within or without.

Forever is a fallacious idea, an imaginary notion; only as real as imagination imagines.


* * * *

The attributes of mental and physical health

Have many aspects, many characteristics, many points of view:



























































Staying Power














Best not leave wellbeing to chance if you wish to live long and well.


* * * *

You do not have to keep playing the game.

Just get up from the table and gone-boy elsewhere.

Bam! Instantly homeless, and free to willy-nilly walkabout.


* * * *

 To imagine the horrors on the horizon, is the dystopian cuisine of philosophers,

And fiction writers of book and screen, and the vast spectrum of all things tabloid.


* * * *

Getting out while the getting's good, may save you a lot of pain and bother,

And leave family and friends with a little less anguish,

And perhaps more treasure.


* * * *

The Foundation of Serenity:







* * * *

Wonder how much of  that tax-fee-license-tariff-permit-ticket-toll -fare,

Goes into food and booze and round-the-water-cooler-and-dumbphone time.


* * * *

You are not going to evade an iceberg once it is already gutting the hull like a hapless fish.

A waste of time even thinking about it; may as well enjoy whatever is left, pedal to the metal.


* * * *


It is not a belief system.

There are no leaders, theres are no followers.

There are no sanctuaries, there are no scriptures, there are no doctrines.

There are no priests, nor is there any need for faith, nor others.

There is only the right-here-right-now moment.

There is only primeval awareness.

There is only You.



* * * *

All the human beings you have known as friends and family;

As lovers, acquaintances, coworkers, strangers, adversaries, enemies,

Have all, each and every one, wrought the frame of reference, of the witness,

The mind, the awareness, the Self, that has chanced upon this aphorism.


* * * *

Each and every moment, each and every perception of your existence,

Is a translation, a rendition, an epiphany, a revelation, an insight,

That is continually incorporated into your frame of reference.

The pattern you are, the part you play, was scripted from the get-go.


* * * *

Does tabula rasa think itself tabula rasa?

Does a microbe think itself a microbe?

Does a squirrel think itself a squirrel?

Does a salmon think itself a salmon?

Does a spider think itself a spider?

Does a turtle think itself a turtle?

Does an ant think itself an ant?

Does a frog think itself a frog?

Does a squid think itself a squid?

Does a lobster think itself a lobster?

Does a sparrow think itself a sparrow?

Does a newborn think itself a newborn?

Does awareness think itself awareness?

Does cosmos think itself cosmos?

Does now think itself now?

Does Self think itself Self?

Do You think yourself You?

Does mystery think itself mystery?


* * * *

Same old bubble of misinformation.

Same old bubble of deception.

Same old bubble of contention.

Same old bubble of conspiracy.

Same old bubble of fraud.

Same old bubble of treachery

Same old bubble of dishonesty.

Same old bubble of artifice.

Same old bubble of stories.

Same old bubble of invention.

Same old bubble of tall tales.

Same old bubble of falsehoods.

Same old bubble of lies.

Same old bubble of notions.

Same old bubble of absurdity.

Same old bubble of debate.

Same old bubble of belief.

Same old bubble of trickery.

Same old bubble of controversy.

Same old bubble of argument.

Same old bubble of shams.

Same old bubble of subterfuge.

Same old bubble of claims.

Same old bubble of excuses.

Same old bubble of half-truths.

Same old bubble of propaganda.

Same old bubble of spin.

Same old bubble of fabrication.

Same old bubble of duplicity.

Same old bubble of cheating.

Same old bubble of opinion.

Same old bubble of strife.

Same old bubble of dispute.

Same old bubble of disagreement.

Same old bubble of whatever.


* * * *

The mind bent by the trivia of time, clings, contained, compelled.

The mind given over to awareness, streams, unbridled, boundless.


* * * *

All religions are cults that call themselves religions,

Once they get enough members and a few buildings.


* * * *

Where is the mind that is but a still, serene pool of awareness?

Where is the mind, content merely to be the given moment?

Time is an illusion, space is an illusion, mind is an illusion.


* * * *

The tango between male and female has been a challenge, a debate, a competition,

Ever since mitosis mutated into meiosis over a billion-plus years ago.

It may not work well in this so-called civilized world,

But it is a partnership that got us here.


* * * *

How to be in the world, and not of it,

Is for each imaginary mind to alone discern,

On its long and winding pathless never traveled.

To surrender to the moment, to allow serenity to reign,

Can be a challenge for a mind shaped by striving and conflict.





As of September 1st



The only difference between any moment,

Is the continuous movement of sentience, of consciousness, of imagination,

Interpreting the perpetual input of the allotted senses,

As they weave their universes.


* * * *

To believe You can ever know your unknowable is delusional.

All You can do is be the awareness that You every moment are.


* * * *

Awareness is ever-present, ever now.

It is up to consciousness to throw in the towel,

If it seeks to get anywhere in the vicinity of keeping up,

With the eternity in every breath, in every step, in every moment.


* * * *

Measuring stardust always ends up at the same dead end, the same blank wall,

As every other illusion-delusion perception, the monkey-mind has ever devised.


* * * *

With just one twist of a sentence, or one scene upon a screen,

A writer can turn any plot, in ways reality can never fathom.


* * * *

We all spend our early years, exploring, probing, our capacities and limitations.

The early branches to our fates, prove not all can be destined for great things.

Power and fame and fortune, oftentimes eludes even the most determined.

Rest assured, something will happen, whether or not it matches the aspirations.


* * * *

Imagination, despite all its efforts, races the moment, to no avail.

The awareness, is always to and beyond any brass ring, in every race.


* * * *

This eternally timeless moment seems real, but in the next, is forever gone.

And the next, and the next, and every other next, forever on and on.

And then, with the final wheezing breath. they are all done and gone forever.

And the placidly philosophical Tralfamadorians, all nod in unison, the ‘So it goes’ nod.


* * * *

The entire human paradigm,

Is made up of stories that we live and die by.

None real; all, imagined.


* * * *

It is attachment to the mind-body and its quantum sensory theater,

That holds You back from being the timeless eternal moment You are.

Simply detach from the dreamtime, and You will be the only You there is.


* * * *

Abiding chronic agony is never easy for any.

One must mine deeply into the depths of the lifeforce,

To glean the will, the grit, the gumption, to endure the daily slog.


* * * *

How can the intangible moment, the intangible awareness,

Be anything but unutterably priceless to the measuring mind?


* * * *

Mother Nature bats first, she bats last, she bats every moment between.

For the human species, to believe it can, with impunity, forever stretch and break her rules,

Is absolute madness beyond all pales, absurdity ad infinitum on steroids.

The unfolding dystopian catastrophe has barely begun.

How lucky you are, if you are old.


* * * *

That subtle belief in the human mind, that it is more, that it will be more,

Is the false flag of consciousness, enticing You back,

Into its foggy illusion-delusion.


* * * *

All differences attain the same grave.

All stories are but imaginary tales.

Be and allow is the highest law.


* * * *

Conscious breathing is the about the only way to keep up with the awareness,

And even then, it is a horse race, in which consciousness,

Is always going to come up short.


* * * *

Every religion, every military, every sport, every business,

Every club, every fraternity, every sorority, every band, every gang,

Every group everywhere, has its funny little dress code.

Groupthink is all in the human paradigm.


* * * *

Face it, bro, we are in an extremely bizarre dream, and death appears the only escape, maybe.

It may seem very touchy-feely real, but that is because the quantum programming is friggin’ amazing.

Whether it was natural selection or some supreme deity’s design, is not worth quarreling about.

If there is more to it, that is way above any pay grade, anyone here is deigned to know.


* * * *

You must come from somewhere; and you will stay or go,

And perhaps return, perhaps several times, as the Fates ordain.


* * * *

How big do You require the statistical sample to be,

To get the gist of what it is to have existed as a human being?

Contentment, with all You have seen, all you have done, is the brass ring.


* * * *

How all this came about, can never ever be known; everything is speculation.

Anyone who pretends to know something should be ignored,

Or laughed at, until they go far, far away.


* * * *

Scientific Method is the most rational, precise way, to examine this mystery, but it is far from infallible.


Scientific Method … noun … a method of procedure,

That has characterized natural science since the 17th century,

Consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment,

And the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.


1) Define the question

2) Gather information and resources (observe)

3) Form hypothesis

4) Perform experiment and collect data

5) Analyze data

6) Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis

7) Publish results

8) Retest (frequently done by other scientists)


* * * *

What is this thing we call death, but the end of another beginning.

Yet another trifling moment, done and undone, in quantum timeless.


* * * *

Odds are, no one will ever be as interested in your world as you are.

It would be an impossible feat for anyone to ever put aside their own.


* * * *

Your existence, your world, your universe,

Is but an illusion of perception born of imagination,

Inspired by the five senses, linked to the mind, you call yours.

The reality You are, is so much greater, than the minute shimmer allotted.


* * * *

To be … the truth … the life … the way …

Is to be in absolute, solitary relationship,

With the moment, with the singularity,

You, awareness, every moment are.


* * * *

All your power, all your prestige, all your wealth, does not make you special.

We all end up, with all our fellow earthlings, in the same grave, sooner or later.

Build all the castles you please, climb every mountain you can, it is all for naught.


* * * *

History can be looked at from an infinity of angles and dimensions.

Personal history, group history, world history, natural history, universal history.

There is no end to the myriad ways consciousness can cut the pie, it has in imagination baked.


* * * *

Infinite or infinitesimal, the awareness does not care.

Spiritual or agnostic, the awareness does not care.

Clean or dirty, the awareness does not care.

Live or die, the awareness does not care.

Wealthy or poor, the awareness does not care.

Alive or dead, the awareness does not care.

Believer or atheist, the awareness does not care.

Subtle or blatant, the awareness does not care.

Kind or cruel, the awareness does not care.

Sane or insane, the awareness does not care.

Straight or gay, the awareness does not care.

Sage or fool, the awareness does not care.

Fast or slow, the awareness does not care.

Do or do not, the awareness does not care.

Long or short, the awareness does not care.

Succeed or fail, the awareness does not care.

Love or hate, the awareness does not care.

Still or moving, the awareness does not care.

Real or unreal, the awareness does not care.

Tit or tat, the awareness does not care.

For or against, the awareness does not care.

Up or down, the awareness does not care.

Around or through, the awareness does not care.

Clear or unclear, the awareness does not care.

Fat or thin, the awareness does not care.

Strong or weak, the awareness does not care.

Gratis or priceless, the awareness does not care.

Hard or soft, the awareness does not care.

Give or take, the awareness does not care.

To or from, the awareness does not care.

Wise or foolish, the awareness does not care.

Beautiful or ugly, the awareness does not care.

Big or small, the awareness does not care.

Known or unknown, the awareness does not care.

Fore or aft, the awareness does not care.

Awake or asleep, the awareness does not care.

Heavy or light, the awareness does not care.

Rich or poor, the awareness does not care.

Awake or asleep, the awareness does not care.

True or false, the awareness does not care.

Ecstasy or agony, the awareness does not care.

First or last, the awareness does not care.

Creative or destructive, the awareness does not care.

Full or empty, the awareness does not care.

Sweet or bitter, the awareness does not care.

Loud or quiet, the awareness does not care.

Straight or rounded, the awareness does not care.

Bright or dim, the awareness does not care.

Well or unwell, the awareness does not care.

Astute or obtuse, the awareness does not care.

Like or unlike, the awareness does not care.

Appealing or revolting, the awareness does not care.

Clear or opaque, the awareness does not care.

Thick or thin, the awareness does not care.

Brave or cowardly, the awareness does not care.

Sweet or sour, the awareness does not care.

Equal or lopsided, the awareness does not care.

King or slave, the awareness does not care.

Queen or whore, the awareness does not care.

Expansive or contractive, the awareness does not care.

Soft or harsh, the awareness does not care.

Young or old, the awareness does not care.

Male or female, the awareness does not care.

Honest or dishonest, the awareness does not care.

Wild or tame, the awareness does not care.

Early or late, the awareness does not care.

Pure or foul, the awareness does not care.

Cautious or reckless, the awareness does not care.

Hit or miss, the awareness does not care.

Lead or follow, the awareness does not care.

High or low, the awareness does not care.

Naive or cynical, the awareness does not care.

Truth or lie, the awareness does not care.

Deep or shallow, the awareness does not care.

Open or closed, the awareness does not care.

Rational or absurd, the awareness does not care.

Near or far, the awareness does not care.

Singular or dual, the awareness does not care.

In or out, the awareness does not care.

Free or imprisoned, the awareness does not care.

Yes or no, the awareness does not care.

Attached or detached, the awareness does not care.

Course or fine, the awareness does not care.

All or none, the awareness does not care.

Shiny or dull, the awareness does not care.

Smart or stupid, the awareness does not care.

Tall or short, the awareness does not care.

Forward or backward, the awareness does not care.

Before or after, the awareness does not care.

Selfless or selfish, the awareness does not care.

One or two, the awareness does not care.

Within or without, the awareness does not care.

Yay or nay, the awareness does not care.

Close or distant, the awareness does not care.

Normal or weird, the awareness does not care.

Wet or dry, the awareness does not care.

Hot or cold, the awareness does not care.

Constant or fickle, the awareness does not care.

Positive or negative, the awareness does not care.

Happy or sad, the awareness does not care.

Fair or unfair, the awareness does not care.

Over or under, the awareness does not care.

Similar or different, the awareness does not care.

Loose or tight, the awareness does not care.

Plus or minus, the awareness does not care.

Above or below, the awareness does not care.

Inside or outside, the awareness does not care.

Simple or complex, the awareness does not care.

Black or white, the awareness does not care.

Smooth or coarse, the awareness does not care.

Wide or narrow, the awareness does not care.

Gentle or cruel, the awareness does not care.

Humble or vain, the awareness does not care.

On or off, the awareness does not care.

Here or there, the awareness does not care.

Have or have not, the awareness does not care.

Sharp or dull, the awareness does not care.

Good or bad, the awareness does not care.

Right or wrong, the awareness does not care.

Everything or nothing, the awareness does not care.

Something or nothing, the awareness does not care.

White or black, the awareness does not care.

Light or dark, the awareness does not care.

This or that, the awareness does not care.


Awareness holds on to nothing; why do You?


* * * *

Without doubt, without hesitation, without disbelief,

There is no starting down the path less traveled.

A divergent path, where serendipity rules.

An uncharted path, where insecurity is the norm.

A long and winding path, where spontaneity is a delight.

And in that … no direction known … inexplicable fates are drawn.


* * * *

The magical mystery tour of imagination.

Time and space are mind-body illusion.

Five senses contrive a cosmic theater.

The agony, the ecstasy, the absurdity.

All are helpless upshots of mutation.

The genetic lottery casts all askew.

Sand ever falling in the hourglass.

Quantum matrix, the same in all.

The awareness, the same in all.

The sentience, the same in all.

The moment, the same in all.

The mystery, the same in all.

We are stardust, come to life.

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.

We are cousins of the puddle.

All are molded by their niche.

Who has ever had any choice?

Who has ever seen their face?

Who has ever been like me?

Who has ever been like you?

Who has ever been like him?

Who has ever been like her?

Who has ever been like them?

We are all just prisoners here.

All adrift in labyrinth of mind.

Ever more in common than not.

Belief is but a delusionary fog.

Be and allow, the highest law.

‘Tis but an hour, strutted, fretted.

Vanity and greed rule the world.

A species unable to contain itself.

A cancer devouring our dust ball.

The horror, the horror, no respite.

No one sees their allotted facade.

All wander the same stage, alone.

Nothing is ever the same nothing.

All lives are but imaginary dreams.

All differences are but shell games.

We are cousins of natural selection.

So many trivial things given weight.

All differences share the same grave.

Paradox and irony and absurdity rule.

The sound, the fury, signifying nothing.


* * * *

The good news is there is nothing to believe.

The good news is there is nothing to seek.

The good news is there is nothing to worship.

The good news is there is nothing know.

The good news is there is nothing to follow.

The good news is there is nothing to judge.

The good news is there is nothing to ponder.

The good news is there is nothing to do.

The good news is there is nothing to undo

The good news is there is nothing say.

The good news is there is nothing to be.

The good news is there is nothing accept.

The good news is there is nothing to deny.

The good news is there is nothing to study.

The good news is there is nothing to join.

The good news is there is nothing to create.

The good news is there is nothing to surrender.

The good news is there is nothing to reflect.

The good news is there is nothing to generate.

The good news is there is nothing to consent.

The good news is there is nothing to divide.

The good news is there is nothing to contend.

The good news is there is nothing to refuse.

The good news is there is nothing to permit.

The good news is there is nothing to ignore.

The good news is there is nothing to borrow.

The good news is there is nothing to commit.

The good news is there is nothing to align.

The good news is there is nothing to merge.

The good news is there is nothing to wallow.

The good news is there is nothing to grapple.

The good news is there is nothing to strain.

The good news is there is nothing to solicit.

The good news is there is nothing to negotiate.

The good news is there is nothing to claim.

The good news is there is nothing to assert.

The good news is there is nothing to evaluate.

The good news is there is nothing to moderate.

The good news is there is nothing to regulate.

The good news is there is nothing to barter.

The good news is there is nothing to control.

The good news is there is nothing to tame.

The good news is there is nothing to mediate.

The good news is there is nothing to speculate.

The good news is there is nothing to guess.

The good news is there is nothing to appraise.

The good news is there is nothing to battle.

The good news is there is nothing to tithe.

The good news is there is nothing to promote.

The good news is there is nothing to decide.

The good news is there is nothing to concede.

The good news is there is nothing to bargain.

The good news is there is nothing to yearn.

The good news is there is nothing to shelter.

The good news is there is nothing to appeal.

The good news is there is nothing to summon.

The good news is there is nothing to mediate.

The good news is there is nothing to obligate.

The good news is there is nothing to evaluate.

The good news is there is nothing to calculate.

The good news is there is nothing to achieve.

The good news is there is nothing to build.

The good news is there is nothing to coerce.

The good news is there is nothing to compel.

The good news is there is nothing to measure

The good news is there is nothing to refute.

The good news is there is nothing to grasp.

The good news is there is nothing to protect.

The good news is there is nothing to gauge.

The good news is there is nothing to defend.

The good news is there is nothing to renounce.

The good news is there is nothing to establish.

The good news is there is nothing to dissolve.

The good news is there is nothing to retain.

The good news is there is nothing to embrace.

The good news is there is nothing to reject.

The good news is there is nothing to relinquish.

The good news is there is nothing to conquer.

The good news is there is nothing to subdue.

The good news is there is nothing to expand.

The good news is there is nothing to contract.

The good news is there is nothing to require.

The good news is there is nothing to request.

The good news is there is nothing to possess.

The good news is there is nothing to approve.


The good news is that …

The eternal moment, the eternal awareness, the eternal singularity, the eternal You,

The ineffable You, the indivisible You, the indelible You, the unfathomable You, the indefinable You,

Is free and clear of all trespass, free and clear of any yoke, whatsoever.

You are it, it is You, there is no other.

Be, free.


* * * *

What is it about humankind and its genomic blend, that it is so insecure, that it is so fearful,

That it, across all geographies, has imagined a supreme deity or a gaggle of deities,

To praise or blame for the blessings and misfortunes of this mortal theater?

Surely, existing as gracefully as possible in the given ebb and flow,

Is enough for anyone sensibly abiding the rhythms of nature.

There is no exultant ending to any mortal narrative.

To endure it rationally, stoically, is an admirable achievement.


* * * *

You are the timeless awareness.

You are the eternal moment.

You are all the worlds.

You are all the stars,

You are all the stardust.

You are every quantum display.

You are all the space within and without.

You are the entire universe, and beyond all beyonds.

You are the infinitesimal, the infinite, unborn-undying totality.

You are the ineffable, inexplicable mystery, in which all appearances dance.


* * * *

How is it that so many seers of this infinite, indifferent mystery,

Generate so much absurdity, that morphs into so much painful misery?

How much better for the all, it might be, to stay silent, to say little or nothing.

Daito Kokushi, fourteenth century Japanese Zen master of the Rinzai school, wrote:

“Wishing to entice the blind, The Buddha has playfully let words escape his golden mouth.

Heaven and earth are ever since filled with entangling briars.”

Hopefully, these way too many cogitations,

Will find their way to oblivion,

Before wreaking too much mayhem.

One can never discern how noble intentions,

Will be warped and perverted in the theaters of mind.


* * * *

All sentience is the awareness.

You are the awareness.

I am the awareness.

He is the awareness.

She is the awareness.

They are the awareness.

The same awareness is in all things.

Despite all imaginary concoctions to the contrary,

There is no other.


* * * *

Prior to consciousness.

Prior to sentience.

Prior to dreams.

Prior to words.

Prior to thought.

Prior to narratives.

Prior to forms, You are.


* * * *

Call it eternity.

Call it God.

Call it awareness.

Call it the moment.

Call it now.

Call it perpetuity.

Call it infinity.

Call it nothing.

Call it everything.

Call it ineffable.

Call it mystery.

Call it whatever.

It is the same nothing, it is the same everything, it is, has ever been, will ever be.


* * * *

Science and all related fields, can never grasp the full truth,

Because truth, is prior to all things measurable,

Prior to all things theoretical,

Prior to all things born of consciousness.

It is the indelible, ineffable, intangible indivisibility.

It is the unknowable, inexplicable, unborn-undying mystery, prior to all.


* * * *

What could awareness possibly need?

What could awareness possibly want?

What could awareness possibly fear?

What could awareness possibly dread?

What could awareness possibly love?

What could awareness possibly hate?

What could awareness possibly believe?

What could awareness possibly see?

What could awareness possibly hear?

What could awareness possibly smell?

What could awareness possibly taste?

What could awareness possibly feel?

What could awareness possibly think?

What could awareness possibly know?

What could awareness possibly anything?


As is written in the Sixth Sutra of Manuel Schoch’s

Bitten by the Black Snake translation of the Ashtravaka Gita:

You are not your body, your body is not you.

You are not the doer, you are not the enjoyer.

You are pure awareness, the witness of all things.

You are without expectation, free.

Wherever you go, be happy.


* * * *

You pose, You pretend, You politic, You participate, as your sensory theater dictates.

To consider yourself free in the winds of this choiceless pattern You play, is absurd.


* * * *

Awareness is the inherent mystery.

There is no deity to worship.

There is no groupthink.

There is no ministry.

There is no doctrine.

There is but awareness.

And it is free, to any and all,

Who have the insight to fathom it.


* * * *

It is imagination that craves, not the awareness.

It is imagination that fears, not the awareness.

It is imagination that dreads, not the awareness.

It is imagination that loves, not the awareness.

It is imagination that hates, not the awareness.

It is imagination that suffers, not the awareness.

It is imagination that delights, not the awareness.

It is imagination that cherishes, not the awareness.

It is imagination that trusts, not the awareness.

It is imagination that believes, not the awareness.

It is imagination that inquires, not the awareness.

It is imagination that explores, not the awareness.

It is imagination that scorns, not the awareness.

It is imagination that lusts, not the awareness.

It is imagination that deceives, not the awareness.

It is imagination that lies, not the awareness.

It is imagination that cheats, not the awareness.

It is imagination that agonizes, not the awareness.

It is imagination that steals, not the awareness.

It is imagination that creates, not the awareness.

It is imagination that preserves, not the awareness.

It is imagination that destroys, not the awareness.

It is imagination that seeks, not the awareness.

It is imagination that finds, not the awareness.

It is imagination that raptures, not the awareness.


The root of everything human, is the stew of imagination.


* * * *

All are mesmerized by the quantum matrix.

A few and far between awaken to that which all truly are,

But even they likely fall into slumber more than they might care admit.

Few can long sit in a cave, staring at a wall, and not be drawn out into the dreamtime,

At least occasionally for short bouts of drinking and whoring and sundry other disreputable respites.


* * * *

The small have their time, as do the large; all are predators, all are prey.

There are no survivors in this unborn-undying eternal mystery.

Only witnesses born into illusions beyond counting.


* * * *

We all wander in the same ineffable, eternal moment,

With entirely different perceptions, different worlds, different universes.

Pretty tough for imagination, in its never-ending swirl of space-time, to do anything the same.


* * * *

Yes, there is a supreme deity, and it is peering out through your eyes,

As it is through those of every other sentient creature,

Ever fashioned in all of creation.

And it is not that awareness that judges the creation,

But you, and all the other two-leggeds, across the human paradigm,

Who wrought what they see, into heavens and hells of their habituated persuasions.

Like Santa Claus in the Christmas jingle, everyone is keeping their lists, and checking them twice.

So many, wander about, believing what they think so important to some on-high,

But it is never more than the muddled miasma of imagination.

We all come and go; only awareness remains.

Untouched by any of it.


* * * *

So many dreams before this moment, so many dreams after this moment.

All the same simultaneous moment; indivisibly, ineffably, indelibly timeless.

Space and time, and all it myriad forms, are but the inventions of consciousness.

Discern the quantum play for what it is, and perceive the ether of awareness, You are.


* * * *

History, whether the leather-chair-pipe-smoking sort, steeped in scholarly exactness,

Or the fictional variety by storytellers, using smatterings of this and that, to punctuate their tales,

Are always just stories, born of imagination, in its ceaseless play of space and time.

Eternity is ever oblivious to the busy-busy of human consciousness.


* * * *

What will you do when you finally awaken to the fact, that the deity or deities,

That you spent your life worshipping, have never existed as more than imaginary idols.

That all the time, all the effort, all the treasury, all the dread of heavens and hells, was for naught.


* * * *

Like the pruning of any young tree or bush,

The natural selections of any species early in its game,

Dictate its unchangeable traits down the line.


* * * *

You are nothing more than a blob of crunchy-chewy-gooey,

With arms, legs, fingers, toes, a larynx, a face, and other accoutrements,

That, paired with imagination, hoodwink you into believing you are something more.

But there is no more, this is it, this is all there is, a one-time show, nothing more, nothing less, poof!

No deities on high, no heavens, no hells, just this timeless moment, this here, this now,

For you to play out, to imagine, however your nature-nurture calls.

Demon or angel, your decision, every moment.


* * * *

In the stick-shift of the mind, learn where neutral is,

So you can slow down every once and a while,

And watch the road less traveled in glide.


* * * *

Imagination being what it is, truth to one, is blasphemy to another.

And all the while, the truth in every ethereal moment, all but ignored.


* * * *

So astounding, that every single, solitary, timeless moment,

The universe, huge beyond all comprehension,

Kaleidoscopes simultaneously.


* * * *

Orgasms are created by friction; flesh rubbing against flesh, or some other thing or another.

Masturbation is merely the solo version of the quest for pleasure; no need to make it a taboo.


* * * *

Awareness does not exist; it is not alive.

Only imagination imagines it is the mind-body,

And the reverie through which it wanders.

You are but a figment of imagination.


* * * *

The strategies and tactics of any planning,

Be they battle or business or game or life,

Must always remain dynamic and flexible,

In the ever-changing ripples flowing about.


* * * *

Is it space and time that move, or the mind that witnesses it?

The mind which only imagines itself separate from the totality.

The mind which is the entirety of eternity, unknowable to all.


* * * *

Where is the word, the number, the note, the hieroglyphic, in the moment?

All movement of mind is nothing more than the creation of imagination.

How can language and mathematics and music and other cryptograms,

Be anything more than imaginary constructs in the ethereality of eternity?


* * * *

Odds are, an oxygenated mind,

Has much better chance at happiness and contentment,

Than the oxygen-deprived sort.


* * * *

Plan and prepare your estate, your legacy, and other wishes, as best you can for after your demise,

But know that many if not most intentions may well go other ways,

And you will neither know nor care.


* * * *

You really believe human life is sacrosanct in this dream?

Try telling that to Mother Nature, and all her other creations.

Go tell it on the mountain, so to speak, if you think it will listen.

And be mindful about that bear behind you.


* * * *

Eternity makes space and time,

And all quantum illusions possible.

Where would clouds be without the sky?


* * * *

Memory creates a sense past, a sense of future, a sense of identity, a sense of culture,

A sense of history, in an eternity that neither cares about, nor remembers anything.


* * * *

Prior to all this folderol, all this absurdity, all this madness,

There is nothing into which consciousness can lay its hooks.


* * * *

It takes a no-frills to middling amount of doubt and detachment,

Of pluck and valor, of grit and gumption, of boldness and humility,

To embrace the eternal totality, You are, have ever been, will ever be.

And in the same ever-present moment, are not, never were, will never be.


* * * *

Looking back at your entire existence,

What say did you have in anything,

That lead you to be reading this?

Or me having pondered it for You?


* * * *

Never pass up a golden opportunity for a good shit or piss.

Get that poison out whenever the entrails are up for an offering.


* * * *

What is any dreamtime, fostered by any sentience, but the infinity of momentary awareness,

Peering out in every achievable, naturally-selected, quantum way,

Into that which is both part and whole.


* * * *

Any existence is replete with compromises and compensations.

Even the most principled, must flounder, at least occasionally.


* * * *

It all being a phantasmic quantum illusion,

Your entire existence has been spent talking to your Self.

On the grandest scale, humility is meaningless.


* * * *

Anticipation is well and good when thoughts are pleasant ones,

But far less so when the mind does not fathom them in a positive light.

How to negotiate existence in any given moment, without the shadow of time,

Is ofttimes a challenge for those who would be eternally timeless.


* * * *

Only rarely hurts to experiment with changing up any given game a bit.

New strategies, new tactics, varied approaches, can be quite redeeming.


* * * *

You came.

You saw.

You listened.

You tasted.

You smelled.

You touched.

You departed.


* * * *

Wonder how many of these ancient histories we believe really happened,

Were really nothing more than campfire stories to amuse and inspire some tribe.

No more real than all the books, movies, television shows, with which we fill our time.

How easy it can be, for fiction to spin its way into supposed fact, in many an undiscerning mind.


* * * *

Attention to the timeless moment is the sword of discernment.

It can be used to conquer worlds, or one’s Self.

All fates are reckoned alone.


* * * *

And what exactly does that little piece of frothy trivia do for you,

Other than to make you yet another game show monkey contender.


* * * *

Where is the yoke in these writings? Where is the burden?

What yoke can the clarity of rationality ever create,

But a mindfulness to not accept any pretense,

At least as far as the ultimate truth goes.


* * * *

The song of mystery has an infinity of verses.

Many universes all making up a vast multiverse.

There is no beginning to it; there is no end to it,

Except the eternal oneness, that is source to all.


* * * *

The fundamental purpose of any language is communication.

To call the English language a bastard is profoundly wrong.

It is a mutt, a mix of lingual coding, that is strong and healthy,

Intelligent, rational, formidable, spirited, robust, stable, fearless,

And serves all well, in whatever way the ineffable moment requires.


* * * *

The goal of any writer is to plant something in other minds that will not be easily forgotten.

Who knows how many works are in used book stores and landfills,

And internet websites and burn piles,

And ancient libraries long ago fallen into ruin,

That never or barely even got a chance to be remembered.


* * * *

Another day of beating your head,

Against the illusion, the pretense, the futility,

Of imagining there is more, of imagining you are more.

It is what it is; You are what You are: this very moment, awareness.

An eternal mystery; unfathomable, indivisible, ineffable.

Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

What more is there to say?


* * * *

Yes, you have explored so many things.

Your mind is full of every variety of minutiae.

But truthfully, Pilgrim, what do you genuinely know?

You must empty the mind to discern what is, and what is not.

Wisdom is the loftiest mainstay of consciousness,

And even it must yield to oblivion.


* * * *

I, Quantum.

You, Quantum.

He, Quantum.

She, Quantum.

Us, Quantum.

It, Quantum.

All, Quantum.


* * * *

How surreal, the light.

How surreal, the tastes.

How surreal, the smells.

How surreal, the sounds.

How surreal, the textures.

How surreal, the sentience.

How surreal, the dream.

How surreal, the Self.


* * * *

I, Awareness.

You, Awareness.

He, Awareness.

She, Awareness.

Us, Awareness.

It, Awareness.

All, Awareness.


* * * *

Analog clocks spin.

Digital clocks emanate.

Calendar pages turn and turn.

Sun and moon go round and round.

Eternity never starts long enough to stop.


* * * *

What more is there to see?

What more is there to hear?

What more is there to taste?

What more is there to smell?

What more is there to feel?

What more is there to be?

What more is there to say?

What more is there to do?

What more is there to own?

What more is there to want?

What more is there to know?

What more is there to believe?

What more is there to pretend?

What more is there to love?

What more is there to hate?

What more is there to judge?

What more is there to destroy?

What more is there to preserve?

What more is there to create?


And yet, we slog on and on.


* * * *

A few lists of all the potential horrors we and our fellow earthlings face:


Climate change


Gender equality



Human rights

Water scarcity





International law and Justice




Cultural diversity



Peace and security


Global Health



Nuclear proliferation


Underrated Issues


Whole brain emulation

Wild animal suffering

Safeguarding liberal democracy

Immigration restrictions

Spread of false ideas on social media

Science policy and infrastructure

High-leverage ways to speed up economic growth

Mental health


Top 10 world problems and their solutions


Climate Change

Wars and military conflicts

Water contamination

Human rights violation

Global health issues

Global poverty

Children's poor access to healthcare, education and safety

Access to food and hunger


Our list of the most pressing world problems


Risks from artificial intelligence

Catastrophic pandemics

Nuclear war

Great power war

Climate change


Similarly pressing but less developed areas


Civilization resilience

Suffering risks

Artificial sentience

Promoting positive values

Risks of stable totalitarianism

Space governance

Risks from atomically precise manufacturing

Risks from malevolent actors

Improving individual reasoning and cognition


Problems many of our readers prioritize


Factory farming

Easily preventable or treatable illness

Whole brain emulation

Wild animal suffering

Safeguarding liberal democracy

Immigration restrictions

Spread of false ideas on social media

Science policy and infrastructure

High-leverage ways to speed up economic growth

Mental health


* * * *

Damn all the clocks and calendars and worlds and moons and suns,

And anything else that tempts this mind-body back,

Into believing this dreamtime real.


* * * *

What are You but the infinity of awareness,

Peering out from the eternal moment through a sensory screen,

Into that which You are both part and whole.


* * * *

Dowse the flame of passion, still the ever-churning mind-body,

And discern the ever-present eternity, You every moment are.

Eternal life; it is that simple, for those simple enough to see.


* * * *

It is a god-eat-god, god-talk-to-god world.

It is a deity-eat-deity, deity-talk-to-deity world.

It is a mystery-eat-mystery, mystery-talk-to-mystery world.


* * * *

Why even bother with the word ‘love’, in a sorry-assed world,

Wherein, for only relatively brief moments, it bubbles to surface.

Sporadic visitations, for relatively limited, often dispirited showings.

As Willie Shakespeare implied times beyond: What fools these mortals be!


* * * *

Go to Your clear, endorphin-enriched mind, whenever You manage to remember it there,

As often as You are able, as often as You damn well please.

Preserve it with all Your might.


* * * *

How many would give anything to be standing in your shoes,

Doing dishes in clean water, next to a well-stocked refrigerator.


* * * *

Sad to think what we have done to the world,

That was so perfectly naturally-selected-Darwinesque,

Before we exited the jungles of long ago.


* * * *

Grit, gumption, initiative, work ethic, are not abstract, idealistic notions;

They are concrete states of mind, that make for a higher quality existence.


* * * *

Not easy to set aside all the scar tissue of a lifetime.

Consciousness, imagination, has a way of holding on,

To pretty much everything the mind-body has endured.

To be free, one must be very adept at being the moment.


* * * *

There is only the ether of awareness, eternal witness, unborn-undying, tabula rasa, right here, right now.


It has no forward.

It has no backward.

It has no right.

It has no left.

It has no up.

It has no down.

It has no before.

It has no after.

It has no form.

It has no traits.

It has no value.

It has no virtue.

It has no sight.

It has no sound.

It has no taste.

It has no smell.

It has no sense.

It has no voice.

It has no stories.

It has no good.

It has no bad.

It has no vanity.

It has no passion.

It has no hope.

It has no faith.

It has no need.

It has no greed.

It has no power.

It has no renown.

It has no wealth.

It has no ecstasy.

It has no agony.

It has no light.

It has no dark.

It has no birth.

It has no death.

It has no space.

It has no time.

It has no mind.

It has no imagination.


Earth, wind, water, fire, ethereal quantum dancers, eternity’s genesis, ever present, ever kaleidoscoping.


* * * *

Why do you torture yourself so, over so many things that can never be changed.

To satisfy another is not necessary; perhaps only rarely possible.

To do your best is all that you can/should ever offer.

So it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

Play your little part, as best ye are able.

Just remember Ecclesiastes 1:2

Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.


* * * *

Change is.

Some, you like.

Some, you never will.


Oh well.

So it goes.

Deal with it.

Get over it.

Move on.


All you can really do,

Is play your short little tale,

As best you are able.


* * * *

Each of the five sensory organs – eyes, ears nose, tongue, skin –

Translate a different scintilla of the electromagnetic spectrum.

And in the quantum mind, an illusory universe kaleidoscopes eternal,

And imagination makes apparent, the mystery timelessly witnessing all dreams.

All naught but quantum duplicity, seemingly real, to all but those born to see the ineffable.

So many are so adept at examining the illusion in every way, but at some point, what is the point?

To discern that which is real, that which is true, one must set aside the mundane, still the mind,

And simply be the mystery of awareness; the indivisible, indelible, ineffable witness, in all.


* * * *

What a challenge to realize in daily living, that, that tiny little voice in your head,

That sense of self that gradually came to dominate your existence,

Is an invention of the natural selection of our species,

And that everything it spout's, is delusion.

There is no deity, up in the clouds, watching everything,

Tracking everything our genomic ‘thespian inclination’ has Shakespeared.


* * * *

Where is the desire in the moment?

Where is the fear in the moment?

Where is the dread in the moment?

Where is the fervor in the moment?

Where is the anger in the moment?

Where is the lust in the moment?

Where is the jealousy in the moment?

Where is the envy in the moment?

Where is the sorrow in the moment?

Where is the suffering in the moment?

Where is the hate in the moment?

Where is the love in the moment?

Where is the vanity in the moment?

Where is the arrogance in the moment?

Where is the futility in the moment?

Where is the persona in the moment?

Where is the imagination in the moment?


Where is any passion, any outburst, any obsession,

But in the ductless glands and viscera of the mind-body,

Ineradicably bound to the quantum illusion of space and time.


* * * *

You are playful piper, flaming bush, enduring ferryman, ascetic recluse;

A wandering madman journeying a cosmos spun of imagination.

You are all things, You are all spaces, You are all times.

There is nothing that You are not, and nothing that You are.

You are the irony, the paradox; unnamed, unclaimed, untamed.


* * * *

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely false narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely untrue narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely fake narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely incorrect narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely bogus narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely pretend narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely erroneous narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely wrong narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely sham narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely put-on narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely fallacious narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely dishonest narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely phony narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely made-up narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely deceptive narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely deceitful narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely forged narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely insincere narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely mistaken narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely made-up narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely copied narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely deceiving narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely insincere narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely artificial narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely fallacious narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely deceptive narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely fictitious narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely counterfeit narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely misleading narrative.

The human paradigm is founded upon an entirely fabricated narrative.


It ain’t true, it ain’t real, it ain’t correct, and it ain’t gonna last for much more forever.

But oh well, so it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on, play your little part, as best ye are able.


* * * *

Scientists measure, mathematicians gauge, engineers and architects and craftsmen build,

Businessmen buy and sell, industrialists manufacture, artists create,

Politicians compromise, generals maneuver.

The world wags on.


* * * *

The rock has rock sentience, rock intelligence.

The rose has rose sentience, rose intelligence.

The hawk has hawk sentience, hawk intelligence.

The lizard has lizard sentience, lizard intelligence.

The trout has trout sentience, trout intelligence.

The cactus has cactus sentience, cactus intelligence.

The beetle has beetle sentience, beetle intelligence.

The horse has horse sentience, horse intelligence.

The frog has frog sentience, frog intelligence.

The whale has whale sentience, whale intelligence.

The tree has tree sentience, tree intelligence.

The snake has snake sentience, snake intelligence.

The spider has spider sentience, spider intelligence.

The weed has weed sentience, weed intelligence.

The earth has earth sentience, earth intelligence.

The wind has wind sentience, wind intelligence.

The water has water sentience, water intelligence.

The fire has fire sentience, fire intelligence.

The ether has ether sentience, ether intelligence.

The moon has moon sentience, moon intelligence.

The sun has sun sentience, sun intelligence.

The galaxy has galaxy sentience, galaxy intelligence.

The universe has universe sentience, universe intelligence.

The multiverse has multiverse sentience, multiverse intelligence.

The stardust has stardust sentience, stardust intelligence.

The quantum has quantum sentience, quantum intelligence.

The mystery has mystery sentience, mystery intelligence.


* * * *

It is all imagined; it is all make-believe.

Nothing more than a dream of the mind-body.

Nothing more than a thingamajig of quantum design.

Without it, who-what-when-where-why-how would you be?

With it, who-what-when-where-why-how are you?

Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

An illusion, so real, it draws you on,

Until death turns off the spigot.


* * * *

Why believe anything that is not true?

Why be with people you do not really like?

Why travel someplace you have no need to see?

Why work hard for something you do not really want?

Why expect perfection from something which can never be?

Why try so hard to be something you already are?


* * * *

Are you really a who?

Are you really a what?

Are you really a where?

Are you really a when?

Are you really a why?

Are you really a how?


* * * *

The awareness,

The moment,

Eternal life,

Right here,

Right now,

All and none.


* * * *

We are not human beings; we are human becomings.

The being in human being, was lost with the first word.

Always everywhere else but this right-here-right-now.

Trapsing about some past; contemplating some future.

Imagination at the helm, wandering every distraction,

To avoid its deceits ever being seen for what they are.


* * * *

Before imagination and language coupled,

Our ancestors were all alone in their clannish consortiums.

Completely unaware, oblivious, to any other version the jungle but their own.

And from the moment sound morphed into the first concept,

The human paradigm departed the garden.

And the world shuddered.


* * * *

Die to the world.

Die to the universe.

Die to imagination.

Die to the dream.

Die to the mind.

Die to the body.

Die to the self.

Die to space.

Die to time.

Die to now.


* * * *

There is only one moment.

One moment in which the quantum illusion plays space and time real,

In an infinitesimal speck of eternity.


* * * *

So many are so adept at examining the illusion in every way, but at some point, what is the point?

To discern that which is real, that which is true, one must set aside the mundane, still the mind,

And simply be the mystery of awareness; the indivisible, indelible, ineffable witness, in all.


* * * *

Before our ancestors naturally-selected imagination and a sense of self,

They were the same pure awareness that every other life form ever remains.


* * * *

So many spending so much time trying to fix, to alter, to save, the human species;

Never asking themselves, with a pinch of detachment, if it really deserves to be saved.


* * *

It is really all nothing more than a quantum illusion,

But there will, indeed, be consequences,

If not played somewhat real.


* * * *

Who is free of this manifest dreamtime,

Is he who becomes that which is sought,

Is he who evaporates into the unknown.


* * * *

Where in the moment is there room or time,

For fear or hate or love or any other passion.

To call awareness anything, is meaningless.


* * * *

How fleetingly the clouds stream through the sky,

And all things through the eternal moment,

When You are witnessing it as Self.


* * * *

Given that consciousness, is ever an after-the-fact process,

Eternity is ever just out of reach, for all but the most serene.


* * * *

You can only know your own frame of reference.

And that is but a paltry speck, of all that imagination has created,

To distract (and perchance amuse) the fickle awareness, the source of all eternity,

In any given right-here-right-now, unborn-undying moment,

From its ever-present, blissful quietude.


* * * *

Imagination is a state of becoming; awareness, being.

Imagination is arrogant; awareness, unassuming.

Imagination is effort; awareness, effortless.

Imagination is time; awareness, eternal.

Imagination is binding; awareness, freeing.


* * * *







You imagine your Self to be,

You are not, have never been, will never be.


* * * *

What is ‘supreme being’? What does it mean? What does it not mean?

Is it the one and only greatest Supreme Being, ruling over all the Lesser Beings?

Or is it simply … supreme … breathe in … breathe out … being … ?


* * * *

Yet another attempt to communicate what the sound/word/concept ‘God’ herein means.

No, not some unshaven Saint Nick, leading an orchestration of harps in the cloudy on-high.

No, to every idol, every faith, every belief, every creed, every symbol, every charismatic leader.

Yes, to every quantum particle to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, and beyond, including, yes, You.

All that is seen, all that is unseen, is of the same indelible, indivisible, unfathomable mystery.

To envision it any less, is the same delusion repeated throughout the human paradigm.

And all that is required to perceive this non-dualistic truth, is an attentive mind.

A mind that has clearly realized, that eternity is this ever-present moment.

This timeless, unborn-undying, prior-to-consciousness awareness.

And no fiction born of imagination is required to access it.


* * * *

All cultures have mythological stories

That give reason and purpose used to solidify the group identify.

Whether or not they are real, whether or not they are true, does not matter if they connect the herd.

As Seneca wrote: Religion is regarded by the common people as true,

By the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


* * * *

Humanity is mesmerized by all the spiritual fictions devised in its migration across the pale blue dot.

Like the blind men and the elephant, they are unable, unwilling, to fathom the totality of all the partitions.

Thus, they remain bewitched by every variety of tradition, by every conceivable imaginary difference.

Blind to the indelible, ineffable, unquestionable truth, that this mystery is, within and without all.


* * * *

When next you are whiny-grumbly about how bored stiff you are,

Try to visualize what it was like for your prehistoric ancestors.

Living in the same geography, subsisting with the same tribe.

Hunting and fishing and farming, ingesting the same cuisine.

Sitting around fires, waking, sleeping, as the sun rose and set.

Telling stories, singing songs, beating drums, venerating deities.

Wearing the same garments, sleeping in trees, in caves, in shelters.

Ever tolerating nature’s ebb and flow – hot and cold and wet and dry.

A sharpened stick your only defense in a panorama teeming with predators,

Not yet wary of the human shadow, as it steadily migrated across the pale blue dot.


* * * *

The human mind, sparked by evolutionary happenstance with sentience, consciousness, imagination,

Has, across this spinning pale blue dot, unleashed an unnatural, irreversible quantum tempest.

A teeny little dust ball, all alone in the abyss, of a mystery oblivious to all its vanities.

A theater jam-packed with idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.


* * * *

From birth to death, the unborn-undying awareness You are,

Is solitary witness to an ever-kaleidoscoping, mystery-ridden dreamtime.

There is nothing You need do, nothing You can do, but whatever the moment beckons,

From the patterning of the mind-body in which You are cloaked,

Upon the stage, which You impromptu play.


* * * *

The mystery before space and time is mysterious.

The mystery before space and time is ineffable.

The mystery before space and time is tabula rasa.

The mystery before space and time is aware.

The mystery before space and time is still.

The mystery before space and time is indivisible.

The mystery before space and time is momentary.

The mystery before space and time is singular.

The mystery before space and time is indelible.

The mystery before space and time is supreme.

The mystery before space and time is matchless.

The mystery before space and time is now.

The mystery before space and time is sentient.

The mystery before space and time is unfathomable.

The mystery before space and time is inscrutable.

The mystery before space and time is perpetual.

The mystery before space and time is imaginary.

The mystery before space and time is matrix.

The mystery before space and time is flawless.

The mystery before space and time is timeless.

The mystery before space and time is infinite.

The mystery before space and time is infinitesimal.

The mystery before space and time is omnipresent.

The mystery before space and time is serene.

The mystery before space and time is immortal.

The mystery before space and time is pervasive.

The mystery before space and time is omniscient.

The mystery before space and time is mindful.

The mystery before space and time is instantaneous.

The mystery before space and time is quantum.

The mystery before space and time is null.

The mystery before space and time is immaculate.

The mystery before space and time is futile.

The mystery before space and time is everlasting.

The mystery before space and time is unbound.

The mystery before space and time is motionless.

The mystery before space and time is mindless.

The mystery before space and time is clear.

The mystery before space and time is nondualistic.

The mystery before space and time is here.

The mystery before space and time is unbounded.

The mystery before space and time is silent.

The mystery before space and time is graceful.

The mystery before space and time is pure.

The mystery before space and time is unequivocal.

The mystery before space and time is unqualified.

The mystery before space and time is perfect.

The mystery before space and time is nothingness.

The mystery before space and time is total.

The mystery before space and time is complete.

The mystery before space and time is innocent.

The mystery before space and time is truth.

The mystery before space and time is unconditional.

The mystery before space and time is unadulterated.

The mystery before space and time is seamless.

The mystery before space and time is unspoiled.

The mystery before space and time is impeccable.

The mystery before space and time is empty.

The mystery before space and time is entire.

The mystery before space and time is effortless.

The mystery before space and time is first.

The mystery before space and time is oblivion.

The mystery before space and time is last.

The mystery before space and time is whole.

The mystery before space and time is harmonious.

The mystery before space and time is unified.

The mystery before space and time is blameless.

The mystery before space and time is spotless.

The mystery before space and time is sentient.

The mystery before space and time is alert.

The mystery before space and time is void.

The mystery before space and time is unimportant.

The mystery before space and time is all.

The mystery before space and time is none.

The mystery before space and time is inestimable.

The mystery before space and time is indefinable.

The mystery before space and time is extinct.

The mystery before space and time is purposeless.

The mystery before space and time is obscure.

The mystery before space and time is anonymous.

The mystery before space and time is insignificant.

The mystery before space and time is null.

The mystery before space and time is worthless.

The mystery before space and time is unknowable.

The mystery before space and time is naught.

The mystery before space and time is indecipherable.

The mystery before space and time is nameless.

The mystery before space and time is undiscoverable.

The mystery before space and time is useless.

The mystery before space and time is immeasurable.

The mystery before space and time is valueless.

The mystery before space and time is incalculable.

The mystery before space and time is rational.

The mystery before space and time is unutterable.

The mystery before space and time is endless.

The mystery before space and time is impartial.

The mystery before space and time is simple.

The mystery before space and time is straightforward.

The mystery before space and time is natural.

The mystery before space and time is untouched.

The mystery before space and time is imperceptible.

The mystery before space and time is painless.

The mystery before space and time is uncomplicated.

The mystery before space and time is unforced.

The mystery before space and time is untarnished.

The mystery before space and time is ever.

The mystery before space and time is untroubled.

The mystery before space and time is inexplicable.

The mystery before space and time is unstained.

The mystery before space and time is peerless.

The mystery before space and time is emptiness.

The mystery before space and time is indifferent.

The mystery before space and time is ageless.

The mystery before space and time is ineradicable.

The mystery before space and time is irrational.

The mystery before space and time is permanent.

The mystery before space and time is indiscernible.

The mystery before space and time is impalpable.

The mystery before space and time is faultless.

The mystery before space and time is pristine.

The mystery before space and time is mundane.

The mystery before space and time is hollow.

The mystery before space and time is alone.

The mystery before space and time is minimal.

The mystery before space and time is average.

The mystery before space and time is unique.

The mystery before space and time is unspeakable.

The mystery before space and time is unimaginable.

The mystery before space and time is unicity.

The mystery before space and time is whole.

The mystery before space and time is incessant.

The mystery before space and time is inconceivable.

The mystery before space and time is unfastened.

The mystery before space and time is rational.

The mystery before space and time is undeniable.

The mystery before space and time is detached.

The mystery before space and time is unrivaled.

The mystery before space and time is inimitable.

The mystery before space and time is incomparable.

The mystery before space and time is unbiased.

The mystery before space and time is pointless.

The mystery before space and time is unconcerned.

The mystery before space and time is ceaseless.

The mystery before space and time is priceless.

The mystery before space and time is impersonal.

The mystery before space and time is absurd.

The mystery before space and time is aloof.

The mystery before space and time is nonexistent.

The mystery before space and time is interminable.

The mystery before space and time is carefree.

The mystery before space and time is enigmatic.

The mystery before space and time is impenetrable.

The mystery before space and time is unreadable.

The mystery before space and time is incomprehensible.

The mystery before space and time is unintelligible.

The mystery before space and time is meaningless.

The mystery before space and time is inconsequential.

The mystery before space and time is exquisite.

The mystery before space and time is ordinary.

The mystery before space and time is engrained.

The mystery before space and time is intrinsic.

The mystery before space and time is intangible.

The mystery before space and time is solitary.

The mystery before space and time is enduring.

The mystery before space and time is inexpressible.

The mystery before space and time is omnipotent.

The mystery before space and time is tranquil.

The mystery before space and time is free.

The mystery before space and time is sovereign.

The mystery before space and time is unborn.

The mystery before space and time is undying.

The mystery before space and time is absolute.

The mystery before space and time is eternal.


* * * *

The human paradigm is built upon an imaginary assumption,

Permeated by self-absorption and avarice, that cannot be forever maintained.

All the things it has fathomed and created; all its knowledge, all its linguistics, all its mathematics;

All its histories and politics and traditions and religions and economies and entertainments;

All its scientific and industrial and technological and artistic and athletic spectacles;

And not least, its conception of space-time, usurper of the ethereal moment;

Are but the poof of imagination, believing itself more than imagination;

More than the awareness, the ether, through which all things pass.

Without a relationship with nature, upon which all is rooted,

Humankind is fated to fall into the abyss of its many limitations.


* * * *

The mind evolved as a problem-solver,

And when it is without problems,

Endlessly concocts its own.

The challenge is clear.


* * * *

Taste is relative to the individual tongue.

Vision is relative to the individual eye.

Sound is relative to the individual ears.

Smell is relative to the individual nose.

Sensation is relative to the individual skin.

The universe is relative to the individual mind.


* * * *

Nathan Gill nailed it:


This Is It.

This is all there is.

Life appearing as an endless display of changing images,

With no inherent purpose other than this appearance itself.

There is simply life with no one living it.


* * * *

Any difference between and betwixt, you and me,

Any difference between and betwixt, you and he,

Any difference between and betwixt, you and she,

Any difference between and betwixt, you and they,

Any difference between and betwixt, you and anything,

Does not ultimately, even for one moment, exist.


* * * *

Imagination is ever striving, ever struggling, to be more than it can ever be.

For it to transcend itself, would require an awakening, a wisdom,

Far too unlikely, to even begin to seriously contemplate.


* * * *

Believing in Santa Claus does not make him real.

Believing in the Great Pumpkin does not make it real.

Believing in the Easter Bunny does not make it real.

Believing in the Tooth Fairy does not make it real.

Believing in Spider Man does not make him real.

Believing in Uncle Sam does not make him real.

Believing in the Calvin does not make him real.

Believing in Peter Pan does not make him real.

Believing in Harvey does not make him real

Believing in the Oz does not make him real.

Believing in Jesus does not make him real.

Believing in God does not make he/she/it real.


* * * *

How long, how short, is a moment?

Is it longer, is it shorter, than a second?

And exactly how much to the left or right,

Of some ever-kaleidoscoping decimal point?

And, are there a sea of them, or the one and only?


* * * *

Places and faces come and go in this ever-kaleidoscoping, mystery-ridden, immutable dreamtime.

There is nothing You can hold onto, nothing You can more than experience, for more than a moment.

All knowledge, and whatever wisdom it gleans, are but wispy clouds passing through the theater of mind.

From birth to death, the unborn-undying awareness You are, is but aloof witness to its eternal passage.


* * * *

The awareness is the ether of all intelligence through all creation, all preservation, all destruction.

It is the witness of, the observer of, the watcher of, and participant in, all that is, and all that is not.


* * * *

I am That I Am.

You are That I Am.

She is That I Am.

He is That I Am.

It is That I Am.

We are That I Am.

They are That I Am.

There is nothing that is not,

That I Am.


* * * *

The pride of imagination.

The envy of imagination.

The gluttony of imagination.

The lust of imagination.

The wrath of imagination.

The greed of imagination.

The sloth of imagination.

Seven, count ‘em, seven.

Imaginary from all get-goes.


* * * *

You, alone, are the mystery.

It is your relationship with your Self, which is all.

And what manifests through your mind-body’s sensory input, is the journey.


* * * *

There can be no end to what can be known, before the light sooner or later goes out,

But what point, to the endless pursuit, the endless gathering, of trivia, regarding this illusion?

Is a busy-busy mind, caught up with every distraction, really any different, than a dog chasing a ball?


* * * *

There is no definition, there is no equation, there is no hypothesis, there is no reckoning,

That can encapsulate the mystery of the ever-present timeless moment,

The ever-present timeless mystery of awareness,

To which You, and every other sentient life form, are witness.


* * * *

Having to choose from a sizable selection of so-called religions,

Concocted by human imagination, and brewed in vanity and avarice, is no choice worth bothering about.

Put them all behind You, and wander alone, as far, as wide, as free, as You dare.


* * * *

Hallucinations and other consciousness-altering substances,

Can be useful in kick-starting the inner eye – That to which all have equal access –

But they are not at all necessary once You have awakened to the unborn-undying, You truly are, are not.


* * * *

Life's nature-nurture patterning, is every moment, conditioning itself anew,

With programing of the on-off-plus-minus-positive-negative-attached-detached category.

To consciously manipulate those endorphin mechanisms, is an art, a dance, a whimsy, for those inclined.


* * * *

The eternal moment is right here, right now; the eternal awareness is right here, right now.

Imagination is the creator of space and time, and flows through the moment, through the awareness;

Unable to ever grasp anything, as more than a memory, as more than an ephemeral concept.

You are the moment, You are the awareness, You are the totality, You are eternity.

Everything seen and heard and touched and tasted and felt, is but illusion.


* * * *

Who is the who, who sees, or sees not?

Who is the who, who hears, or hears not?

Who is the who, who tastes, or tastes not?

Who is the who, who smells, or smells not?

Who is the who, who feels, or feels not?

Who is the who, who does, or does not?

Who is the who, who thinks, or thinks not?

Who is the who, who is reading this?


* * * *

Now the one-and-only right-here-right-now moment there is.

There never was a before, and there will never be an after.

The unborn-undying moment is the ever-present verity.

It is an ineffable, unfathomable, indivisible mystery,

In neither need nor want of a mind-made solution.


* * * *

Imagination is the Great Jester; ever lingering in the wings, for inattention to teleport it centerstage.

The embers of mind gorp, all things absurd, always ready to be fired up, in the furnace of imagination.


* * * *

You are the infinite, timeless, ineffable moment, stretching across all creation; there is no other.

Mind is creation, mind is preservation, mind is destruction, mind is everything, mind is nothing.


* * * *

You are the awareness, You are the unborn-undying, You are the ineffable mystery, You are eternity.




* * * *

You are the infinite, timeless, ineffable moment, stretching across all creation; there is no other.

Mind is creation, mind is preservation, mind is destruction, mind is everything, mind is nothing.


* * * *

The more you involve your imaginary, time-bound, mortal little self, in the mundane world;

The less right-here-right-now moment, for your indivisible Self in the unborn-undying one.

Every moment, a choice.


* * * *

Only imagination thinks.

Only imagination reasons.

Only imagination believes.

Only imagination remembers.

Only imagination cogitates.

Only imagination opines.

Only imagination speaks.

Only imagination hears.

Only imagination smells.

Only imagination tastes.

Only imagination touches.

Only imagination organizes.

Only imagination negotiates.

Only imagination governs.

Only imagination follows.

Only imagination composes.

Only imagination counts.

Only imagination draws.

Only imagination paints.

Only imagination sculpts.

Only imagination builds.

Only imagination shapes.

Only imagination constructs.

Only imagination develops.

Only imagination creates.

Only imagination preserves.

Only imagination destroys.

Only imagination does anything.

Only imagination does everything.

Despite the fact, that time is not real,

There is no human paradigm without it.


* * * *

It is natural selection, not free will.

Since Creation’s unknowable beginning, there has never been any such thing as free will in the algorithm.

A right or left turn, naturally-selects the next turn, and that the next, and that the next.

You naturally-select your Self down the rabbit hole of your fate.

Every organism naturally-selects its Self, down the rabbit hole of its fate.

An eternal dance, across an infinite quantum matrix, ever and ever kaleidoscoping.

And through it all, the awareness You are, is eternal witness, to all that sentience has designed.


* * * *

Spouting this sort of drivel is what got he-who-shall-not-be-named hung out to die way back when.

How fortunate we of current issue are, who speak out with impunity, with little dread of consequence,

In this relatively freer moment, in those all too rare geographies, that, oft-times regretfully allow it.


* * * *

You do not have to like someone, to sit by them, or walk beside them,

Or work with them, or be in the same friggin’ cosmos with them.

Nobody is at all like you, nor will anyone likely ever want to be like you.

You are on your own – five senses, a brain, and the theater– kaleidoscoping ever on.

Eternal awareness, in what seems an impromptu walkabout-wander, through space, through time.

Through your unfathomable, indivisible, indelible, ineffable, eternal matrix.

It is but a temporal dream, and You, its dreaming.

Imagine your Self, in all.


* * * *

Attitude is all.

Learn to naturally release the hormones.

The happy chemistry – dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin.

Simple lifestyle changes – diet, exercise, meditation – are conscious means to a more bearable existence.

It is not always a beautiful world, but the mind-body need not suffer for it.


* * * *

You just threatened to send me to Hell, for not believing in your absurd bullshit, thanks.

Yup, yup, yup, we sure know what kind of supreme-deity horror show you would paint.


* * * *

Surrender to the unknowable.

Surrender to the indivisible.

Surrender to the nameless.

Surrender to the spaceless.

Surrender to the timeless.

Surrender to the moment.

Surrender to the totality.

Surrender to the infinite.

Surrender to the indelible.

Surrender to the ineffable.

Surrender to the inexplicable.

Surrender to the unborn-undying.


And know You are That I Am, You are the One.


* * * *

How did such superstitious absurdity become our limiting factor?

How did our quest for food and water and shelter and space,

How did natural selection’s tack into the realm of imagination,

Become so sullied, so pathetic, in our conquest of the pale blue dot.


* * * *

Touch that which is God, by immersing into the infinite beingness within.

Into the spacelessness, into the timelessness, permeating all.

Into the unfathomable mystery, You are.


* * * *

Bokononism: A religion built on lies and absurdity and irony.


Finally, a no-card-no-dogma-no-congregation faith that makes sense.



scratches made in a black, gummy impasto.

[o]ne of the oldest games there is.

It means whatever it means.

'See the cat? […] See the cradle?'


~ Newt Hoenikker ~


Tiger got to hunt,
Bird got to fly;
Man got to sit and wonder, "Why, why, why?"
Tiger got to sleep,
Bird got to land;
Man got to tell himself he understand.


~ Bokonon ~


Cat’s Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut


* * * * * * * * * *


So it goes.


~ Tralfamadorian Proverb ~




~The Bird ~


Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut


* * * *

God may have created this théâtre absurd dreamtime,

But who or what created that omnipresent-omnipotent-omniscient being?

Call it genesis, call it creation, call it big bang, call it turtles-all-the-way-up-all-the-way-down,

It all started somewhere, somehow, but can any claim, any assertion,

Really be more than hollow speculation?


* * * *

My gift to the dystopian future-slash-debacle, that I envision, with a shudder.

Do with it whatever you will; do with it whatever you can.

Sadly, better you than me, is all I gotta say.

Stay strong, rotsa ruck.


* * * *

This moment is ineffable, so very ineffable.

By definition, what is unknowable, can never be known.

An agreeable breath, is as good as it gets, so, breathe, kiddo, breathe.


* * * *

The finite mind transcends space and time whenever it yields itself to awareness.

The Microsoft Word thesaurus suggests words like effortlessness, simplicity,

Naturalness, smoothness, facility, ease, confidence, grace, to illustrate it.

To be the moment, is to be what You truly are, what You truly are not.


* * * *

It is a god-eat-god cosmos.

It is a cosmos-eat-cosmos cosmos.

It is a quantum-eat-quantum cosmos.

It is a mystery-eat-mystery cosmos.

It is a You-eat-You cosmos.


* * * *

You are the unborn-undying awareness.

You are the anonymous all-pervading.

You are the overwhelming unknown.

You are the ineffaceable That I Am.

You are the indecipherable enigma.

You are the incomprehensible now.

You are the indescribable mystery.

You are the inscrutable witness.

You are the boundless present.

You are the inexplicable eye.

You are the irradicable here.

You are the ineffable now.

You are the indelible You.

You are the glimmering.

You are the twinkling.

You are the moment.

You are the instant.

You are spaceless.

You are timeless.

You are infinity.

You are eternity.

Be anonymous.

Be boundless.

Be spaceless.

Be timeless.

Be present.

Be eternal.

Be totality.

Be infinite.

Be indelible.

Be ineffable.

Be nameless.

Be indivisible.

Be irradicable.

Be inscrutable.

Be inexplicable.

Be ineffaceable.

Be unfathomable.


Right here, right now.




* * * *

You are the tabula rasa.

You are the moment.

You are the sentience.

You are the awareness.

You are the twinkling.

You are the instant.

You are the existence.

You are the consciousness.

You are the being.

You are the vigilance.

You are the chirpiness.

You are the occurrence.

You are the life.

You are the dynamism.

You are the vivaciousness.

You are the vigor.

You are the mindfulness.

You are the focus.

You are the animation.

You are the manifestation.

You are the energy.

You are the cognizance.

You are the reality.

You are the vibrancy.

You are the perception.

You are the presence.

You are the sparkle.

You are the liveliness.

You are the alertness.

You are the wakefulness.

You are the spirit.

You are the actuality.

You are the exuberance.

You are the attentiveness.

You are the alertness.

You are the verve.

You are the watchfulness.

You are the here-now.

You are the indivisible.

You are the all and none.

You are the witness.

You are the eternal one.


* * * *

The truest, most eloquent faith, is a singular kind of faith.

It is a faith that accepts what the moment offers.

It is a faith that engages the moment fully.

It is a faith that values the intuitive.

It is a faith that has no bounds.

It is a faith that withstands one’s fate.

It is a faith that embraces the eternal mystery.


A spaceless faith.

A timeless faith.

An intelligent faith.

A perceptive faith.

A fearless faith.

A relative faith.

A stoic faith.

A moderate faith.

A harmless faith.

An instinctual faith.

A frugal faith.

A resilient faith.

An insightful faith.

A lawless faith.

A penetrating faith.

A shrewd faith.

A flexible faith.

A benevolent faith.

A rational faith.

A boundless faith.

A natural faith.

An abiding faith.

An enduring faith.

An austere faith.

A freeing faith.

An independent faith.

A sharing faith.

A scientific faith.

An agnostic faith.

A discerning faith.

A spontaneous faith.

A watchful faith.

A virtuous faith.

An eternal faith.

An inquiring faith.

A giving faith.

A clear faith.

A grateful faith.

A responsive faith.

A sensible faith.

A reasonable faith.

A forgiving faith.

An innocent faith.

An ironic faith.

A paradoxical faith.

A sane faith.

A mindful faith.

A balanced faith.

A wise faith.

A healthy faith.

A lucid faith.

An astute faith.

A prudent faith.

A judicious faith.

A sagacious faith.

An erudite faith.

A mu faith.

An unknowable faith.

A gnostic faith.

An esoteric faith.

A mystical faith.

A spiritual faith.

A real faith.

A hidden faith.

A soul faith.

An allegorical faith.

A symbolic faith.

An amoral faith.

A fortuitous faith.

A casual faith.

An impromptu faith.

An unprincipled faith.

An elegant faith.

A chaste faith.

A refined faith.

An essential faith.

A faithful faith.

A gentle faith.

A quiet faith.

A solitary faith.

A calm faith.

A placid faith.

A humble faith.

A modest faith.

An unpretentious faith.

An ordinary faith.

An unassuming faith.

A deep faith.

A kind faith.

A godless faith.

A wholistic faith.

A diverse faith.

An atypical faith.

A sightless faith.

A tasteless faith.

An odorless faith.

A soundless faith.

A touchless faith.


A faith beyond all bounds.


* * * *

When would I … Why should I … How could I …

Ever convince you, who-what-why-when-where-how, I am,

But through your own awakening to the eternal fact.


* * * *

The last desire is craving nothing, so badly, you can no longer taste it.

The pond, unruffled by wind or ripple, is a solitary, placid dream, indeed.


* * * *

Call it genesis, call it creation., call it big bang.

Call it a wall, a spear, a snake, a tree, a fan, a rope.

Call it turtles-all-the-way-up-turtles-all-the-way-down.

All are equally magical, equally fantastical, equally hypothetical, equally speculative,

And only demonstrate again and again, no one can ever know,

More than what imagination imagines.


* * * *

Some brand it, Brahman; some brand it, God.

Others, Buddha or Tao or Jehovah or Great Spirit or Whatever.

I call it the Mystery; the Mystery of the all in one, the Mystery of the one in all.

And no one need suffer any consequence, any punishment, any forfeit,

For granting it whatever name, or no-name, they are inclined.

No need for absurdity steeped in imaginary notion.

None can know how all this is happening.

Even the rumored supreme deity,

Witnesses in ignorance.


* * * *

Agnosticism – doubt, nonbelief – is the most pragmatic stance.

Atheists waste their time quarreling with true-believers,

About imaginary notions neither can never know.

Abiding in momentary stasis is the most intangible way.


* * * *

It is a god-eat-god cosmos.

It is a cosmos-eat-cosmos cosmos.

It is a quantum-eat-quantum cosmos.

It is a mystery-eat-mystery cosmos.

It is a You-eat-You cosmos.


It is a radio waves-eat-radio waves cosmos.

It is a microwaves-eat-microwaves cosmos.

It is an infrared-eat-infrared cosmos.

It is a visible light-eat-visible light spectrum cosmos.

It is an ultraviolet-eat-ultraviolet cosmos.

It is an X-rays-eat-X-rays cosmos.

It is a gamma rays-eat-gamma rays cosmos.

It is an electromagnetic spectrum-eat-electromagnetic spectrum cosmos.


It is an everything-eat-everything cosmos; abide as best ye may in the crunchy-chewy-gooey.


* * * *

Imagination imagines time.

Imagination imagines forever.

Imagination imagines it is forever.

Imagination has a lot to realize.


* * * *

The you, you think you are; the self, you pretend to be, is nothing more than ephemeral trickery.

Nothing more than a neural network’s capricious collection of sensory-induced perceptions.

An imaginary fiction, that is but the quantum matrix, kaleidoscoping every given moment.

Nothing more than a vast illusion; the electromagnetic spectrum’s evolutionary deception.

Biological happenstance meandering a touchy-feely dreamtime of naturally selected design.

All played out in the unfathomable awareness; the spaceless, the timeless, the ineffable totality.

The unseeing, who ever quarrel over the elephant, see only walls, spears, snakes, trees, fans, ropes.

Some call it, God; some, Brahman; some, Tao; some, Allah; some, Great Spirit; all, the same mystery.

So, the human paradigm duels towards its destiny, battling over differences, chiseled only in imagination.


* * * *

The geeks and their minions have played central role,

In the rise, the decline, the fall, of the anthropoid paradigm.

From the first fire, to unleashing the power of the quantum cosmos.

They have pushed, have pulled, the planet of the apes through a dreamtime,

The likes of which this pale blue dot, this spinning speck, will never witness again.

It is a sigh of an anecdote the abyss will have long forgotten by the time nobody reads this.


* * * *

Not long ago, there was no imagination.

Not long ago, there was no beginning.

Not long ago, there was no ending.

Not long ago, there was no language.

Not long ago, there was no knowledge.

Not long ago, there was no education.

Not long ago, there was no tribe.

Not long ago, there was no identity.

Not long ago, there was no culture.

Not long ago, there was no tradition.

Not long ago, there was no politics.

Not long ago, there was no religion.

Not long ago, there was no art.

Not long ago, there was no music.

Not long ago, there was no history.

Not long ago, there was no philosophy.

Not long ago, there was no agriculture.

Not long ago, there was no industry.

Not long ago, there was no technology.

Not long ago, there was no commerce.

Not long ago, there was no mathematics,

Not long ago, there was no science.

Not long ago, there was no medicine.

Not long ago, there was no architecture.

Not long ago, there was no civilization.

Not long ago, there was no human paradigm.

Not long ago, there was nothing but a garden flowering.

Not long ago, there was nothing but an abyss, an awareness, a serenity.


It is still there, in the You, You are.


* * * *

Why in any deity’s name, would you feel compelled,

To be a follower, to be a sheep, in some charlatan’s flock?

How absurd to allow any middleman dominion over your true Self.


* * * *

Seek out a bodhi tree,

Go out into some desert,

Climb up to a mountain peak,

Sit in corner in your living room,

Or take long ambles around the world,

And do whatever comes to mind,

Until you maybe figure it out.

There are no guarantees,

Only a mystery in all.


* * * *

Let the cosmos,

Let the matrix,

Let the mystery,

Burn within You.


* * * *

Slave to the man.

Slave to the system.

Slave to the world.

Slave to the universe.

Slave to the matrix.

Slave to the mystery.

Long live Sisyphus.


* * * *

What you call your life is really nothing more,

Than an ethereal array of chemically-induced perceptions.

A frame of reference, from which imagination gauges a quantum illusion,

Born of merely five senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch –

 Plugged into a gooey vat of neurons, encased in a skull.

Assumptions beyond counting, are requisite.

Keeps imagination very busy, indeed.


* * * *

You imagined God,

And he/she/it in all his/her/its divine mercy and wisdom,

Chose you and your tribe in return.

How providential.

How convenient.

How ridiculous.

How so it goes.


* * * *

Just another Easter Island.

This round on a global scale.

A bit longer timetable, to be sure,

But all too predictable, nonetheless.

Be happy you will not have to endure it.


* * * *

Do you not wish you could advise your younger self,

To slow down a bit, or even hold off completely,

On some of the choices you were making?

Where is that fucking rewind button?


* * * *

Memory evolved because awareness could not remember anything,

And that was a bit dangerous for critters naturally-selecting survival.


* * * *

In the spectrum, right to wrong,

Who is right? Who is wrong?

And who does the judging?


* * * *

The rural class, the working class – and any other classes in the pyramid schemes of caste systems –

Have a lot to learn from the upper class, and the upper class, a great deal to realize about its foundation.


* * * *

A world of dreams, an impromptu play, a Shakespearian festival,

Playing upon all stages, in all times, across this spinning pale blue dot.

A ceaseless, ever-mutating reverie, since the origin of language, so long ago.

In every mind, in every body, no matter the naturally-selected, nature-nurture role,

An award-winning thespian, playing their imaginary part, so earnestly, so believably well.


* * * *

Thomas Aquinas … hominem unius libri timeo … I fear the man of a single book.


How easy to imagine your book the greatest story ever told, when it is the only one you have ever read.


* * * *

Every sentient life form has its own version of a world, of a universe; none the same.

The spiritual quest is ultimately a nonsensical nonissue, inspired by fear of the unknowable.

What a different pale blue dot it might well be, if the young were raised to be one with all things.

It might have lent a pause to the absurd destruction and mayhem our kind has wreaked across the world.

Alas that narcissism and hedonism have such a callous grip upon this imaginary-laden moment.

This quantum matrix, permeated by awareness; consciousness nothing more than noise.


* * * *

Covid-19 rocked this our modern world, and has spun the human paradigm into a new phase.

We have passed through the apex as far as the masses go; it will be down the bell curve from here on out.

Factor in all the other Petri dish Earth issues, and add in perpetual proxy wars, trade wars,

Beyond-the-pale technologies, artificial intelligence, and the slide waxes itself.

What to do, where to live, who to align with, are anybody's guess.

Oh, for a time machine to witness the decline and fall.

Oblivion calls, each and every moment.


* * * *


















 Is in the moment.


* * * *

Identity is an imaginary construct.

A dream of awareness, of streaming reality.

A fabrication to which imagination resolutely fastens.

It requires the greatest courage of spirit to fathom the moment.


* * * *

There are different levels, different intensities of regret, that take place in any given life.

There are the ones that come about because you somehow said or did something that ruined a relationship.

Or the unavoidable accidents that irrevocably change or impact your health and wellbeing.

But if we are talking about the large choices that are about one’s final destiny,

In that, life’s great challenge is to have no regrets, whatsoever.

To depart content, is the brass ring of dreamtime.


* * * *

Imagination most certainly has conveyed our kind,

And the entire world about us, and every diversity of creature,

Down a long and winding road of profound ecstasy and merciless agony.


* * * *

… Another day in the nebulous …

… Unclear, vague, imprecise, hazy, unformulated, tenuous, indefinable …

… me-myself-and-I of mind …


* * * *

Sometimes, you tip-toe-through-the-tulips, through it.

Sometimes, you chop-chop-slice-dice, through it,

Fast or slow, as the given moment subscribes,

In all born into this imagined dreamtime.


* * * *

You only are now, not the imaginary who.

You only are now, not the imaginary what.

You only are now, not the imaginary when.

You only are now, not the imaginary where.

You only are now, not the imaginary why.

You only are now, not the imaginary how.

You only are now, not the imaginary you.


You are now … You are awareness … You are mystery … You are eternity.


Or so You imagine.


* * * *

All the mistakes, all the blunders, that you have made! How is it, that you are still alive?

How is it, that none seem to have had raison d'être enough, to pursue revenge?

To walk freely, without dread of the knife twisting in the back,

Is surely the triumph of any wily chameleon.


* * * *

A lot of humans, in a lot of arenas, in whatever timeless remains,

Are going to be living in tents, or on pieces of cardboard,

Pushing carts, collecting treasure, for sale or barter.


* * * *

Monday’s started, Monday’s done.

Tuesday’s started, Tuesday’s done.

Wednesday’s started, Wednesday’s done.

Thursday’s started, Thursday’s done.

Friday’s started, Friday’s done.

Saturday’s started, Saturday’s done.

Sunday’s started, Sunday’s done.


On and on, the calendar pages turn and turn again.

… seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries, millennia, epochs …

Ever tick-tick-ticking the kaleidoscoping cycles of sun and moon and cosmos.

Concepts of space and time, that are not, and have never been real.

All nothing more than the illusion of the mind-body,

Sculpted by the play of natural selection,

Born of a magical mystery.


* * * *

When it comes to answering the ultimate questions, when it comes to answering the ultimate question,

Science is as blind and deaf and dumb as any other philosophy imagination has ever conceived.

Though it can endlessly observe and experiment, and forever hypothesize and theorize,

It is all the same old hearsay; there is no knowing how this mystery came to be.

One must lucidly scrutinize the awareness, until they are the awareness.

And with that agnostic state, they will simply have to be satisfied.

The unknown is unknowable, and that is just the way it is.

Oh well, so it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

Play your imaginary little part, as best ye are able,

And die, alone and ignorant, same as everything else.

The existential morass, will ever be an existential morass.


* * * *

The human paradigm all boils down to vanity and greed.

A cancer chewing on its mother and each other

 Until there is nothing left to chew on.

It is all how and when, not if.


* * * *

There are plusses and minuses to any given scenario, any given plan.

Any given idea, strategy, proposal, plot, design, blueprint, scheme, sketch.

It is in how they are gauged, that the sword pares the final discernment.

And in that discernment, destiny scribes itself in the quantum sands.


* * * *

Is the love, that that so easily turns to hatred, ever really love?

Is it ever really anything more than imagination given over to enchantment?

Is it really anything more than another round of the mind bent toward tribalistic notion?

Is the ideal we label love, anything more than feel-good chemistry, slathered with imaginary notion?


* * * *

You are but a drop of indivisible awareness in the immeasurable ocean of this ineffable mystery.

The ultimate nature that all manifestation is, is eternally spaceless, eternally timeless.

Without attributes, without direction, without purpose, without meaning, without contradiction.

Savor and endure the ecstasies and agonies of your ephemeral existence while breath allows the synthesis.


* * * *

You are not your ever-morphing container,

Nor anything it has ever thought or done.

You are not your video of life experiences.

You are not your trainload of vague memories.

You are not your vocation or hobbies or opinions.

You are not your bulky encyclopedia of trivial pursuits.

You are not your unwieldy bag of values, a.k.a., judgments.

And neither, despite all appearances to the contrary, is anyone else.


* * * *

You got a good roll out of your little window of illusion.

And what happens after you are departed, after you are again ashes and dust,

Is nothing you can do anything about, any more than you could while you were here a-breathing.


* * * *

What would that tabula-rasa infant-child-adult be,

If no sense of self was – engrained, imbedded, ensconced, rooted –

By the nature-nurture world, in which it was niched.


* * * *

It is whatever it is; it is whatever it is not.

You are whatever it is; You are whatever it is not.

The game is not letting imagination get the better of You.


* * * *

Try not to confuse who you think you are,

With what you are, have ever been, will ever be.

With what you are not, have never been, will never be.


* * * *

Is a blow job really a form of eating-your-young cannibalism?

And not necessarily a bad thing for the big bang it gives the lucky recipient.

But not something that will continue naturally-selecting away,

The point and purpose of the sexual act itself.

You are not here, dreaming away,

Because other options were not available.


* * * *

First story.

His story.

Her story.

Its story.

My story.

Your story.

Their story.

Our story.

A story.

The story.

Null story.

Mu story.

All stories.

Last story.

No stories.


* * * *

A period is a stop.

A comma, a pause.

A hyphen, a connector.

A semi-colon, a deviation.

A question mark, an uncertainty.

An exclamation mark, an interruption.

A parenthesis, an enclosure.

A bracket, a cell.


* * * *

Before imagination and language coupled,

Our ancestors were all alone in their clannish consortiums.

Completely unaware, oblivious, to any other version the jungle but their own.

And from the moment sound morphed into the first concept,

The human paradigm departed the garden.

And the world shuddered.


* * * *

Look at a clock.

Notice how the hands move.

And You do not.


* * * *

Me and all the other seers,

Churning out the same memorandum,

To the rare few fated with eyes to see, ears to hear.


* * * *

The so-called spiritual quest is ultimately a nonsensical nonissue,

Inspired by imagination’s fear of, and curiosity about, the unknowable unknown.

The right here, the right now –now-ing away –in this very timeless moment.

The same awareness in every sentient being’s mystery-born creation.


No need to worship what you already are.


You honor it by being it.


A higher state of worship cannot be known.


* * * *

You are the mystery.

You are the awareness.

You are prior to consciousness.

You are prior to the quantum matrix.

You are prior to the moment.

You are prior to all.


* * * *

You can explore and dance the quantum theater,

As much as you please, for as long as the mind-body allows,

But you will never touch, not even once, the awareness permeating all.


* * * *

Awareness is the ‘awakeness’ of all sentience, of all creation, small to great.

The ‘awakeness’ of the indelible, indivisible quantum matrix; of stardust, come unto ‘life’.

It is the eternal eye of the unknown, prior to all manifestation ever-changing,

And whatever dreams, they in spontaneous combustion, inspire.


* * * *

All this philosophical chitchat, is not at all about yet another absurd, idolatrous belief system.

It is about the very real, very much in the moment, prior-to-consciousness awareness, You truly are.

There is nobody to follow, there is no confining dogmatic groupthink, there is no transaction fee.

All any need do, is pay attention to the given moment, as the mystery kaleidoscopes ever on.

It is very much a solitary mosey for those who have the wit and strength to stand alone.

It is very much an agnostic, existential stance, requiring no fallacious conclusions.

All one needs do, is be as free as the imaginary mind and mortal vessel allow.


* * * *

Where in the moment does time reside?

Where in the moment does existence reside?

Where in the moment does knowledge reside?

Where in the moment does imagination reside?

Where in the moment does the cosmos reside?

Where in the moment does quantum reside?

Where in the moment does mind reside?

Where in the moment do You reside?


* * * *

Whether or not, there was a beginning to all beginnings,

Whether or not, there will be an end to all ends,

Even deities-on-high vainly wonder.


* * * *

There is only one dimension, only one matrix, only one quantum sea.

And who knows how many universes, envisioned by how many sentient creations.

Indelible, indivisible, unfathomable, ineffable, within that infinity, which herein is called mystery.

That awareness, which is harbor to all potentials, that which is witness to all eternity.

That which is eternity; that which is You, prior to all things quantum.


* * * *

What in your cosmos, in your lifetime walkabout,

Has not taught you many somethings about this mystery?

Has not brought you to this singular moment of eternal reflection?

You are reading this, because the seeds of Self were planted in your destiny.

What more is there to do, but wander aimlessly for whatever dreamtime is proffered.

Fulfilling your moment, with whatever calls, in the serendipity ahead.


* * * *

You are the mystery.

You are the sentience.

You are the awareness.

You are the infinite.

You are the infinitesimal.

You are the indivisible.

You are the ineffable.

You are the indelible.

You are the ineffaceable.

You are the immaculate.

You are the unfathomable.

You are the spaceless.

You are the timeless.

You are the totality.

You are the absolute.

You are the omniscient.

You are the omnipresent.

You are the omnipotent.

You are the creator.

You are the preserver.

You are the destroyer.

You are the witness.

You are the matrix.

You are this right here.

You are this right now.

You are the moment.

You are the eternal.

You were never born.

You will never die.

Be here, be now.


* * * *

The totality is very much entirely awake, within and without, prior to all priors, beyond all beyonds.

All physics theories only vainly attempt to encapsulate the illusory quantum matrix.

The unifying principal is not some scholarly chalkboard equation.

Nor is it a symbol; nor is it a pithy statement.

It is the one and only moment.

It is the indefinable, ineffable mystery.

It is the timeless awareness, the right-here-right-now.

It is the sentience, the wakefulness, the alertness, the attentiveness,

Pervading the ether through which earth-wind-water-fire every moment kaleidoscope.


* * * *

It is not your mystery, or my mystery.

It is not your awareness, or my awareness.

It is not your moment, or my moment.

It is not your dream, or my dream.

It is not your Gaia, or my Gaia.


It is our mystery, our awareness, our moment, our dream, our Gaia.


* * * *

Vain collusions aside, how can anyone truly know,

Whether or not there is some supreme deity or deities on high?

Truly, an agnostic stance is the most rational any mind can hope to achieve.

If there is more to it than meets the sensory field, fine; if it is just a one-trick pony, fine.

The challenge before all, is to play out their given dreamtime, as well as their temporal destinies allow.

If there is more to it, you will know soon enough; if not, so it goes, ta-ta forever more.


* * * *

When you truly discern that none of it ultimately real or lasting,

You will find desire and fear and dread, no longer govern the day-to-day.

That the dreamtime of the prior-to-consciousness awareness is timeless, changeless.

The you saturated in every variety of limitation born of the given nature-nurture conditioning,

Becomes the indivisible, unborn-undying You; that which is prior to all conception.

Not necessarily an easier dream, but one that offers greater detachment.


* * * *

This moment is no different than it has ever been, in any ever then.

Nor will it ever be at all different in any ever future when.

In truth, nothing has ever been, exactly the same.

Vanish into the awareness, the sentience,

And be the You, You truly are.


* * * *

You are the mystery.

You are the moment.

You are the sentience.

You are the awareness.

You are the indivisible.

You are this right here.

You are this right now.

You are the ineffable.

You were never born.

You will never die.

Be here, be now.


* * * *

No doubt there is more than likely-probably some sound or two for that thingamajig, too.

You see it, you hear it, you taste it, you smell it, you feel it, you imagine it – we got it covered.

No thingamabob, gizmo, doodad, doohickey, widget, whatsit, thingummy, hoojamaflip, goes without.


* * * *

Awareness is the true church.

In its temple, its chapel, its cathedral, its basilica, its minster, its synagogue, its mosque, its cave;

In the rectory of the mystery’s eternal solitude,

You are.


* * * *

The choiceless choice is yours to compose, yours to marshal.

Persevere according to your own self-absorbed volition,

With all the afflictions consciousness encompasses.

Or give yourself over to the dimensionless presence of Self,

Your true nature, the inexplicable essence of all that is, of all that is not.


* * * *

Martyrdom is something for which most are likely ill-suited.

Rest assured, when it gets down to the brassiest of tacks,

When it gets down to a choice between you and them,

Few people will give a rat’s furred ass about you,

Any more than you do about most all of them.

True selflessness, without a hint of vanity;

How rare is that, upon this Planet of the Apes?


* * * *

What are the attributes of freedom?

The freedom to do what you please.

The freedom to say what you please.

The freedom to view what you please.

The freedom to think what you please.

The freedom to explore what you please.

The freedom to wander where you please.

The freedom to allow what you please.

The freedom to be what you please.

The freedom to be full.

The freedom to be empty.

The freedom to not be at all.


* * * *

When you see what you truly are, what you truly are not,

What remains but the ineffable awareness,

Untainted by dreamtime.


* * * *

The awareness of existence, the moment, is too ethereal to be more than imagined.


* * * *

No word, no symbol, no ritual, no tradition, no prophet, no deity, is sacred to the ultimate.

Self-interest breeds a logic screened through too many filters to be at all predictable.

Avoid moral dilemmas and quagmires; good and evil are the stillborn of duality.


* * * *

Nature-nurture frames every mind to play out one dream-identity or another.

In discerning this truth, the secular mind can be recalibrated,

Into the eternal mind, into the eternal life.

Eternal freedom is an ageless walkabout unto thy Self.


* * * *

The fruit of knowledge was never forbidden by any supreme deity.

It is just humankind’s naturally-selected choiceless destiny,

To imagine its way to its inevitable self-destruction.


* * * *

Though all that is, is the indivisibility of the quantum dreamtime,

Few clearly discern the ever-present, unborn-undying state.

Many are called, few are chosen, fewer still volunteer.


* * * *

It is but a world-wide collusion of imagination.

Every mind a unique spin of its nature-nurtured frame of reference.

All hypnotized, all mesmerized, by a dreamtime reality, only the rarest minds can discern,

And even they are swept up in this delusional, Shakespearian, théâtre absurde.

This whirling-twirling pale blue dot, upon which all are marooned.


* * * *

Another day of rambling the quantum fever.

Bantering with your Self in whatever nooks and crannies are wandered.

Talking about, kicking around, hashing out, thrashing out, chewing over, every variety of this and that,

Learning and unlearning every rank of mind gorp, that death will someday wash away,

No matter how profound or clever, no matter how astute or shrewd.


* * * *

Toss out the watches and clocks and calendars, and digital displays, from your mind.

Dwell in the clarity of the timeless awareness of the ineffable unborn-undying moment.


* * * *

To believe this dusty cosmos really matters, is but ironic delusion,

In the paradoxical puffery of the quantum matrix’s théâtre absurde.


* * * *

Why believe only one son of God ever walked on earth,

When so many sons, and daughters, are wandering about.


* * * *

Human consciousness is always imagining itself more than it can ever be.

It is not through words, through labels, through descriptions,

That kinks in any given mind will be worked out.

Meditation of the zen-ish sort, is the only real therapy,

For those who would be free of imagination’s unrelenting tyranny.

Contemplation, reflection, consideration, introspection, rumination, concentration,

Deliberation, pondering, musing, are the ways and means, along the earnest seeker’s pathless trek.


* * * *

Requires a lot of idealism to embrace eight billion at-this-writing humans,

Plus only the gods know how many other sentient and non-sentient forms.


* * * *

Ecstasy and agony are but extremes of an ever-oscillating pendulum,

Fashioned by imagination’s proclivity toward narcissistic hedonism.


* * * *

A Shakespearian theater.

You, perpetuity's ineffable thespian.

Intangible, indelible, indivisible, unborn-undying.

Playing every part, every moment, to incomparable perfection.

On every impromptu centerstage, no matter the exterior, no matter the interior,

It is all about the same You.


* * * *

If you expect someone who abides in a boundless state,

To behave in some prescribed manner, some ordained fashion,

That is your own assumption, your own projection, your own delusion.

And you may well be disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, seething, even enraged,

Or worse yet, succumb to yet another mesmerizing, nonsensical groupthink.

Another inconsequential bottleneck created by timebound imagination.

Is it any wonder, really, why so many seers disappear into caves,

Very much alone, very much at home, very much at peace.


* * * *

We are all are true believers.

Each in our own personalized mind-body-spirit ways.

 Conditioned, persuaded, convinced, programmed, brainwashed, indoctrinated, molded.

Hypnotized, mesmerized, spellbound, captivated, enthralled, absorbed,

By whatever nature-nurture has spawned and cultivated us.

The senses crafting our imaginary universes,

Every kaleidoscoping moment.


Only in pure, unsullied awareness, can You be free.


* * * *

Yes, we are all the same witness.

Yes, we are all the same sentience.

Yes, we are all the same awareness.

Yes, we are all the same alertness.

Yes, we are all the same omnipresence.

Yes, we are all the same cosmos.

Yes, we are all the same world.

Yes, we are all the same quantum.

Yes, we are all the same indivisible.

Yes, we are all the same ocean.

Yes, we are all the same nature.

Yes, we are all the same omniscience.

Yes, we are all the same eternity.

Yes, we are all the same here.

Yes, we are all the same now.

Yes, we are all the same moment.

Yes, we are all the same perpetuity.

Yes, we are all the same indelibility.

Yes, we are all the same infinity.

Yes, we are all the same soul.

Yes, we are all the same oneness.

Yes, we are all the same spirit.

Yes, we are all the same divinity.

Yes, we are all the same illusion.

Yes, we are all the same omnipotence.

Yes, we are all the same mystery.

Yes, we are all the same You.


* * * *

How can anyone ever be totally prepared for chaos?

Especially rough for those domesticated by entitlement.

Gaia always boils down to Darwin 101: Adapt or succumb.

And spin into that unforgiving, pitiless equation,

A pale blue dot slathered with apes,

Vying for supremacy.



Imagination unleashed.


* * * *

Life seeks life.

Strength seeks strength.

Weakness seeks weakness.

Comedy seeks comedy.

Tragedy seeks tragedy.

Intelligence seeks intelligence.

Absurdity seeks absurdity.

Futility seeks futility.

Paradox seeks paradox.

Irony seeks irony.

Ecstasy seeks ecstasy.

Agony seeks agony.

Love seeks love.

Hate seeks hate.

Wisdom seeks wisdom.

Bliss seeks bliss.

Death seeks all.


* * * *

Humankind has always been at war, has always competed full-tilt, and we always will.

You can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you cannot take the jungle out of the monkey.

Four billion-year-old, naturally-selected, nature-nurtured software, for which no update is possible.


* * * *

Where exactly is the defining edge of the drop that you think, you believe, you are,

That is at all separate from the cosmos, the electromagnetic spectrum,

The quantum ground, the matrix, the ether, the awareness,

The ineffable mystery, that you truly are.


* * * *

Every quantum across this mystery, is exactly where it is,

To play out its timeless, indivisible role in the theater,

You and every other sentient being is perceiving.


* * * *

The dimensions may be different,

But the sentience, the awareness, the totality, the mystery,

Is the same in all.


* * * *

Awareness of existence is too ethereal to be imagined.

So, what will your ethereal imagination,

Endeavor through You,

This fine day?


* * * *

Your existence is a mind-built dream,

An imaginary projection of desire and fear and dread.

Discern and embrace the ineffable, prior-to-consciousness awareness,

And know that you are the mystery, centerstage, in a temporal once-upon-a-time mirage.


* * * *

The illusion of permanence is a delusional weaving born of timebound imagination.

No manifestation can withdraw or abstain, from the ever-present, kaleidoscoping quantum matrix.

Only in the sentience of pure awareness, can the eternal mystery be agnostically fathomed.


* * * *

… Wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… Wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… Wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… Wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …

… Wake up … remember … go to sleep … forget …


* * * *

A Shakespearian theater.

You, perpetuity's ineffable thespian.

Intangible, indelible, indivisible, unborn-undying.

Playing every role, every single moment, to unrivaled perfection.


* * * *

Whatever you think you know, whatever you think you understand,

Is merely the absurd self-deception of a delusional mind caught in illusion.

The essential nature, the indelible You, is prior to all knowledge and understanding.

All manifestation only exists because You are present to witness the mind-body perceptions.

The dream of space-time is nothing more than impromptu spontaneous combustion.

There is no point asking who or what or where or when or why or how,

Because imagination can only answer with empty assertions,

Having no reality in the timeless quantum matrix.

To give it name or meaning is pointless.

Shakespeare a la extempore,

With a hearty splash of so it goes.


* * * *

Continuity is imagination’s fallacious delusion, over the mind-body’s sensory-born illusion.

The delusion fashioned by its intoxication with the vague perceptions,

The frame of reference, posted on its neuron trails.

It is the deception, the irony and paradox, of consciousness,

In its usurpation of the awareness, its usurpation of the timeless moment,

To seemingly fly through the eternal stillness, upon its magic carpet of space and time.

It is Shakespearian cuisine, upon a quantum stage, whereupon the mystery-born sentience, forges all.


* * * *

The mystery has never been able to more than speculate how it came to be.

In every venue across whatever dimensions are out there,

No manifestation has ever discerned,

Its origin, nor its end.

So it goes.


* * * *

When all purpose and meaning is set aside,

You naturally return to the momentary awareness,

Free of the ball and chain of psychological gamesmanship.

To discern and own this peaceful, dreamlike freedom,

Fosters an inward simplicity, a detached humility,

A modesty, an austerity, a clarity, an integrity,

An embracing of the mystery of beingness.


* * * *

The grand illusion will manifest whatever experiences are fated.

Whatever tempts You into believing space and time real.

Only those with the greatest doubt will not waver,

In their walkabout to discern the unborn-undying totality.


* * * *

The harvests of those subscribing to just one, so-called holy book, are endless waves of absurdity.

Across this dust ball, the one-bookers vie for an imaginary supremacy,

That has no ultimate reality, whatsoever.

What need for any religion, any dogma, any idolatry,

For those who discern the mystery of awareness within and without.


* * * *

On every impromptu centerstage,

No matter the exterior, no matter the interior,

It is all the same You.


* * * *

Consciousness fabricates space-time,

But is not what You really are,

Nor what You really are not.

To trek prior to consciousness,

To wander the pathless less traveled,

Requires a discerning, a doubting, mettle.


* * * *

To acutely, profoundly realize:

That You, in truth, do not ‘know’ anything;

That all You think You know, is but imaginary perceptions;

That all You think You know, is but quantum encoding in the neural processor;

Offers liberation into the momentary starkness of eternity.

For those searching for eternal salvation, there it is.

The momentary awareness is the brass ring.

Unborn-undying, indivisible, ineffable.

Heaven on Earth, indeed, indeed.


* * * *

Does any other sentient being, on this spinning orb, or any other,

Require meaning and purpose to get through, to endure, its given existence?

The jury has left the building, on whether to gauge the human species illustrious or pathetic.

Imagination is source of all things, that have no harbor in pure sentience.

Awareness has no need of purpose, no need of meaning.

The timeless moment is ever fulfilled.


* * * *

Despite the fact, that there are no constraints, no binds, no dilemmas, whatsoever,

It is the most challenging thing, in all of this futile, pointless existence,

For the human mind to unstick, to release, to pry, to free,

Its essential Self, from its imaginary self.

The momentary awareness, cannot be grasped.


* * * *

Is it intelligent design?

Is it reasoned design?

Is it sensible design?

Is it rational design?

Is it random design?

Is it irrational design?

Is it fallacious design?

Or is it any design at all?


* * * *

The mystery is too mysterious, too esoteric, too irrational, too absurd,

To ever make any sense, to minds bent on trying to make sense of it all.

Only those who have given up completely, who have surrendered entirely,

Can harvest the fruit of doubt, and unshackle from their imaginary quandary.


* * * *

Way back when, Rumi etched: You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.

Yaj Ekim’s corollary: You are not a drop in the mystery; you are the entire mystery in a drop.

One drop is inconsequential, but all together, are omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient.

Whatever the entirety of this spaceless, timeless, ineffable mystery, You are a centerstage in it.

A space-bound-time-bound, naturally-selected witness, to a Shakespearian theater of imaginary design.


* * * *

To earnestly believe anything you do, have done, or will do,

Is going to change anything, in any meaningful way,

Is fallacious delusion of the highest order.


* * * *

If you cannot be paradoxical,

If you cannot be dubious,

If you cannot be incredulous,

If you cannot be skeptical,

If you cannot be agnostic,

If you cannot be enigmatic,

If you cannot be irrational,

If you cannot be nonsensical,

If you cannot be sardonic,

If you cannot be doubtful,

If you cannot be peculiar,

If you cannot be outrageous,

If you cannot be atypical,

If you cannot be unbelieving,

If you cannot be cynical,

If you cannot be absurd,

If you cannot be uncertain,

If you cannot be disbelieving,

If you cannot be ironic,


How can you witness your faceless?


* * * *

Infinite or infinitesimal, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Spiritual or agnostic, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Clean or dirty, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Live or die, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Wealthy or poor, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Alive or dead, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Believer or atheist, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Subtle or blatant, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Kind or cruel, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Sane or insane, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Straight or gay, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Sage or fool, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Fast or slow, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Do or do not, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Long or short, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Succeed or fail, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Love or hate, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Still or moving, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Real or unreal, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Tit or tat, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

For or against, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Up or down, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Around or through, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Clear or unclear, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Fat or thin, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Strong or weak, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Gratis or priceless, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Hard or soft, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Give or take, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

To or from, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Wise or foolish, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Beautiful or ugly, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Big or small, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Known or unknown, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Fore or aft, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Awake or asleep, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Heavy or light, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Rich or poor, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Awake or asleep, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

True or false, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Ecstasy or agony, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

First or last, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Creative or destructive, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Full or empty, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Sweet or bitter, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Loud or quiet, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Straight or rounded, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Bright or dim, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Well or unwell, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Astute or obtuse, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Like or unlike, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Appealing or revolting, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Clear or opaque, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Thick or thin, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Brave or cowardly, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Sweet or sour, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Equal or lopsided, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

King or slave, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Queen or whore, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Expansive or contractive, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Soft or harsh, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Young or old, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Male or female, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Honest or dishonest, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Wild or tame, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Early or late, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Pure or foul, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Cautious or reckless, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Hit or miss, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Lead or follow, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

High or low, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Naive or cynical, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Truth or lie, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Deep or shallow, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Open or closed, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Rational or absurd, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Near or far, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Singular or dual, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

In or out, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Free or imprisoned, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Yes or no, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Attached or detached, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Course or fine, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

All or none, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Shiny or dull, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Smart or stupid, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Tall or short, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Forward or backward, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Before or after, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Selfless or selfish, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

One or two, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Within or without, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Yay or nay, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Close or distant, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Normal or weird, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Wet or dry, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Hot or cold, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Constant or fickle, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Positive or negative, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Happy or sad, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Fair or unfair, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Over or under, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Similar or different, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Loose or tight, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Plus or minus, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Above or below, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Inside or outside, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Simple or complex, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Black or white, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Smooth or coarse, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Wide or narrow, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Gentle or cruel, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Humble or vain, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

On or off, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Here or there, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Have or have not, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Sharp or dull, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Good or bad, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Right or wrong, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Everything or nothing, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Something or nothing, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

White or black, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

Light or dark, imagination cares, awareness cares not.

This or that, imagination cares, awareness cares not.


Awareness holds on to nothing; why do You?


* * * *

The clock on-high, in the sky, tick-tick-ticking every day away.

How would we measure time, how would we gauge time,

If not for the consistency of sun and moon and stars?

Would time even pretend to exist without them?

Would we imagine we exist without them?

Could we imagine we exist without them?

Should we imagine we exist with them?


* * * *

At some point there is really no need to even assert “I Am.”

Just being the momentary awareness, just breathing in, breathing out,

Is far more than enough, in a very supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sort of way.


* * * *

The awareness is as near as it is far.

The awareness permeates all genesis.

The awareness permeates all oblivion.

The everything and the nothing are one.

The everything and the nothing are You.


* * * *

To see what cannot be seen,

To hear what cannot be heard,

To taste what cannot be tasted,

To smell what cannot be smelled,

To touch what cannot be touched,

To think what cannot be thought,

Now there, are a cluster of rubs,

Rubbing away, a rub-less way.


* * * *

It can indeed, be a long and winding,

Oft times lonely walkabout,

This calling to grapple the mystery.

Until one perhaps discerns the indivisible matrix,

Through which all time-bound linear perceptions kaleidoscope,

Is, has ever been, will ever be, the indelible, ineffable solitude, of all eternity.

Which is, of course, the unutterable aloneness of You, this very singular, very timeless moment.


* * * *

Imagination dominates the human mind; it has usurped the awareness of the sentience.

What do you want to be when you grow up? a question the young are oftentimes asked by adults.

Human conditioning is ever about aspiring to various functions; when naught, is literally all, all really are.

Those with ambition are acclaimed; those who have no purpose, no meaning, are sidelined.

The rare few take the query to its frontiers, and become critical thinkers.

Skeptics, cynics, doubters, nonbelievers, agnostics.

And discern the truth of this mystery.

That they are the mystery.

And meander amongst the bustling masses,

Observing the theatrics – Shakespeare live – detached and free.


* * * *

The indivisible entirety is no more responsible for this illusion,

Than any ocean is for its surface, its depths,

Or the play of its waves,

Upon any number of shorelines.


* * * *

To you who yearn for the ultimate freedom,

You are all buddhas, you are all christs.

You are every mystic seer and master,

This illusory cosmos has ever known.

You are your own timeless companion.

Do not be fooled into believing otherwise.


* * * *

In his The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce, defined Cynic,

As a blackguard, whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.

Oh my god! The Scythians are coming! The Scythians are coming to pluck out your eyeballs!


* * * *

What is what is consciousness, what is imagination, what is Gaia, but a sea of metaphors.

Figures of speech that, for rhetorical effect, directly refer to one thing by mentioning another.

That may provide (or obscure) clarity or identify hidden similarities between two different ideas.

Metaphors paint one concept with the brush of another, revealing hidden connections,

Or sometimes obscuring clarity to create a likeness or a vivid analogy.

Comparable with other types of figurative language,

Such as, antithesis and hyperbole and metonymy and simile.

Figures of speech, figurative expressions, images, tropes, symbols, parables,

Analogies, comparisons, allegories, emblems, word paintings, word pictures, literary conceits.


A Metaphor for All Time: The Seven Ages of Man


All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely Players;

They have their exits and their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts,

His Acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,

Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.

Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel

And shining morning face, creeping like snail

Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,

Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad

Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier,

Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,

Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,

Seeking the bubble reputation

Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,

In fair round belly with good capon lined,

With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,

Full of wise saws and modern instances;

And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts

Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,

With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;

His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide

 For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,

Turning again toward childish treble, pipes

And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,

That ends this strange eventful history,

Is second childishness and mere oblivion,

Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.


Jaques (a.k.a., William Shakespeare), As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII, Line 139


* * * *

Consciousness is infused with the desire to have, to hold, to take, to own,

To possess, to enjoy, to keep, to retain, to gather, to collect, to amass, to marshal,

To acquire, to occupy, to control, to dominate, to influence, to muster, to collect, to seize.

To release, to unleash, to unchain, to unfetter, to meander empty,

Is the challenge for any given mind.


* * * *

The human species, despite all its imaginary rhetoric to the contrary,

Is no different than any other biology this garden world,

Has ever through natural selection devised.


* * * *

There is no time like present.


* * * *

Gaia has always been in World War Darwin.

Every creature has always started any given day not knowing,

Whether or not it would survive, much less thrive.


* * * *

The neural matrix is but pure, unadulterated awareness …

Nature-nurture – genetically-mutated-hardwired – to be the matrix mystery.

That which is acclaimed, for which, few humans, truly-long-happen, in their imaginary cosmos:

 To be the nothingness it is … To be the nothingness You are.


* * * *

The human specter, in all its imaginary quandaries, seems, in large part, to be all about endless judgment.

Endless – opinions, attitudes, appraisals, beliefs, outlooks, feelings – about everyone, everything.

And the consequences of that endlessness, can range from shrug, to destruction and death.

The Planet of the Apes, has always been in conflict with itself, and all things Gaia.

Every mind, a gummy quagmire, filled with every imaginable appraisal,

And there is no way to remedy the naturally-selected Darwinian juggernaut.


* * * *

All cults, all sects, all religions, kick off with one parable or another,

That some storyteller spins, oral or written, into a mythology,

That entrances, enough true believers, enough sheeples,

To together, groupthink a narrative for the ages.

Those with direct perception, do not require stories.


* * * *

Every culture molds individual conformity,

To whatever mythos it prescribes.

It takes discerning courage,

To discover, to be, what You truly are.

There is no freedom, incarnating a prescribed life.


* * * *

Across this pale blue dot garden, minds cling in every way-shape-form,

To the obliviousness of imagination’s uncountabledivisions.

Witness the many intolerances, great and small,

Rational and irrational, good and evil,

Intelligent and senseless, wise and foolish.

Discern the common essence within all imaginary differences,

And wield them together into the infinite singularity, from which all illusion is created.


* * * *

What do all human belief systems seem to be about,

But an innate, naturally-selected, self-absorbed craving,

To believe we truly are – for every rationale under the sun –

Somehow significant, somehow important, somehow cherished,

Somehow precious, by this boundless, timeless, impenetrable cosmos,

That seems to be, for all reasoned observation, indifferent to our existence.

Whether or not, there is some deity out there tracking everything,

Evaluating, judging, our every thought, our every deed,

Is a question that haunts the many if not most,

Unable to realize a stoic detachment.


* * * *

Everything You perceive,

Everything You think,

Everything you see,

Everything You do,

Everything You know,

Everything You believe,

Everything You hope,

Everything You love,

Everything You hate,

Everything You accept,

Everything You deny,

Everything You give,

Everything You take,

Everything You realize,

Everything You dream,

Everything You recall,

Everything You admire,

Everything You deride,

Everything You possess,

Everything You cherish,

Everything You judge,

Is nothing more than imagination,

Is always but a dreamer shadowing the moment,

Is nothing more than electrical impulses racing along neural pathways.


Only in the stillness of unadorned awareness, can You know, can You be, the timeless eternity You are.


* * * *

Self-reliance, grit, gumption, work ethic, critical thinking, the ability to stand alone.

Is what it took for the human paradigm to arrive at this moment in time.

Is the future ready to take over the world we have left it?

What will it be like to be born into a Ponzi scheme forever undone?


* * * *

Any life and its destiny, is but an imaginary dream,

Instantly forgotten in this quantum mirage.

The sands of time have no memory.


* * * *

There is nothing to argue; nothing to prove.

It is what it is; you are what you are.

And it is all one in the same.


* * * *

Maintaining an existence,

You no longer care about,

No longer have desire for,

No longer have energy for,

How is that working for you?


* * * *

The quantum-awakened, turn sand into gold, coal into diamonds, water into wine.


* * * *

It is up to any would-be philosopher-mystic, drawn to the great game,

To from podium speak his/her mind – to take up their philosophical gauntlets –

And sally forth every serendipitous thought, their minds have been nature-nurtured to utter.

In any-and-all dimensions, this indelibly ineffable, mystery elephant – called by many names – ordains.

To unveil his/her mind’s eye, to share the reasonings, encapsulating the unveiling of their wander.

The journey, all their many thoughts – the imaginings – their mortal mind’s destiny calls.

The trek through illusion – ever inquiring into the truth of their beingness –

Until fate slides the door open, to the only possible conclusion,

That You are indeed, ineradicably, That I Am.


* * * *

… Earth … Wind … Water … Fire …

Intertwined in every conceivable genre pax.

In the Ether of Nothingness … oblivion’s marrow.


* * * *

You are the indescribable, indivisible, indelible, unborn-undying awareness,

Witnessing consciousness frolicking about a quantum matrix.

Stardust shrouded in every imaginable form,

Imagining the ecstasies and agonies of existence real.


* * * *

The very serendipitous – day-to-day of random folks – whose paths I crossed,

Were casually given business cards, with website name and address.

And before that, who knows how many pilfered copies,

Through the side door at the Kinko’s in Chico.

There is no knowing how far, how wide, or for what duration,

Future imagination-driven times, will choose to allow, this freely-offered serum,

From a scribe who pretty much made it his last hobby, his last distraction, his last will and testament


* * * *

So many minds, imagining in every way, the mystery into which all are inexplicably cast.

So many minds, investigating their existence; so many minds, effing the ineffable.

Leaving behind so many creations, sharing their revelations of the eternal:

Writings, paintings, sculptures, music, architecture, ad infinitum.

A world of seers, bound by the mundanity of the masses,

Whose unrealized raison d'être, is to secure the ways and means,

For the unborn-undying, ageless witness, to fathom its unfathomability.


* * * *

Settle for less, and that is what destiny will mete out.

Seek more than fate has assigned, and the dream will tether you.

The passions are ephemeral beasts in this ineffable magical mystery tour.

Moderation is the surest means to a content, peaceful existence,

But even the most sagacious tack offers no guarantees.

To be born is to endure whatever fate is allotted,

And there is no happy end to any story.


* * * *

Easier to ignore this sort of scribbling.

For vanity and voracity's sake,

The show must go on.


* * * *

There is no space, there is no time.

There is only quantum energy, eternally kaleidoscoping,

In the quantum dreamtime of consciousness, in the quantum perceptions of mind.

And You: pure awareness, untouched; You: sentience, unscathed.

You: ineffable, indelible, unborn-undying witness,

To eternity’s ever-present moment.


* * * *

Free your Self from the binds and obligations of groupthink,

That often diminishes creativity and individual responsibility.

Stand alone, immersed in the momentary awareness You are.

Free of all doubts, all bothers; be the harvest of discernment.


* * * *

How is it so many imagine a personal deity to sanction their dream?

How is it so many imagine a personal deity to bestow their wishes?

How is it so many imagine a personal deity to fulfill their desires?

How is it so many imagine a personal deity to bless their ventures?

How is it so many imagine a personal deity to bolster their alliances?

How is it so many imagine a personal deity to vanquish their enemies?

How is it so many imagine a personal deity to judge them auspiciously?

How is it so many imagine a personal deity to bequeath them eternal life?

How is it so many are blind to their endless me-myself-and-I self-absorption?


* * * *

Despite all delusions to the contrary, we all are animals.

Despite all delusions to the contrary, we are all biological beings.

Despite all delusions to the contrary, we are all connected to the web of life.

Despite all delusions to the contrary, we are all equal participants in the same mystery.

Despite all delusions to the contrary, we are all nameless witnesses to the same quantum dreamtime.

And no amount of twisting nor twirling of the imaginary mind, will ever change that.


* * * *

What choices have you ever really had?

What choice did You have in your existence?

What choice did You have in your awareness?

What choice did You have in your nature-nurture?

What choice did You have in your gender?

What choice did You have in your physique?

What choice did You have in your vision?

What choice did You have in your hearing?

What choice did You have in your smelling?

What choice did You have in your tasting?

What choice did You have in your feeling?

What choice did You have in your mind?

What choice did You have in your family?

What choice did You have in your birth order?

What choice did You have in your culture?

What choice did You have in your ethnicity?

What choice did You have in your geography?

What choice did You have in your universe?

What choice did You have in your socioeconomic level?

What choice did You have in your intelligence?

What choice did You have in your language?

What choice did you have in your name?

What choice did you have in your education?

What choice did you have in your interests?

What choice did you have in your beliefs?

What choice did you have in your religion?

What choice did you have in your politics?

Even your daily movement, your daily choices,

The every-step-you-take-every-moment believe to be free will,

Are the quantum dictates of every natural selection since the beginning of all beginnings.


* * * *

How can it ever make any sense at all,

That You are not a drop of the whole?

That You are not a drop of the entirety?

That You are not a drop of the creation?

That You are not a drop of the sentience?

That You are not a drop of the ineffable?

That You are not a drop of the awareness?

That You are not a drop of the dreamtime?

That You are not a drop of the indelibility?

That You are not a drop of the indivisibility?

That You are not a drop of the unborn-undying?

That You are not a drop of the preservation?

That You are not a drop of the destruction?

That You are not a drop of the spaceless?

That You are not a drop of the timeless?

That You are not a drop of the mystery?

That You are not a drop of the eternal?

That You are not a drop of all that is?

Call it anything you will, You are it.


* * * *

Short of excessive violence,

It is all but impossible to keep anyone,

From thinking whatever they darned well please,

About you, or anyone or anything else.

So it goes, get over yourself.


* * * *

Why would it at all matter, how this mystery began?

Here You right-here-right-now are; here we all right-here-right-now are,

How much futility, how much angst, the human species has spent through so much of its history,

Speculating-asserting-battling, over an eternal moment it can never possibly know.

What an astounding squander of spacless-timeless it has all been.


* * * *

What will be the future of our kind, and life on this pale blue dot, You often wonder.

It is challenging to wrap the timebound mind around the dystopian horror You see coming.

How much longer will the human paradigm persevere after Your cadaver is a dusty pile of bones?

Ahh, but that is indeed a narcissistic-egocentric question, if there ever was one.

So, just toss it into the passing breeze, and expect no answers.

And someday quietly depart, ever agnostic.


* * * *

Curious, how like us, all our deities, across the world, across time, have always been.

Willful, jealous, vindictive, judgmental, malicious, pitiless, vengeful.

And sometime kind and just, and perhaps even loving,

When it suits the undisclosed schemes.

Is there any limit to our affinity for absurdity?


* * * *

How good is good? How bad is bad?

How right is right? How wrong is wrong?

How known is known? How unknown is unknown?

How infinite is infinite? How infinitesimal is infinitesimal?

How true is true? How false is false?

And who decides?


* * * *

Regarding the way of awareness, the way of the moment,

The way of the right-here-right-now, the way of the spaceless-timeless eternal,

It is, as Minch Yoda astutely said to Luke Skywalker: No. Try not. Do ... or do not. There is no try.

To attain eternal life, one must doubt everything, one must let go everything.

One must be everything, and nothing all the while.


* * * *

Doubt all the stories, all the narratives, all the anything, floating willy-nilly about the mind.

That which is most unfathomably true, is prior to all affairs born of imaginary design.

Philosopher René Descartes penned, “If you would be a real seeker after truth,

You must at least once in your life, doubt, as far as possible, all things.”


* * * *

It can be quite challenging to tamp down that whiny little voice,

Once imagination discerns that self-pity serves well,

As a distraction from the moment.


* * * *

How history judges anything,

Will ultimately achieve the same anonymity,

All things imaginary ever have.


* * * *

Nature is the expression of the eternal moment of the ineffable mystery You are.

To ignore it, to abuse it, to destroy it, is a sure path to oblivion.

To wander harmoniously in it, is the way.


* * * *

You need not believe the spins you project, either to the world, or to yourself.

Toss away any-and-all thoughts – positive or neutral or negative – of the imaginary self.

Be the stillness, the utterness, the unborn-undying, of the awareness that is your eternal birthright.


* * * *

What repulsive, hideous, revolting creatures, so many women become.

How some men remain sexually aroused by them is a mystery,

Especially once their youthful effervescence has faded,

Into pallid, sagging skin, with thick layers of clownish make-up,

Topped with beauty-shopped hair, and anatomy covered by languishing tattoos.

A genetic lottery of biological evolution no less crunchy-chewy-gooey than any other creation.

Add to that inventory: obesity, scars, wrinkles, blemishes, mutilations, disfigurements­,

Flatulence, blotches, stretch marks, cottage cheese, diseases, sores, disabilities.

It is indeed a mind-boggling mystery, which only delusional blinders,

And four-billion-year-old software, come close to explaining.

Natural selection can only manage so much evolving,

With such a haphazardly encrypted algorithm.

And let us not deny, this all applies,

To the other half-ish of the species, as well.

And in truth, every other life form Gaia has ever devised.


* * * *

Ever the same You, playing out every creation across all eternity.

So infinite, so infinitesimal, as to be the only divinity worth ascertaining.

The eternal moment, timeless, ever-present, right here, right now, unborn, undying.

You are pure awareness: ineffable, indelible, indivisible, immeasurable.

You are ever You, have ever been You, will ever be You.

There is no other, than the one and only You.


* * * *

That moment when sense of self, the me-myself-I, first arises in the mind,

Is the moment that separates one from the garden this pale blue dot has fashioned.

And all the other estrangements follow suit for that bubble of imagination’s entire existence.

There is no returning to the garden of origin, but through an awakening to that awareness prior to all.

And that awakening is set in motion through the deep doubt of a critical-thinking perspective,

That only the rarest minds ascertain, as they meander down their road less traveled.

A solitary road, upon which adventures are witnessed. one after another.

A solitary road that kaleidoscopes to its destined conclusion.


* * * *

There is only one truth, and it is this very right-here-right-now moment,

Timelessly ephemeral, unborn, undying, immeasurable, indivisible, ineffable.

There is no need for any dogma; there is only being inwardly still enough to be it.


* * * *

Truth is not a word.

Truth is not a thought.

Truth is not a story.

Truth is not a dichotomy.

Truth is not knowable.

Truth is not intelligible.

Truth is not moot.

Truth is not provable.

Truth is not space-bound.

Truth is not time-bound.

Truth is not hearsay.

Truth is not understandable.

Truth is not definable.

Truth is not describable.

Truth is not debatable.

Truth is not a dogma.

Truth is not expressible.

Truth is not a belief.

Truth is not before.

Truth is not after.

Truth is not penetrable.

Truth is not a rumor.

Truth is not fathomable.

Truth is not effable.

Truth is not graspable.

Truth is not controversial.

Truth is not any thing.

Truth is not anything.

You are the truth.

You are the life.

You are the Way.

Simply be your Self.

Right here, right now, bam!


* * * *

Living fearlessly is not necessarily something manly-man-on-steroids machismo,

As much as it is being serene enough to be the moment You ever are.

The awareness You ever are, the eternal You ever are.

The right-here-right-now You ever are.

The You, You ever are.


* * * *

To ignore natural law, to ignore physics,

To believe you are in anyway separate from anything,

Is to be in such a state of blindered delusion,

That it is a wonder you still exist.


* * * *

Every process has a beginning.

Every process has an ending.

Every process is part of a process,

That is without beginning, without end.


* * * *

Nothing exists because of imagination.

Cultures, languages, mathematics,

Sciences, technologies, religions,

All the arts, the politics, the silk roads,

Are all imagination, evolved unto existence.

The usurper of sentience reigns the human mind.

The usurper of sentience dominates the human paradigm.

The natural selection, that selected its way to such immense heights,

Is the creator, is the preserver, is the destroyer, of all things,

That were nothing more than illusion from the get-go.


* * * *


You are so alone.

Give into it with full abandon,

And be the ineffable, eternal mystery, You are.

This human paradigm dreamtime is but a Shakespearian soiree,

Through an illusory quantum matrix, infused with every variety of delusion imaginable.

In which You will perform your nature-nurture centerstage character,

However it naturally-selects – very much alone.


* * * *

The awareness is the unborn-undying moment.

The awareness requires no belief system.

The awareness esteems no philosophy.

The awareness has no moral compass.

The awareness has no consciousness.

The awareness has no space or time.

The awareness has no need or want.

The awareness has no faith or hope.

The awareness has no raison d'être.

The awareness has no imagination.

The awareness has no love or hate.

The awareness has no obstructions.

The awareness has no passion or zeal.

No one can more than suggest the way.

There is absolutely nothing to hold onto.

You must doubt everything, for your Self.

You must discover it, all alone, for your Self.

You must then witness it, all alone, for your Self.

It is a road less traveled; a fork only the rare perceive.

There is truly no other, but few are nominated to realize it.


* * * *

The engineers and scientists, and all the diligent worker bees,

Pushed and pulled us all up the exalted road, a road to paradise and beyond,

Until it became a road too far, and is now all Humpty Dumpty, falling, falling, down, down.

We have already given them carte blanche to destroy this garden dust ball beyond all possible redemption,

So why not allow them to spin it into dystopian mayhem and chaos and despair beyond all pales?

Let vanity and greed wreak their final act, and Gaia move on to the next geological epoch.


* * * *

To endlessly attempt to discover and define Self,

Is really, no different than a caged hamster running round and round on its spinning wheel.

Passing time, filling the mind with every variety of pointless absurdity,

To which imagination is so inherently capable.


* * * *

It is not merely a web of life; it is a web of everything.

An indivisible matrix, permeating an unfathomable mystery.

Too beyond knowing, to be perceived by anything but a still mind.

No naming necessary, for it is the same awareness, the same You, in all.


* * * *

What is this sense of Self, this me-myself-I,

But an intrinsic survival mechanism of the sentience,

Attached to whatever mind-body the genetic lottery has sculpted.

Given over to imagination’s endless struggle, to be more than it can ever be.

It is a quandary not easily set aside, even for the most resolute.

Every mirror, every photograph, every interaction,

Ever reinforces the imaginary dreamtime.

Not easy to be indifferent to the quantum illusion.

Very challenging to be untouched by imagination’s fell grip.

Though space and time are ultimately unreal, the eternal awareness You are,

Is captive within the magical theater of the mind-body, the mystery has imposed upon its Self.


* * * *

We have created this thing called time, based on the whirling regularity of the earth, the moon, the sun.

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries, millenniums, epochs.

But there are no ‘moments’ – there is only one indivisible moment.

One spaceless moment, one timeless moment.

You are this eternal moment.

You are this now.

This is it.

This is all it is.

There is nothing more.

There can be nothing more.

There will never be anything more.

All the narratives humankind has concocted,

All the creations the monkey-mind has brought forth.

Are nothing more than the ineffable dreamtime of imagination.

The unfathomable awareness You are, the unknowable mystery You are,

That which the divisive human mind has in every way deified,

Is in truth, all there is, has ever been, will ever be.

You are it, it is You, there is no other.

Alone, absolute, flawless,

Unborn, undying,



* * * *

No story, no narrative, no history, no chronicle,

No account, no anecdote, no description, no tale, no yarn,

No matter how well-written, no matter how real, no matter how true,

No matter how miraculous, no matter how fantastical,

Can touch the unborn-undying moment.


* * * *

Whether in appearances, whether in concepts, idolatry is idolatry is idolatry.

Only in pure awareness, can the timeless moment be perceived truth.

Only in pure awareness, can the timeless You, be the true Self.


* * * *

Why should you believe anything you have not examined for yourself?

Why would you believe anything you have not examined for yourself?

How could you believe anything you have not examined for yourself?

Approach all phenomena, all questions – rationally, sensibly, lucidly –

With truth, with fact, with reality, with honesty – the primary objective.

Do not allow imagination to weave its many guiles over your mind’s eye.


* * * *

Without space, there cannot be time.

Without time, there cannot be space.

Without them, there is just awareness.

Without them, there is just You.


* * * *

Whether You see the truth of it clearly,

All the time, some of the time, or never at all,

You are still every moment incapable of not being it.

Any and all notions of dualistic me-myself-and-I perception,

Are nothing more than arbitrary, fallacious delusions of imagination.


* * * *

Where in the awareness of the moment does the universe exist?

Where in the awareness of the moment does the world exist?

Where in the awareness of the moment does the body exist?

Where in the awareness of the moment does the mind exist?

Where in the awareness of the moment does space-time exist?

Where in the awareness of the moment does consciousness exist?


Where in the awareness of the moment do You exist?


* * * *

You have always been ineffable just the way You are.

You have always been perfect just the way You are.

You have always been immaculate just the way You are.

You have always been indivisible just the way You are.

You have always been intangible just the way You are.

You have always been indelible just the way You are.

You have always been unborn-undying just the way You are.

You have always been absolute just the way You are.

You have always been totality just the way You are.

You have always been spaceless just the way You are.

You have always been timeless just the way You are.

You have always been incomprehensible just the way You are.

You have always been mysterious just the way You are.

You have always been impeccable just the way You are.

You have always been singular just the way You are.

You have always been matchless just the way You are.

You have always been tabula rasa just the way You are.

You have always been pervasive just the way You are.

You have always been momentary just the way You are.

You have always been unbound just the way You are.

You have always been seamless just the way You are.

You have always been unconditional just the way You are.

You have always been anonymous just the way You are.

You have always been indecipherable just the way You are.

You have always been truth just the way You are.

You have always been unknowable just the way You are.

You have always been everlasting just the way You are.

You have always been flawless just the way You are.

You have always been perpetual just the way You are.

You have always been immeasurable just the way You are.

You have always been inscrutable just the way You are.

You have always been inexplicable just the way You are.

You have always been unequivocal just the way You are.

You have always been unimaginable just the way You are.

You have always been ageless just the way You are.

You have always been inconceivable just the way You are.

You have always been motionless just the way You are.

You have always been oblivion just the way You are.

You have always been indefinable just the way You are.

You have always been harmonious just the way You are.

You have always been nondualistic just the way You are.

You have always been eternal just the way You are.


* * * *

Sometimes You walk through eternity.

Sometimes You run through eternity.

Sometimes You sit through eternity.

Sometimes You wait through eternity.

Sometimes You think through eternity.

Sometimes You talk through eternity.

Sometimes You look through eternity.

Sometimes You listen through eternity.

Sometimes You smell through eternity.

Sometimes You taste through eternity.

Sometimes You feel through eternity.

Sometimes You fear through eternity.

Sometimes You dread through eternity.

Sometimes You abide through eternity.

Sometimes You hope through eternity.

Sometimes You love through eternity.

Sometimes You hate through eternity.

Sometimes You want through eternity.

Sometimes You grasp through eternity.

Sometimes You release through eternity.

Sometimes You give through eternity.

Sometimes You take through eternity.

Sometimes You win through eternity.

Sometimes You lose through eternity.

Sometimes You inhale through eternity.

Sometimes You exhale through eternity.

Sometimes You judge through eternity.

Sometimes You forgive through eternity.

Sometimes You forget through eternity.

Sometimes You flow through eternity.

Sometimes You resist through eternity.

Sometimes You celebrate through eternity.

Sometimes You mourn through eternity.

Sometimes You suffer through eternity.

Sometimes You delight through eternity.

Sometimes You create through eternity.

Sometimes You preserve through eternity.

Sometimes You destroy through eternity.

Sometimes You sleep through eternity.

Sometimes You awaken through eternity.

The moment, the awareness, the sentience, is the sky of You.

And the mind, the senses, the self of imagination, are but clouds ever streaming through.


* * * *

Where is the line between infinite and infinitesimal, and who decides?

Where is the line between order and chaos, and who decides?

Where is the line between light and dark, and who decides?

Where is the line between love or hate, and who decides?

Where is the line between good and evil, and who decides?

Where is the line between rational and irrational, and who decides?

Where is the line between large and small, and who decides?

Where is the line between this and that, and who decides?

Where is the line between near and far, and who decides?

Where is the line between right and wrong, and who decides?

Where is the line between in and out, and who decides?

Where is the line between black and white, and who decides?

Where is the line between real and unreal, and who decides?

Where is the line between fact and fiction, and who decides?

Where is the line between sincere and disingenuous, and who decides?

Where is the line between thick and thin, and who decides?

Where is the line between peace and war, and who decides?

Where is the line between genuine and hypocritical, and who decides?

Where is the line between win and lose, and who decides?

Where is the line between many and few, and who decides?

Where is the line between tall and short, and who decides?

Where is the line between narrow and wide, and who decides?

Where is the line between tangible and intangible, and who decides?

Where is the line between loose and tight, and who decides?

Where is the line between hot and cold, and who decides?

Where is the line between within and without, and who decides?

Where is the line between true and false, and who decides?

Where is the line between yes and no, and who decides?

Where is the line between truth and lie, and who decides?

Where is the line between have and have not, and who decides?

Where is the line between new and old, and who decides?

Where is the line between pleasure and pain, and who decides?

Where is the line between us and them, and who decides?

Where is the line between caution and paranoia, and who decides?

Where is the line between up and down, and who decides?

Where is the line between knowledge and ignorance, and who decides?

Where is the line between formal and informal, and who decides?

Where is the line between ethical and unethical, and who decides?

Where is the line between awake and asleep, and who decides?

Where is the line between sage and fool, and who decides?

Where is the line between creator and creation, and who decides?

Where is the line between the mystery and You, and who decides?


* * * *

Why would an indifferent mystery,

Bored with the filled-with-nothing eternal moment,

Not sanction natural selection to play the quantum illusion impromptu?

A big-bang-turtles-up-down-throw-of-the-dice genesis, weaving its Self, into an infinite theater.

An immaculate conception, chock-full of every quantum possibility imaginable.

An ineffable, ever-lasting, kaleidoscoping, stardust mystery.

Every handiwork witnessed within and without,

Through the indivisible, all-seeing, unborn-undying, eye of awareness.

How amazing You are, to have played every part, every particle, in this magical mystery theater.


* * * *

What is bondage?

What is knowledge?

What is enlightenment?

What is liberation?

What is reality?

What is truth?

What is you?


Illusions, all.


* * * *

The truth of the matter, is an illusion-delusion.

An indivisible dreamtime left for imagination to speculate,

Every feasible speculation, any given eensy-weensy mind, can fathom.


* * * *

The awareness, the moment, is church enough, religion enough, faith enough, for any-and-all.

No need to wait for a relatively few times a week, when awareness is witness to every moment.


* * * *

Both electricity and oil took off about, one hundred fifty and change, years ago,

And it has been accelerating-exponential on every chart and graph and schema since.

How the world-wide electrical grid will keep up with it all, is destined to be quite a saga.

The engineers and scientists, and all the supporting cast, have taken us down a dead-end road.

We might stumble into a very dystopian, very wretched Old School, any day now; be ready steady.


* * * *

It is not the egocentric mind-body that is eternally immortal, you ninny.

It is the awareness that is equally within and without all creation.

This imaginary identity and world you are so attached to,

Is nothing more than food for worms and beyond,

As the quantum illusion churns ever on.


* * * *

Temporary sacks of crunchy-chewy-gooey genetic material,

– permeated, pervaded, infused, saturated, soaked –

In imagination’s eternal quantum matrix.


* * * *

Easy to believe your book the most real and true, when it is the only one you have ever read.

The man of one book uses whatever is said, whatever is written, to corroborate his delusion.


* * * *

How is it we are not lost in absolute wonder, unwavering awe, in the light of this quantum dreamtime.

How is it we are so passionately unable, so violently unwilling, to look, to examine beyond,

And happily, dance through the infinity of differences, we every-moment imagine,

To discern the ineffable prior-to-consciousness indivisibility we all are,

That through which this quantum mirage kaleidoscopes.


* * * *

What petty, meaningless gods, we have, across all times and spaces, imagined.

What petty, meaningless gods, we have across all times and spaces,

Dreaded and worshipped and pleaded forgiveness from.

As if we were somehow to blame for any of it.


* * * *

So much illusory quantum movement, quantum vibration,

Kaleidoscoping through the eternal stillness,

Of the one and only moment.

Om, baby, Om.


* * * *

Rushing, rushing, rushing; how we do so scurry here and there,

As if we were bona-fide significant, in an expanse full of dust balls.


* * * *

Every generation passes on a lesser, more depleted world.

What blessings, what curses, will the current issue, inflict upon the next.

Another long-and-winding moment, in this ever-kaleidoscoping, illusory stardust sitcom.


* * * *

Consciousness will ever spin every variety of speculation about its ineffable, indivisible origin,

For it can have no recollection of the oblivion that was prior to all its absurdities.

Nor is it at all able to more than imagine the unborn-undying state,

After the mind-body’s final breath exits the stage.

As magnificent as it imagines itself to be, imagination has its limits.

As center of the universe, as it imagines itself to be, imagination is but a mortal player.


* * * *

Another ditty, none but these eyes shall likely ever read.

Another ditty unveiling the anonymity, all are.

Even the most famous in their time,

Destined to be forgotten.


* * * *

Why feet obligated to wait for the Reaper,

Why feel obligated to let some imaginary ornament,

Make the ‘no-more-of-this-bullshit’ final exit decision for you?


* * * *

Of course, the universe is exactly as you every moment perceive it … and so is everyone else’s.

That is the mystery of it – every mysterious very-much-the-same moment – of sentient perception.


* * * *

What are human beings but sacks of genetic material –

Permeated, pervaded, infused, saturated, soaked – in imagination’s matrix.

The ego mind is but a sensory-inspired illusion, through which the eye of awareness You are, peers.

Detached, aloof, indifferent, disinterested, impassive, impersonal … immortal.


* * * *

Too much everything.

Too many people.

Too many things.

Too many hungers.

Too many deceits.

Too many untruths.

Too much bullshit.

Too much absurdity.

Too much horror.

Too much everything.


* * * *

The mystery, which is the awareness, the You, prior to all,

Is completely, utterly, entirely, absolutely – empty, barren, devoid, bereft, clear, free –

Of all attributes imagined, of all attributes unimagined.

You are the mystery, you are That I Am.

The other is but illusion.


* * * *

What can possibly be more liberating, than the effortless clarity of pure, immaculate, ineffable awareness?

It does not require the potency of power, the security of wealth, the status of fame, the reason of wisdom.

It is itself unto its Self – there is no other with which to contend – no mind or body for which to gather.

To surrender your self to your Self, to surrender your self to the timeless moment, is the path of grace.


* * * *

The word ‘God’ is just a sound, just a concept, just an image, just an idol.

The reality of that which is, and is not, God, is much more than any mind can grasp.

To give any word reality, is to allow imagination to control one’s actions, to control one’s being.

Is to allow imagination to adjudicate one’s illusory world in so many bittersweet ways.

How much simpler, how much more real and genuine, to just be, to just allow.

To give your self, over to Self, and be the mystery-given awareness,

In which the mystery all Creation every moment streams.


* * * *

Bow to no idol.

Defer to no idolater.

Fathom your own essence.


* * * *

All our industries, all our technologies, all our arts, all our ambitions,

Only frenzy us to generate more and more and more.

And more, more is never enough.

And less, a loser’s gait.

All of it, nothing more than,

Another day of racing stoplights,

Another day of chasing clocks and calendars.

Partnering and competing with all our oh-so-many creations.

An absurd, calamitous, often-malevolent, extremely pain-ridden, sprint to oblivion.


* * * *

The awareness, the moment, is cathedral enough, religion enough, faith enough, for any true truth-seeker.

No need to hold off, for the relatively few routine occasions, when witnessing the ineffable mystery,

Can be an any-moment rebirth, whenever the inclination arises, in any given mind’s existence.

There is no need for any ministry, any assembly, to buttress those able to prevail alone.


* * * *

Do not doubt, there is a point and purpose, to all these reflections.

Do not doubt, all the ironies and paradoxes, all the riddles, all the koans,

Have been set before you, that you will one day reach the destiny that beckons.

The only thing required, is that you – humbly, dutifully, faithfully, earnestly, patiently –

Submit to whatever – long and winding and bizarre and confusing and nonsensical – rabbit hole,

You now meander, so that the allotted dream detaches, from all the imaginary notions, to which it clings.

Nothing is assured, but know that this eternal quest, is one that has called many through the ages.

And it is in the momentary journey – none ever in any way similar – that all fates are cast.

And realize also, that wherever the walkabout ferries you, it will all be for naught.

The treasure will be, but a fistful, of nothing more than irony and paradox.

Truth is but the eternal moment, through which all illusion wafts.


* * * *

All the all’s,

All the none’s,

All the if’s,

All the and’s,

All the but’s,

All the who’s,

All the what’s,

All the where’s,

All the when’s,

All the why’s,

All the how’s,

All the above’s,

Matter not.


* * * *

Who will be the last historian?

Who will have the timeline’s unparalleled perspective?

Who will have the last say, on how the human paradigm finally extinguished itself?

And what was left of the garden on this spinning pale blue dot,

In its kaleidoscoping journey to oblivion?


* * * *

Many are called, few are chosen.

Not easy for imagination to let go of a mind-body,

It has inhabited, it has usurped, with its veil of illusions and delusions.

All its memories, all its knowledge, all its passions, all its vanities, all its agonies, all its ecstasies.

For as long as it can remember.


* * * *

Imagination is always out and about, on the hunt for one morsel or another.

But as magnificent as it imagines itself to be, it is but a vain, mortal player.


* * * *

When jars break, there are no ripples in the quantum absolute.

The same is true for any form, mortal or otherwise.

All things morph into what they ever are,

In this ineffable mystery.

There is no other in the unchanging.


* * * *

All existence plays out a unique skewing of biological coding,

That was inexplicably etched over four billion years ago.

That nature was nurtured in an inimitable environment, as well.

To expect that all forms can be adaptable to any given circumstance,

Does not match the Darwinian reality life ever faces in any given moment.

Ergo, to think that all human beings are equally suited for the civilized existence,

We now inextricably find ourselves in, in this our modern world, is just not at all feasible.

Most of that four-billion-year human history operated at the hunter-gatherer level,

And the resume required to survive and thrive in so many concrete jungles,

Can only be achieved by only so many mind-body-spirit two-leggeds.

The rest will hunt and gather wherever their carts are allowed.


* * * *

Wherever You might be, in this one and only ineffable, eternal moment,

In this one and only unborn-undying right-here-right-now, how is it, that You are not

– Engrossed, absorbed, captivated, enthralled, spellbound, immersed, fascinated, riveted, mesmerized –

In the wonder of it all?


* * * *

Whatever time is left in the human paradigm,

Is way more than likely to be quite a jaunt.

Anything is possible, and nothing is sure.


* * * *

The unifying principal is the awareness in everything.

The unifying principal is the indelible moment in everything.

The unifying principal is the unborn-undying mystery in everything.

The unifying principal is the Self, the You, in the entirety.

The unifying principal is the beyond all beyonds.


* * * *

Write down all your aggrieved, whiny, petty complaints, in a letter to some editor.

And then, for all the astounding changes that it will bring about,

Be sure to mislay it on the way to the post office.


* * * *

When all the words, when all the thoughts, become more than assertions;

When they at last morph into their mark; when they finally achieve;

That to which they have been raison-d'être pointing all along;

When they finally dissolve into the awareness You are;

The illusory you, will be the eternal You-ness,

You are, have always been, will ever be.


* * * *

The history of the mystery,

Is everything imaginable,

And nothing all the while.


* * * *

The moment creates nothing.

The moment preserves nothing.

The moment destroys nothing.

The moment bestows nothing.

The moment takes nothing.

The moment does nothing.

The moment is nothing.


* * * *

The momentary awareness, is the harbor of neither space nor time.

Nor does it offer perch to any imaginary notion, nor any form wafting through.

It creates nothing, it preserves nothing, it destroys nothing, it offers nothing, it takes nothing.

Your body, your world, your cosmos, are only as large as you imagine them.

Disregard the senses, still the mind, and all disappear.

The dreamtime is but an illusion.

As are You.


* * * *

The eyes are spaceless-timeless sensors.

The ears are spaceless-timeless sensors.

The nose is a spaceless-timeless sensor.

The ears are spaceless-timeless sensors.

The tongue is a t spaceless-timeless sensor.

The dermis is a spaceless-timeless sensor.

The brain is a spaceless-timeless processor.

And awareness is witness to the world, the cosmos,

They all together kaleidoscope in eternity’s indivisible quantum matrix.

A dreamtime, unique in every sentient being, this ineffable mystery has ever inexplicably created.


* * * *

What rhyme or reason is needed,

What rhyme or reason is even possible,

When there is a mystery beyond all reckoning,

And minds only capable of grasping a tiny sliver of it.

And idolatry and magical thinking the sagacity of most minds.


* * * *

You can talk yourself into a lot of things.

You can talk yourself out of a lot of things.

You could stop talking, and do nothing.


* * * *

In this world of natural selection, in which all life rises and falls,

There is no choice but to drive on through every moment,

Until it all becomes more than can be sustained.

Where rock and hard place at last crush,

And the Angel of Death arrives to carry you home.


* * * *

Is there anyone on this pale blue dot – in any space, any time – including me,

Who does not believe they have discovered the truth of it?

What a narcissistic species we are.

What an endless challenge to be truly agnostic.


* * * *

An ever-fleeting, ever ungraspable, ever-unsustainable dream,

Is all it is, is all it has ever been, is all it will ever be.

Those who believe it more, who play it more,

Whose narcissism and hedonism are insatiable,

Act out every delusion the given mind can imagine.


* * * *

Yes, the Big Bang Theory is a story, too.

Just positing bit closer to reality, than some out there,

In the gray matter of minds filled with idolatry and magical thinking.


* * * *

It has always been the same eternity, through which all dreams have streamed.

Forget the world, forget the universe, forget everything, even your Self.

Quantum body, quantum mind, quantum soul, quantum dream.


* * * *

Anything can be changed.

Anything can be disparaged.

Anything can be deprived.

Anything can be denied.

Anything can be rationalized.

Anything can be misused.

Anything can be repudiated.

Anything can be negated.

Anything can be renounced.

Anything can be usurped.

Anything can be ignored.

Anything can be concealed.

Anything can be abused.

Anything can be discarded.

Anything can be spoiled.

Anything can be corrupted.

Anything can be distorted.

Anything can be destroyed.


* * * *

Eternity is the one and only spaceless-timeless-dimensionless reality.

It requires no name, nor any delusionary fixations born of imaginary notion.

It is the emptiness of awareness, in which all creations come and go, without regard.


* * * *

All life on Earth-Gaia-Eden,

Is bound by its given sensory scope,

In a dimension of the manifest mortal kind.


* * * *

Your dream began as a zygote in your mother’s womb,

Unleashed by an orgasmic dice throw of your father’s ejaculate.

And each of your parents came into this dreamtime in the same manner –

Through the commingling of seeds of their parentages – as did theirs before them.

As all life has, however this all came to be, in the over four billion orbits round our modest star.

You are the current issue, of all the existence that has evolved, mutated, natural-selected.

Are you the mind-body-spirit, to which you are so, through imagination, attached?

Or the awareness, that permeates all things, in this moment ever-unending?

An ever-present now, unborn-undying, with neither beginning nor end.

A vast quantum mystery, which, despite all apparent differences,

Is the same indivisible, intangible, unfathomable, oneness.

Every seed, but a one-time-only, one-trick-pony show.

It is You that is the reality, not the sensory theater.

It is the You, that the is the sky for all creation.


* * * *

The longest view of history – to be nothing more than imaginary confabulation –

Is that all Creation, that all Genesis, came and went in an instant,

And that, for all practical purpose, never happened,

As more than a pipe dream of God.

How would any less a vision even be possible?

Yes, God is great beyond measure, no naming required.


* * * *

If you expect the all-mighty wampum in exchange,

You may well miss out on your life’s greatest passion.


* * * *

To be the free-est free, You can ever really be,

You, must see it, must be it, must do it,

This very, very, very instant.


* * * *

No, stop, there are just some things, You need not do.

Never hurts to keep your moderation-checker at hand.


* * * *

When you enter any pathway, any sidewalk, any street, any highway, any crossway,

Be sure to look left, be sure to look right – twice or thrice, if there is the time.

The physics of this manifest dream make no allowance for forgiveness.


* * * *

Where is flat, where is round?

Where is up, where is down?

Where is all, where is none?

Where is yes, where is no?

Where is truth, where is lie?

Where is this, where is that?

Where is here, where is there?

Where is space, where is time?

Where is black, where is white?

Where is sound, without a mind?

Where is mind, without a sound?

Where are You, without a mind?

Where are You, without eternity?

Where is eternity, without You?


* * * *

Who imagines who?

Who imagines what?

Who imagines where?

Who imagines when?

Who imagines why?

Who imagines how?

Who imagines you?

Who imagines You?


* * * *

Humankind's tool-making aptitude –

From the first sharpened-in-the-fire stick-spear,

Capable of defending the tribe and hunting the mastodon,

To the last nuclear warhead capable of killing millions in an instant –

Has taken the species down a path from which there very little chance of return.

All any of us peons can do, is live out each day as nimbly and pleasantly,

As our little slices of geography, and these modern times, allow.


* * * *

Always try to remember, that your story,

Is really nothing more than imaginary fabrication.

Nothing more than chemical-electrical-biological interplay.

All the zilch-nada-zip-nil-zero-null-aught-zippo-void of nothingness.

The mystery, the awareness, pretending the ineffable menagerie,

Is more than quantum stardust patterned unto existence.


* * * *

Do not believe anything the inner voice tells you.

Do not believe anything the inner voice pretends real.

Do not believe anything the inner voice believes true.

It is all nothing more than the chicanery of stardust.

A temporal invention fashioned by imagination.

A touchy-feely, three-dimensional delusion.

Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.


* * * *

If all you truly want out of your moment, is a serene existence,

Just find pleasant spots to sit, eyes open or closed,

Or take long aimless-wandering walks,

Followed by good naps,

And just, breath in, breath out.


* * * *

The human paradigm – from dawn to sunset – all boils down to vanity and greed.

Narcissism and hedonism, channeled through the seven arduous dualities:

Pride and envy and gluttony and lust and wrath and greed and sloth.

Manifested physically, emotionally, mentally, in every way.

Tempered only through moderation of the grit-and-gumption sort.


* * * *

Become the awareness,

Become the stillness,

Become the moment,

Become the impenetrable,

Become the unconditional,

Become the totality,

Become the inexplicable,

Become the imperceptible,

Become the nonduality,

Become the unborn,

Become the unspeakable,

Become the inconceivable,

Become the timeless,

Become the unknowable,

Become the indivisible,

Become the impartial,

Become the unequivocal,

Become the immaculate,

Become the indivisible,

Become the inexpressible,

Become the imperceptible,

Become the undying,

Become the unfathomable,

Become the solitude,

Become the indefinable,

Become the indelible,

Become the undeniable,

Become the intangible,

Become the everlasting,

Become the ineffable,

Become the mystery,


And you, will be You.


* * * *

What else is there to do, but play out the attributes of whatever seed You inhabit,

As best the givens of mind and body and spirit and circumstance,

Of time and geography and tribal persuasion, allow.


* * * *

Eternity’s kaleidoscope.

Eternity's lights how.

Eternity’s rainbow.

Eternity’s ecstasy.

Eternity’s agony.

Eternity’s chaos.

Eternity's grunge.

Eternity's mayhem.

Eternity’s starkness.

Eternity’s callousness.

Eternity’s irrationality.

Eternity’s rationality.

Eternity's absurdity.

Eternity’s madness.

Eternity's delusion.

Eternity's illusion.

Eternity’s clarity.

All of the above.

None of the above.


* * * *

Now can never be known.

Stillness can never be known.

Awareness can never be known.

Nothing can never be known.

Truth can never be known.

God can never be known.

You can never be known.


* * * *

All we are is crunchy-chewy-gooey with imagination.

A bubble of detachment is a good space to hang.

No need to suffer along with the mind-body.


* * * *

If it is fated for these way-too-many thoughts to be discovered, I would prefer it be after I am rootbound.

Have never sought the weight of power, the rattle of gold, or the bother of groupthink.

Scribing all this has peaceably filled a great deal of this existence.

A pleasant pastime, to be channel for this mystery.

Being rewarded for such a gift, is given its due, with a nod of a head.


* * * *

Space and time are such an indelibly surreal dreamtime-showtime.

A conspiracy of the sensory mind-body’s kaleidoscoping cosmos.

No story can ever begin to capture or own this ineffable mystery.


* * * *

Imagine your Self born anew.

Without history, knowing nothing.

Hearing the mystery for the first time.

Viewing the mystery for the first time.

Smelling the mystery for the first time.

Feeling the mystery for the first time.

Tasting the mystery for the first time.

Do it now, do it now, do it now.

Again and again and again.

Every single moment,

You possibly can.


* * * *

Space and time are such an indelibly surreal dreamtime-showtime.

A conspiracy of the sensory mind-body’s kaleidoscoping cosmos.

No story can ever begin to imprison or own this ineffable mystery.

This touchy-feely, three-dimensional play house, witnessed by You.


* * * *

The difference …


Between black and white,

Between day and night,

Between good and evil,

Between large and small,

Between life and death,

Between bitter and sweet,

Between sound and silence,

Between left and right,

Between kind and cruel,

Between full and empty,

Between hot and cold,

Between order and chaos,

Between love and hate,

Between right and wrong,

Between this and that,

Between near and far,

Between right and wrong,

Between in and out,

Between real and unreal,

Between fact and fiction,

Between thick and thin,

Between peace and war,

Between win and lose,

Between many and few,

Between tall and short,

Between narrow and wide,

Between loose and tight,

Between true and false,

Between yes and no,

Between truth and lie,

Between have and have not,

Between new and old,

Between pleasure and pain,

Between us and them,

Between awake and asleep,

Between sage and fool,

Between creator and creation,

Between you and You,


… is you.


* * * *

Un-imagine your perceptions.

Un-imagine your existence.

Un-imagine your persona.

Un-imagine your mind.

Un-imagine your body.

Un-imagine your name.

Un-imagine your gender.

Un-imagine your family.

Un-imagine your friends.

Un-imagine your romances.

Un-imagine your adversaries.

Un-imagine your knowledge.

Un-imagine your experience.

Un-imagine your sexuality.

Un-imagine your curiosity.

Un-imagine your eyes.

Un-imagine your ears.

Un-imagine your nose.

Un-imagine your tongue.

Un-imagine your sensations.

Un-imagine your stories.

Un-imagine your beliefs.

Un-imagine your values.

Un-imagine your dreams.

Un-imagine your hopes.

Un-imagine your desires.

Un-imagine your passions.

Un-imagine your affiliations.

Un-imagine your skills.

Un-imagine your successes.

Un-imagine your failures.

Un-imagine your interests.

Un-imagine your possessions.

Un-imagine your religion.

Un-imagine your politics.

Un-imagine your treasures.

Un-imagine your you.

Un-imagine your Self.

Un-imagine your moment.

Un-imagine your awareness.

Un-imagine your imagination.

Un-imagine your everything.


* * * *


You can only be as inwardly free, as genuinely free, as You timelessly decide to be.

To tranquilly witness, without emotional attachment, is the key.

There are no ifs, no ands, no buts, about it.

This right here, this right now, do it, be it, own it.


* * * *

Who-what-where-when-why-how is You?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is mystery?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is now?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is here?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is space?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is totality?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is time?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is existence?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is birth?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is death?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is awareness?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is consciousness?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is intelligence?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is imagination?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is identity?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is form?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is bondage?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is doubt?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is knowledge?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is enlightenment?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is emancipation?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is liberation?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is wisdom?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is mindfulness?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is eternity?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is reality?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is truth?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is That I Am?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is mystery?

Who-what-where-when-why-how is You?


Illusions, all.


* * * *

Where is aboard?

Where is about?

Where is above?

Where is across?

Where is after?

Where is against?

Where is along?

Where is aloft?

Where is alongside?

Where is amid?

Where is apropos?

Where is around?

Where is at?

Where is round?

Where is before?

Where is behind?

Where is below?

Where is beneath?

Where is beside?

Where is between?

Where is beyond?

Where is by?

Where is down?

Where is from?

Where is in?

Where is inside?

Where is like?

Where is near?

Where is off?

Where is on?

Where is outside?

Where is over?

Where is past?

Where is since?

Where is through?

Where is throughout?

Where is to?

Where is under?

Where is underneath?

Where is up?

Where is within?

Where is without?


* * * *

What was this pale blue dot like before electricity and oil,

Propelled so many human creations into an ever-accelerating exponential?

Before agriculture and industry and technology blew this dust ball down an endless rabbit hole,

From which we, and all our fellow earthlings, will only exit,

In ravaged, scarred, twisted, maligned form.

If we manage to survive at all.


* * * *

"It has to be something more," is an unprovable assertion.

To even declare "I Am" is an extremely questionable assertion.

And freedom, what is that, really, to the unborn-undying?


* * * *

How free do you really determined to be?

Only the dead are truly free.

Die now.


* * * *

Imagination imagines every variety of point and purpose.

The sentience, the awareness, the moment, is the point and purpose.

No validation, no confirmation, no benediction, is required.


* * * *

There is no existence in sentience.

There are no questions in sentience.

There are no problems in sentience.

There are no answers in sentience.

There are no deities in sentience.

There are no dogmas in sentience.

There is no identity in sentience.

There is no space in sentience.

There is no time in sentience.

There is no creation in sentience.

There is no preservation in sentience.

There is no destruction in sentience.

There is no imagination in sentience.

There is no anything in sentience.

There is naught but You in sentience.


* * * *

The world, the cosmos, the dreamtime,

You see, You hear, You taste, You smell, You feel,

Is but an ever-expanding frame of reference, You alone imagine.


* * * *

Stardust somehow morphed into existence,

And it could never more than speculate, how it all came to be.

But rather than be happy … rather than be content … at peace in agnostic grace …

… it argued … it struggled … it battled … over everything imaginable …

… in the forever more … that never ever enough … ever is …

… in monkey minds evolved of Darwinian fare …


* * * *

So many differences.

So many distractions.

So many people.

So many things.

So many books.

So many movies.

So many screens.

So many tribes.

So many languages.

So many words.

So many numbers.

So many definitions.

So many opinions.

So many religions.

So many politicians.

So many tourists.

So many stages.

So many colors.

So many shapes.

So many sizes.

So many tools.

So many gadgets.

So many sights.

So many sounds.

So many tastes.

So many smells.

So many textures.

So many dreams.

So many everything.

Staying focused, a challenge for all.


* * * *

The mind is like a hand.

It can be closed into a fist, ready to strike.

It can be open, ready to hold, ready to receive, ready to give.

The mind that is obtuse, misses opportunities, that only an astute one can grasp.


* * * *

This pale blue dot, but a tiny speck,

In the dust storm, wafting in a back porch sunroom,

In a small cottage, on another tiny, spinning speck, in its own universe.

And that universe, but a tiny speck, in yet another universe.

And on and on and on and on and on and on

Turtles up, and turtles down.



* * * *

Death makes all history absurdly irrelevant.

All tradition is the delusion of imagination.


* * * *

Between before and after, between then and when, between twixt and tween,

What can there be, but the timeless awareness, the single moment, all eternity is.


* * * *

Just You … very, very, very, exceedingly very, much alone.

Witnessing Your version of a universe, that has never existed as more than a dreamtime pipedream.

Poof! and Bam! and Snap Your Fingers! … All rolled up in One.

* * * *

How long can a species expect to survive, how long can a species hope to survive,

When it seems to believe, when it behaves as if, it is not at all connected to its original nature,

Is an ongoing question, an ongoing experiment, an ongoing saga, an ongoing beyond-all-pales absurdity,

Through which the human paradigm is barreling, and only the barest sigh of brakes squealing.


* * * *

What can a child or imbecile know of history or physics or music or art or war or deprivation?

Not all can know the many gifts and horrors that imagination has wrought,

As it steadfastly works its way toward extinction.


* * * *

Where else is there to be content, but this very moment.

This very right here, this very right now, this very breath.


* * * *

For detachment to be woven into every breath, into every step, requires a quiet mind.

A mind that is not caught up in the tempest of the mundane, illusory world.

Not an easy thing to wander aloof, to be in the world but not of it.

Especially once one has morphed onto long and winding road less travelled.

Especially once one, armed only with doubt, has taken on questions that have no answer.


* * * *

Embrace dreamtime.

Embrace narcissism.

Embrace hedonism.

Embrace genius.

Embrace idiocy.

Embrace futility.

Embrace winners.

Embrace losers.

Embrace power.

Embrace fame.

Embrace fortune.

Embrace rationality.

Embrace absurdity.

Embrace joy.

Embrace pain.

Embrace envy.

Embrace passion.

Embrace love.

Embrace hate.

Embrace jealousy.

Embrace tolerance.

Embrace intolerance.

Embrace sorrow.

Embrace good.

Embrace evil.

Embrace greed.

Embrace charity.

Embrace dullness.

Embrace liveliness.

Embrace tedium.

Embrace harmony.

Embrace discord.

Embrace life.

Embrace death.

Embrace creation.

Embrace preservation.

Embrace destruction.

Embrace awareness.

Embrace oblivion.

Embrace everything.

Embrace nothing.

You are all of it.

You are none of it.


* * * *

Unplugging from one’s nature-nurture, from the encoding You play out, is impossible.

Stepping back a bit to get an expansive stance, is about all anyone can manage,

Unless they are truly geared to kick the bucket, figuratively or literally.

Be content that you have woken in whatever manner you have.

Stressing to become what You already are, and are not,

Is a tad ironical, is a bit paradoxical, is it not?

Simply being the timeless moment,

While You hash it all out,

Is surely enough.


* * * *

Would You exist, without imagination, imagining it so?


* * * *

What will this pale blue dot be like after you are dead and dust?

More than very probable, pretty much exactly the same.

Except for the very few who actually miss you.

And then, someday, they will poof out, too.

But for imagination, it is all exceedingly anonymous.

What is any dreamtime, but a momentary twinkle in God’s eye.

So, the quest of existence, for those bent to inquiry, is to become God’s eye.


* * * *

Happiness (a.k.a., the avoidance of sadness and misery and grief and despair), is an endorphin puzzler.

Whether or not, mind-body chemistry can be consciously manipulated, is a life-skill matter.

A moment-to-moment discipline, basically dependent upon attention to attitude.

Which, at times, may compel an indecent iota of self-deception.

The mastering of detachment is paramount.

Mindful breathing is a mainstay element, as well.


* * * *

Nine Yogic Breathing Practices

for Mind-Body Balance and Healing


Himalayan Yoga Institute


Breathing is the very essence of life and the first thing we do when we enter this world and the last thing when we depart. In between, our bodies absorb roughly half a billion breaths.


Apart from sustaining life, the mind, body and breath are so intimately connected that they deeply influence each other. The way we breathe is influenced by our state of mind, and in turn our thoughts and physiology can be influenced by our breathing. Deep breathing practices advocated in advanced yoga training can have a positive impact on our physiology, both body and mind.


For thousands of years, Yoga and Ayurveda have employed breathing techniques (pranayama) to maintain, balance and restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It results in several physiological benefits, achieved through the control of respiration.


The benefits of a regulated practice of simple, deep yogic breathing include:


Muscle Relaxation

Increase in energy levels

Reduced anxiety, depression and stress

Lower/stabilized blood pressure


Regulating your Breath – The Yoga Way


The most simple breathing exercise for calming both the nervous system and the overworked mind is a timed way of breathing where the exhalation is longer than the inhalation. This reduces the tone of your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) while activating your parasympathetic nervous system (the rest, relax, and digest response). Breathing in this way for at least five minutes will bring about a difference in your overall mood. Anyone can do this exercise without having to consult a teacher.


Pranayama Techniques


In addition to the practice of simple deep breathing, ancient yogis have detailed different types of rhythmic deep breathing techniques that can have differing effects on the mind and body. Each of these breathing techniques has specific effects on the mind-body continuum.


Please keep in mind that you should learn the following breathing techniques from a qualified teacher who will also be able to guide you when to practice, how many times and over what period of time. In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, one of the oldest texts on Hatha yoga, it is said that: “All diseases are eradicated by the proper practice of pranayama. All diseases can arise through improper practice. The lungs heart and nerves are normally strong and gain strength with regulated and suitable pranayama, but weakened with improper practice. By wrong and excessive practice one’s mental quirks and even nervous tics could become exaggerated. Every practice should be treated with respect and caution. Hence guidance is to be sought.


The Yoga Chudamani Upanishad states: “Just as the lion, elephant and tiger are brought under control slowly and steadily, similarly the PRANA should be controlled, otherwise it becomes destructive to the practitioner.


Nadi Shodhana or Alternate Nostril Breathing


A yogic practice that immediately helps you to feel calmer whenever you are feeling anxious or agitated.


Inhale deeply through your left nostril while holding your right nostril closed with your right thumb. At its culmination, switch nostrils by closing off your left nostril and continuing to exhale smoothly through your right nostril. After exhaling fully, proceed to inhale through the right nostril, again closing it off at the peak of your inhalation. Lift your finger off the left nostril and exhale fully. Continue alternating your breathing through each nostril and practice for 3 to 5 minutes. Ensure that your breathing is effortless, and your mind gently focusing on the inflow and outflow of breath. The above description is a beginner’s version of alternate nostril breathing. More advanced versions include regulated breathing on a certain count for inhalation and exhalation as well as breath retention. The Rajadhiraja system of pranayama is a highly advanced practice, which combines alternate nostril breathing with focus on a certain chakra while repeating a mantra. It is only taught individually, hence for those interested to learn more please email us.


Ujjayi or Ocean’s Breath


A cooling pranayama that can help soothe and settle your mind when you feel irritated, frustrated or angry.


Inhale slightly deeper than normal. Exhale through your nose with your mouth closed and constricting your throat muscles. If done correctly, this should sound like waves on the ocean. You can also try this practice by exhaling with your mouth open and making the sound “haaaaah”. Try to make a similar sound with your mouth closed, with the outflow of air through your nasal passages. With some practice, you should then use the same method while inhaling, gently constricting your throat as you inhale. Even though Ujjayi can be practiced once in a while as described above, daily Ujjayi must be prescribed by a teacher, and is given when the Sushumna nadii is sufficiently cleared, hence the need to practice under the guidance of a teacher. It is calming, but has a heating effect, stimulating the process of oxidation. It is contraindicated for low blood pressure.


The Pranayama techniques of deep breathing listed above are geared to improving the levels of energy in the body. Through regular practice, you will soon start to breathe more effectively without making any conscious effort.


Shiitali Kumbhaka or the cooling breath


Fold your tongue lengthwise and inhale deeply through the fold. Close your mouth, hold the breath on a count of eight and then exhale through the nose. Continue for a eight breaths, sustain for a maximum of eight minutes. Thereafter you massage the diseased are of the body (as prescribed in yoga therapy). Benefits of this method include reduced pitta (heat) in the regions of head, neck, and upper digestive tract. It is contraindicated in case of asthma, bronchitis and chronic constipation.


Siitkari Kumbhaka or the hissing breath


This practice has the same basic effects as the shiitali method. Inhale through the nose, hold your breath for eight seconds and exhale through the mouth, while resting your teeth on your tongue and producing the sound s-s-s with your tongue. In addition to reduced pitta, benefits include purification of the senses. The contraindications are the same as for shiitali.


The practice of Shiitali and Siitkari are to be avoided for a period of one hour before and after the practice of pranayama connected with one’s meditation. In general it is best to only practice one pranayama technique at a time.


Brahmari or the humming breath


The inhalation is similar to the ujjayi (detailed above) and during exhalation one has to hum like a bee. The humming results in a resonating vibration in the head and heart. Proceed to take ten deep breaths in this manner and then another ten deep Brahmari breaths while closing both ears during the exhale process. This helps to notably enhance the resonance effect and resultant benefits. This method helps in balancing vata (circulation or flow) in addition to subtly enhancing awareness, both mental and emotional. Additionally, it may be practiced together with yoni mudra (as taught by a teacher). Never practice this method while lying on your back. It has to be practiced while sitting in upright position.


Bhastrika or the bellows breath


A word of caution: This exercise must only be performed under supervision. Close the right nostril and inhale twenty rapid bellows-like breaths through the left nostril. Repeat with twenty more bellows breaths through the right nostril while keeping the left nostril closed. Proceed to take twenty bellows breaths through both nostrils. This method helps draw prana (the life force) into the body and mind, thus clearing out mental, emotional and physical blocks.


Surya Bhedana or the solar breath


Similar to the Nadi Shodhana, inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left. Repeat this for a minimum of six breaths and a maximum of ten minutes. Benefits include heating and warming breaths that help balance vata in the body. It is contraindicated in case of heart disease, hypertension, epilepsy, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer and acidity.


Chandra Bhedana or the lunar breath


Inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right for a minimum of six breaths and sustain for a maximum of ten minutes. This cooling breath process helps reduce pitta. It should not be practiced by people who suffer from depression, who have mental disturbances, excess mucus and a sluggish digestion.


Active Yogic Breathing


Practice long, slow and deep breaths in and out through the nose as you walk at a moderate pace. Try to extend your inhalations and exhalations as you walk. Keep the count of steps during each full inhale and exhale. Aim to take ten steps or more for each inhale and exhale. This method works to combine the calming effect of breathing with an active lifestyle.


The process of thinking and emotions are both voluntary and involuntary as is the act of respiration. Pranayama (control of the vital life force) can be achieved through the control of the respiration process. Advanced yogic breathing practices bring benefits to the various systems of the body, by improving circulation and thus enhancing the performance of the various organs.


* * * *

Earth Translated










כַּדוּר הָאָרֶץ

Lub ntiaj teb








Papa whenua















* * * *

Koyaanisqatsi … Powaqqatsi … Naqoyqatsi


This whirling, pale blue dot, at war – creating, preserving, destroying – every indivisible moment.

A wondrous, magical garden, so bountiful, and yet, so much discontent, so little wisdom.

Eternity, so easily bypassed, by the many, who neither see nor hear nor question.

Instead, they choose … life out of balance … parasitic way of life … life in transition …

… civilized violence … a life of killing each other … crazy life … life in turmoil … life disintegrating …

A state of life that calls for another way of living.


* * * *

The Third Dot


Mother Earth

Garden of Eden

Pale blue dot

Planet of the Apes

Spinning orb


Blue marble

Terra firma

Planet Earth

Whirling globe

Dust ball

Third planet

Twirling sphere

Home world



* * * *

Is it really any wonder that we have painted ourselves into a corner of our own making?

The deities on high, and the aliens wandering in our midst, must surely be shaking their heads,

As they place their bets in the Bellagio of the Fates, on how the dystopian calamity will all go down.


* * * *

All we really are is living substance.

Quantum blobs of crunchy-chewy-gooey protoplasm.

Equipped with mask, hands and feet, hair and nails, lungs and larynx.

A cosmos built by eyes and ears and skin and nose and mouth.

And a brain, programmed, hardwired for imagination.

Impromptu Shakespearian theater dreamtime.

Illusional-delusional from the get-go.


* * * *

Meditation is simply observing the mind so astutely,

That You clearly see nothing is there but imaginary notion.

That You are utterly alone, witnessing the eternal mystery, You are.

Indivisible, immeasurable, unfathomable, unborn, undying, ineffable, absolute.


* * * *

Love is a word, a sound, an articulation, a metaphor, a vibration, an electrochemical reaction,

That whooshes through the ductless glands and viscera of the given mind-body,

In such a way, as to make true believers, truly believe, the promise,

The potential, the delusion, the tall tale, oh so, so true.

Alas, that it is truly nothing more than naturally-selected endorphins,

That aided and abetted the propagation, the survival, the domestication, of the species.


* * * *

In a dualistic cosmos, there is good and evil.

There every continuum between any given this and that.

In a nondualistic, sensible, reasoned, rational, scientific dreamtime,

There are merely explicable nature-nurture outcomes.

Magical thinking or objective inquiry?

As always, You decide.


* * * *

We would laugh loud at rats in suits and pigs in lipstick and goats in dresses.

But we do, indeed, take our own narcissisms, our own hedonisms,

Our own ironies, our own paradoxes, oh so seriously.

So much of everything; so little wisdom.


* * * *

Imagine, a space, a time, where there is not even one graven image to imagination’s immortal delusions.

Where simple, austere, earnest, placid, mindful folk, wander about their business, quietly content.

How is it that our kind has so squandered its way down the rabbit hole of consciousness?

How is it we have embraced the narcissisms and the hedonism, to such a degree,

As to be on the verge of extinction, in this immaculate, magical garden?

How is it, that more – power, fame, fortune – is never enough?

How is it, so few are serenely, quietly abiding, in the eternal moment?


* * * *

… How have You never been? … How will You never be? …

… Who have You never been? … Who will You never be? …

… What have You never been? … What will You never be? …

… When have You never been? … When will You never be? …

… Where have You never been? … Where will You never be? …

… Why have You never been? … Why will You never be? …


* * * *

If You are inattentive to your breathing,

Bet that imagination has You in its clutches once again.

Probably for the umpteenth moment that day,

And more than likely this one, too.


* * * *

With or without any given mind’s attention,

The moment is ever the same nowness, ever the same stillness.

All sensory inputs – vision, sound, taste, smell, touch – that imply space and time,

Are the illusion of a dreamtime born of an ineffable mystery.


* * * *

Every awakening is its own mind.

Every awakening is its own dream.

Every awakening is its own story.

Every awakening is its own time.

Every awakening is its own space.

Every awakening is its own pattern.

Every awakening is its own frame.

Every awakening is its own stage.

Every awakening is its own tempo.

Every awakening is its own blend.

Every awakening is its own values.

Every awakening is its own fluency.

Every awakening is its own dark.

Every awakening is its own gray.

Every awakening is its own light.

Every awakening is its own display.

Every awakening is its own muddle.

Every awakening is its own mania.

Every awakening is its own agony.

Every awakening is its own ecstasy.

Every awakening is its own clarity.

Every awakening is its own logic.

Every awakening is its own merit.

Every awakening is its own lucidity.

Every awakening is its own menagerie.

Every awakening is its own beginning.

Every awakening is its own process.

Every awakening is its own end.


No two alike.


* * * *

If there truly was free will,

You could wake up an old Chinese woman,

Speaking Mandarin, smoking cigarettes out in the rice fields.

And real as this dreamtime seems, we well know the odds of that are nil to none.

Unless you are that old Chinese woman, speaking Mandarin,

Smoking cigarettes out in the rice fields.


* * * *

What we call time, with all our sundials and clocks and calendars and whatever else,

Is merely the measurement of our little dust ball’s kaleidoscoping orbit,

Around a kaleidoscoping sphere of fire and brimstone,

All trapsing through the same moment,

That eternity is, has always been, will ever be.


* * * *

And we, the dust of stars,

Come unto existence,

Come unto sentience,

Come unto awareness,

Come unto consciousness,

Come unto imagination,

Come unto alertness,

Come unto cognizance,

Come unto vision,

Come unto judgment,

Come unto shrewdness,

Come unto resourcefulness,

Come unto sensitivity,

Come unto empathy,

Come unto mobility,

Come unto creativity,

Come unto inspiration,

Come unto perception,

Come unto ingenuity,

Come unto knowledge,

Come unto lightness,

Come unto darkness,

Come unto wakefulness,

Come unto discernment,

Come unto understanding,

Come unto realization,

Come unto mindfulness.


We, the dust of stars,

Are witness to the mystery of it,

For as long as this théâtre absurde deigns it so.


* * * *

Through evolution, humankind gradually relinquished its sovereign sentience to imagination.

All belief systems are one imaginary concoction or another, none in any way-shape-form real.

What point being engaged, being governed, being waylaid, by whims fueled by such foolery?

All the vanities – power, renown, fortune – are but instincts given over to the falseness of self.

Through ceaseless narcissism and hedonism, we exiled our kind from nature, from the garden.

There is no return to the natural order, but through the exorcism of the invasive fallaciousness.

It is an undertaking for which only the rarest of the rare are suited, ergo the sprint to oblivion.


* * * *

All that is, all that is not, That is God.

Anything less is the idolatry of narcissism.

It has no face, it has no name. it has no creed.

It has no need for any inventions of consciousness.

All forms, all dreams, are but temporal drops,

In the ocean of its interminable infinity.


* * * *

Some will perhaps survive after The Great Fall,

But their world will be in the dystopian wreckage,

Erected by imagination’s woefully voracious theatrics.

And there is no one to impugn, to condemn, but ourselves.

All the deities we have imagined, played no part, whatsoever.

And yet all the true believers will continue to pray for forgiveness,

To whatever deities our flawed time has bequeathed them,

And likely many more, they on their own conjure.

The algorithm will not allow otherwise.


* * * *

For consciousness to let go of the world, the universe it has created,

Requires a detachment born of insight towards which few minds have inclination.

The craving for more, the greediness for more, must have quenched itself upon its own weariness.

So saturated that it seeks naught but that emptiness, that silence, that oblivion,

From which its ineffable, indelible mystery is sustained.


* * * *

Natural selection has taken our kind,

Down a rockier and rockier blind alley,

From which the only upshot is extinction.

We might make effort to change tack,

But that would deprive us our fun.


* * * *

Only the eyes give You sights.

Only the ears give You sounds.

Only the nose gives You smells.

Only the tongue gives You tastes.

Only the flesh gives You sensations.

Only the mind-body gives You a cosmos.

Take away one or more, that cosmos diminishes.

Add one or more, and what would that universe become?

What perceptions this mystery capable of rendering,

Is left to the limits of imagination’s imagination.


* * * *

What is any seeker but the hunter of countless mysteries unknown and unknowable.

The most elemental-fundamental-essential common denominator is the primordial spirit.

Wisdom is distillation of experience; sympathy and empathy, among its chief fermenting agents.


* * * *

Regarding titles in this opus,

There is the ‘me’ voice, and there is the ‘Me’ voice.

Leftovers and Soundbites are the ‘Me’ and ‘My Self’ and ‘I’ rabbit dens.

Breadcrumbs lurk in the imaginary, more-likely-illusionary ‘me-and-myself-and-I’ wormhole.

It is a most challenging thing to walkabout this mortal quantum dreamtime,

And not be drawn willy-nilly into its distracting nature,

Same as all the other dreamers.


* * * *

Your cosmos will expand as far as you, or You,

Are able to see and hear and taste and touch and feel and think,

Until death beckons, and all adjourn into the oblivion prior to all cosmic claims.


* * * *

There is likely something somewhere herein, for just about everyone.

This mystic wandering opus is not bound by the boundlessness of Eternity.

This mind’s penchant for living and dying, wanders easily afield in every manner.

“The dark side ain’t dark to me,” is a first and foremost go-to meme for this waggish mind.


* * * *

Quantum mystery.

Quantum eternity.

Quantum matrix.

Quantum ineffable.

Quantum immaculate.

Quantum dream.

Quantum hologram.

Quantum dance.

Quantum timeless.

Quantum dust.

Quantum inexplicable.

Quantum indelible.

Quantum unknowable.

Quantum absolute.

Quantum supreme.

Quantum oblivion.

Quantum infinitesimal.

Quantum duplicity.

Quantum reverie.

Quantum kaleidoscope.

Quantum infinity.

Quantum immutable.

Quantum immeasurable.

Quantum esoteric.

Quantum immensity.

Quantum unchanging.

Quantum indivisible.

Quantum majesty.

Quantum perpetual.

Quantum theater.

Quantum awakening.

Quantum ageless.

Quantum formless.

Quantum immortal.

Quantum witness.

Quantum unborn.

Quantum undying.

Quantum omnipresent.

Quantum omniscient.

Quantum omnipotent.

Quantum everything.

Quantum nothing.


* * * *

How you and your tribal cohort may have done something before,

Does not one smidgeon of an iota matter, if the sought option no longer exists.

U.S. Marines have a mantra for such obstacled moments: improvise, adapt, and overcome.

Gumption and grit are fundamental determinants of any given destiny.

Their conscious cultivation is paramount.


* * * *

Someday, when the internet and all the technology crashes and burns,

As it must inevitably, for any of many unrhymed reasons,

Its epoch of history will be a black hole.

If anybody cares to even bother about it by then.


* * * *

Every breath, an opportunity to awaken.

To be reborn, to reincarnate,

Yet again.

Whatever the facade.


* * * *

What the senses, a dollop of gravity, and a little light, hath created.

Guaranteed, your cosmos does not care one iota what You think or do.


* * * *

You have been taught by your given culture, by your given educational system,

To ponder on the world, to ponder on the universe, to ponder on anything, everything.

And it is hard to surrender, the always curious, always inquiring, always problem-solving mind.

Learning to sit, learning to walk, to work, to play, to endure, with a calm mind, is a practice, a discipline,

For which schooled, coached, drilled, trained, habituated, disciplined, conditioned minds,

Are not, without great resolve, great grit, great gumption, easily suited.


* * * *

The trick is to not become a target; to avoid dark places,

And look any and all directions before entering any pathway.


* * * *

A derogatory word or quip means nothing to the truth.

A derogatory word or quip does nothing to transform the truth.

A derogatory word or quip does little more than sow vanity and division.


* * * *

Eight billion two-leggeds, seven of them in the last two hundred-ish years.

What electricity and oil and a beyond-all-pales predilection for tool-making hath wrought.

A world totally flummoxed, by all the vanity and greed, and interminable absurdity.

There is no happy ending to this self-absorbed, planet-of-the-apes narration.


* * * *

Humankind is just a blip in world history, in cosmic history.

So many issues are icebergs in the vast indifference through which we course.

Climate change, extinction, pollution, resource depletion, over-population, economic collapse.

Plus the possibility of a nuclear exchange, and resulting technological collapse,

Could well make this absurdity asylum seem very large again,

Far sooner than most would ever choose.


* * * *

Where, exactly, is this … “Me" … ”Myself” … “I” …

That you have so intently, absorbedly, diligently, thoroughly, meticulously, painstakingly,

Spent your entire crunchy-chewy-gooey existence imagining?


* * * *

The human paradigm has long since become a friggin' insane-beyond-all-insanes asylum.

The engineers and all their minions have enticed us down a dead-end road.

How happy, how content I am, to be almost done with it.


* * * *

Best to watch your present times with as much detachment as can be mustered.

There are not too many windows in history that are not packed with absurdity and bullshit.

Democracy has been an interesting experiment, but it, like everything else,

Is doomed to drift, to fade, into obscurity, sooner or later.

You do not have to let it wear you down.


* * * *

Is ethics, and all the righteousness and morality, that has ever been bandied across the world

 – All the lists of virtues and vices and rights and wrongs, and judgments of every sort of imagined deity –

Really anything more, than what all the lesser apes milling about in windswept forums,

Have over and over come up with, to make themselves feel better,

About having little or no say who rules the jungle,

Who gets the biggest pile of gold.

Might makes right,

And weakness wags its finger.


* * * *

How calloused and self-serving, those who come along well after,

And demean or alter or trample, the handiworks of others,

Who gave full measure to their inspired creation.


* * * *

It is ever the same moment; You just move through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just imagine through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just exist through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just participate through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just dream through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just omniscient through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just perceive through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just passion through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just visualize through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just ponder through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just engage through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just omnipresent through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just unborn through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just undying through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just omnipotent through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just create through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just preserve through it.

It is ever the same moment; You just destroy through it.


* * * *

What – about the unborn-undying, spaceless, timeless, indelible, ineffable abyss – can ever be known?

You, all alone – in a cosmos, a world, a form, a mind, a space, a time, a dream – but never of it.

Mind can be a torture chamber, or a joyful celebration; every moment its own imaginary revelation.

An immaculate conception, witnessed through the all-seeing, unborn-undying, eye of awareness.

How can it all go on and on and on, but through the illusions-delusions-absurdities, of vanity and avarice?

A good full breath, contains all the detachment that is needed, to offset the illusionary quantum matrix.

To see it, to be it, to the unborn-undying of the essential beingness, is the every-moment challenge.

The quantum matrix is an ineffable mystery to its common denominator, the one and only nothing.

No matter how you label, how you quantify, how you interpret the stardust, it is always the same illusion.

Everyone has a cadence, a drumbeat, a heartbeat, to which they diligently march out their destinies.

All differences attain the same grave, all stories are but imaginary tales, be and allow is the highest law.

There is no end, to the myriad ways and means consciousness can cut the pie, it has in imagination baked.

Hero or villain or nonentity, everyone has a story, in this quantum stardust dreamtime of consciousness.

How many truth-seekers are there, really, who will not settle for one lie or another along their journey?

The eternal moment, the eternal awareness, the eternal You, is free and clear of any-and-all trespass.

When the edifice of the illusional-delusional mind-body collapses, the You, You are, is all that remains.

Streaming on and on; eternally connected in that ever-and-ever-forever kind of indivisible way.

The world, the universe, and all that it has set into motion, only exists, because You imagine it so.

It all being indelibly, ineffably indivisible, how can there be more than one moment for all eternity?

All personal deities are nothing more than projections that exist only in the neuron trails of imagination.

You came, You saw, You listened, You tasted, You smelled, You touched, You pondered, You departed.

The infinity of momentary awareness, peering out in every way, into that which is both part and whole.

The human paradigm, the human story, from beginning to end, is all just the poof of imagination.

It is all awareness, in which neither space nor time can achieve more than ephemeral appearance.

You are the infinite, timeless, ineffable moment, stretching across all creation; there is no other.

Wisdom is distillation of experience; sympathy and empathy, among its chief fermenting agents.

Mind is creation, mind is preservation, mind is destruction, mind is everything, mind is nothing.

Imagination is the Great Jester; always waiting in the wings, for inattention to teleport it centerstage.

The embers of memory are always ready and waiting, to be fired up in the furnace of imagination.

Is it real hunger, or just the insatiable quantum mind, choosing between different sensations?

Imagination is always out and about, on the march, on the hunt, questing one thing or another.

As magnificent as it imagines itself to be, imagination is but a mortal player, destined for obscurity.

Why seek forgiveness from any imaginary other, when forgiving your Self is more than enough.

The mind evolved as a problem-solver, and when, without problems, endlessly concocts its own.

His story, her story, its story, my story, your story, their story, our story, the story, a story, all stories.

It is less about what you are doing, than the state, the quality of awareness, in which it is happening.

The moment is absolutely unseeable, unhearable, untastable, unsmellable, untouchable, unanythingable.

Mother Earth, Gaia, is just another spinning particle of dust, in the eternal vastness of your imagination.

Every sentient life form has its own version of a world, of a universe; none the same, all the same.

A quantum matrix, permeated by awareness; consciousness really nothing more than distracting noise.

Imagination concocts every sort of absurdity; none of which have any reality in the moment, whatsoever.

You are but a drop of indivisible awareness, in the immeasurable ocean, of this ineffable mystery.

All the knowledge humankind has ever imagined, is but an infinitesimally tiny speck of the unknown.

There is no groupthink, there is no dogma, there is no priesthood, there is only momentary awareness.

What is any seeker, any quester, but the hunter of countless mysteries unknown and unknowable.

Pretty darned tough for imagination, in its never-ending swirl of space-time, to do anything the same.

What is imagined, can be unimagined; the ever-present moment has a way of forgetting everything.

Scientific Method is the most rational, precise way, to examine this mystery, but it is far from infallible.

Cease trying to hold onto everything, cling to everything, recall everything, and, voila, here-now You are.

Religion is all about imagination’s interminable delusion, that it is something more, than it can ever be.

The quantum mind is a doorway, an entrée to eternity, but you must surrender to your Self to wallow in it.

Do you enter the abyss, or merely realize it is the presence You are, have always been, will ever be.

It all being a phantasmic quantum illusion, your entire existence has been spent talking to your Self.

Yet another moment of extemporaneous Shakespearian théâtre absurde, playing out across all creation.

So many are so adept at examining the illusion in every way, but at some point, what is the point?

Just You – very, very, very, exceedingly very, much alone – witnessing Your version of a cosmos.

Creators generally move on to the next creation well before any applause for the last handiwork.

That God knows who-what-where-when-why-how all this is happening, is an unprovable assumption.

Any paradigm founded and funded by imagination, only has the reality imagination bequeaths it.

The unifying principal is supercalifragilisticexpialidociously simple … It is all one … ‘Nuff said.

Are you really anything more than an in and out of an ocean of air in the kaleidoscoping moment?

How can you ever be late, or in the wrong place, when here now, is the only time and place there is to be.

No matter – how big, how mighty, how prosperous, how renowned – they get, all religions are cults.

If you cannot control your willy-nilly imaginary mind, at least do the favor of not inflicting it on others.

Regarding counting moments, hard to tag a thing that cannot be seen or heard, and does not shuffle about.

The God, so many in imagination project, is really formed and adorned, with their own narcissistic vanity.

Odds are, even that which we call God, by oh-so-many names, does not know how it all came to be.

How seriously we take our imaginary selves, and our relatively brief, narcissistic-hedonistic dreamtimes.

Sacks of genetic material – permeated, pervaded, infused, saturated, soaked – in imagination’s matrix.

The agony of it all creates so many wounds, so many scars, so many tears; why do we do it to ourselves?

The ego mind is but a veil, through which the eye of awareness You are, peers; detached, immortal.

Ultimate truth cannot be usurped by the – brittle swords, false shields, broken chariots – of ignorance.

Unmasking your delusions, is a process not unakin to that of a chick, pecking its way out of its prison.

What combination of any words of wisdom, in what moment, will unlock and unleash your cosmic Self?

How easy to imagine your book the greatest story ever told, when it is the only one you have ever read.

The blade of discernment has a razor’s edge, that only the very wise, have the wit with which to whittle.

Whether it is called good or evil, there are many reasons, why the road less traveled, is less traveled.

Those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak, the ineffable timeless silence stills tongues.


* * * *

Does it really matter how it all started?

Does any story or equation or theory really mean anything?

Is it really worth degrading or enslaving or torturing or destroying so many others,

Just because they are of different cultures, and have different guises, different narratives, different values.

What is it about our Darwinian naturally-selected-nature-nurtured genomic sequencing,

That has so many of our kind, disliking so many differences?


* * * *

The superstitious mind.

The notional mind.

The selfish mind.

The ignorant mind.

The delusional mind.

The contemptuous mind.

The deranged mind.

The irrational mind.

The speculative mind.

The magical mind.

The avaricious mind.

The hateful mind.

The judgmental mind.

The foolish mind.

The covetous mind.

The contemplative mind.

The meditational mind.

The intelligent mind.

The discerning mind.

The purposeful mind.

The meaningful mind.

The generous mind.

The rational mind.

The generous mind.

The loving mind.

The quantum mind.

The omniscient mind.

The omnipotent mind.

The omnipresent mind.


Which is it?

Which is it not?


* * * *

The crunchy-chewy-gooey mind-body, is the one-and-only time machine,

This, or any other quantum-matrix dream-world, will ever know.

And every single planet-of-the-apes two-legged,

Its own very imaginary, kaleidoscoping, timeless timeline.


* * * *

In the immensity of this quantum matrix, of this ineffable mystery,

It is not inconceivable, that there are countless other dimensions,

Filled with aliens of every scale and caliber, every tint and hue.

The electromagnetic spectrum generating in incalculable ways.

All playing their versions of eternity, right alongside this one.

Our entire cosmos, that seems to us, so incalculably infinite,

Could well be a drifting particle of dust in some rickety attic.

Or theirs, a floating speck in the corner of your watery left eye.


* * * *

Without skin, what could you feel?

Without eyes, what could you see?

Without ears, what could you hear?

Without nose, what could you smell?

Without tongue, what could you taste?

Without mind, what could you imagine?

Without each functioning simultaneously,

Who would your dreamtime universe be?

What would your dreamtime universe be?

When would your dreamtime universe be?

Where would your dreamtime universe be?

How would your dreamtime universe be?

Why would your dreamtime universe be?


* * * *

What is all this knowledge that we imagine we know?

What are all these memories, to which we all cling?

They have credence in the manifest world we occupy,

But in the great totality, they are absolutely meaningless.

To discover that which is real, requires a deep steadfastness,

To which few have the interest or capacity, the spirit to explore.

The temporal world is too alluring for most souls to inquire deeply.

And thus, the mind-made biosphere wags on, towards its destined finale.


* * * *

The most candid, most sincere, most authentic answer, as to why have I bothered to scribe this opus,

Is the lucidity, the detachment, the hubris, the absurdity, of this nature-nurtured mind’s quixotic meander.

It is the reckoning, the revelation, of a happenstance-happenchance-contemplative-meditative amble.

It is the nothing-more-nothing-less, of this mind’s imaginary perception of an ineffable mystery.


* * * *

Any paradigm founded and funded by imagination, only has the reality imagination bequeaths it.

The quantum matrix is ineffable to its common denominator, the one and only nothing,

And how do you hold on to nothing, when there is nothing to hold on to?


* * * *

It is only through the magic of imagination,

That the ineffable nothing materializes into the illusion-delusion of something,

For as long as imagination manages to wield it so.


* * * *

The miasma of consciousness, the miasma of imagination.

The miasma of everything having to do with the world.

The miasma of everything having to do with the ineffable universe.

The miasma of everything having to do with any imaginary perception, whatsoever.

How can it all go on and on and on, but through the illusions-delusions-absurdities, of vanity and avarice?


* * * *

God Translated










































* * * *

The unifying principal is supercalifragilisticexpialidociously, beyond-all-doubts, so simple.

No need to do the math, or scribe any forum dissertations, or follow any charismatic middlemen.


It is all one.




Mind can be a torture chamber, or a joyful celebration; every moment its own imaginary revelation.

An immaculate conception, witnessed through the all-seeing, unborn-undying, eye of awareness.

A good full breath, contains all the detachment that is needed, to offset the illusionary matrix.

To see truth, to be truth, to the heart of your essential beingness, is the every-moment challenge.


… breathe it in … breathe it out … breathe it in … breathe it out … breathe it in … breathe it out …


‘Nuff said.


* * * *

Where is the soul in imagination?

Where is the soul in awareness?

Where is the soul in anything?

Who came up with such an idea?

Who came up with such an absurdity?


* * * *

Superstition is the fallacy, the delusion, the perversity, to which many an irrational mind clings.

For the paradigm to overcome its irrational limits, would require a cleansing of genocidal proportion.


* * * *

The unifying principal is supercalifragilisticexpialidociously, beyond-all-doubts, so simple.

No need to do the math, or write any forum dissertations, or follow any charismatic middlemen.


It is all one.



Breathe it in, breathe it out.


‘Nuff said.


* * * *

What kind of death is required to be truly liberated from illusion?

To die to your self, you must kill your self.

Figuratively, of course.

For most, it takes some mulling.


This counsel from Hagakure in The Way of the Samurai pertains:


The Way of the Samurai is found in death.


Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily.


Every day when one's body and mind are at peace,

one should meditate upon being ripped apart by arrows, rifles, spears, and swords,

being carried away by surging waves,

being thrown into the midst of a great fire,

being struck by lightning,

being shaken to death by a great earthquake,

falling from thousand-foot cliffs,

dying of disease,

or committing seppuku at the death of one's master.


And every day without fail one should consider himself as dead.


This is the substance of the Way of the Samurai.


Sally forth, Brave Knight.

Best wishes for a good death.


* * * *

Ethics can be a great pastime, a great distraction, to the forum sorts.

But be mindful getting wedged in the dilettante cluster, if the truth of this ineffable mystery beckons.

The earnest seeker wanders, explores, ponders, leaving no stone unturned.

Ethics plays but a sideshow in the quest.


* * * *

Being the moment is a state of mind,

Given over to the clear awareness of the no-mind.

Given over to the unborn-undying, ineffable eternity, everything is.


* * * *

Guaranteed, this world does not care one iota what you think or do.

Keep the mind humble if you seek an anonymous existence.

Wander the mountain until you become the mountain.


* * * *

Whatever your genius, if any, may be, may be admirable, even noteworthy,

But that does not guarantee, in any way, that you will be admired, or even perceived.

You may well be fated, destined, kismet, ordained, to play it out unknown and alone, like it or no.

And someday, die in your well-worn chair, your body rotting for several weeks,

Before the next-door neighbor finally notices the stench.


* * * *

A Text to Bruce


America invited the world's masses, and they have arrived.

That is rough on the losers, rough on the haters, and Trump became their führer.

My prevailing who-gives-a-fuck-where's-the-popcorn line: So it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

It is all ultimately just another epoch in history's the-horror-the-horror-planet-of-the-apes stagecraft.

You and I have lived in the most incredible window of history this world has ever experienced.

Tough for all the kids in the day care centers and playgrounds who are going to pay for it.

Seven billion people and a changing climate in a little over 200 years – Hope is dead.


(Bruce: This started out as one of our many back-and-forth texts, and worked itself into an aphorism.

Some guy named Bruce will be lionized in Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond and Michael's Rabbit Hole)


The children's book by Shel Silverstein – The Giving Tree – says it all about the human paradigm.


The Giving Tree



(P.S. Hey, just occurred to me to say – while we are still here – that I have always enjoyed our practically lifetime friendship. Forklifting at Joan of Arc was one of my all-time favorite jobs. Sorry about the toe. That moment, the calmness with which you told me the forklift was on your foot, still rings clear in this otherwise vague, aged memory. Never realized what you had endured until you told me years later.)


* * * *

Keep your mind humble, if you seek an anonymous existence.

Wander the mountain, until you become the mountain.

Only the spaceless-timeless-unborn-undying,

Are free to consciously play out whatever fate calls.


* * * *

In the given moment, where is the space, where is the time, in which to exist?

Only the imagination of consciousness, flowing in the quantum matrix,

Which is all kaleidoscoping throughout the ether of awareness,

Lends itself to the ineffable illusion, that the unborn-undying You is real and true.

A touchy-feely dream, to which a rare few – and not necessarily fortunate – are drawn to awaken.


* * * *

The challenge with being present in any given moment,

Is having a mind that is not attached, not clinging,

To all its nebulous memories and perceptions.

A mind free of time is a matchless state.

The analogue dreamtime in its purest form.


* * * *

… observe silence ...

… observe stillness …

… observe here now…

… observe awareness ...

… observe everything …

… observe breathing in ...

… observe breathing out …

… observe the aloneness …

… observe the emptiness …

… observe the moment …

... observe the entirety …

… observe the unicity …

… observe eternity …

… observe You …


* * * *

No matter how many dimensions creation may create, all are of the same mystery.

God is far too omnipresent, far too omniscient, far too omnipotent,

 To be subjugated by any mindset’s storyline.


* * * *

Organized religions and cults and philosophies, and all the vanity and pain and horror they engender,

Are they not, the affliction, the misery, the blight, the bane, the curse, the plague, of the human paradigm?

All the tribalism – the nepotism, the cronyism, the favoritism – with which all two-leggeds are wired,

Unable to be undone, unable to be altered, as the Darwinian-Malthusian shadow of extinction,

Exposes its narcissistic-hedonistic flaw – the closed fist of groupthink – for what it is.


* * * *

Awareness – being the ineffable all that that the moment is –

Where else is there to travel, what else is there to do,

That is not the fabric of quantum illusion?


* * * *

There are many who might disagree,

With some or much or most or all, written herein,

But no one can prove anything wrong, nor can it be proven right.

The unknown is unknowable unto its Self.


* * * *

This aphoristic opus was the last narcissistic-hedonistic vanity, that I could be enticed to orchestrate.

These writings, all extemporaneous, seem intent on stirring the potential of consciousness, of imagination,

To another echelon of intrigue in its Darwinian progression, if such a thing is even tenuously possible.


* * * *

The Intelligence Required


To be a true, detached observer of the human paradigm,

Requires a partnership of emotional and cultural intelligence.


Cultural intelligence or cultural quotient (CQ),

Refers to an individual's capability to function effectively in culturally diverse settings.


Four CQ capabilities:

Motivation/drive, cognition/knowledge, meta-cognition/strategy, behavior/action.

An intelligence-based approach to intercultural adjustment and performance.


Emotional intelligence (EI), also known as Emotional Quotient (EQ),

Is the ability to perceive, use, understand, manage, and handle emotions.

Emotional intelligence also reflects an ability to use intelligence, empathy, and emotions,

To enhance understanding of interpersonal dynamics.


Pretty hard to get far as a philosophe-mystic-seer,

If you have a narrow-minded agenda.


* * * *

Where is the line between the creation and destruction harbored in every moment?

The real question is not, when do beginnings begin, and endings end?

The question is, do beginnings begin, and endings end?

Process is the kaleidoscoping reality,

And beginning and endings, but imaginary notions.


* * * *

What – about the spaceless, timeless, indelible, indivisible, infinite, ineffable abyss – can ever be known?

Odds are, even the mystery we call God, by oh-so-many sounds, does not know how it all came to be.

Just You – very, very, very, exceedingly very much alone – witnessing Your version of a cosmos.

An immaculate conception, perceived through the all-seeing, unborn-undying, eye of awareness.

You, all alone – in a cosmos, a world, a form, a mind, a space, a time, a dream – but never of it.

The ego mind is but a veil, through which the eye of awareness You are, peers; detached, immortal.

The blade of discernment has a razor’s edge, that only the very astute, have the wit with which to whittle.


* * * *

The quest for truth can be a long and winding odyssey.

There can be many temptations, many deceptions, many distractions.

And there are many genuine thinkers, many genuine writings, and many artists, as well.

The challenge is to perceive what all the truths, all the untruths, have to offer,

And to not be bound, not be deflected, not be mesmerized, by any.

And, should you ever truly discern the mystery You are,

Is to let it all go, and be alone, free and clear.


* * * *

Everything you do now,

Everything you own now,

Everything you hope now,

Everything you want now,

Everything you know now,

Everything you believe now,

Will, with that last exhalation,

All be lost and gone forever.


* * * *

It is an undeniable, indisputable reality, that the entire brain, is indivisibly connected at the quantum level.

It is the coordinating organ that is every moment manifesting your world, your universe.

The perception that wanders the day, that imbibes every variety of trivia,

Is but an eensy-weensy fragment of the workload.

And this indelible, ineffable unicity,

Is true for every life form, no matter the dimension.

From small to great, all sentience perceives its own translation of the mystery.


* * * *

How can anyone hoodwink themselves,

Into believing they can prove what can never be proven?

How big does the cosmos have to be, for the humankind to finally realize,

All the speculations, all the assumptions, all the conjectures, all the hearsays, all the theories,

Are nothing but hollow absurdity, all born of the ephemerality of imagination.

And where is that vast universe, when the mind-body departs?

Where is it, without the perceiver that imagines?

Without the dreamer that dreams?

Without the You?


* * * *

Is the quantum stardust, that which is God?

Or is the quantum stardust, merely kaleidoscoping through God?

Is God some sort of form, or is God formless, and what, pray tell, other than imagination,

Discerns the indelible truth of anything in this ineffable mystery?


* * * *

And just to be steadfastly, beyond-all-doubts transparent – I do not much care for the word, prophet.

A little too loaded with historical undertones, to which I do not readily extend my Self.

Seer, mystic, sage, guru, maybe even augur or oracle, are tolerable fits.

If there must be any sound-concept ascribed to it, that is.

Deep, resonate Om-ing might be acceptable.

But try to put a crimp on any and all idolatries.

Ixnay on worshipping garden statues and crucifixes.


* * * *

What is the carbon-based brain but a mass, a circuitry, a matrix, of neurons.

Nothing more than an infinitesimally infinite abyss; a spacious void,

That only transmutes into psyche when imagination frolics.

Without the unflagging to’s and fro’s, every hither and thither way,

Eternity’s ineffable awareness, remains an inscrutable, anonymous mystery.


* * * *

Exodus 20:3-5 in the King James Version states,

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

The perspective that is maintained in this work,

Is that You are one with the mystery; You are absolute.

That everything is God manifest, that the universe is God manifest.

What idolatries, what deceptions, can be put before the You, that is That I Am?


* * * *

The entire human paradigm is unconditionally imagined,

A naturally-selected, species-wide, Shakespearian theater, from every get-go.

All history is nothing more than a collection, an accounting, a cataloging, of formless perceptions.

And only the rare awaken, and attend the dreamtime, into which they were cast.

Creating, preserving, destroying – as the moment ordains.


* * * *

Mind can be a torture chamber, or a joyful celebration; every moment its own imaginary revelation.

An immaculate conception, witnessed through the all-seeing, unborn-undying, eye of awareness.

A good full breath, contains all the detachment that is needed, to offset the illusionary matrix.

To see it, to be it, to the core of your essential beingness, is the every-moment challenge.


… breathe it in … breathe it out … breathe it in … breathe it out … breathe it in … breathe it out …


* * * *

You are not, you cannot be, held responsible,

For any thoughts played out, in any other’s perception.

You are entirely on your own, you are entirely alone, as are they.

All can only be responsible, accountable, for their own solitary perceptions,

And how that plays out for each, is an imaginary notion called destiny.


* * * *

Would it even remotely possible,

For every human, across all geographies, across all times,

To even agree a speck of dust is a speck of dust, or a drop of water, a drop of water?


* * * *

This thingamajig we call time does not truly exist, but in a dream perceived by every given mind.

Clocks and calendars only track the fireball, about which our little pale blue dot orbits.

The fundamental reality is, there is only the unfathomable eternal moment,

Through which the incomprehensible illusion kaleidoscopes.

It has no name, has no meaning, has no purpose,

But whatever imagination imagines.

And no matter the journey,

It can never be more than a dream.


* * * *

It only happened that way, because you perceived it that way.

And anyone else present perceived it in their way.

Every frame of reference is matchless.

All histories, minor to major, are but perspectives.

And is there anything forcing You to ponder anything ever again?


* * * *

Everything, including You, is God manifest.

Realizing it at the most fundamental level, is the challenge.

To see that the awareness is the eye of God, requires an earnest intention,

In which doubting everything that imagination has fabricated, is an essential ingredient.

It is so inherently natural, so eternally effortless, so utterly right-here-now,

That only the most authentic, only the most real, will discern it.

Anything less, is the stain of imagination’s creation.


* * * *

Attitude is the mindset, the outlook, the posture, the bearing, within all heavens, all purgatories, all hells.

How any given moment is fathomed, how you choose to experience this very instant, is on you.

No deity can orchestrate for you, what you cannot, what you will not, yourself create.


* * * *

The Anthropocene and a changing climate – a pitiless dragon – unfolding its wings upon all earthlings.

And alas for we post-war boomers, we elders, who bask in our unenviable senior moment,

Hoping to somehow evade the consequences of all our narcissistic hedonism,

Our little window of time, and all the consumption it allowed.

We are in for a taste, a whiff, of the future past.


* * * *

Religions, and their dogmatic assertions, all their heavens and hells,

Are about the promise of continuity of your imaginary story.

About something that was never true in the first place.

A denial of the oblivion that has always been.

A denial of the oblivion that will ever be.

A denial of the oblivion that You ever are.

The true nature of all that is timelessly eternal.


* * * *

No matter how big they get,

No matter how mighty they get,

No matter how prosperous they get.

No matter how renowned they get,

All religions, all sects, are cults.

Eternity cannot be possessed.


* * * *

The dream that the sensory mind perceives, is but quantum illusion.

It is not space and time that imagination yearns to travel.

It is the fog of awareness that must be pierced,

And that is only achievable in imagination’s fictional repertory.

The ever-present, unborn-undying, indivisible moment, can never be transcended.


* * * *

Identification as this or that, or that or this, is the ruse of imagination.

Consciousness is the mishap of evolution, the calamity of natural selection.

It is a spontaneous Shakespearian clusterfuck, entirely created by us and us alone.

Only in the pure awareness of the eternal moment, can You be truly free.


* * * *

Nature is quantum illusion’s expression.

Nature is the unknown's expression.

Nature is the mystery's expression.

Nature is eternity’s expression.

Nature is mind’s expression.

Nature is God's expression.

And all, one in the same.

And You are part of it.

And You are witness to it.

How can there be, any other,

But through imagination’s guile?


* * * *

All existence is both predator and prey.

Nothing is separate or unique or all-powerful.

It is a God-eat-God cosmos, ever the same mystery.

All creation, eternally-kaleidoscoping into new alignments.


* * * *

Everything you believe matters,

Does not at all, from the ultimate source's viewless view.

The awareness, the matrix, the mystery, is obvious to your imaginary existence.

You are but the dream of a dream, dreaming its Self real.


* * * *

You would think you would have figured that out by now.

Or did you, perhaps many times, and this round just as anew.


* * * *

What is obvious to you,

May not be to another, and visa-versa.

This garden world cloaks too many interpretations to count.

If someone cannot discern what is obvious to you,

There is no real point debating about it,

Much less killing over it.


* * * *

The level of detachment required,

To be as truly free as free can be in this mortal frame,

Is but for the rarest of the rare few, assuming, of course, it is even possible.


* * * *

Truth is only true to those who subscribe to it.

Discerning it requires a detachment, accessible to only the rarest of minds.

One must have done enough in their brief illusory dream, to have distilled at least a dollop of wisdom,

That they might meander free and clear, in the ineffable mystery they are.


* * * *

This timeless moment is the only one there is.

There is no other time, no other place, You can be.

No amount of imaginary deceit can make it otherwise.

No sleight of hand can manufacture alternative states of now.

No scientific inquiry can penetrate the indivisible unknowable of it.

It is what it is, what it has always been, what it will ever be.

And every existence plays out its little algorithm,

Until demise do it move on to whatever,

This ineffable mystery deigns.


* * * *

There is no space in awareness.

There is no time in awareness.

There is no sight in awareness.

There is no taste in awareness.

There is no smell in awareness.

There is no sound in awareness.

There is no texture in awareness.

There is no thought in awareness.

There is no awareness in awareness.

There in naught but You in awareness.


* * * *

Daily headlines are the first drafts of tomorrow’s histories.

All imagination’s tomorrows, kaleidoscoping into all its yesterdays.

Every existence, every mind, every moment, its own Sisyphean reckoning.


* * * *

In this work, is written whatever comes to mind.

Audience or no, agreement or no, approval or no, applause or no.

For naught matters to the great emptiness, the great abyss, the great nothingness,

From whence all appearances, all illusions, kaleidoscope however they will.

How unlikely, that more than a relative few, will ever even hear of it,

Much less imbibe more than a few lines here and there, at best.

For anyone to peruse it all, would be an improbable feat.

One which would be, but another mirage of mind.


* * * *

Writers see plots on paper.

Sculptors see figures in marble.

Carpenters see structures in timber.

Chefs taste banquets on cutting boards.

Musicians hear symphonies in their dreams.

Mothers nurture children in their wombs.

Sailors chart courses around the world.

Generals fight battles on their maps.

Painters see landscapes on canvas.

Creation teems in every genre.

You are me, and I am You.

All others are but imaginary mirages.

How is it that You do not see God in everything?


That You are the Self of God manifest.


* * * *

Any existence is but momentary perception,

And memory, but a collection of whatever takes root,

And blossoms into a very imaginary, very impromptu identity.

Are you an illusional-delusional perception of a space-dash-time mind,

Or the unfathomably ineffable awareness of the eternal moment?

Meditate on it, and the answer will make itself apparent.


* * * *

… observe everything …

… observe the sentience …

… observe the awareness ...

… observe the existence …

… observe breathing in ...

… observe breathing out …

… observe the here …

… observe the now …

… observe the world …

… observe the universe …

… observe the sights …

… observe the sounds …

… observe the smells …

… observe the tastes …

… observe the textures …

… observe the thoughts …

… observe the theater …

… observe the timeless …

… observe the spaceless …

… observe the nonduality …

… observe the infinite …

… observe the infinitesimal …

… observe the intangible …

… observe the mystery …

… observe the impenetrable …

… observe the unconditional …

… observe the indefinable …

… observe the undeniable …

… observe the unborn …

… observe the undying …

… observe the stillness …

… observe the silence ...

… observe the emptiness …

… observe the aloneness …

… observe the indelible …

… observe the immeasurable …

… observe the ineffable …

... observe the entirety …

… observe the singularity …

… observe the moment …

… observe eternity …

… observe You …


* * * *

What need for religion?

What need for faith?

What need for belief?

What need for priests?

What need for dogma?

What need for visions?

What need for edifices?

What need for miracles?

What need for devotion?

What need for salvation?

What need for blessings?

What need for scriptures?

What need for forgiveness?

What need for anything imaginary,

When you have the eternal moment in mind.


* * * *

The given mind, the given dream, the given illusion.

Sometimes a playground, sometimes a prison.

Sometimes ecstasy, sometimes agony.

Every cosmos, a reckoning of its own accord.


* * * *

Just because You appear infinitesimal in this massive illusion, does not mean You are not all of it.

Disregard the sensory theater, still the mind, become the awareness, become the moment.

And where do you begin, where do you end, but as lone witness to all eternity.


* * * *

What is this deep-seated need,

To identify ourselves as this or that?


As this or that nationality.

As this or that gender.

As this or that color.

As this or that ethnicity.

As this or that race.

As this or that family.

As this or that intelligence.

As this or that religion.

As this or that faction.

As this or that group.

As this or that geography.

As this or that work.

As this or that philosophy.

As this or that culture.

As this or that team.

As this or that party.

As this or that policy.

As this or that theory.

As this or that clique.

As this or that band.

As this or that crowd.

As this or that device.

As this or that corporation.

As this or that genus.

As this or that variety.

As this or that school.

As this or that village.

As this or that church.

As this or that region.

As this or that opinion.

As this or that doctrine.

As this or that ethic.

As this or that genre.

As this or that principle.

As this or that opinion.

As this or that mindset.

As this or that meaning.

As this or that purpose.

As this or that anything.


* * * *

Truth is not a word.

Truth is not a story.

Truth is the moment.

Truth is unborn-undying.

Truth is awareness.

Truth is timeless.

Truth is spaceless.

Truth is indelible.

Truth is impenetrable.

Truth is unconditional.

Truth is totality.

Truth is inexplicable.

Truth is imperceptible.

Truth is nondual.

Truth is unspeakable.

Truth is inconceivable.

Truth is unknowable.

Truth is indivisible.

Truth is impartial.

Truth is unequivocal.

Truth is immaculate.

Truth is imperceptible.

Truth is unfathomable.

Truth is inclusive.

Truth is indefinable.

Truth is singular.

Truth is undeniable.

Truth is intangible.

Truth is everlasting.

Truth is mystery.

Truth is everything.

Truth is ineffable.

Truth is eternity.


Truth is You.


* * * *

In awareness, there is no space.

In awareness, there is no time.

In awareness, there is no light.

In awareness, there is no dark.

In awareness, there is no vision.

In awareness, there is no taste.

In awareness, there is no smell.

In awareness, there is no sound.

In awareness, there is no touch.

In awareness, there is no word.

In awareness, there is no story.

In awareness, there is no here.

In awareness, there is no yes.

In awareness, there is no no.

In awareness, there is no there.

In awareness, there is no acute.

In awareness, there is no obtuse.

In awareness, there is no black.

In awareness, there is no white.

In awareness, there is no gray.

In awareness, there is no range.

In awareness, there is no me.

In awareness, there is no mine.

In awareness, there is no other.

In awareness, there is no good.

In awareness, there is no bad.

In awareness, there is no left.

In awareness, there is no right.

In awareness, there is no whatever.


In awareness, there is only You.


* * * *

Far easier to adopt a few words,

Far simpler to regurgitate a few stories,

Than it is to question anything and everything.

Than it is, to inquire into the mystery,

Into the truth, for your Self.


* * * *

If there is to be a lingua franca for whatever time remains,

English, because of its colonial dominance, seems the most likely candidate.

But which version, which dialect, which vernacular, which pidgin, which creole, which lingo?

And in the ever-changing linguistic dynamic of our kind, is that even possible?

The Great Fall will make for a much larger, more distant world,

And language will evolve on and on and on,

Forever willy-nilly.


* * * *

So many ditties that need editing,

And that editing shared with all the other creations.

All the derivative titles, and all their ‘under construction’ segments.

So many things to tie together, into an agreeable, concise, elegant, philosophical opus.

Which so relatively few will ever know of, much less bother to peruse.

So much to do, and so little time remaining to do it.

Such is likely the fate of all creators.


* * * *

The entire human paradigm – the histories, the religions, the sciences,

The mathematics, the humanities, the music, the arts, the architecture, the sports,

The business, the agriculture, the vocations, the technologies, the industries … everything! –

Is nothing more than a perpetual parade of stories, given stage by the usurper of sentience, imagination.

All trapsing in the web of mind's space and time; kaleidoscoping through the ether of eternity.